You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

748 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2003 Dominique Devriese <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
// 02110-1301, USA.
#include "native-filter.h"
#include "../kig/kig_part.h"
#include "../kig/kig_document.h"
#include "../objects/bogus_imp.h"
#include "../objects/object_type.h"
#include "../objects/object_imp.h"
#include "../objects/object_calcer.h"
#include "../objects/object_drawer.h"
#include "../objects/object_holder.h"
#include "../objects/object_type_factory.h"
#include "../objects/object_imp_factory.h"
#include "../misc/calcpaths.h"
#include "../misc/coordinate_system.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <qdom.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <karchive.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <ktar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
struct HierElem
int id;
std::vector<int> parents;
QDomElement el;
static void extendVect( std::vector<HierElem>& vect, uint size )
if ( size > vect.size() )
int osize = vect.size();
vect.resize( size );
for ( uint i = osize; i < size; ++i )
vect[i].id = i+1;
static void visitElem( std::vector<HierElem>& ret,
const std::vector<HierElem>& elems,
std::vector<bool>& seen,
int i )
if ( !seen[i] )
for ( uint j = 0; j < elems[i].parents.size(); ++j )
visitElem( ret, elems, seen, elems[i].parents[j] - 1);
ret.push_back( elems[i] );
seen[i] = true;
static std::vector<HierElem> sortElems( const std::vector<HierElem> elems )
std::vector<HierElem> ret;
std::vector<bool> seenElems( elems.size(), false );
for ( uint i = 0; i < elems.size(); ++i )
visitElem( ret, elems, seenElems, i );
return ret;
bool KigFilterNative::supportMime( const QString& mime )
return mime == "application/x-kig";
KigDocument* KigFilterNative::load( const QString& file )
QFile ffile( file );
if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
fileNotFound( file );
return 0;
QFile kigdoc( file );
bool iscompressed = false;
if ( !file.endsWith( ".kig", false ) )
// the file is compressed, so we have to decompress it and fetch the
// kig file inside it...
iscompressed = true;
QString tempdir = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation( "tmp" );
if ( tempdir.isEmpty() )
QString tempname = file.section( '/', -1 );
if ( file.endsWith( ".kigz", false ) )
tempname.remove( QRegExp( "\\.[Kk][Ii][Gg][Zz]$" ) );
// reading compressed file
KTar* ark = new KTar( file, "application/x-gzip" );
ark->open( IO_ReadOnly );
const KArchiveDirectory* dir = ark->directory();
// assert( dir );
QStringList entries = dir->entries();
QStringList kigfiles = entries.grep( QRegExp( "\\.kig$" ) );
if ( kigfiles.count() != 1 )
// I throw a generic parse error here, but I should warn the user that
// this kig archive file doesn't contain one kig file (it contains no
// kig files or more than one).
const KArchiveEntry* kigz = dir->entry( kigfiles[0] );
if ( !kigz->isFile() )
dynamic_cast<const KArchiveFile*>( kigz )->copyTo( tempdir );
kdDebug() << "extracted file: " << tempdir + kigz->name() << endl
<< "exists: " << QFile::exists( tempdir + kigz->name() ) << endl;
kigdoc.setName( tempdir + kigz->name() );
if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
QDomDocument doc( "KigDocument" );
if ( !doc.setContent( &kigdoc ) )
// removing temp file
if ( iscompressed )
QDomElement main = doc.documentElement();
QString version = main.attribute( "CompatibilityVersion" );
if ( version.isEmpty() ) version = main.attribute( "Version" );
if ( version.isEmpty() ) version = main.attribute( "version" );
if ( version.isEmpty() )
// matches 0.1, 0.2.0, 153.128.99 etc.
