JohnHayes'>'> MathiasMueller'>'> AlbertAstalsCid'>'> DavidBlack'>'> MichaelHaertjens'>'> OsvaldoStark'>'> BenjaminMeyer'>'> ]> The &kmahjongg; Handbook &John.Hayes; &John.Hayes.mail; &Mathias.Mueller; &Mathias.Mueller.mail; &Albert.Astals.Cid; &Albert.Astals.Cid.mail; &David.Black; &David.Black.mail; &Michael.Haertjens; &Michael.Haertjens.mail; &Osvaldo.Stark; &Osvaldo.Stark.mail; &Benjamin.Meyer; &Benjamin.Meyer.mail; 2005 John Hayes &FDLNotice; 2006-01-23 0.7.6 &kmahjongg; is a game similar to famous oriental game Mahjongg. KDE kdegames KMahjongg Mahjongg Introduction &kmahjongg; is a game similar to the famous oriental game Mahjongg. The purpose of the game is to remove all of the tiles from the gameboard. Tiles are removed by matching tiles in pairs. The matched tiles must have a free side on the left or on the right. Please report any problems or feature requests to the &kde; mailing lists. Gameplay Starting a New Game When &kmahjongg; is started, the board is setup and the game timer is started, waiting for your first move. A new game can be started from selecting GameNew or pressing &Ctrl;N . There is also the option of starting a specific number games. All of the games are numbered and they are randomly selected from GameNew . A specific number game can be started by selecting GameNew Numbered Game Aim of the Game The purpose of the game is to remove all of the tiles from the gameboard. Tiles are removed by matching tiles in pairs, which then disappear. The matched tiles must have a free side on the left or on the right. Playing the Game Locate and select with the mouse, matching tiles that have a free side on the left or right side. The tiles disappear as they are selected and matched. There are two options to help find matching tiles that have a free side. One option is to get a hint by selecting MoveHint or pressing H which will flash a pair of matching tiles. The second option is to activate SettingsShow Matching Tiles , which will highlight the selected tile and flash any matching tiles that have a free side with each move. No additional tiles will be highlighted if there are no matching tiles with a free side. The Game Screen A screenshot of &kmahjongg; Screenshot A quick explanation of the parts of the game screen... Game Screen The Game screen is in the center of the screen and is the largest section of the window. The background is populated with the game tiles. Game Timer The Game Timer is located on the top right of the screen. The timer keeps track of the elapsed time from the start of the game until the game is finished. Statusbar The Statusbar is located at the bottom of the screen, and contains three panes. The first pane lists the removed/total tiles and the number of matching tiles that have free sides. The second pane gives the sequence number of the game you are playing. In the last pane lets the player know when the game is ready. Configuration and Default Keybindings The configuration options are as follows: Configure &kmahjongg; Configure Dialog Configure Dialog SettingsConfigure &kmahjongg;... opens the Configure &kmahjongg; Dialog. <guilabel>General</guilabel> options Show removed tiles Places a grid to the right of the gameboard where matching tiles are stacked after being removed from the gameboard. Here's a screenshot of &kmahjongg; showing removed tiles. Removed tiles. Generate solvable games Selects only games that can be solved when you start a new game. Play winning animation Shows a replay of all moves when you win a game. <guilabel>Tiles</guilabel> options Draw shadows Draws shadows on the tiles to give a 3D appearance. Use mini-tiles Sets the tile size to small. <guilabel>Background</guilabel> options Scaled Scales the background image. Tiled Tiles the background image. Default Keybindings SettingsConfigure Shortcuts... allows you to change the default keyboard bindings. Keybindings Configure Dialog Keybindings Configure Dialog The default kebindings are as follows: D Playes the game in Demo mode. H Gives you a hint by flashing two matching tiles. F1 Displays this handbook. &Ctrl;O Loads a previously saved game. &Ctrl;N Starts a new game. P Pauses or resumes a game. &Ctrl;Q Quits the game. &Ctrl;&Shift;Z Move redo. F5 Restart the game. &Ctrl;S Saves the game. &Ctrl;H Show the highscores. &Ctrl;Z Move undo. &Shift;F1 What's this? Help Command Reference The main &kmahjongg; window A screenshot of &kmahjongg; Screenshot The <guimenu>Game</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;N Game New Starts a new game. &Ctrl;O Game Load... Loads a saved game. F5 Game Restart Game Restarts the numbered game being played. Game New Numbered Game... Starts a specific numbered game. Start a Numbered Game Dialog Start a Numbered Game Dialog Game Open Theme... Allows you to load a theme with different backgrounds and tile styles. Load Theme Dialog Load Theme Dialog The available options: default (shown) pirates Game Open Tileset... Allows you to load a different tileset. Open Tileset Dialog Open Tileset Dialog The available options: default (shown) pirates traditional Game Open Background... Allows you to load a different background image. Load Background Dialog Load Background Dialog The available options: default (shown) haze pirates slate wood Game Open Layout... Allows you to load a different tile layout. Load Layout Dialog Load Layout Dialog The available options: default (shown) cross pirates pyramid stax tower triangle &Ctrl;S Game Save Saves the current game. Game Save Theme... Saves the current theme. P Game Pause Pauses or resumes the game. While the game is paused, all tiles are hidden. &Ctrl;H Game Show Highscores Shows the highscore list. Show Highscores Show Highscores When your game scores exceed the top ten scores listed, you are prompted to enter your name. &Ctrl;Q Game Quit Quits &kmahjongg;. <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> Menu Edit Board Editor Opens the gameboard editor. Gameboard Editor Gameboard Editor The gameboard editor lets you create your own tile layouts for gameplay. <guimenu>Move</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;Z Move Undo Undo your last move. &Ctrl;&Shift;Z Move Redo Redo a move the was undone. H Move Hint Gives a Hint by flashing a matching pair of tiles. D Move Demo Starts the game Demo mode. Move Shuffle Shuffles the tiles on the board. <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu SettingsShow/Hide Toolbar Shows or hides the Toolbar. SettingsShow/Hide Statusbar Shows or hides the Statusbar. SettingsShow/Hide Matching Tiles Shows or hides matching tiles by not flashing the matching free tiles when a tile is selected. SettingsConfigure Shortcuts... Displays a standard &kde; shortcut configuration dialog to change the keyboard shortcuts for &kmahjongg;. SettingsConfigure Toolbars... Displays a standard &kde; dialog where you can configure the toolbar icons. SettingsConfigure &kmahjongg;... Opens a dialog to configure &kmahjongg;. For details, see here. The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu &; Credits and License &kmahjongg; for KDE Program Copyright © 1997 &Mathias.Mueller; &Mathias.Mueller.mail; Contributors: &David.Black; &David.Black.mail; &Michael.Haertjens; &Michael.Haertjens.mail; &Osvaldo.Stark; &Osvaldo.Stark.mail; &Benjamin.Meyer; &Benjamin.Meyer.mail; &Albert.Astals.Cid; &Albert.Astals.Cid.mail; Documentation Copyright © 2005 &John.Hayes; &John.Hayes.mail; &underFDL; &underGPL;