You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

666 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2002 Dominique Devriese <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
// 02110-1301, USA.
#include "point_type.h"
#include "point_imp.h"
#include "curve_imp.h"
#include "line_imp.h"
#include "other_imp.h"
#include "bogus_imp.h"
#include "../modes/moving.h"
#include "../misc/coordinate_system.h"
#include "../misc/common.h"
#include "../misc/calcpaths.h"
#include "../misc/kiginputdialog.h"
#include "../kig/kig_part.h"
#include "../kig/kig_document.h"
#include "../kig/kig_view.h"
#include "../kig/kig_commands.h"
#include <klocale.h>
static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecFixedPoint[] =
{ DoubleImp::stype(), "x", "SHOULD NOT BE SEEN", false },
{ DoubleImp::stype(), "y", "SHOULD NOT BE SEEN", false }
: ArgsParserObjectType( "FixedPoint", argsspecFixedPoint, 2 )
ObjectImp* FixedPointType::calc( const Args& parents, const KigDocument& ) const
if ( ! margsparser.checkArgs( parents ) ) return new InvalidImp;
double a = static_cast<const DoubleImp*>( parents[0] )->data();
double b = static_cast<const DoubleImp*>( parents[1] )->data();
return new PointImp( Coordinate( a, b ) );
static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecRelativePoint[] =
{ DoubleImp::stype(), "relative-x", "SHOULD NOT BE SEEN", false },
{ DoubleImp::stype(), "relative-y", "SHOULD NOT BE SEEN", false },
{ ObjectImp::stype(), "object", "SHOULD NOT BE SEEN", false }
: ArgsParserObjectType( "RelativePoint", argsspecRelativePoint, 3 )
ObjectImp* RelativePointType::calc( const Args& parents, const KigDocument& ) const
if ( ! margsparser.checkArgs( parents ) ) return new InvalidImp;
if ( ! parents[2]->attachPoint().valid() ) return new InvalidImp;
Coordinate reference = static_cast<const ObjectImp*>( parents[2] )->attachPoint();
double a = static_cast<const DoubleImp*>( parents[0] )->data();
double b = static_cast<const DoubleImp*>( parents[1] )->data();
return new PointImp( reference + Coordinate( a, b ) );
: ObjectType( "CursorPoint" )
const CursorPointType* CursorPointType::instance()
static const CursorPointType t;
return &t;
ObjectImp* CursorPointType::calc( const Args& parents, const KigDocument& ) const
assert ( parents[0]->inherits( DoubleImp::stype() ) );
assert ( parents[1]->inherits( DoubleImp::stype() ) );
double a = static_cast<const DoubleImp*>( parents[0] )->data();
double b = static_cast<const DoubleImp*>( parents[1] )->data();
return new BogusPointImp( Coordinate( a, b ) );
const ObjectImpType* CursorPointType::resultId() const
return BogusPointImp::stype();
ObjectImp* ConstrainedPointType::calc( const Args& parents, const KigDocument& doc ) const
if ( ! margsparser.checkArgs( parents ) ) return new InvalidImp;
double param = static_cast<const DoubleImp*>( parents[0] )->data();
const Coordinate nc = static_cast<const CurveImp*>( parents[1] )->getPoint( param, doc );
if ( nc.valid() ) return new PointImp( nc );
else return new InvalidImp;
const ArgsParser::spec argsspecConstrainedPoint[] =
{ DoubleImp::stype(), "parameter", "SHOULD NOT BE SEEN", false },
{ CurveImp::stype(), "Constrain the point to this curve", "SHOULD NOT BE SEEN", true }
: ArgsParserObjectType( "ConstrainedPoint", argsspecConstrainedPoint, 2 )
void FixedPointType::move( ObjectTypeCalcer& ourobj, const Coordinate& to,
const KigDocument& ) const
// fetch the old coord..;
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> pa = ourobj.parents();
assert( margsparser.checkArgs( pa ) );
assert( dynamic_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( pa.front() ) );
assert( dynamic_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( pa.back() ) );
ObjectConstCalcer* ox = static_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( pa.front() );
ObjectConstCalcer* oy = static_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( pa.back() );
ox->setImp( new DoubleImp( to.x ) );
oy->setImp( new DoubleImp( to.y ) );
void RelativePointType::move( ObjectTypeCalcer& ourobj, const Coordinate& to,
const KigDocument& ) const
// fetch the attach point..;
// this routine is tightly paired with what moveReferencePoint returns!
