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<I>Copyright (C) 2003 The Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group,</I>
<I>Monash University.</I>
<li><a href="#IREF00">INTRODUCTION</a>
<li><a href="#IREF01">CURRENT VERSION </a>
<li><a href="#IREF02">FORMAT</a>
<li><a href="#IREF03">EDICT HISTORY</a>
<li><a href="#IREF04">COPYRIGHT ISSUES</a>
<li><a href="#IREF06">NEW JMDICT PROJECT</a>
<li><a href="#IREF07">USAGE</a>
<li><a href="#IREF08">CONTRIBUTIONS</a>
<li><a href="#IREF09">ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS</a>
<b><a name="IREF00">INTRODUCTION</a></b>
The EDICT file results from a long-running project to produce a freely
available Japanese/English Dictionary in machine-readable form.
The EDICT file is copyright, and is distributed in accordance with the
Licence Statement, which can found at the WWW site of the
<a HREF="">Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group </a>
who are the owners of the copyright.
<b><a name="IREF01">CURRENT VERSION </a></b>
The version date and sequence number is included in the dictionary itself
under the entry "EDICT". (Actually it is under the JIS-ASCII code "????".
This keeps it as the first entry when it is sorted.)
The master copy of EDICT is in the pub/nihongo directory of
<TT> </TT>
There are other copies around, but they may not be
as up-to-date. The easy way to check if the version you have is the latest is
from the size/date.
As of V96-001, the EDICT file no longer contains proper names. These have
been moved to a separate file called "ENAMDICT".
From V99-002, the EDICT file has been generated from an extended dictionary
database which includes additional fields and information. See the later
section on the new JMdict project for details of this.
<b><a name="IREF02">FORMAT</a></b>
EDICT's format is that of the original "EDICT" format used by the early
PC Japanese word-processor MOKE (Mark's Own Kanji Editor).
It uses EUC-JP coding for kana and kanji, however this can be converted to
JIS (ISO-2022-JP) or Shift-JIS
by any of the several conversion programs around. It is a text file with one
entry per line. The format of entries is:
KANJI [KANA] /English_1/English_2/.../
KANA /English_1/.../
(NB: Only the KANJI and KANA are in EUC; all the other characters, including
spaces, must be ASCII.)
The English translations are deliberately brief, as the application of the
dictionary is expected to be primarily on-line look-ups, etc.
The EDICT file is not intended to have its entries in any particular order.
In fact it almost always is in order as a by-product of the update method I
use, however there is no guarantee of this. (The order is almost always JIS
+ alphabetical, starting with the head-word.)
<b><a name="IREF03">EDICT HISTORY</a></b>
EDICT has developed as follows:
<OL type="a">
it began with the basic EDICT distributed with MOKE 2.0. This was compiled by MOKE's
author, Mark Edwards, with assistance from Spencer Green. Mark
kindly released this material to the EDICT project. A number of corrections
were made to the MOKE original, e.g. spelling mistakes, minor
mistranslations, etc. It also had a lot of duplications, which have been
removed. It contained about 1900 unique entries. Mark Edwards has also
kindly given permission for the vocabulary files developed for KG (Kanji
Guess) to be added to EDICT.
additions by Jim Breen. I laboriously keyed in a ~2000 entry dictionary
used in my first year nihongo course at Swinburne Institute of Technology
years ago (I was given permission by the authors to do this). I then worked
through other vocabulary lists trying to make sure major entries were not
omitted. The English-to-kana entries in the SKK files were added also. This
task is continuing, although it has slowed down, and I suspect I will run out
of energy eventually. Apart from that, I have made a large number of
additions during normal reading of Japanese text and fj.* news using JREADER
and XJDIC. (As of November 2001 I am still adding entries.)
additions by others. Many people have contributed entries and
corrections to EDICT. I am forever on the lookout for sources of material,
provided it is genuinely available for use in the Project. I am
grateful to Theresa Martin who an early supplier a lot of useful material,
plus very perceptive corrections. Hidekazu Tozaki has also been a great help
with tidying up a lot of awry entries, and helping me identify obscure kanji
compounds. Kurt Stueber has been an assiduous keyer of many useful entries.
A large group of contributions came from Sony, where Rik Smoody had put
together a large online dictionary. Another batch came from the
Japanese-German JDDICT file in similar format that Helmut Goldenstein keyed
(with permission) from the Langenscheidt edited by Hadamitzky. Harold Rowe
was great help with much of the translation. During 1994, Dr Yo Tomita, then
at the University of Leeds, conducted a massive proof-reading of the entire
file, for which I am most grateful. Jeffrey Friedl at Omron in Kyoto has also
been a most helpful contributor and error-detector. During 1995, I have been
keeping an eye on the "honyaku" mailing list, wherein Japanese-English
translators discuss thorny issues. From this I have derived many new entries,
and many updates to existing entries. To the many honyakujin, my thanks.
