You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

856 lines
22 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2005 by Albert Astals Cid <> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include <tqcursor.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <khelpmenu.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include "blinken.h"
#include "button.h"
#include "counter.h"
#include "fontutils.h"
#include "number.h"
#include "highscoredialog.h"
#include "settings.h"
blinken::blinken() : TQWidget(0, 0, WStaticContents | WNoAutoErase), m_overHighscore(false), m_overQuit(false), m_overCentralText(false), m_overMenu(false), m_overAboutKDE(false), m_overAboutBlinken(false), m_overManual(false), m_overCentralLetters(false), m_overCounter(false), m_overFont(false), m_overSound(false), m_showPreferences(false), m_updateButtonHighlighting(false), m_highlighted(blinkenGame::none)
m_back = new TQPixmap(locate("appdata", "images/blinken.png"));
m_buttons[0] = new button(blinkenGame::blue);
m_buttons[1] = new button(blinkenGame::yellow);
m_buttons[2] = new button(blinkenGame::red);
m_buttons[3] = new button(blinkenGame::green);
m_highscore = new TQPixmap(locate("appdata", "images/highscore.png"));
m_highscoreHover = new TQPixmap(locate("appdata", "images/highscore_hover.png"));
m_quit = new TQPixmap(locate("appdata", "images/quit.png"));
m_quitHover = new TQPixmap(locate("appdata", "images/quit_hover.png"));
m_menu = new TQPixmap(locate("appdata", "images/menu.png"));
m_menuHover = new TQPixmap(locate("appdata", "images/menu_hover.png"));
m_mark = new TQPixmap(locate("appdata", "images/mark.png"));
m_highscoreRect = TQRect(10, 10, 72, 72);
m_quitRect = TQRect(562, 10, 72, 73);
m_menuRect = TQRect(562, 443, 72, 72);
m_aboutKDERect = TQRect(452, 461, 54, 54);
m_aboutBlinkenRect = TQRect(506, 461, 56, 54);
m_manualRect = TQRect(578, 389, 54, 54);
m_centralLettersRect = TQRect(192, 194, 254, 54);
m_counterRect = TQRect(268, 110, 102, 52);
m_fillColor = TQColor(40, 40, 40);
m_fontColor = TQColor(126, 126, 126);
m_fontHighlightColor = TQColor(230, 230, 230);
m_countDownColor = TQColor(55, 55, 55);
setFixedSize(644, 525);
m_unhighlighter = new TQTimer(this);
connect(m_unhighlighter, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(unhighlight()));
connect(&m_game, TQT_SIGNAL(gameEnded()), this, TQT_SLOT(checkHS()));
connect(&m_game, TQT_SIGNAL(phaseChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(update()));
connect(&m_game, TQT_SIGNAL(highlight(blinkenGame::color, bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(highlight(blinkenGame::color, bool)));
m_helpMenu = new KHelpMenu(this, kapp->aboutData());
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) m_overLevels[i] = false;
TQString aux = i18n("If the Steve font that is used by bliken by default to show status messages does not support any of the characters of your language, please translate that message to 1 and KDE standard font will be used to show the texts, if not translate it to 0", "0");
m_alwaysUseNonCoolFont = aux == "1";
delete m_back;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) delete m_buttons[i];
delete m_highscore;
delete m_highscoreHover;
delete m_quit;
delete m_quitHover;
delete m_menu;
delete m_menuHover;
delete m_mark;
delete m_helpMenu;
void blinken::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *)
TQPixmap buf(width(), height());
TQPainter p(&buf);
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, *m_back);
TQFont f1, f = p.font();
f1 = f;
switch (m_game.phase())
case blinkenGame::starting:
drawText(p, i18n("Start"), TQPoint(318, 316), true, 10, 5, &m_centralTextRect, m_overCentralText, false);
case blinkenGame::choosingLevel:
case blinkenGame::waiting3:
case blinkenGame::waiting2:
case blinkenGame::waiting1:
case blinkenGame::learningTheSequence:
case blinkenGame::typingTheSequence:
drawText(p, i18n("Restart"), TQPoint(318, 316), true, 10, 5, &m_centralTextRect, m_overCentralText, false);
if (m_showPreferences)
// draw the current keys
drawText(p, m_buttons[0]->shortcut(), TQPoint(115, 285), true, 20, 5, 0, m_buttons[0]->selected(), false);
drawText(p, m_buttons[1]->shortcut(), TQPoint(115, 155), true, 20, 5, 0, m_buttons[1]->selected(), false);
drawText(p, m_buttons[2]->shortcut(), TQPoint(520, 155), true, 20, 5, 0, m_buttons[2]->selected(), false);
drawText(p, m_buttons[3]->shortcut(), TQPoint(520, 285), true, 20, 5, 0, m_buttons[3]->selected(), false);
const TQPen &oPen = p.pen();
const TQBrush &oBrush = p.brush();
const TQFont &oFont = p.font();
// draw the internal square plus a bit of ellipse on the sides and the
// two delimiter lines
p.drawPie(169, 192, 4, 58, 1440, 2880);
p.drawPie(465, 192, 4, 58, -1440, 2880);
p.setPen(TQPen(Qt::black, 3));
p.fillRect(171, 192, 296, 58, m_fillColor);
p.drawLine(169, 192, 469, 192);
p.drawLine(169, 250, 469, 250);
// draw the two squares of the options
p.setPen(TQPen(m_fontColor, 2, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
m_soundRect = TQRect(181, 209, 25, 25);
m_fontRect = TQRect(432, 209, 25, 25);
if (blinkenSettings::playSounds())
p.drawLine(186, 214, 199, 227);
p.drawLine(186, 227, 199, 214);
if (!m_alwaysUseNonCoolFont)
if (blinkenSettings::customFont())
p.drawLine(437, 214, 450, 227);
p.drawLine(437, 227, 450, 214);
// draw the options' text
TQFont f1 = TQFont();
int size, sizeAux;
TQRect area;
TQString sounds = i18n("Sounds");
TQString font = i18n("Font");
size = fontUtils::fontSize(p, sounds, 95, 20);
sizeAux = fontUtils::fontSize(p, font, 95, 20);
if (sizeAux > size) size = sizeAux;
area = p.boundingRect(TQRect(), Qt::AlignAuto, sounds);
area.moveBy(212, 221 - (area.height() / 2));
p.drawText(area, Qt::AlignCenter, sounds);
m_soundRect = m_soundRect.unite(area);
if (!m_alwaysUseNonCoolFont)
area = p.boundingRect(TQRect(), Qt::AlignAuto, font);
area.moveBy(426 - area.width(), 221 - (area.height() / 2));
p.drawText(area, Qt::AlignCenter, font);
m_fontRect = m_fontRect.unite(area);
if (m_highlighted & blinkenGame::blue) p.drawPixmap(14, 225, *m_buttons[0] -> pixmap());
if (m_highlighted & blinkenGame::yellow) p.drawPixmap(14, 16, *m_buttons[1] -> pixmap());
if (m_highlighted & blinkenGame::red) p.drawPixmap(322, 16, *m_buttons[2] -> pixmap());
if (m_highlighted & blinkenGame::green) p.drawPixmap(322, 225, *m_buttons[3] -> pixmap());
bitBlt(this, 0, 0, &buf);
if (m_updateButtonHighlighting) updateButtonHighlighting(mapFromGlobal(TQCursor::pos()));
void blinken::keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent *e)
if (e -> isAutoRepeat()) return;
if (m_showPreferences)
int i = 0;
while (i < 4 && !m_buttons[i] -> selected()) i++;
if (i < 4)
if (e -> key() == Qt::Key_Escape)
m_buttons[i] -> setSelected(false);
KShortcut ks(e -> key());
if (!ks.toString().isEmpty())
bool different = true;
int j = 0;
while (different && j < 4)
different = (ks.toString() != m_buttons[j] -> shortcut());
if (different)
m_buttons[i] -> setShortcut(ks);
if (e -> key() == m_buttons[0] -> key()) pressedBlue();
else if (e -> key() == m_buttons[1] -> key()) pressedYellow();
else if (e -> key() == m_buttons[2] -> key()) pressedRed();
else if (e -> key() == m_buttons[3] -> key()) pressedGreen();
void blinken::keyReleaseEvent(TQKeyEvent *e)
if (e -> isAutoRepeat()) return;
if (e -> state() == Qt::ControlButton && e -> stateAfter() != Qt::ControlButton && (m_game.phase() == blinkenGame::starting || m_game.phase() == blinkenGame::choosingLevel))
m_showPreferences = !m_showPreferences;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) m_buttons[i] -> setSelected(false);
void blinken::mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent *e)