// right now moveReferencePoint always returns the origin
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> pa = ourobj.parents();
assert( margsparser.checkArgs( pa ) );
assert( dynamic_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( pa[0] ) );
assert( dynamic_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( pa[1] ) );
ObjectConstCalcer* ox = static_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( pa[0] );
ObjectConstCalcer* oy = static_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( pa[1] );
ObjectCalcer* ob = static_cast<ObjectCalcer*>( pa[2] );
Coordinate attach = ob->imp()->attachPoint();
ox->setImp( new DoubleImp( to.x - attach.x ) );
oy->setImp( new DoubleImp( to.y - attach.y ) );
void CursorPointType::move( ObjectTypeCalcer& ourobj, const Coordinate& to,
const KigDocument& ) const
// fetch the old coord..;
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> pa = ourobj.parents();
assert( pa.size() == 2 );
assert( dynamic_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( pa.front() ) );
assert( dynamic_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( pa.back() ) );
ObjectConstCalcer* ox = static_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( pa.front() );
ObjectConstCalcer* oy = static_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( pa.back() );
ox->setImp( new DoubleImp( to.x ) );
oy->setImp( new DoubleImp( to.y ) );
void ConstrainedPointType::move( ObjectTypeCalcer& ourobj, const Coordinate& to,
const KigDocument& d ) const
// fetch the CurveImp..
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> parents = ourobj.parents();
assert( margsparser.checkArgs( parents ) );
assert( dynamic_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( parents[0] ) );
ObjectConstCalcer* paramo = static_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( parents[0] );
const CurveImp* ci = static_cast<const CurveImp*>( parents[1]->imp() );
// fetch the new param..
const double np = ci->getParam( to, d );
paramo->setImp( new DoubleImp( np ) );
bool ConstrainedPointType::canMove( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ) const
return true;
bool ConstrainedPointType::isFreelyTranslatable( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ) const
return false;
bool FixedPointType::canMove( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ) const
return true;
bool FixedPointType::isFreelyTranslatable( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ) const
return true;
bool RelativePointType::canMove( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ) const
return true;
bool RelativePointType::isFreelyTranslatable( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ) const
return true;
bool CursorPointType::canMove( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ) const
return true;
static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecMidPoint[] =
{ PointImp::stype(), I18N_NOOP( "Construct the midpoint of this point and another point" ),
I18N_NOOP( "Select the first of the two points of which you want to construct the midpoint..." ), false },
{ PointImp::stype(), I18N_NOOP( "Construct the midpoint of this point and another point" ),
I18N_NOOP( "Select the other of the two points of which you want to construct the midpoint..." ), false }
: ObjectABType( "MidPoint", argsspecMidPoint, 2 )
const MidPointType* MidPointType::instance()
static const MidPointType t;
return &t;
ObjectImp* MidPointType::calc( const Coordinate& a, const Coordinate& b ) const
return new PointImp( ( a + b ) / 2 );
bool ConstrainedPointType::inherits( int type ) const
return type == ID_ConstrainedPointType;
const ConstrainedPointType* ConstrainedPointType::instance()
static const ConstrainedPointType t;
return &t;
bool FixedPointType::inherits( int type ) const
return type == ID_FixedPointType;
const FixedPointType* FixedPointType::instance()
static const FixedPointType t;
return &t;
const ObjectImpType* FixedPointType::resultId() const
return PointImp::stype();
const RelativePointType* RelativePointType::instance()
static const RelativePointType t;
return &t;
const ObjectImpType* RelativePointType::resultId() const
return PointImp::stype();
const ObjectImpType* ConstrainedPointType::resultId() const
return PointImp::stype();
