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#include <qcanvas.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include "game.h"
#include "canvasitem.h"
QCanvasRectangle *CanvasItem::onVStrut()
QCanvasItem *qthis = dynamic_cast<QCanvasItem *>(this);
if (!qthis)
return 0;
QCanvasItemList l = qthis->collisions(true);
bool aboveVStrut = false;
CanvasItem *item = 0;
QCanvasItem *qitem = 0;
for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it)
item = dynamic_cast<CanvasItem *>(*it);
if (item)
qitem = *it;
if (item->vStrut())
//kdDebug(12007) << "above vstrut\n";
aboveVStrut = true;
QCanvasRectangle *ritem = dynamic_cast<QCanvasRectangle *>(qitem);
return aboveVStrut && ritem? ritem : 0;
void CanvasItem::save(KConfig *cfg)
cfg->writeEntry("dummykey", true);
void CanvasItem::playSound(QString file, double vol)
if (game)
game->playSound(file, vol);