A reasonably full list of contributors is at the back of this file,
although I am sure to have missed a few.
At this stage EDICT has many more entries than many good commercial dictionaries,
which typically have 20,000+ non-name entries with examples, etc. It is
certainly bigger than some of the smaller printed dictionaries, and when used
in conjunction with a search-and-display program like JDIC or XJDIC it
provides a highly effective on-line dictionary service.
<b><a name="IREF04">COPYRIGHT ISSUES</a></b>
Dictionary copyright is a difficult point, because clearly the first
lexicographer who published "inu means dog" could not claim a copyright
violation over all subsequent Japanese dictionaries. While it is usual to
consult other dictionaries for "accurate lexicographic information", as
Nelson put it, wholesale copying is, of course, not permissible. What makes
each dictionary unique (and copyrightable) is the particular selection of
words, the phrasing of the meanings, the presentation of the contents (a very
important point in the case of EDICT), and the means of publication. Of
course, the fact that for the most part the kanji and kana of each entry are
coming from public sources, and the structure and tqlayout of the entries
themselves are quite unlike those in any published dictionary, adds a degree
of protection to EDICT.
The advice I have received from people who know about these things is that
EDICT is just as much a new dictionary as any others on the market. Readers
may see an entry which looks familiar, and say "Aha! That comes from the XYZ
Jiten!". They may be right, and they may be wrong. After all there aren't
too many translations of neko. Let me make one thing quite clear, despite
considerable temptation (Electronic Books can be easily decoded), NONE of
this dictionary came from commercial machine-readable dictionaries. I have a
case of RSI in my right elbow to prove it.
Please do not contribute entries to EDICT which have come directly from
copyrightable sources. It is hard to check these, and you may be
jeopardizing EDICT's status.
EDICT is actually a Japanese->English dictionary, although the words within
it can be selected in either language using appropriate software. (JDIC uses
it to provide both E->J and J->E functionality.)
The early stages of EDICT had size limitations due to its usage (MOKE scans
it sequentially and JDXGEN, which is JDIC's index generator, held it in RAM.)
This meant that examples of usage could not be included, and inclusion of
phrases was very limited. JDIC/JDXGEN can now handle a much larger
dictionary, but the compact format has continued.
No inflections of verbs or adjectives have been included, except in idiomatic
expressions. Similarly particles are handled as separate entries. Adverbs
formed from adjectives (-ku or ni) are generally not included. Verbs are, of
course, in the plain or "dictionary" form.
<B>Priority Entries</B>
Starting with the 2001 editions, approximately 20,000 entries comprising the most commonly-used words in Japanese are marked
with a "(P)" at the end of the entry. This list has been identified by
examining several small
dictionaries, and lists of common gairaigo from Japanese newspapers.
<B>Parts of Speech</B>
In working on EDICT, bearing in mind I want to use it in MOKE and with JDIC,
I had to come up with a solution to the problem of adjectival nouns
[keiyoudoushi] (e.g. kirei and kantan), nouns which can be used adjectivally
with the particle "no" and verbs formed by adding suru (e.g. benkyousuru).
If I put entries in EDICT with the "na" and "suru" included, MOKE would not
find a match when they are omitted or, the case of suru, inflected. What I
decided to do is to put the basic noun into the dictionary and add
"(vs)" where it can be used to form a verb with suru, "(a-no)" for common
"no" usage, and "(an)" if it is an adjectival noun. Entries appeared as:
KANJI [benkyou] /study (vs)/
KANJI [kantan] /simple (an)/
In early 2001, as part of the JMdict project (see below), I completely revised
this system, instead introducing a comprehensive system of Part of Speech
(POS) tags. In the EDICT version of the file these tags usually appear in
at the start of the entry, separated into general tags and POS tags. Where
a tag applies to a single gloss or meaning, it will be included there instead.
