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//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.kde.koala;
import org.kde.qt.Qt;
import org.kde.qt.TQMetaObject;
import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.kde.qt.TQWidget;
import org.kde.qt.TQObject;
The base class for all jobs.
For all jobs created in an application, the code looks like
TDEIO.Job job = TDEIO.someoperation( some parameters );
connect( job, SIGNAL("result( TDEIO.Job )"),
this, SLOT("slotResult( TDEIO.Job )") );
(other connects, specific to the job)
And slotResult is usually at least:
if ( job.error() )
job.showErrorDialog( this or null );
See {@link JobSignals} for signals emitted by Job
@short The base class for all jobs.
@see Scheduler
@see Slave
public class Job extends TQObject {
protected Job(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
public native String className();
Abort this job.
This kills all subjobs and deletes the job.
@param quietly if false, Job will emit signal result
and ask tdeio_uiserver to close the progress window.
<code>quietly</code> is set to true for subjobs. Whether applications
should call with true or false depends on whether they rely
on result being emitted or not.
@short Abort this job.
public native void kill(boolean quietly);
public native void kill();
Returns the error code, if there has been an error.
Only call this method from the slot connected to result().
@return the error code for this job, 0 if no error.
Error codes are defined in TDEIO.Error.
@short Returns the error code, if there has been an error.
public native int error();
Returns the progress id for this job.
@return the progress id for this job, as returned by uiserver
@short Returns the progress id for this job.
public native int progressId();
Returns the error text if there has been an error.
Only call if error is not 0.
This is really internal, better use errorString() or errorDialog().
@return a string to help understand the error, usually the url
related to the error. Only valid if error() is not 0.
@short Returns the error text if there has been an error.
public native String errorText();
Converts an error code and a non-i18n error message into an
error message in the current language. The low level (non-i18n)
error message (usually a url) is put into the translated error
message using %1.
Example for errid == ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READING:
i18n( "Could not read\n%1" ).arg( errortext );
Use this to display the error yourself, but for a dialog box
use Job.showErrorDialog. Do not call it if error()
is not 0.
@return the error message and if there is no error, a message
telling the user that the app is broken, so check with
error() whether there is an error
@short Converts an error code and a non-i18n error message into an error message in the current language.
public native String errorString();
Converts an error code and a non-i18n error message into i18n
strings suitable for presentation in a detailed error message box.
@param reqUrl the request URL that generated this error message
@param method the method that generated this error message
@return the following strings: caption, error + description,
@short Converts an error code and a non-i18n error message into i18n strings suitable for presentation in a detailed error message box.
public native ArrayList detailedErrorStrings(KURL reqUrl, int method);
public native ArrayList detailedErrorStrings(KURL reqUrl);
public native ArrayList detailedErrorStrings();
Display a dialog box to inform the user of the error given by
this job.
Only call if error is not 0, and only in the slot connected
to result.
@param parent the parent widget for the dialog box, can be 0 for
@short Display a dialog box to inform the user of the error given by this job.
public native void showErrorDialog(TQWidget parent);
public native void showErrorDialog();
Enable or disable the automatic error handling. When automatic
error handling is enabled and an error occurs, then showErrorDialog()
is called with the specified <code>parentWidget</code> (if supplied) , right before
the emission of the result signal.
The default is false.
@param enable enable or disable automatic error handling
@param parentWidget the parent widget, passed to showErrorDialog.
Can be 0 for top-level
@short Enable or disable the automatic error handling.
@see #isAutoErrorHandlingEnabled
@see #showErrorDialog
public native void setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(boolean enable, TQWidget parentWidget);
public native void setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(boolean enable);
Returns whether automatic error handling is enabled or disabled.
@return true if automatic error handling is enabled
@short Returns whether automatic error handling is enabled or disabled.
@see #setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled
public native boolean isAutoErrorHandlingEnabled();
Enable or disable the automatic warning handling. When automatic
warning handling is enabled and an error occurs, then a message box
is displayed with the warning message
The default is true.
See also isAutoWarningHandlingEnabled , showErrorDialog
@param enable enable or disable automatic warning handling
@short Enable or disable the automatic warning handling.
@see #isAutoWarningHandlingEnabled
public native void setAutoWarningHandlingEnabled(boolean enable);
Returns whether automatic warning handling is enabled or disabled.
See also setAutoWarningHandlingEnabled .
@return true if automatic warning handling is enabled
@short Returns whether automatic warning handling is enabled or disabled.
@see #setAutoWarningHandlingEnabled
public native boolean isAutoWarningHandlingEnabled();
Enable or disable the message display from the job.
The default is true.
@param enable enable or disable message display
@short Enable or disable the message display from the job.
public native void setInteractive(boolean enable);
Returns whether message display is enabled or disabled.
@return true if message display is enabled
@short Returns whether message display is enabled or disabled.
@see #setInteractive
public native boolean isInteractive();
Associate this job with a window given by <code>window.</code>
@param window the window to associate to
@short Associate this job with a window given by <code>window.</code>
@see #window
public native void setWindow(TQWidget window);
Returns the window this job is associated with.