QRegExp versionre( "(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)(\\.(\\d+))?" );
if ( ! versionre.exactMatch( version ) )
bool ok = true;
int major = versionre.cap( 1 ).toInt( &ok );
bool ok2 = true;
int minor = versionre.cap( 2 ).toInt( &ok2 );
if ( ! ok || ! ok2 )
// int minorminor = versionre.cap( 4 ).toInt( &ok );
// we only support 0.[0-7] and 1.0.*
if ( major > 0 || minor > 9 )
notSupported( file, i18n( "This file was created by Kig version \"%1\", "
"which this version cannot open." ).arg( version ) );
return false;
else if ( major == 0 && minor <= 3 )
notSupported( file, i18n( "This file was created by Kig version \"%1\".\n"
"Support for older Kig formats (pre-0.4) has been "
"removed from Kig.\n"
"You can try to open this file with an older Kig "
"version (0.4 to 0.6),\n"
"and then save it again, which will save it in the "
"new format." ).arg( version ) );
return false;
else if ( major == 0 && minor <= 6 )
return load04( file, main );
return load07( file, main );
KigDocument* KigFilterNative::load04( const QString& file, const QDomElement& docelem )
bool ok = true;
KigDocument* ret = new KigDocument();
for ( QDomNode n = docelem.firstChild(); ! n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() )
QDomElement e = n.toElement();
if ( e.isNull() ) continue;
if ( e.tagName() == "CoordinateSystem" )
const QCString type = e.text().latin1();
CoordinateSystem* s = CoordinateSystemFactory::build( type );
if ( ! s )
warning( i18n( "This Kig file has a coordinate system "
"that this Kig version does not support.\n"
"A standard coordinate system will be used "
"instead." ) );
else ret->setCoordinateSystem( s );
else if ( e.tagName() == "Objects" )
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> retcalcers;
std::vector<ObjectHolder*> retholders;
// first pass: do a topological sort of the objects, to support
// randomly ordered files...
std::vector<HierElem> elems;
QDomElement objectselem = e;
for ( QDomNode o = objectselem.firstChild(); ! o.isNull(); o = o.nextSibling() )
e = o.toElement();
if ( e.isNull() ) continue;
uint id;
if ( e.tagName() == "Data" || e.tagName() == "Property" || e.tagName() == "Object" )
// fetch the id
QString tmp = e.attribute("id");
id = tmp.toInt(&ok);
extendVect( elems, id );
elems[id-1].el = e;
else continue;
for ( QDomNode p = e.firstChild(); !p.isNull(); p = p.nextSibling() )
QDomElement f = p.toElement();
if ( f.isNull() ) continue;
if ( f.tagName() == "Parent" )
QString tmp = f.attribute( "id" );
uint pid = tmp.toInt( &ok );
extendVect( elems, id );
elems[id-1].parents.push_back( pid );
for ( uint i = 0; i < elems.size(); ++i )
if ( elems[i].el.isNull() )
elems = sortElems( elems );
retcalcers.resize( elems.size(), 0 );
for ( std::vector<HierElem>::iterator i = elems.begin();
i != elems.end(); ++i )
QDomElement e = i->el;
bool internal = e.attribute( "internal" ) == "true" ? true : false;
ObjectCalcer* o = 0;
if ( e.tagName() == "Data" )
QString tmp = e.attribute( "type" );
if ( tmp.isNull() )
QString error;
ObjectImp* imp = ObjectImpFactory::instance()->deserialize( tmp, e, error );
if ( ( !imp ) && !error.isEmpty() )
parseError( file, error );
return false;
o = new ObjectConstCalcer( imp );
else if ( e.tagName() == "Property" )
QCString propname;
for ( QDomElement ec = e.firstChild().toElement(); !ec.isNull();
ec = ec.nextSibling().toElement() )
if ( ec.tagName() == "Property" )
propname = ec.text().latin1();
if ( i->parents.size() != 1 ) KIG_FILTER_PARSE_ERROR;
ObjectCalcer* parent = retcalcers[i->parents[0] -1];
QCStringList propnames = parent->imp()->propertiesInternalNames();
int propid = propnames.findIndex( propname );
if ( propid == -1 )
o = new ObjectPropertyCalcer( parent, propid );
else if ( e.tagName() == "Object" )
QString tmp = e.attribute( "type" );
if ( tmp.isNull() )
const ObjectType* type =
ObjectTypeFactory::instance()->find( tmp.latin1() );
if ( !type )
notSupported( file, i18n( "This Kig file uses an object of type \"%1\", "
"which this Kig version does not support."
