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/* INDI Property
Copyright (C) 2003 Jasem Mutlaq (
This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include "indielement.h"
class INDI_G;
class INDIStdProperty;
class KPopupMenu;
class KComboBox;
class KLed;
class QLabel;
class QPushButton;
class QHBoxLayout;
class QVBoxLayout;
class QButtonGroup;
/* INDI property */
class INDI_P : public QObject
INDI_P(INDI_G *parentGroup, QString inName);
QString name; /* property name */
QString label; /* property label */
INDI_G *pg; /* parent group */
KPopupMenu *assosiatedPopup; /* assosiated popup menu, if any */
INDIStdProperty *indistd; /* Assosciated std routines class */
double timeout; /* timeout, seconds */
PState state; /* state light code */
KLed *light; /* state LED */
PPerm perm; /* permissions wrt client */
PGui guitype; /* type of GUI, if any */
int stdID; /* Standard property ID, if any */
QLabel *label_w; /* Label widget */
QPushButton *set_w; /* set button */
QSpacerItem *HorSpacer; /* Horizontal spacer */
QHBoxLayout *PHBox; /* Horizontal container */
QVBoxLayout *PVBox; /* Vertical container */
QButtonGroup *groupB; /* group button for radio and check boxes (Elements) */
KComboBox *om_w; /* Combo box for menu */
QPtrList<INDI_E> el; /* list of elements */
/* Draw state LED */
void drawLt(PState lstate);
/* First step in adding a new GUI element */
void addGUI(XMLEle *root);
/* Set Property's parent group */
void setGroup(INDI_G *parentGroup) { pg = parentGroup; }
/* Find an element within the property */
INDI_E * findElement(QString elementName);
/* Search for an element, and if found, evaluate its state */
bool isOn(QString component);
/* Build Functions */
int buildTextGUI (XMLEle *root, char errmsg[]);
int buildNumberGUI (XMLEle *root, char errmsg[]);
int buildSwitchesGUI(XMLEle *root, char errmsg[]);
int buildMenuGUI (XMLEle *root, char errmsg[]);
int buildLightsGUI (XMLEle *root, char errmsg[]);
int buildBLOBGUI (XMLEle *root, char errmsg[]);
/* Setup the 'set' button in the property */
void setupSetButton(QString caption);
/* Turn a switch on */
void activateSwitch(QString name);
public slots:
void newText();
void newSwitch(int id);
void newBlob();
void convertSwitch(int id);
void okState();