EXPLANATION OF THE KIG DESIGN ============================= 1. Object system ---------------- The Kig Object System is a design I'm particularly proud of. It started out pretty basic, but has undergone some major revisions, that have proven very succesful. Currently, I have just made one more major change, and I think this will be the last majore change to it for quite some time to come. That's also why I'm writing this explanation for other developers. 1.1 ObjectImp's: Basic objects. An ObjectImp represents the current state of an object in Kig. It keeps information about what type of object it is ( e.g. a line, a point, a circle etc. ), and its exact data ( e.g. the center and radius of the circle ). It is *not* in any way aware of how the object was calculated from its parents (e.g. is this a line that is constructed as the parallel of another line, or as the line going through two given points ? ) or how it is drawn on the window ( e.g. the thickness of the line, its color etc. ). There is also the notion of BogusImp's in Kig. These are special kinds of ObjectImp's that *only* hold data. They do not represent any real object that can be drawn on a window. Their use is *only* in holding data for other objects to use. Examples are StringImp, IntImp, ConicImp etc. There are a lot of ObjectImp's in Kig, most of them are in files called *_imp.h and *_imp.cc or *_imp.cpp in the objects subdirectory. Examples are PointImp, LineImp, ConicImp, CircleImp, CubicImp, AngleImp etc. There is also the concept of ObjectImpType's. These identify a kind of ObjectImp. They carry information about the inheritance among the different ObjectImp types, and some strings identifying them. You can get hold of the ObjectImpType of a certain ObjectImp by using its type() method, you can also get hold of them by name using ObjectImpFactory. 1.2 ObjectCalcer's: calculating ObjectImp's from other ObjectImp's An ObjectCalcer is an object that represents an algorithm for calculating an ObjectImp from other ObjectImp's. It is also a node in the dependency graph of a certain document. E.g. a LineImp can be calculated from the two PointImp's it has to go through; every time either of them moves, this calculation is redone. In this case, there would be an ObjectCalcer that keeps a reference to its two parents ( the ObjectCalcer's representing the points ), and that will calculate its ObjectImp value every time it is asked to do so ( i.e. every time one of its parents moves.. ). Because of the complex relations that ObjectCalcer's hold to other ObjectCalcer's and to other classes, they have been made reference-counted. This means that they keep a count internally of how much times a pointer to them is held. If this count reaches 0, this means that nobody needs them anymore, and they delete themselves. E.g. an ObjectCalcer always keeps a reference to its parents, to ensure that those aren't deleted before it is deleted. In the inheritance graph of a document, the lowermost objects keep references to their parents and those keep reference to their parents, so that all of the top of the graph is kept alive. Of course, someone needs to keep a reference to the bottommost objects in the graph, because otherwise, the entire graph would be deleted. As we will see later, an external class ( ObjectHolder ) keeps a reference to the ObjectCalcer's that the user is aware of. Thus, the reference counting system makes sure that all the objects that the user knows about, and all of their ancestors are kept alive, and the others die. At the end of the program, this reference is released, and all the objects are deleted. A special case of an ObjectCalcer is the ObjectConstCalcer. This is an ObjectCalcer that has no parents, and only holds some data. The data is held as an ObjectImp of some type, and it will remain constant, and no calculation needs to be done to get it, it is just returned every time it is needed. Other ObjectCalcer's are ObjectPropertyCalcer and ObjectTypeCalcer. ObjectTypeCalcer is a ObjectCalcer that calculates an object according to what a ObjectType object specifies. It basically forwards all calculations to that object ( check below ). An ObjectPropertyCalcer gets data from a property of a certain object. In fact, ObjectImp's can specify property's ( e.g. properties of a circle are its radius, its circumference, its center etc. An angle has its bisector as a LineImp property ), and they are returned as ObjectImp's of an appropriate type. The ObjectPropertyCalcer just gets one of the properties of a certain ObjectImp and stores it. 1.3 ObjectType's: a specification of how to calculate an object. An ObjectType represents a certain algorithm to calculate an ObjectImp from other ObjectImp's. Unlike an ObjectCalcer, it does not participate in the inheritance graph, and there is only one instantiation of each type of ObjectType. An ObjectTypeCalcer is an ObjectCalcer that keeps a pointer to a certain ObjectType, and forwards all requests it gets to its ObjectType. It's very normal that multiple ObjectTypeCalcer's share the same ObjectType. There are very much ObjectType's in Kig, check out all of the files that end in *_type.* or *_types.* in the objects subdirectory of the Kig source code. 1.4 ObjectHolder's: a link from the document to the hierarchy An ObjectHolder represents an object as it is known to the document. It keeps a pointer to an ObjectCalcer, where it gets its data ( the ObjectImp that the ObjectCalcer holds ) from. It also holds information about how to draw this ObjectImp on the window, by keeping a pointer to an ObjectDrawer ( see below ). In its draw method, it gets the ObjectImp from the ObjectCalcer, and passes it to the ObjectDrawer, asking it to draw the ObjectImp on the window. The document ( check the KigDocument class ) holds a list of these ObjectHolder's. This is its only link with the ObjectCalcer dependency graph. An ObjectHolder keeps a reference to its ObjectCalcer. 1.5 ObjectDrawer: An intelligent struct keeping some data about how to draw an ObjectImp on screen. An ObjectDrawer is used by an ObjectHolder to keep information about how to draw an ObjectImp on the window. It is really nothing more than a struct with some convenience methods. It does not have any virtual methods, or have any complex semantics. It keeps information like the thickness of an object, its color, and whether or not it is hidden. 