// C/C++ includes #include // Qt includes #include // KDE includes #include // local includes #include "kanimation.h" /////////// // KFrame KFrame::KFrame( double nx, double ny, int nf ) { x = nx; y = ny; f = nf; } KFrame::~KFrame() { } //////////// // KScene KScene::KScene() { current_frame_number = 0; setAutoDelete( TRUE ); following = new TQStrList( TRUE ); // deep copy following->setAutoDelete( TRUE ); } KScene::~KScene() { delete following; } KFrame *KScene::nextFrame() { current_frame_number++; if ( current_frame_number < count() ) return at( current_frame_number ); else return 0; } KFrame *KScene::currentFrame() { if ( current_frame_number < count() ) return at( current_frame_number ); else return 0; } void KScene::addFollowingScene( const TQString scene_name ) { following->append( scene_name.latin1() ); } void KScene::followingSceneName( TQString& scene_name ) { if ( following->count() == 0 ) scene_name = ""; else scene_name = following->at( rand() % following->count() ); } void KScene::setToStart() { current_frame_number = 0; } ///////////// // KStoryBoard KStoryBoard::KStoryBoard( const TQString filename ) : TQDict() { current_scene = 0; TQFile f( filename ); KScene *c_scene = 0; if ( f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) // file opened successfully { TQTextStream t( &f ); // use a text stream kdDebug() << "loading the story board..." << endl; while ( !t.eof() ) // until end of file... { TQString s = t.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' TQString dbgString = s; int pos = s.find ( "#"); if (pos==-1) pos = s.find ( ";"); if ( pos > -1 ) { dbgString = s.mid( pos +1 ); kdDebug() << "Comment: " << dbgString << endl; s = s.left( pos ); } if ( !s.isEmpty() ) { TQString command_word = s.section( " ", 0, 0 ); // new scene beginning if ( command_word == "name" ) { TQString scene_name = s.section( " ", 1, 1 ); c_scene = new KScene(); insert( scene_name, c_scene ); kdDebug() << "scene found: " << scene_name << endl; } // new frame if ( c_scene && command_word == "move" ) { TQString parameters = s.section( " ", 1, 1 ); c_scene->append( new KFrame( parameters.section( ",", 0, 0 ).toDouble(), parameters.section( ",", 1, 1 ).toDouble(), parameters.section( ",", 2, 2 ).toInt() ) ); kdDebug() << parameters << endl; } // new following scene if ( c_scene && command_word == "following" ) { kdDebug() << "following st..." << endl; c_scene->addFollowingScene( s.section( " ", 1, 1 ) ); } } } } f.close(); // TODO check, if all scenes called by "following" exist setToStart(); } KStoryBoard::~KStoryBoard() { } KFrame *KStoryBoard::currentFrame() { if ( current_scene ) return current_scene->currentFrame(); else return 0; } KFrame *KStoryBoard::nextFrame() { if ( current_scene ) { if ( current_scene->nextFrame() ) return current_scene->currentFrame(); else { TQString scene_name; current_scene->followingSceneName( scene_name ); current_scene = find( scene_name ); if ( current_scene ) { current_scene->setToStart(); return current_scene->currentFrame(); } else return 0; } } else { return 0; } } void KStoryBoard::setToStart() { current_scene = find( "init" ); if ( current_scene ) current_scene->setToStart(); } ////////// // KAnimation KAnimation::KAnimation( const TQString story_filename, TQCanvasPixmapArray * a, TQCanvas * canvas ) : TQCanvasSprite( a, canvas ) { story = new KStoryBoard( story_filename ); } KAnimation::~KAnimation() { delete story; } void KAnimation::advance( int phase ) { if ( phase == 1 ) { KFrame * f_ = story->nextFrame(); if ( f_ ) move( f_->x, f_->y, f_->f ); } } void KAnimation::setToStart() { story->setToStart(); KFrame *f_ = story->currentFrame(); if ( f_ ) move( f_->x, f_->y, f_->f ); }