You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

944 lines
31 KiB

# This script generates the PyKDE configuration and generates the Makefiles.
# Copyright (c) 2004
# Riverbank Computing Limited <>
# Jim Bublitz <>
# This file is part of PyKDE.
# This copy of PyKDE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# PyKDE is supplied in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# PyKDE; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import sys
import os
import string
import glob
import getopt
import shutil
import py_compile
import sipconfig
print ("Can't find (expected in sys.path)")
print ("Have you built the correct version of sip?")
sys.exit (-1)
import pyqtconfig
sipconfig.error ("Can't find in sys.path - exiting")
# Get the SIP configuration.
sipcfg = sipconfig.Configuration()
pyqtcfg = pyqtconfig.Configuration ()
# Initialise the globals.
pykde_version = 0x031000
pykde_version_str = "3.16.0"
kde_version = None
kde_version_str = None
kde_version_sfx = None
kde_version_extra = None
kde_max_version = 0x030503
sip_min_v3_version = 0x040400
sip_min_v4_version = 0x040400
qt_min_version = 0x030200
pyqt_min_version = 0x031000
kde_sip_flags = []
# Command line options.
opt_pykdemoddir = sipcfg.default_mod_dir
opt_pykdesipdir = sipcfg.default_sip_dir
opt_debug = 0
opt_concat = None
opt_split = 1
opt_releasegil = 0
opt_tracing = 0
opt_static = 0
opt_kdebasedir = None
opt_kdelibdir = None
opt_kdeincdir = None
opt_dep_warnings = 0
opt_libdir = "lib"
opt_dist_name = ""
pykde_modules = ["dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx", "kdeui", "kio", "kresources", "kabc", "kutils", "kfile", "kparts",\
"khtml", "kspell", "kdeprint", "kmdi"] #, "kspell2"]
pykde_imports = {
"dcop": ["qt"],
"kdecore": ["qt", "dcop"],
# "kdesu": ["qt", "dcop", "kdecore"],
"kdefx": ["qt", "dcop", "kdecore"],
"kdeui": ["qt", "qtxml", "dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx"],
"kio": ["qt", "qtxml", "dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx", "kdeui"],
"kresources": ["qt", "qtxml", "dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx", "kdeui", "kio"],
"kabc": ["qt", "qtxml", "dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx", "kdeui", "kio", "kresources"],
"kutils": ["qt", "qtxml", "dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx", "kdeui", "kio"],
"kfile": ["qt", "qtxml", "dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx", "kdeui", "kio"],
"kparts": ["qt", "qtxml", "dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx", "kdeui", "kio"],
"khtml": ["qt", "qtxml", "dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx", "kdeui", "kutils", "kio", "kparts"],
"kspell": ["qt", "qtxml", "dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx", "kdeui", "kio", "kfile"],
"kdeprint": ["qt", "qtxml", "dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx", "kdeui"],
"kmdi": ["qt", "qtxml", "dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx", "kdeui", "kio", "kparts"],
"kspell2": ["qt", "qtxml", "dcop", "kdecore", "kdefx", "kdeui"]
kde_includes = {
"dcop": None,
"kdecore": None,
# "kdesu": ["kdesu"],
"kdefx": None,
"kdeui": None,
"kio": ["kio"],
"kresources": ["kio", "../kio", "kresources"],
"kabc": ["kio", "../kio", "kresources", "kabc"],
"kfile": ["kio", "../kio"],
"kparts": ["kio", "../kio", "kparts"],
"khtml": ["kio", "../kio", "kparts", "dom"],
"kspell": ["kio"],
"kdeprint": ["kdeprint"],
"kmdi": ["kmdi", "kio", "../kio", "kparts"],
"kutils": ["kio", "../kio"] #,
# "kspell2": None
postProcess = {
"dcop": None,
"kdecore": [["-p ", "kdecore", "-o", "appQuit", ""],
["-p ", "kdecore", "-o", "fixQVariant", "kdecore.sbf"],
["-p ", "kdecore", "-o", "fixSignal", "kdecorepart0.*"]],
# "kdesu": None,
"kdefx": None,
"kdeui": None, #[["-p ", "kdeui", "-o", "shpix", "sipkdeuiKSharedPixmap.cpp"]],
"kresources": None,
"kabc": None,
"kio": None,
"kfile": None,
"kparts": None,
"khtml": None,
"kspell": None,
"kdeprint": None,
"kmdi": None,
"kutils": None #,
# "kspell2": None
opt_startModName = ""
opt_startmod = 0
opt_endmod = len (pykde_modules)
def check_gcc ():
global opt_concat
os.system ("gcc -dumpversion > gccvers.txt")
m = open ('gccvers.txt', 'r')
vers = ().strip ()
m.close ()
os.unlink ('gccvers.txt')
print "gcc version %s" % vers
if opt_concat == None:
if vers < "4.0.0" or vers >= "4.0.3":
opt_concat = 1
opt_concat = 0
if opt_concat == 1:
print "concatenating files"
print "no concatenation"
def init_and_check_sanity ():
""" Do some initialization and check various versions and
attributes of sip and PyQt installations
check_gcc ()
# Check SIP is new enough.
if sipcfg.sip_version_str[:8] != "snapshot":
minv = None
if sipcfg.sip_version >= 0x040000:
if sipcfg.sip_version < sip_min_v4_version:
minv = sip_min_v4_version
if sipcfg.sip_version < sip_min_v3_version:
minv = sip_min_v3_version
if minv:
sipcfg.error("This version of PyKDE requires SIP v%s or later" % sipcfg.version_to_string(minv))
# Check SIP has Qt support enabled and check version
if pyqtcfg.qt_version == 0:
sipconfig.error("SIP has been built with Qt support disabled.")