2. Interesting Issues --------------------- Here, I explain some parts of the design that may at first look difficult to understand. This part assumes you have read the above. 2.1 Text labels Text labels in Kig are designed in a pretty flexible way. I will explain all the classes involved. 2.1.1 TextImp First of all, there is the TextImp class. It is an ObjectImp ( cf. supra ), and thus represents a piece of text that can be drawn on the document. It contains a QString ( the text to be shown ), a coordinate ( the location to draw it ), and a boolean saying whether a frame should be drawn around it. As with all ObjectImp's, it does not contain any code for calculating it, or how it behaves on user input. Most of this is handled by the TextType class. 2.1.2 TextType The TextType class is an implementation of an ObjectType. It tqcontains code specifying how to calculate a TextImp from its parents, and for how it behaves on user input. A text object has at least three parents, and can handle any number of optional arguments. The three mandatory arguments are an int, which is set to 1 or 0 depending on whether the label needs a surrounding box, a PointImp, containing the location of the text label, and a string containing the text of the label. The text can contain tokens like '%1', '%2' etc. Every additional argument is used to replace the lowest-numbered of those tokens, with its string representation. The function ObjectImp::fillInNextEscape is used for this. For example, if a TextType has the following parents: a IntImp with value 0 a PointImp with value (0,0) a String with value "This segment is %1 units long." a DoubleImp with value 3.9 This would result in a string being drawn at the coordinate (0,0), with no surrounding box, and showing the text "This segment is 3.9 units long.". All this gives labels in Kig a lot of flexibility. 2.2 Locuses Locuses are a mathematical concept that has been modelled in Kig. Loosely defined, a locus is the mathematical tqshape defined by the set of points that a certain point moves through while another point is moved over its constraints. This can be used to define mathematical objects like conics, and various other things. It has been modelled in Kig in the most flexible way I can imagine, and I must say that I'm proud of this design. 2.2.1 Constrained points In the implementation of this, we use the concept of constrained points. This is a point that is attached to a certain curve. It is implemented in Kig by the ConstrainedPointType, which takes a CurveImp and a DoubleImp as parents and calculates a Point from these by using the CurveImp::getPoint function. 2.2.2 The Implementation When a Locus is constructed by the user, Kig receives two points, at least one of which is a Constrained point, and the other one somehow depends on the first. This is checked before trying to construct a Locus, and the user is not allowed to try to construct locuses from other sorts of points. Next, Kig takes a look at the ObjectCalcer hierarchy. We look at the smallest part of the hierarchy that contains all paths from the first point to the second point. We then determine all objects that are not *on* one of those paths ( meaning that they are not calculated from the first point, or another object that is on one of those paths ), but that are parents of one or more objects that are on those paths. I call this set of objects the "side of the path" sometimes in the code. The function that finds them is called sideOfTreePath. Next, an ObjectHierarchy object is constructed, which stores the way to calculate the second point from the first point and the objects from the previous paragraph. An object is then constructed that has as tqparent the curve tqparent that the first point is constrained to, the HierarchyImp containing the ObjectHierarchy from the previous paragraph, and all the objects from the "side of the tree". This new object is an ObjectTypeCalcer with the LocusType as its type. In its calc() function, it calculates a LocusImp by taking the objecthierarchy and substituting all the current values of the objects from the "side of the path", resulting in an ObjectHierarchy that takes one PointImp and calculates another PointImp from that. The LocusImp then contains the new ObjectHierarchy and the current value of the curve that the first point is constrained to. In the drawing function of this LocusImp, points on the curve are calculated, and then the hierarchy is used to calculated from those points the location of the second point. A dynamic feedback algorithm, which has been written with a lot of help from the mathematician "Franco Pasquarelli" is used to determine which of the points on the curve should be used. 2.2.3 The Rationale The above explanation may seem very complicated, but I am very much convinced that this *is* the proper way to handle locuses. I will here try explain why I think it is superior to the much simpler implementation that is used by much other programs. The basic alternative implementation involves just keeping a pointer to the first and second point in the locus object, and when the locus is drawn, the first point is moved over all its possible locations, the second point is calculated, and a point is drawn at its new location. The reason I think that this is a bad implementation is that it is not possible to model the real dependency relations properly in this scheme. For example, the locus object would then be made dependent on the constrained point. This is wrong because when the constrained point moves within the limits of the curve constraining it, the locus does by definition not change. Also, if the constrained point is redefined so that it is no longer constrained to any curve, this is a major problem, because it would tqinvalidate the locus. Another point is that in practice, the locus depends on more objects than its parents alone. This is not a good thing, because it makes it impossible to optimise drawing of the objects, using the information about which objects depend on which others, because this information is invalid. The reason we need to calculate the "side of the path" above is that, together with the curve that the first point is constrained to, these are the objects that the locus is really dependent on. The current Kig system correctly models all dependency relations to the extent possible, while keeping a correct implementation.