void blinken::mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e)
if (m_overHighscore || m_overCounter)
highScoreDialog *hsd = new highScoreDialog(this);
m_updateButtonHighlighting = true;
else if (m_showPreferences && m_fontRect.tqcontains(e -> pos()) && !m_alwaysUseNonCoolFont)
else if (m_showPreferences && m_soundRect.tqcontains(e -> pos()))
else if (m_overQuit) kapp->quit();
else if (m_overAboutBlinken || m_overCentralLetters) m_helpMenu -> aboutApplication();
else if (m_overAboutKDE) m_helpMenu -> aboutKDE();
else if (m_overManual) m_helpMenu -> appHelpActivated();
else if (m_game.phase() != blinkenGame::choosingLevel && m_overCentralText)
highlight(blinkenGame::none, true);
m_overCentralText = false;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) m_overLevels[i] = false;
m_updateButtonHighlighting = true;
else if (m_game.phase() == blinkenGame::choosingLevel)
int level = 0;
if (m_levelsRect[1].tqcontains(e -> pos())) level = 1;
else if (m_levelsRect[0].tqcontains(e -> pos())) level = 2;
else if (m_levelsRect[2].tqcontains(e -> pos())) level = 3;
if (level)
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) m_overLevels[i] = false;
if (m_showPreferences) m_showPreferences = false;
m_updateButtonHighlighting = true;
TQPoint p = e->pos();
p -= TQPoint(319, 221);
if (insideGreen(p))
if (m_showPreferences) selectButton(3);
else pressedGreen();
else if (insideBlue(p))
if (m_showPreferences) selectButton(0);
else pressedBlue();
else if (insideYellow(p))
if (m_showPreferences) selectButton(1);
else pressedYellow();
else if (insideRed(p))
if (m_showPreferences) selectButton(2);
else pressedRed();
void blinken::checkHS()
highScoreDialog *hsd = new highScoreDialog(this);
if (hsd->scoreGoodEnough(m_game.level(), m_game.score()))
bool ok;
TQString name = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Enter Your Name"), i18n("Name:"), m_lastName, &ok);
if (!name.isNull() && ok)
m_lastName = name;
hsd->addScore(m_game.level(), m_game.score(), name);
void blinken::highlight(blinkenGame::color c, bool unhighlight)
m_highlighted = c;
if (unhighlight) m_unhighlighter -> start(250);
else if (c == blinkenGame::none)
m_unhighlighter -> stop();
void blinken::unhighlight()
highlight(blinkenGame::none, false);
void blinken::pressedYellow()
if (m_game.canType())
highlight(blinkenGame::yellow, true);
void blinken::pressedRed()
if (m_game.canType())
highlight(blinkenGame::red, true);
void blinken::pressedGreen()
if (m_game.canType())
highlight(blinkenGame::green, true);
void blinken::pressedBlue()
if (m_game.canType())
highlight(blinkenGame::blue, true);
void blinken::selectButton(int button)
int i = 0;
bool selected = false;
while (i < 4 && !selected)
selected = m_buttons[i] -> selected();
if (!selected) i++;
if (selected)
if (i == button)
m_buttons[button] -> setSelected(false);
m_buttons[button] -> setSelected(true);
bool blinken::insideGreen(const TQPoint &p) const
return insideButtonsArea(p) && p.x() > 6 && p.y() > 6;
bool blinken::insideBlue(const TQPoint &p) const
return insideButtonsArea(p) && p.x() < -6 && p.y() > 6;
bool blinken::insideYellow(const TQPoint &p) const
return insideButtonsArea(p) && p.x() < -6 && p.y() < -6;
bool blinken::insideRed(const TQPoint &p) const
return insideButtonsArea(p) && p.x() > 6 && p.y() < -6;
bool blinken::insideButtonsArea(const TQPoint &p) const
double x, y, x2, y2;
x = (double)p.x();
y = (double)p.y();
x2 = x * x;
y2 = y * y;
if (x2 + y2 > 162.5 * 162.5)
// Outside the circle
double x3, y3;
x3 = x2 / (301 * 301);
y3 = y2 / (201 * 201);
if (x3 + y3 < 1) return true;
return false;
void blinken::drawMenuQuit(TQPainter &p)
if (!m_overHighscore) p.drawPixmap(10, 10, *m_highscore);
else p.drawPixmap(10, 10, *m_highscoreHover);
if (!m_overQuit) p.drawPixmap(562, 10, *m_quit);
else p.drawPixmap(562, 10, *m_quitHover);
if (!m_overMenu) p.drawPixmap(562, 443, *m_menu);