const ObjectImpType* CursorPointType::impRequirement( const ObjectImp* o, const Args& ) const
if ( o->inherits( DoubleImp::stype() ) )
return DoubleImp::stype();
if ( o->inherits( PointImp::stype() ) )
return PointImp::stype();
return 0;
bool CursorPointType::isDefinedOnOrThrough( const ObjectImp*, const Args& ) const
return false;
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> CursorPointType::sortArgs( const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& args ) const
return args;
Args CursorPointType::sortArgs( const Args& args ) const
return args;
const ObjectImpType* MidPointType::resultId() const
return PointImp::stype();
TQStringList FixedPointType::specialActions() const
TQStringList ret;
ret << i18n( "Set &Coordinate..." );
ret << i18n( "Redefine" );
return ret;
TQStringList ConstrainedPointType::specialActions() const
TQStringList ret;
ret << i18n( "Set &Parameter..." );
ret << i18n( "Redefine" );
return ret;
static void redefinePoint( ObjectHolder* o, KigPart& d, KigWidget& w )
PointRedefineMode pm( o, d, w );
d.runMode( &pm );
void FixedPointType::executeAction(
int i, ObjectHolder& oh, ObjectTypeCalcer& o,
KigPart& d, KigWidget& w, NormalMode& ) const
switch( i )
case 0:
bool ok = true;
assert ( o.imp()->inherits( PointImp::stype() ) );
Coordinate oldc = static_cast<const PointImp*>( o.imp() )->coordinate();
i18n( "Set Coordinate" ),
i18n( "Enter the new coordinate." ) + TQString::tqfromLatin1( "<br>" ) +
&w, &ok, d.document(), &oldc );
if ( ! ok ) break;
MonitorDataObjects mon( getAllParents( &o ) );
o.move( oldc, d.document() );
KigCommand* kc = new KigCommand( d, PointImp::stype()->moveAStatement() );
mon.finish( kc );
d.history()->addCommand( kc );
case 1:
redefinePoint( &oh, d, w );
assert( false );
void ConstrainedPointType::executeAction(
int i, ObjectHolder& oh, ObjectTypeCalcer& o, KigPart& d, KigWidget& w,
NormalMode& ) const
switch( i )
case 1:
redefinePoint( &oh, d, w );
case 0:
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> parents = o.parents();
assert( dynamic_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( parents[0] ) &&
parents[0]->imp()->inherits( DoubleImp::stype() ) );
ObjectConstCalcer* po = static_cast<ObjectConstCalcer*>( parents[0] );
double oldp = static_cast<const DoubleImp*>( po->imp() )->data();
bool ok = true;
double newp = getDoubleFromUser(
i18n( "Set Point Parameter" ), i18n( "Choose the new parameter: " ),
oldp, &w, &ok, 0, 1, 4 );
if ( ! ok ) return;
MonitorDataObjects mon( parents );
po->setImp( new DoubleImp( newp ) );
KigCommand* kc = new KigCommand( d, i18n( "Change Parameter of Constrained Point" ) );
mon.finish( kc );
d.history()->addCommand( kc );
assert( false );
const Coordinate FixedPointType::moveReferencePoint( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ourobj ) const
assert( ourobj.imp()->inherits( PointImp::stype() ) );
return static_cast<const PointImp*>( ourobj.imp() )->coordinate();
const Coordinate RelativePointType::moveReferencePoint( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ourobj ) const
assert( ourobj.imp()->inherits( PointImp::stype() ) );
// return static_cast<const PointImp*>( ourobj.imp() )->coordinate();
return Coordinate( 0., 0. );
const Coordinate ConstrainedPointType::moveReferencePoint( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ourobj ) const
assert( ourobj.imp()->inherits( PointImp::stype() ) );
return static_cast<const PointImp*>( ourobj.imp() )->coordinate();
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> FixedPointType::movableParents( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ourobj ) const
return ourobj.parents();
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> RelativePointType::movableParents( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ourobj ) const
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> ret;
ret.push_back( ourobj.parents()[0] );
ret.push_back( ourobj.parents()[1] );
return ret;
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> ConstrainedPointType::movableParents( const ObjectTypeCalcer& ourobj ) const
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> ret;
ret.push_back( ourobj.parents()[0] );
return ret;
/* ----------------- Transport of measure ------------------------------ */