The (hopefully) full list of such markers is:
abbr abbreviation
adj adjective (keiyoushi)
adv adverb (fukushi)
adv-n adverbial noun
adj-na adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
adj-no nouns which may take the genitive case particle "no"
adj-pn pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi)
adj-s special adjective (e.g. ookii)
adj-t "taru" adjective
arch archaism
ateji ateji reading of the kanji
aux auxiliary word or phrase
aux-v auxiliary verb
conj conjunction
col colloquialism
exp Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
ek exclusively kanji, rarely just in kana
fam familiar language
fem female term or language
gikun gikun (meaning) reading
gram grammatical term
hon honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language
hum humble (kenjougo) language
id idiomatic expression
int interjection (kandoushi)
iK word containing irregular kanji usage
ik word containing irregular kana usage
io irregular okurigana usage
MA martial arts term
male male term or language
m-sl manga slang
n noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
n-adv adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi)
n-t noun (temporal) (jisoumeishi)
n-suf noun, used as a suffix
n-pref noun, used as a prefix
neg negative (in a negative sentence, or with negative verb)
neg-v negative verb (when used with)
num number, numeric
obs obsolete term
obsc obscure term
oK word containing out-dated kanji
ok out-dated or obsolete kana usage
pol polite (teineigo) language
pref prefix
prt particle
qv quod vide (see another entry)
sl slang
suf suffix
uK word usually written using kanji alone
uk word usually written using kana alone
v1 Ichidan verb
v5 Godan verb (not completely classified)
v5u Godan verb with `u' ending
v5u-s Godan verb with `u' ending - special class
v5k Godan verb with `ku' ending
v5g Godan verb with `gu' ending
v5s Godan verb with `su' ending
v5t Godan verb with `tsu' ending
v5n Godan verb with `nu' ending
v5b Godan verb with `bu' ending
v5m Godan verb with `mu' ending
v5r Godan verb with `ru' ending
v5k-s Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class
v5z Godan verb - -zuru special class (alternative form of -jiru verbs)
v5aru Godan verb - -aru special class
v5uru Godan verb - Uru old class verb (old form of Eru)
vi intransitive verb
vs noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
vs-i suru verb - irregular
vs-s suru verb - special class
vk Kuru verb - special class
vt transitive verb
vulg vulgar expression or word
X rude or X-rated term (not displayed in educational software)
<B>Multiple Senses</B>
From the 2001 editions of EDICT, the differing senses associated with
the Japanese head-words are being progessively marked. The marking takes the
form of a "(1)", "(2)", etc. in front of the senses.
I have endeavoured to cater for many possible variants of English translation
and spelling. Where appropriate different translations are included for
national variants (e.g. autumn/fall). I use Oxford (British) standard
spelling (-our, -ize) for the entries I make, but I leave other entries in
the national spelling of the submitter.
At some stage in the future I intend to regularize the English spellings in such
a way that allows searches on either British or American spellings
to be successful.
<B>Gairaigo and Regional Words</B>
For gairaigo which have not been derived from English words, I have attempted
to indicate the source language and the word in that language. Languages have
been coded in the two-letter codes from the ISO 639:1988 "Code for the
representation of names of languages" standard, e.g. "(fr: avec)". See
Appendix C for more on this. (Thanks to Holger Gruber for suggesting this
language coding.)
In addition to the language codes described in Appendix C, a number of tags
are used to indicate that a word or phrase is associated with a particular
regional language variant within Japan. The tags are:
kyb Kyoto-ben
osb Osaka-ben
ksb Kansai-ben
ktb Kantou-ben
tsb Tosa-ben
In the case of gairaigo which have a meaning which is not aptqparent from the
original (English) words, the literal transcription is included, with
the tag (lit).
<b><a name="IREF06">NEW JMDICT PROJECT</a></b>
Early in 1999 work began on the JMdict project, which aims to extend the
structure and content of the EDICT file to enable it to contain
additional information and provided an improved service to users.
The project has several broad goals:
<OL type="a">
<LI>to convert the EDICT file to a new dictionary structure which overcomes
the deficiencies in the current structure. With regard to this goal, the
particular structural and content aspects to be addressed include, but
are not limited to:
<OL type="i">
<LI>the handling of orthographical variation (e.g. in kanji
usage, okurigana usage, readings) within the single entry;
<LI>additional and more appropriately associated tagging of
grammatical and other information;
<LI>provision for separation of different senses (polysemy) in
the translations;
<LI>provision for the inclusion of translational equivalents
from several languages;
<LI>provision for inclusion of examples of the usage of words;
<LI>provision for cross-references to related entries.
<LI>to publish the dictionary in a standard format which is accessible
by a wide range of software tools; [It is proposed that this goal be
addressed by developing the structure so that it can be released as
an XML document, with an associated XML DTD.
<LI>to retain backward compatibility with the original EDICT structure in
order to enable legacy software systems to use later versions of the
EDICT files.
For more information on the JMdict project, please see the documentation
By May 1999 the EDICT file had been converted into the new format. A major
part of this consisted of identifying and combining entries which were
effectively variants of each other.