else p.drawPixmap(454, 389, *m_menuHover);
if (m_overAboutKDE) p.drawPixmap(462, 433, *m_mark);
else if (m_overAboutBlinken) p.drawPixmap(516, 433, *m_mark);
else if (m_overManual)
p.translate(550, 430);
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, *m_mark);
p.translate(-550, -430);
void blinken::drawScoreAndCounter(TQPainter &p)
TQColor c1, c2, c3;
p.translate(268, 110);
switch (m_game.phase())
case blinkenGame::waiting3:
c1 = red;
c2 = red;
c3 = red;
case blinkenGame::waiting2:
c1 = m_countDownColor;
c2 = red;
c3 = red;
case blinkenGame::waiting1:
c1 = m_countDownColor;
c2 = c1;
c3 = red;
c1 = m_countDownColor;
c2 = c1;
c3 = c1;
counter::paint(p, m_game.phase() != blinkenGame::starting, m_game.score(), true, c1, c2, c3);
p.translate(-268, -110);
void blinken::drawtqStatusText(TQPainter &p)
p.translate(25, 505);
TQString restartText = i18n("Restart the game");
TQString text;
if (m_overQuit) text = i18n("Quit blinKen");
else if (m_overHighscore || m_overCounter) text = i18n("View Highscore Table");
else if (m_overAboutBlinken || m_overCentralLetters) text = m_helpMenu -> menu() -> text(KHelpMenu::menuAboutApp).remove("&");
else if (m_overAboutKDE) text = m_helpMenu -> menu() -> text(KHelpMenu::menuAboutKDE).remove("&");
else if (m_overManual) text = m_helpMenu -> menu() -> text(KHelpMenu::menuHelpContents).remove("&");
else if (m_overLevels[0]) text = i18n("2nd Level");
else if (m_overLevels[1]) text = i18n("1st Level");
else if (m_overLevels[2]) text = i18n("Random Level");
else if (m_buttons[0]->selected() || m_buttons[1]->selected() || m_buttons[2]->selected() || m_buttons[3]->selected()) text = i18n("Press the key for this button");
else if (m_showPreferences) text = i18n("Click any button to change its key");
switch (m_game.phase())
case blinkenGame::starting:
text = i18n("Press Start to begin!");
case blinkenGame::choosingLevel:
text = i18n("Set the Difficulty Level...");
case blinkenGame::waiting3:
if (m_overCentralText) text = restartText;
else text = i18n("Next sequence in 3...");
case blinkenGame::waiting2:
if (m_overCentralText) text = restartText;
else if (m_game.level() == 1) text = i18n("Next sequence in 3, 2...");
else text = i18n("Next sequence in 2...");
case blinkenGame::waiting1:
if (m_overCentralText) text = restartText;
else if (m_game.level() == 1) text = i18n("Next sequence in 3, 2, 1...");
else text = i18n("Next sequence in 2, 1...");
case blinkenGame::learningTheSequence:
if (m_overCentralText) text = restartText;
else text = i18n("Remember this sequence...");
case blinkenGame::typingTheSequence:
if (m_overCentralText) text = restartText;
else text = i18n("Repeat the sequence!");
TQFont f;
if (blinkenSettings::customFont() && !m_alwaysUseNonCoolFont) f = TQFont("Steve");
f.setPointSize(fontUtils::fontSize(p, text, 380, 30));
p.drawText(0, 0, text);
void blinken::drawLevel(TQPainter &p)
TQString n[3];
n[0] = i18n("2");
n[1] = i18n("1");
n[2] = i18n("?");
drawText(p, i18n("Level"), TQPoint(322, 281), false, 0, 0, 0, false, true);
TQPoint cp;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (i == 0) cp = TQPoint(319, 315);
else if (i == 1) cp = TQPoint(m_levelsRect[0].left() - m_levelsRect[0].width(), 315);
else if (i == 2) cp = TQPoint(m_levelsRect[0].right() + m_levelsRect[0].width(), 315);
drawText(p, n[i], cp, true, 20, 5, &(m_levelsRect[i]), m_overLevels[i], true);
void blinken::drawText(TQPainter &p, const TQString &text, const TQPoint &center, bool withMargin, int xMargin, int yMargin, TQRect *rect, bool highlight, bool bold)
TQRect r;
TQFont oldFont, f = p.font();
oldFont = f;
f.setPointSize(fontUtils::fontSize(p, text, 190, 30));
if (bold) f.setBold(true);
r = p.boundingRect(TQRect(), Qt::AlignAuto, text);
r = TQRect(0, 0, r.width() + xMargin, r.height() + yMargin);
r.moveBy(center.x() - r.width() / 2, center.y() - r.height() / 2);