@return the associated window
@short Returns the window this job is associated with.
@see #setWindow
public native TQWidget window();
Set the parent Job.
One example use of this is when FileCopyJob calls open_RenameDlg,
it must pass the correct progress ID of the parent CopyJob
(to hide the progress dialog).
You can set the parent job only once. By default a job does not
have a parent job.
@param parentJob the new parent job
@short Set the parent Job.
public native void setParentJob(Job parentJob);
Returns the parent job, if there is one.
@return the parent job, or 0 if there is none
@short Returns the parent job, if there is one.
@see #setParentJob
public native Job parentJob();
Set meta data to be sent to the slave, replacing existing
meta data.
@param metaData the meta data to set
@short Set meta data to be sent to the slave, replacing existing meta data.
@see #addMetaData
@see #mergeMetaData
// void setMetaData(const TDEIO::MetaData& arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
Add key/value pair to the meta data that is sent to the slave.
@param key the key of the meta data
@param value the value of the meta data
@short Add key/value pair to the meta data that is sent to the slave.
@see #setMetaData
@see #mergeMetaData
public native void addMetaData(String key, String value);
Add key/value pairs to the meta data that is sent to the slave.
If a certain key already existed, it will be overridden.
@param values the meta data to add
@short Add key/value pairs to the meta data that is sent to the slave.
@see #setMetaData
@see #mergeMetaData
// void addMetaData(const TQMap<TQString, TQString>& arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
Add key/value pairs to the meta data that is sent to the slave.
If a certain key already existed, it will remain unchanged.
@param values the meta data to merge
@short Add key/value pairs to the meta data that is sent to the slave.
@see #setMetaData
@see #addMetaData
// void mergeMetaData(const TQMap<TQString, TQString>& arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
// TDEIO::MetaData outgoingMetaData(); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
Get meta data received from the slave.
(Valid when first data is received and/or slave is finished)
@return the job's meta data
@short Get meta data received from the slave.
// TDEIO::MetaData metaData(); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
Query meta data received from the slave.
(Valid when first data is received and/or slave is finished)
@param key the key of the meta data to retrieve
@return the value of the meta data, or null if the
<code>key</code> does not exist
@short Query meta data received from the slave.
public native String queryMetaData(String key);
Returns the processed size for this job.
@short Returns the processed size for this job.
@see #processedSize
public native long getProcessedSize();
public Job(boolean showProgressInfo) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newJob(boolean showProgressInfo);
Add a job that has to be finished before a result
is emitted. This has obviously to be called before
the finish signal is emitted by the slave.
@param job the subjob to add
@param inheritMetaData if true, the subjob will
inherit the meta data from this job.
@short Add a job that has to be finished before a result is emitted.
protected native void addSubjob(Job job, boolean inheritMetaData);
protected native void addSubjob(Job job);
Mark a sub job as being done. If it's the last to
wait on the job will emit a result - jobs with
two steps might want to override slotResult
in order to avoid calling this method.
@param job the subjob to add
@short Mark a sub job as being done.
protected native void removeSubjob(Job job);
Overloaded version of removeSubjob
@param job the subjob to remove
@param mergeMetaData if set, the metadata received by the subjob is
merged into this job.
@param emitResultIfLast if this was the last subjob, emit result,
i.e. terminate this job.
@short Overloaded version of removeSubjob
protected native void removeSubjob(Job job, boolean mergeMetaData, boolean emitResultIfLast);
Utility function for inherited jobs.
Emits the percent signal if bigger than m_percent,
after calculating it from the parameters.
@param processedSize the processed size in bytes
@param totalSize the total size in bytes
@short Utility function for inherited jobs.
protected native void emitPercent(long processedSize, long totalSize);
Utility function for inherited jobs.
Emits the speed signal and starts the timer for removing that info
@param speed the speed in bytes/s
@short Utility function for inherited jobs.
protected native void emitSpeed(long speed);
Utility function to emit the result signal, and suicide this job.
It first tells the observer to hide the progress dialog for this job.
@short Utility function to emit the result signal, and suicide this job.
protected native void emitResult();
Set the processed size, does not emit processedSize
@short Set the processed size, does not emit processedSize
protected native void setProcessedSize(long size);
protected native int extraFlags();
Called whenever a subjob finishes.
Default implementation checks for errors and propagates
to parent job, then calls removeSubjob.
Override if you don't want subjobs errors to be propagated.
@param job the subjob
@short Called whenever a subjob finishes.
@see #result
protected native void slotResult(Job job);
Forward signal from subjob.
@param job the subjob
@param speed the speed in bytes/s
@short Forward signal from subjob.
@see #speed
protected native void slotSpeed(Job job, long speed);
Forward signal from subjob.
@param job the subjob
@param msg the info message
@short Forward signal from subjob.
@see #infoMessage
protected native void slotInfoMessage(Job job, String msg);
Remove speed information.
@short Remove speed information.
protected native void slotSpeedTimeout();