You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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lskatdoc.h - description
begin : Tue May 2 15:47:11 CEST 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Martin Heni
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef LSKATDOC_H
#define LSKATDOC_H
#include <config.h>
// include files for QT
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include "lskat.h"
#include "KEInput.h"
// forward declaration of the LSkat classes
class LSkatView;
/** LSkatDoc provides a document object for a document-view model.
* The LSkatDoc class provides a document object that can be used in conjunction with the classes LSkatApp and LSkatView
* to create a document-view model for standard TDE applications based on TDEApplication and KTMainWindow. Thereby, the document object
* is created by the LSkatApp instance and contains the document structure with the according methods for manipulation of the document
* data by LSkatView objects. Also, LSkatDoc contains the methods for serialization of the document data from and to files.
* @author Source Framework Automatically Generated by KDevelop, (c) The KDevelop Team.
* @version KDevelop version 0.4 code generation
class LSkatDoc : public TQObject
/** Constructor for the fileclass of the application */
LSkatDoc(TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0);
/** Destructor for the fileclass of the application */
/** adds a view to the document which represents the document contents. Usually this is your main view. */
void addView(LSkatView *view);
/** removes a view from the list of currently connected views */
void removeView(LSkatView *view);
/** sets the modified flag for the document after a modifying action on the view connected to the document.*/
void setModified(bool _m=true){ modified=_m; }
/** returns if the document is modified or not. Use this to determine if your document needs saving by the user on closing.*/
bool isModified(){ return modified; }
/** "save modified" - asks the user for saving if the document is modified */
bool saveModified();
/** deletes the document's contents */
void deleteContents();
/** initializes the document generally */
bool newDocument(TDEConfig *config,TQString path);
/** closes the acutal document */
void closeDocument();
/** loads the document by filename and format and emits the updateViews() signal */
bool openDocument(const TQString &filename, const char *format=0);
/** saves the document under filename and format.*/
bool saveDocument(const TQString &filename, const char *format=0);
/** sets the path to the file connected with the document */
void setAbsFilePath(const TQString &filename);
/** returns the pathname of the current document file*/
const TQString &getAbsFilePath() const;
/** sets the filename of the document */
void setTitle(const TQString &_t);
/** returns the title of the document */
const TQString &getTitle() const;
int random(int max);
void NewGame();
void EndGame(bool aborted=false);
void ClearStats();
void EvaluateGame();
int GetCard(int player,int pos,int height=0);
int GetHeight(int player, int pos);
void SetHeight(int player, int pos,int h);
int GetMove(int i);
int PrepareMove(int player,int pos);
int MakeMove();
bool IsRunning();
CCOLOUR GetTrump();
void SetTrump(CCOLOUR i);
int GetMoveStatus();
void SetMoveStatus(int i);
int GetCurrentPlayer();
void SetCurrentPlayer(int i);
int GetStartPlayer();
void SetStartPlayer(int i);
void SetName(int no,TQString n);
TQString GetName(int no);
int GetScore(int no);
int GetMoveNo();
bool LegalMove(int card1, int card2);
int WonMove(int card1,int card2);
int CardValue(int card);
int GetDeckNo();
void SetDeckNo(int no);
int GetLastStartPlayer();
KG_INPUTTYPE GetPlayedBy(int no);
void SetPlayedBy(int no,KG_INPUTTYPE type);
int GetComputerLevel();
void SetComputerLevel(int lev);
void SetComputerScore(int sc);
int GetComputerScore();
void SetLock();
void ReleaseLock();
bool IsLocked();
bool IsIntro();
bool WasRunning();
void SetIntro(bool b);
// Stats
int GetStatWon(int no);
int GetStatGames(int no);
int GetStatAborted(int no);
int GetStatPoints(int no);
void WriteConfig(TDEConfig *config);
void ReadConfig(TDEConfig *config);
void SetInputHandler(KEInput *i);
KEInput *QueryInputHandler();
void InitMove(LSkatView *sender,int player,int x,int y);
int SwitchStartPlayer();
void UpdateViews(int mode);
bool IsServer();
void SetServer(bool b);
void SetHost(TQString h);
void SetName(const TQString& n);
void SetPort(short p);
TQString QueryHost();
short QueryPort();
TQString QueryName() const;
// Only for fast remote access
int *GetCardP();
int *GetCardHeightP();
void SetCard(int i,int c);
bool IsRemoteSwitch();
void SetRemoteSwitch(bool b);
TQString GetProcess();
int LoadCards(TQString path);
int LoadDeck(TQString path);
bool SetCardDeckPath(TQString deck,TQString card);
TQString GetDeckpath() {return deckPath;}
TQString GetCardpath() {return cardPath;}
bool LoadGrafix(TQString path);
void initrandom();
int LoadBitmap(TQString path);
TQPixmap mPixCard[NO_OF_CARDS];
TQPixmap mPixTrump[NO_OF_TRUMPS];
TQPixmap mPixDeck;
TQPixmap mPixBackground;
TQSize cardsize;
TQPixmap mPixType[3];
TQPixmap mPixAnim[NO_OF_ANIM];
TQString procfile;
TQString picpath;
int delpath;
bool remoteswitch;
KEInput *inputHandler;
short port;
TQString host;
TQString Name;
bool server;
bool lock;
int startplayer;
int cardheight[16];
int card[NO_OF_CARDS];
int curmove[2];
int moveno;
int isrunning;
bool isintro;
bool wasgame;
int movestatus;
int currentplayer;
CCOLOUR trump;
TQString names[2];
int score[2];
int laststartplayer;
int began_game;
KG_INPUTTYPE playedby[2];
int computerlevel;
int computerscore;
int stat_won[2]; // how many wins
int stat_points[2]; // how many points
int stat_games[2]; // how many games
int stat_brk[2]; // how many games aborted
int cardvalues[14];
public slots:
/** calls repaint() on all views connected to the document object and is called by the view by which the document has been changed.
* As this view normally repaints itself, it is excluded from the paintEvent.
void slotUpdateAllViews(LSkatView *sender);
/** the list of the views currently connected to the document */
static TQPtrList<LSkatView> *pViewList;
/** the modified flag of the current document */
bool modified;
TQString title;
TQString absFilePath;
TQString deckPath,cardPath;
#endif // LSKATDOC_H