Since V99-002, the EDICT file has been generated from the new format.
This has meant:
<OL type="a">
<LI>a marginal increase in the number of entries, as there is an increased
number of variants;
<LI>the English fields of the variant entries are now exactly the same,
as they have generated from the single expanded entry;
<LI>the tags such as (vs), (an), etc. now appear before the first word
of the English fields.
<b><a name="IREF07">USAGE</a></b>
EDICT can be freely used provided satisfactory acknowledgement is made,
and a number of other conditions are met.
Consult the Licence Statement information at Appendix A.
It is, of course, the main dictionary used by PD and GPL Copyright software
such as JDIC, JREADER, XJDIC, MacJDic, etc. It can be used as the
dictionary within MOKE (it may need to be renamed JTOE.DCT if used with
version 2.1 of MOKE), and it is also used by the NJSTAR and JWP Word
Processor packages.
<b><a name="IREF08">CONTRIBUTIONS</a></b>
I will be delighted if people send me corrections, suggestions, and ESPECIALLY
additions. Before ripping in with a lot of suggestions, make sure you have the
latest version, as others may have already made the same comments.
The preferred format for submissions is a JIS, EUC or Shift-JIS file (uuencoded
for safety) containing replacement/new entries. This can be emailed to me at
the address at the end of this file.
Feel free to use the following format:
NEW: KANJI1 [kana1] /new entry #1/
NEW: KANJI2 [kana2] /new entry #2/
old: KANJI3 [kana3] /old entry to be replaced/
new: KANJI3 [kana3] /replacement entry/
DEL: KANJI4 [kana4] /entry to be deleted/
Please provide an annotated reason for any deletions or amendments you send.
I prefer not to get a "diff" or "patch" file as the master EDICT is under
continuous revision, and may have had quite a few changes since you got your
Users intending to make submissions to EDICT should follow the following
simple rules:
<LI>all verbs in plain form. The English must begin with "to ....". Add the
verb type in some prominent place.
<LI>add (adj-na) or (adj-no) or (vs) as appropriate to nouns. Do not put the "na" or
"no" particles on the Japanese, or the "suru" auxiliary verb. For entries
which have (vs), do not enter them as verb infinitives (e.g. "to cook"),
instead enter them as gerunds/participles/whatever (e.g. cooking (vs)).
<LI>indicate prefixes and suffixes by "(pref)" and "(suf)" in the first English
entry, not by using "-" in the kanji or kana.
<LI>do not add definite or indefinite articles (e.g. "a", "an", "the", etc) to
English nouns unless they are necessary to distinguish the word from
another usage type or homonym.
<LI>do not guess the kanji or the reading. If you don't know them, don't
send it to me. I will check all incoming suggestions, and I get grumpy
when I find sloppy errors. One of the most persistent problems in editing
EDICT is finding and eliminating incorrect kanji and kana.
<LI>do not use the "/", "[" or "]" characters except in their separating roles.
<LI>if you are using a reference in romaji form, make sure you have the correct
kana for "too/tou" and "zu", where the Hepburn romaji is often ambiguous.
<LI>do not use kana or kanji in the "English" fields. Where it is necessary to
use a Japanese word, e.g. kanto, use Hepburn romaji.
<LI>make sure your kana is correct. A persistent problem is the submission of
words like "honyaku" as ho+nya+ku instead of the correct ho+n+ya+ku.
<LI>do not include words formed by common Japanese suffixes, such as "-teki",
unless they cannot be deduced from the root.
<b><a name="IREF09">ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS</a></b>
The following people, in roughly chronological order, have played a part in
the development of EDICT. (I stopped adding to this list some years ago, so
it is of historical interest now.)