if (withMargin)
p.fillRect(r, m_fillColor);
p.setPen(TQPen(black, 3));
p.drawRoundRect(r.left(),, r.width(), r.height(), 15, 15);
if (!highlight) p.setPen(m_fontColor);
else p.setPen(m_fontHighlightColor);
p.drawText(r, Qt::AlignCenter, text);
if (rect) *rect = r;
void blinken::updateButtonHighlighting(const TQPoint &p)
bool haveToUpdate;
m_updateButtonHighlighting = false;
haveToUpdate = false;
if (m_highscoreRect.tqcontains(p))
if (!m_overHighscore)
m_overHighscore = true;
haveToUpdate = true;
else if (m_overHighscore)
m_overHighscore = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
if (m_menuRect.tqcontains(p))
if (!m_overMenu)
m_overMenu = true;
m_overAboutKDE = false;
m_overAboutBlinken = false;
m_overManual = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
else if (m_overAboutKDE || m_overAboutBlinken || m_overManual)
m_overAboutKDE = false;
m_overAboutBlinken = false;
m_overManual = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
else if (m_overMenu)
if (m_aboutKDERect.tqcontains(p))
if (!m_overAboutKDE)
m_overAboutKDE = true;
m_overAboutBlinken = false;
m_overManual = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
else if (m_aboutBlinkenRect.tqcontains(p))
if (!m_overAboutBlinken)
m_overAboutKDE = false;
m_overAboutBlinken = true;
m_overManual = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
else if (m_manualRect.tqcontains(p))
if (!m_overManual)
m_overAboutKDE = false;
m_overAboutBlinken = false;
m_overManual = true;
haveToUpdate = true;
m_overMenu = false;
m_overAboutKDE = false;
m_overAboutBlinken = false;
m_overManual = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
if (!m_showPreferences && m_centralLettersRect.tqcontains(p))
m_overCentralLetters = true;
haveToUpdate = true;
else if (m_overCentralLetters)
m_overCentralLetters = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
if (m_showPreferences && m_soundRect.tqcontains(p))
m_overSound = true;
haveToUpdate = true;
else if (m_overSound)
m_overSound = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
if (m_showPreferences && m_fontRect.tqcontains(p) && !m_alwaysUseNonCoolFont)
m_overFont = true;
haveToUpdate = true;
else if (m_overFont)
m_overFont = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
if (m_counterRect.tqcontains(p))
m_overCounter = true;
haveToUpdate = true;
else if (m_overCounter)
m_overCounter = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
if (m_quitRect.tqcontains(p))
if (!m_overQuit)
m_overQuit = true;
haveToUpdate = true;
else if (m_overQuit)
m_overQuit = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
switch (m_game.phase())
case blinkenGame::starting:
case blinkenGame::waiting3:
case blinkenGame::waiting2:
case blinkenGame::waiting1:
case blinkenGame::learningTheSequence:
case blinkenGame::typingTheSequence:
if (m_centralTextRect.tqcontains(p))
if (!m_overCentralText)
m_overCentralText = true;
haveToUpdate = true;
else if (m_overCentralText)
m_overCentralText = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
case blinkenGame::choosingLevel:
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (m_levelsRect[i].tqcontains(p))
if (!m_overLevels[i])
m_overLevels[i] = true;
haveToUpdate = true;
else if (m_overLevels[i])
m_overLevels[i] = false;
haveToUpdate = true;
if (haveToUpdate) update();
void blinken::updateCursor(const TQPoint &p)
TQPoint p2 = p - TQPoint(319, 221);
if (m_overHighscore || m_overQuit || m_overCentralText || m_overMenu || m_overAboutKDE || m_overAboutBlinken || m_overManual || m_overLevels[0] || m_overLevels[1] || m_overLevels[2] || m_overCentralLetters || m_overCounter || (m_game.canType() && (insideGreen(p2) || insideRed(p2) || insideBlue(p2) || insideYellow(p2))) || m_overFont || m_overSound) setCursor(PointingHandCursor);
else setCursor(ArrowCursor);
#include "blinken.moc"