########################################### # # # (C) 2016 Alexander Golubev # # fatzer2 (AT) gmail.com # # # # Improvements and feedback are welcome # # # # This file is released under GPL >= 2 # # # ########################################### # required stuff find_package( TQt ) find_package( TDE ) tde_setup_architecture_flags( ) include(TestBigEndian) test_big_endian(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) tde_setup_largefiles( ) ##### check for gcc visibility support if( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY ) tde_setup_gcc_visibility( ) endif( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY ) #### check for headers check_include_file( "stropts.h" HAVE_STROPTS_H ) check_include_file( "sys/filio.h" HAVE_SYS_FILIO_H ) check_include_file( "sys/select.h" HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H ) check_include_file( "sysent.h" HAVE_SYSENT_H ) check_symbol_exists( usleep "unistd.h" HAVE_USLEEP ) check_symbol_exists( strlcpy "string.h" HAVE_USLEEP ) # NOTE: Borrowed from tdelibs # FIXME I'm not sure if test TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME are correct check_include_file( "sys/time.h" HAVE_SYS_TIME_H ) check_include_file( "time.h" HAVE_TIME_H ) if( HAVE_SYS_TIME_H AND HAVE_TIME_H ) set( TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME 1 ) endif() # check for arts if( WITH_ARTS ) pkg_search_module( ARTS arts ) if( ARTS_FOUND ) set( HAVE_ARTS 1 ) else() tde_message_fatal( "aRts is requested, but was not found on your system" ) endif() else( WITH_ARTS ) if (BUILD_KASTEROIDS OR BUILD_KOLF) tde_message_fatal( "aRts support is disabled, but it is required to build kasteroids and kolf" ) endif() endif( WITH_ARTS ) # Kue needs GL if( BUILD_KUE ) check_include_file( "GL/gl.h" HAVE_GL_H ) check_include_file( "GL/glu.h" HAVE_GLU_H ) check_include_file( "GL/glx.h" HAVE_GLX_H ) if( NOT HAVE_GL_H OR NOT HAVE_GLU_H OR NOT HAVE_GLX_H) tde_message_fatal("GL required for Kue, but not found on your system") endif() endif() ##### Import libtdegames ##### All these games require libtdegames if( BUILD_ATLANTIK OR BUILD_KASTEROIDS OR BUILD_KATOMIC OR BUILD_KBACKGAMMON OR BUILD_KBATTLESHIP OR BUILD_KBLACKBOX OR BUILD_KBOUNCE OR BUILD_KENOLABA OR BUILD_KFOULEGGS OR BUILD_KGOLDRUNNER OR BUILD_KJUMPINGCUBE OR BUILD_KLICKETY OR BUILD_KLINES OR BUILD_KMAHJONGG OR BUILD_KMINES OR BUILD_KNETWALK OR BUILD_KOLF OR BUILD_KONQUEST OR BUILD_KPAT OR BUILD_KPOKER OR BUILD_KREVERSI OR BUILD_KSAME OR BUILD_KSHISEN OR BUILD_KSIRTET OR BUILD_KSMILETRIS OR BUILD_KSNAKE OR BUILD_KSOKOBAN OR BUILD_KSPACEDUEL OR BUILD_KTRON OR BUILD_KTUBERLING OR BUILD_LSKAT OR BUILD_TWIN4 OR BUILD_KUE ) tde_import ( libtdegames ) endif()