"Perhaps you have compiled Kig without support "
"for this object type,"
"or perhaps you are using an older Kig version." ).arg( tmp ) );
return false;
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> parents;
for ( std::vector<int>::iterator j = i->parents.begin();
j != i->parents.end(); ++j )
parents.push_back( retcalcers[*j - 1] );
o = new ObjectTypeCalcer( type, parents );
else continue;
o->calc( *ret );
retcalcers[i->id - 1] = o;
if ( ! internal )
QString tmp = e.attribute( "color" );
QColor color( tmp );
if ( !color.isValid() )
tmp = e.attribute( "shown" );
bool shown = !( tmp == "false" || tmp == "no" );
tmp = e.attribute( "width" );
int width = tmp.toInt( &ok );
if ( ! ok ) width = -1;
ObjectDrawer* d = new ObjectDrawer( color, width, shown );
retholders.push_back( new ObjectHolder( o, d ) );
ret->addObjects( retholders );
else continue; // be forward-compatible..
return ret;
KigFilterNative* KigFilterNative::instance()
static KigFilterNative f;
return &f;
KigDocument* KigFilterNative::load07( const QString& file, const QDomElement& docelem )
KigDocument* ret = new KigDocument();
bool ok = true;
std::vector<ObjectCalcer::shared_ptr> calcers;
std::vector<ObjectHolder*> holders;
QString t = docelem.attribute( "grid" );
bool tmphide = ( t == "false" ) || ( t == "no" ) || ( t == "0" );
ret->setGrid( !tmphide );
t = docelem.attribute( "axes" );
tmphide = ( t == "false" ) || ( t == "no" ) || ( t == "0" );
ret->setAxes( !tmphide );
for ( QDomElement subsectionelement = docelem.firstChild().toElement(); ! subsectionelement.isNull();
subsectionelement = subsectionelement.nextSibling().toElement() )
if ( subsectionelement.tagName() == "CoordinateSystem" )
QString tmptype = subsectionelement.text();
// compatibility code - to support Invisible coord system...
if ( tmptype == "Invisible" )
tmptype = "Euclidean";
ret->setGrid( false );
ret->setAxes( false );
const QCString type = tmptype.latin1();
CoordinateSystem* s = CoordinateSystemFactory::build( type );
if ( ! s )
warning( i18n( "This Kig file has a coordinate system "
"that this Kig version does not support.\n"
"A standard coordinate system will be used "
"instead." ) );
else ret->setCoordinateSystem( s );
else if ( subsectionelement.tagName() == "Hierarchy" )
for ( QDomElement e = subsectionelement.firstChild().toElement(); ! e.isNull();
e = e.nextSibling().toElement() )
QString tmp = e.attribute( "id" );
uint id = tmp.toInt( &ok );
if ( id <= 0 ) KIG_FILTER_PARSE_ERROR;
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> parents;
for ( QDomElement parentel = e.firstChild().toElement(); ! parentel.isNull();
parentel = parentel.nextSibling().toElement() )
if ( parentel.tagName() != "Parent" ) continue;
QString tmp = parentel.attribute( "id" );
uint parentid = tmp.toInt( &ok );
if ( parentid == 0 || parentid > calcers.size() ) KIG_FILTER_PARSE_ERROR;
ObjectCalcer* parent = calcers[parentid - 1].get();
if ( ! parent ) KIG_FILTER_PARSE_ERROR;
parents.push_back( parent );
ObjectCalcer* o = 0;
if ( e.tagName() == "Data" )
if ( !parents.empty() ) KIG_FILTER_PARSE_ERROR;
QString tmp = e.attribute( "type" );
QString error;
ObjectImp* imp = ObjectImpFactory::instance()->deserialize( tmp, e, error );
if ( ( !imp ) && !error.isEmpty() )
parseError( file, error );
return false;
o = new ObjectConstCalcer( imp );
else if ( e.tagName() == "Property" )
if ( parents.size() != 1 ) KIG_FILTER_PARSE_ERROR;
QCString propname = e.attribute( "which" ).latin1();
ObjectCalcer* parent = parents[0];
int propid = parent->imp()->propertiesInternalNames().findIndex( propname );
if ( propid == -1 ) KIG_FILTER_PARSE_ERROR;
o = new ObjectPropertyCalcer( parent, propid );
else if ( e.tagName() == "Object" )
QString tmp = e.attribute( "type" );
const ObjectType* type =
ObjectTypeFactory::instance()->find( tmp.latin1() );
if ( ! type )
notSupported( file, i18n( "This Kig file uses an object of type \"%1\", "
"which this Kig version does not support."