Mark Edwards, Spencer Green, Alina Skoutarides, Takako Machida, Theresa
Martin, Satoshi Tadokoro, Stephen Chung, Hidekazu Tozaki, Clifford Olling,
David Cooper, Ken Lunde, Joel Schulman, Hiroto Kagotani, Truett Smith, Mike
Rosenlof, Harold Rowe, Al Harkom, Per Hammarlund, Atsushi Fukumoto, John
Crossley, Bob Kerns, Frank O'Carroll, Rik Smoody, Scott Trent, Curtis
Eubanks, Jamie Packer, Hitoshi Doi, Thalawyn Silverwood, Makato Shimojima,
Bart Mathias, Koichi Mori, Steven Sprouse, Jeffrey Friedl, Yazuru Hiraga, Kurt
Stueber, Rafael Santos, Bruce Casner, Masato Toho, Carolyn Norton, Simon
Clippingdale, Shiino Masayoshi, Susumu Miki, Yushi Kaneda, Masahiko
Tachibana, Naoki Shibata, Yuzuru Hiraga, Yasuaki Nakano, Atsu Yagasaki,
Hitoshi Oi, Chizuko Kanazawa, Lars Huttar, Jonathan Hanna, Yoshimasa Tsuji,
Masatsugu Mamimura, Keiichi Nakata, Masako Nomura, Hiroshi Kamabe, Shi-Wen
Peng, Norihiro Okada, Jun-ichi Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Mizuno, Minoru Terada,
Itaru Ichikawa, Toru Matsuda, Katsumi Inoue, John Finlayson, David Luke, Iain
Sinclair, Warwick Hockley, Jamii Corley, Howard Landman, Tom Bryce, Jim
Thomas, Paul Burchard, Kenji Saito, Ken Eto, Niibe Yutaka, Hideyuki Ozaki,
Kouichi Suzuki, Sakaguchi Takeyuki, Haruo Furuhashi, Takashi Hattori,
Yoshiyuki Kondo, Kusakabe Youichi, Nobuo Sakiyama, Kouhei Matsuda, Toru Sato,
Takayuki Ito, Masayuki Tokoshima, Kiyo Inaba, Dan Cohn, Yo Tomita, Ed Hall,
Takashi Imamura, Bernard Greenberg, Michael Raine, Akiko Nagase, Ben Bullock,
Scott Draves, Matthew Haines, Andy Howells, Takayuki Ito, Anders Brabaek,
Michael Chachich, Masaki Muranaka, Paul Randolph, Vesa Karhu, Bruce Bailey,
Gal Shalif, Riichiro Saito, Keith Rogers, Steve Petersen, Bill Smith, Barry
Byrne, Satoshi Kuramoto, Jason Molenda, Travis Stewart, Yuichiro Kushiro
Keiko Okushi, Wayne Lammers, Koichi Fujino, Joerg Fischer, Satoru Miyazaki,
Gaspard Gendreau, David Olson, Peter Evans, Steven Zaveloff, Larry Tyrrell,
Heinz Clemencon, Justin Mayer, David Jones, Holger Gruber, David Wilson,
John De Hoog, Stephen Davis, Dan Crevier, Ron Granich, Bruce Raup, Scott
Childress, Richard Warmington, Jean-Jacques Labarthe, Matt Bloedel, Szabolcs
Varga, Alan Bram, Hidetaka Koie, David Villareale, Hirokazu Ohata, Toshiki
Sasabe, William Maton, Tom Salmon, Kian Yap, Paul Denisowski, Glen Pankow,
Richard Northcott, Roger Meunier, Petteri Kettunen, Jeff Korpa, Kanji
Haitani, Liam O'Brien, Serdar Yegulalp, Jonathan Way, Gururaj Rao, Yoichiro
Niitsu, Ralph Seewald, Andreas Jordell, Chua Hian Koon, Hartmut Pilch,
Shouichi Takeuchi, Ayumu Yasutomi, Mike Wright, James Rose, Nich Hill.
Jim Breen
j<!-- blah -->wb@cs<!-- blah2 -->se.mon<!-- blah3 -->
School of Computer Science &amp; Software Engineering
Monash University
Clayton 3168
In March 2000, James William Breen assigned ownership of the copyright
of the dictionary files assembled, coordinated and edited by him to the
The Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group at Monash
EDICT can be freely used provided satisfactory acknowledgement is made,
and a number of other conditions are met.
Information about the licence and copyright for EDICT can be found on
the Group's WWW page at:
In summary, EDICT can be freely used with acknowledgement.
<b><a name="IREF11">APPENDIX B. LANGUAGE CODES FROM ISO 639</a></b>
The following language codes have been used with non-English derived
gairaigo. They have been derived from the ISO 639:1988 "Code for the
representation of names of languages" standard.
ar Arabic
zh Chinese (Zhongwen)
de German (Deutsch)
en English
fr French
el Greek (Ellinika)
iw Hebrew (Iwrith)
ja Japanese
ko Korean
nl Dutch (Nederlands)
no Norwegian
pl Polish
ru Russian
sv Swedish
bo Tibetan (Bodskad)
eo Esperanto
es Spanish
in Indonesian
it Italian
lt Latin
pt Portugese
hi Hindi
ur Urdu
mn Mongolian
kl Inuit (formerly Eskimo)
And I have added the following, which are not in the Standard:
ai Ainu
<BR><SMALL><A HREF="/disclaimers/user.html">Disclaimer</A></SMALL>