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* KmPlot - a math. function plotter for the KDE-Desktop
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Klaus-Dieter Möller
* 2000, 2002
* This file is part of the KDE Project.
* KmPlot is part of the KDE-EDU Project.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef View_included
#define View_included
#undef GrayScale
// Qt includes
#include <tqpixmap.h>
// KDE includes
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <kactionclasses.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kprinter.h>
#include <kprogress.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
// local includes
#include "diagr.h"
#include "Viewiface.h"
#include "xparser.h"
class XParser;
class KMinMax;
class KSliderWindow;
enum ZoomMode
Z_Normal = 0,
Z_Rectangular = 1,
Z_ZoomIn = 2,
Z_ZoomOut = 3,
Z_Center = 4
* @short This class tqcontains the plots.
* It is the central widget of MainDlg.
* @see MainDlg, MainDlg::view
class View : public TQWidget, virtual public ViewIface
/// Contructor sets up the parser, too.
View(bool, bool &, KPopupMenu *, TQWidget* parent=NULL, const char* name=NULL );
void setMinMaxDlg(KMinMax *);
virtual ~View();
/// Reimplemented to draw all stuff to the view.
void draw(TQPaintDevice *, int const);
/// Getting all relevant settings using KConfig XT class Settings.
void getSettings();
/// Clears all functions in the parser and gets default settings.
/// @see getSettings
void init();
/// Finding the minimum or maximum value
void findMinMaxValue(Ufkt *, char, bool, double &, double &,const TQString &);
/// get a y-value from a x-value
void getYValue(Ufkt * , char, double , double &,const TQString &);
/// draw and calculate the area between the graph and the x-axis.
void areaUnderGraph(Ufkt *, char const, double &, double &, const TQString &, TQPainter* );
/// the calculation was cancelled by the user
bool isCalculationStopped();
/// Returns a pointer to the private parser instance m_parser.
/// @see m_parser
XParser* parser();
/** Current plot range endge. */
static double xmin;
static double xmax;
/// trace mode stuff, must be accessible in KMinMax
int csmode, csparam;
char cstype;
/// for areadrawing when printing
bool areaDraw;
Ufkt * areaUfkt;
char areaPMode;
double areaMin, areaMax;
TQString areaParameter;
/// Slider controlling parameter values
KSliderWindow* sliders[ SLIDER_COUNT ];
/// Menu actions for the sliders
KToggleAction *mnuSliders[ SLIDER_COUNT ];
void updateSliders(); /// show only needed sliders
public slots:
/// Called when the user want to cancel the drawing
void stopDrawing();
/// A slider window has been closed
void sliderWindowClosed(int);
/// Called when the graph should be updated
void drawPlot();
///Slots for the three first items in popup menu
void mnuCopy_clicked();
void mnuMove_clicked();
void mnuHide_clicked();
void mnuRemove_clicked();
void mnuEdit_clicked();
///Slots for the zoom menu
void mnuNoZoom_clicked();
void mnuRectangular_clicked();
void mnuZoomIn_clicked();
void mnuZoomOut_clicked();
void mnuCenter_clicked();
void mnuTrig_clicked();
protected slots:
void paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *);
void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *);
/// Updating the cross hair.
void mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent *);
/// Toggles the trace mode if the cursor is near to a plot.
void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *);
/// when a key is pressed and the graph widget has focus
void keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent * );
/// called when a mouse key is released
void mouseReleaseEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e );
/// Is needed to be reimplement so that the user can stop a preview-drawing
bool event( TQEvent * e );
void setStatusBarText(const TQString &);
void resetZoom();
/// Print out table with additional information.
/// Only for printing.
void drawHeaderTable(TQPainter *);
/// Draw the function plots.
void plotfkt(Ufkt *ufkt, TQPainter*);
/// Gets the greek pi symbol.
void setpi(TQString *);
/// in trace mode checks, if the function is (near by) zero
bool root(double *, Ufkt *);
///return the inverted color
void invertColor(TQColor &, TQColor &);
/// Restore the mouse cursor when a drawing is finished
void restoreCursor();
/// Changes the text in the statusbar
void setStatusBar(const TQString &text, const int id);
/// Functions for the progressbar
bool stopProgressBar();
void startProgressBar(int);
void increaseProgressBar();
/// The central parser instance.
/// @see parser()
XParser *m_parser;
int w, h;
float s;
/// @name Crosshair
/// Crosshair support.
int fcx; ///< x-position of the crosshais (pixel)
int fcy; ///< y-position of the crosshais (pixel)
float csxpos; ///< y-position of the cross hair (real coordinates)
float csypos; ///< x-position of the cross hair (real coordinates)
/// trace mode stuff
int csflg;
bool rootflg;
CDiagr dgr; ///< Coordinate system
TQPoint ref;
TQRect area,
TQPixmap hline,
TQWMatrix wm;
double tlgx, tlgy, drskalx, drskaly;
TQString tlgxstr, tlgystr, drskalxstr, drskalystr;
double stepWidth; ///< Absolute step width
/** @name Plotrange
* There are 4 predefined plot ranges:
* @li 0: -8..8
* @li 1: -5..5
* @li 2: 0..16
* @li 3: 0..10
* @li 4: custom
///Convert axes range predefinition index to boundaries.
void getMinMax(int koord, TQString &mini, TQString &maxi);
/** Handle predefiend axes ranges.
* @p koord can have the values 0 to 4 which have the following meanings:
* In the last case @p minstr and @p maxstr are evaluated.
void coordToMinMax( const int koord, const TQString &minStr, const TQString &maxStr,
double &min, double &max );
/// Sets the plot range from Settings
void setPlotRange();
/** Current plot range endge. */
double ymin;
double ymax;
void setScaling();
/// represents the KPrinter option app-kmplot-printtable.
/// @see KPrinterDlg
bool m_printHeaderTable;
/// if stop_calculating is true, the user has canceled drawing of an integral graph
bool stop_calculating;
/// the background color of the graph
TQColor backgroundcolor;
/// the inverted background color used by the "Fadenkreuz"
TQColor inverted_backgroundcolor;
/// pointer to KMinMax
KMinMax *m_minmax;
///buffer the current window so all functions don't need to be re-drawed
TQPixmap buffer;
/// the popup menu
KPopupMenu *m_popupmenu;
/// is set to true if an integral is calculated
bool isDrawing;
///status of the popup menu
char m_popupmenushown; /// 0==no popup 1==popup 2==popup+trace mode before
/// for zoom-mode
TQPoint rectangle_point;
/*char zoom_mode;*/ ///0=normal 1=rectangular zoom, 2=zoom in, 3=zoom out ,4=drawing a rectangle, 5=center
ZoomMode zoom_mode;
/// true == modifications not saved
bool &m_modified;
/// False if KmPlot is started as a program, otherwise true
bool const m_readonly;
DCOPClient *m_dcop_client;
TQString m_statusbartext1;
TQString m_statusbartext2;
TQString m_statusbartext3;
TQString m_statusbartext4;
#endif // View_included