"Perhaps you have compiled Kig without support "
"for this object type,"
"or perhaps you are using an older Kig version." ).arg( tmp ) );
return false;
// mp: (I take the responsibility for this!) explanation: the usual ObjectTypeCalcer
// constructor also "sortArgs" the parents. I believe that this *must not* be done
// when loading from a saved kig file for the following reasons:
// 1. the arguments should already be in their intended order, since the file was
// saved from a working hierarchy; furthermore we actually want to restore the original
// hierarchy, not really to also fix possible problems with the original hierarchy;
// 2. calling sortArgs could have undesirable side effects in particular situations,
// since kig actually allow an ObjectType to produce different type of ObjectImp's
// it may happen that the parents of an object do not satisfy the requirements
// enforced by sortArgs (while moving around the free objects) but still be
// perfectly valid
o = new ObjectTypeCalcer( type, parents, false );
o->calc( *ret );
calcers.resize( id, 0 );
calcers[id-1] = o;
else if ( subsectionelement.tagName() == "View" )
for ( QDomElement e = subsectionelement.firstChild().toElement(); ! e.isNull();
e = e.nextSibling().toElement() )
if ( e.tagName() != "Draw" ) KIG_FILTER_PARSE_ERROR;
QString tmp = e.attribute( "object" );
uint id = tmp.toInt( &ok );
if ( id <= 0 || id > calcers.size() )
ObjectCalcer* calcer = calcers[id-1].get();
tmp = e.attribute( "color" );
QColor color( tmp );
if ( !color.isValid() )
tmp = e.attribute( "shown" );
bool shown = !( tmp == "false" || tmp == "no" );
tmp = e.attribute( "width" );
int width = tmp.toInt( &ok );
if ( ! ok ) width = -1;
tmp = e.attribute( "style" );
Qt::PenStyle style = ObjectDrawer::styleFromString( tmp );
tmp = e.attribute( "point-style" );
int pointstyle = ObjectDrawer::pointStyleFromString( tmp );
ObjectConstCalcer* namecalcer = 0;
tmp = e.attribute( "namecalcer" );
if ( tmp != "none" && !tmp.isEmpty() )
int ncid = tmp.toInt( &ok );
if ( ncid <= 0 || ncid > calcers.size() )
if ( ! dynamic_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( calcers[ncid-1].get() ) )
namecalcer = static_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( calcers[ncid-1].get() );
ObjectDrawer* drawer = new ObjectDrawer( color, width, shown, style, pointstyle );
holders.push_back( new ObjectHolder( calcer, drawer, namecalcer ) );
ret->addObjects( holders );
return ret;
bool KigFilterNative::save07( const KigDocument& kdoc, QTextStream& stream )
QDomDocument doc( "KigDocument" );
QDomElement docelem = doc.createElement( "KigDocument" );
docelem.setAttribute( "Version", KIGVERSION );
docelem.setAttribute( "CompatibilityVersion", "0.7.0" );
docelem.setAttribute( "grid", kdoc.grid() );
docelem.setAttribute( "axes", kdoc.axes() );
QDomElement cselem = doc.createElement( "CoordinateSystem" );
cselem.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( kdoc.coordinateSystem().type() ) );
docelem.appendChild( cselem );
std::vector<ObjectHolder*> holders = kdoc.objects();
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> calcers = getAllParents( getAllCalcers( holders ) );
calcers = calcPath( calcers );
QDomElement hierelem = doc.createElement( "Hierarchy" );
std::map<const ObjectCalcer*, int> idmap;
for ( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>::const_iterator i = calcers.begin();
i != calcers.end(); ++i )
idmap[*i] = ( i - calcers.begin() ) + 1;
int id = 1;
for ( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>::const_iterator i = calcers.begin(); i != calcers.end(); ++i )
QDomElement objectelem;
if ( dynamic_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( *i ) )
objectelem = doc.createElement( "Data" );
QString ser =
ObjectImpFactory::instance()->serialize( *(*i)->imp(), objectelem, doc );
objectelem.setAttribute( "type", ser );
else if ( dynamic_cast<const ObjectPropertyCalcer*>( *i ) )