ObjectImp* MeasureTransportType::calc( const Args& parents, const KigDocument& doc ) const
double measure;
if ( parents.size() != 3 ) return new InvalidImp;
if ( parents[0]->inherits (SegmentImp::stype()) )
const SegmentImp* s = static_cast<const SegmentImp*>( parents[0] );
measure = s->length();
} else if ( parents[0]->inherits (ArcImp::stype()) )
const ArcImp* s = static_cast<const ArcImp*>( parents[0] );
measure = s->radius()*s->angle();
} else return new InvalidImp;
const Coordinate& p = static_cast<const PointImp*>( parents[2] )->coordinate();
if ( parents[1]->inherits (LineImp::stype()) )
const LineImp* c = static_cast<const LineImp*>( parents[1] );
if ( !c->tqcontainsPoint( p, doc ) )
return new InvalidImp;
const LineData line = c->data();
const Coordinate dir = line.dir()/line.length();
const Coordinate nc = p + measure*dir;
if ( nc.valid() ) return new PointImp( nc );
else return new InvalidImp;
} else if ( parents[1]->inherits (CircleImp::stype()) )
const CircleImp* c = static_cast<const CircleImp*>( parents[1] );
if ( !c->tqcontainsPoint( p, doc ) )
return new InvalidImp;
double param = c->getParam( p, doc );
measure /= 2*c->radius()*M_PI;
param += measure;
while (param > 1) param -= 1;
const Coordinate nc = c->getPoint( param, doc );
if ( nc.valid() ) return new PointImp( nc );
else return new InvalidImp;
return new InvalidImp;
// I18N_NOOP( "Select the segment/arc to transport on the circle/line..." ), false },
// I18N_NOOP( "Select the circle/line on which to transport a measure..." ), true },
// I18N_NOOP( "Select a point on the circle/line..." ), false }
: ObjectType( "TransportOfMeasure" )
const MeasureTransportType* MeasureTransportType::instance()
static const MeasureTransportType t;
return &t;
const ObjectImpType* MeasureTransportType::resultId() const
return PointImp::stype();
const ObjectImpType* MeasureTransportType::impRequirement( const ObjectImp* obj, const Args& ) const
if ( obj->inherits( PointImp::stype () ) )
return PointImp::stype ();
if ( obj->inherits( LineImp::stype () ) )
return LineImp::stype ();
if ( obj->inherits( CircleImp::stype () ) )
return CircleImp::stype ();
if ( obj->inherits( SegmentImp::stype () ) )
return SegmentImp::stype ();
if ( obj->inherits( ArcImp::stype () ) )
return ArcImp::stype ();
return 0;
bool MeasureTransportType::isDefinedOnOrThrough( const ObjectImp* o, const Args& ) const
if ( o->inherits( LineImp::stype() ) ) return true;
if ( o->inherits( CircleImp::stype() ) ) return true;
return false;
std::vector<ObjectCalcer*> MeasureTransportType::sortArgs( const std::vector<ObjectCalcer*>& args ) const
return args; /* should already be in correct order */
Args MeasureTransportType::sortArgs( const Args& args ) const
return args;
/* - transport of measure (old, for compatibility with prev. kig files) - */
ObjectImp* MeasureTransportTypeOld::calc( const Args& parents, const KigDocument& doc ) const
if ( ! margsparser.checkArgs( parents ) ) return new InvalidImp;
const CircleImp* c = static_cast<const CircleImp*>( parents[0] );
const Coordinate& p = static_cast<const PointImp*>( parents[1] )->coordinate();
if ( !c->tqcontainsPoint( p, doc ) )
return new InvalidImp;
const SegmentImp* s = static_cast<const SegmentImp*>( parents[2] );
double param = c->getParam( p, doc );
double measure = s->length();
measure /= 2*c->radius()*M_PI;
param += measure;
while (param > 1) param -= 1;
const Coordinate nc = c->getPoint( param, doc );
if ( nc.valid() ) return new PointImp( nc );
else return new InvalidImp;
static const ArgsParser::spec argsspecMeasureTransportOld[] =
{ CircleImp::stype(), "Transport a measure on this circle",
I18N_NOOP( "Select the circle on which to transport a measure..." ), true },
{ PointImp::stype(), "Start transport from this point of the circle",
I18N_NOOP( "Select a point on the circle..." ), false },
{ SegmentImp::stype(), "Segment to transport",
I18N_NOOP( "Select the segment to transport on the circle..." ), false }
: ArgsParserObjectType( "MeasureTransport", argsspecMeasureTransportOld, 3 )
const MeasureTransportTypeOld* MeasureTransportTypeOld::instance()
static const MeasureTransportTypeOld t;
return &t;
const ObjectImpType* MeasureTransportTypeOld::resultId() const
return PointImp::stype();
/* ----------------- end transport of measure ------------------------- */