const ObjectPropertyCalcer* o = static_cast<const ObjectPropertyCalcer*>( *i );
objectelem = doc.createElement( "Property" );
QCString propname = o->parent()->imp()->propertiesInternalNames()[o->propId()];
objectelem.setAttribute( "which", propname );
else if ( dynamic_cast<const ObjectTypeCalcer*>( *i ) )
const ObjectTypeCalcer* o = static_cast<const ObjectTypeCalcer*>( *i );
objectelem = doc.createElement( "Object" );
objectelem.setAttribute( "type", o->type()->fullName() );
else assert( false );
const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> parents = ( *i )->parents();
for ( std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>::const_iterator i = parents.begin(); i != parents.end(); ++i )
std::map<const ObjectCalcer*,int>::const_iterator idp = idmap.find( *i );
assert( idp != idmap.end() );
int pid = idp->second;
QDomElement pel = doc.createElement( "Parent" );
pel.setAttribute( "id", pid );
objectelem.appendChild( pel );
objectelem.setAttribute( "id", id++ );
hierelem.appendChild( objectelem );
docelem.appendChild( hierelem );
QDomElement windowelem = doc.createElement( "View" );
for ( std::vector<ObjectHolder*>::iterator i = holders.begin(); i != holders.end(); ++i )
std::map<const ObjectCalcer*,int>::const_iterator idp = idmap.find( ( *i )->calcer() );
assert( idp != idmap.end() );
int id = idp->second;
const ObjectDrawer* d = ( *i )->drawer();
QDomElement drawelem = doc.createElement( "Draw" );
drawelem.setAttribute( "object", id );
drawelem.setAttribute( "color", d->color().name() );
drawelem.setAttribute( "shown", QString::fromLatin1( d->shown() ? "true" : "false" ) );
drawelem.setAttribute( "width", QString::number( d->width() ) );
drawelem.setAttribute( "style", d->styleToString() );
drawelem.setAttribute( "point-style", d->pointStyleToString() );
ObjectCalcer* namecalcer = ( *i )->nameCalcer();
if ( namecalcer )
std::map<const ObjectCalcer*,int>::const_iterator ncp = idmap.find( namecalcer );
assert( ncp != idmap.end() );
int ncid = ncp->second;
drawelem.setAttribute( "namecalcer", ncid );
drawelem.setAttribute( "namecalcer", "none" );
windowelem.appendChild( drawelem );
docelem.appendChild( windowelem );
doc.appendChild( docelem );
stream << doc.toString();
return true;
bool KigFilterNative::save( const KigDocument& data, const QString& file )
return save07( data, file );
bool KigFilterNative::save07( const KigDocument& data, const QString& outfile )
// we have an empty outfile, so we have to print all to stdout
if ( outfile.isEmpty() )
QTextStream stdoutstream( stdout, IO_WriteOnly );
return save07( data, stdoutstream );
if ( !outfile.endsWith( ".kig", false ) )
// the user wants to save a compressed file, so we have to save our kig
// file to a temp file and then compress it...
QString tempdir = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation( "tmp" );
if ( tempdir.isEmpty() )
return false;
QString tempname = outfile.section( '/', -1 );
if ( outfile.endsWith( ".kigz", false ) )
tempname.remove( QRegExp( "\\.[Kk][Ii][Gg][Zz]$" ) );
return false;
QString tmpfile = tempdir + tempname + ".kig";
QFile ftmpfile( tmpfile );
if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) )
return false;
QTextStream stream( &ftmpfile );
if ( !save07( data, stream ) )
return false;
kdDebug() << "tmp saved file: " << tmpfile << endl;
// creating the archive and adding our file
KTar* ark = new KTar( outfile, "application/x-gzip" );
ark->open( IO_WriteOnly );
ark->addLocalFile( tmpfile, tempname + ".kig" );
// finally, removing temp file
QFile::remove( tmpfile );
return true;
QFile file( outfile );
if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) )
fileNotFound( outfile );
return false;
QTextStream stream( &file );
return save07( data, stream );
// we should never reach this point...
return false;
bool KigFilterNative::save( const KigDocument& data, QTextStream& stream )
return save07( data, stream );