if pyqtcfg.qt_version < qt_min_version:
sipconfig.error("SIP has been built with an unsupported Qt version (%s)"\
% sipcfg.version_to_string (sipcfg.qt_version))
# Check PyQt built with libqt-mt
if pyqtcfg.qt_threaded == 0:
sipconfig.error ("PyKDE requires a threaded Qt version (libqt-mt)")
# Check PyQt version
if pyqtcfg.pyqt_version < pyqt_min_version:
sipcfg.error("This version of PyKDE requires PyQt v%s or later"\
% pyqtcfg.version_to_string(pyqtcfg.pyqt_version))
# find the libs, includes, and version info
check_kde_installation ()
def usage(rcode = 2):
"""Display a usage message and exit.
rcode is the return code passed back to the calling process.
print "Usage:"
print " python [-h] [-c] [-d dir] [-g] [-j #] [-k] [-n dir] [-o dir] [-r] [-u] [-v dir] [-z file]"
print "where:"
print " -h displays this help message"
print " -c concatenates each module's C/C++ source files [default]"
print " -d dir where the PyKDE modules will be installed [default %s]" % opt_pykdemoddir
print " -g always release the GIL (SIP v3.x behaviour)"
print " -i no concatenation of each module's C/C++ source files"
print " -j # splits the concatenated C++ source files into # pieces [default 1]"
print " -k dir the KDE base directory"
print " -L dir the library directory name [default lib]"
print " -n dir the directory containing the KDE lib files"
print " -o dir the directory containing the KDE header files"
print " -r generates code with tracing enabled [default disabled]"
print " -u build with debugging symbols"
print " -v dir where the PyKDE .sip files will be installed [default %s]" % opt_pykdesipdir
print " -w turn on KDE deprecated object warnings when compiling [default off]"
print " -z file the name of a file containing command line flags"
def inform_user(stage):
"""Tell the user the option values that are going to be used.
if stage == 0:
print " PyKDE version %s" % pykde_version_str
print " -------"
sipconfig.inform ("Python include directory is %s" % sipcfg.py_inc_dir)
sipconfig.inform ("Python version is %s" % sipconfig.version_to_string (sipcfg.py_version))
sipconfig.inform ("sip version is %s (%s)" % (sipcfg.sip_version_str,
sipconfig.version_to_string (sipcfg.sip_version)))
sipconfig.inform ("Qt directory is %s" % pyqtcfg.qt_dir)
sipconfig.inform ("Qt version is %s" % sipconfig.version_to_string (pyqtcfg.qt_version))
sipconfig.inform ("PyQt directory is %s" % pyqtcfg.pyqt_sip_dir)
sipconfig.inform ("PyQt version is %s (%s)" % (pyqtcfg.pyqt_version_str,
sipconfig.version_to_string (pyqtcfg.pyqt_version)))
elif stage == 1:
sipconfig.inform ("KDE base directory is %s" % opt_kdebasedir)
sipconfig.inform ("KDE include directory is %s" % opt_kdeincdir)
sipconfig.inform ("KDE lib directory is %s" % opt_kdelibdir)
sipconfig.inform ("lib directory is %s" % opt_libdir)
elif stage == 2:
sipconfig.inform ("KDE version is %s (0x%x)" % (kde_version_str, kde_version))
sipconfig.inform("PyKDE modules will be installed in %s" % opt_pykdemoddir)
sipconfig.inform("PyKDE .sip files will be installed in %s" % opt_pykdesipdir)
def create_config(module, template):
"""Create the PyKDE configuration module so that it can be imported by build
module is the module file name.
template is the template file name.
sipconfig.inform("Creating %s..." % module)
content = {
"pykde_version": pykde_version,
"pykde_version_str": pykde_version_str,
"kde_version": kde_version,
"kde_version_str": kde_version_str,
"kde_version_sfx": kde_version_sfx,
"kde_version_extra": kde_version_extra,
# "pykde_bin_dir": opt_pykdebindir,
"pykde_mod_dir": opt_pykdemoddir,
"pykde_sip_dir": opt_pykdesipdir,
"pykde_modules": pykde_modules,
"pykde_kde_sip_flags": kde_sip_flags,
"kdebasedir": opt_kdebasedir,
"kdelibdir": opt_kdelibdir,
"libdir": opt_libdir,
"kdeincdir": opt_kdeincdir,
"pykde_modules": pykde_modules,
"dist_name": opt_dist_name
sipconfig.create_config_module(module, template, content)
def getKDEVersion (versFile):
if not os.path.isfile (versFile):
major = None
minor = None
micro = None
global kde_version, kde_version_str, kde_version_sfx, kde_version_extra
f = open (versFile)
l = f.readline ()
ok = 0
while not ok and l:
wl = string.split(l)
if len(wl) == 3 and wl[0] == "#define":
if wl[1] == "KDE_VERSION_MAJOR":
major = string.strip (wl[2])
if wl[1] == "KDE_VERSION_MINOR":
minor = string.strip (wl[2])
if wl[1] == "KDE_VERSION_RELEASE":
micro = string.strip (wl[2])
if major and minor and micro:
ok = 1
l = f.readline()
if micro >= "90" and minor == "2":
micro = "0"
minor = "3"
kde_version = (int (major) << 16) + (int (minor) << 8) + int (micro)
if kde_version > kde_max_version:
sipconfig.inform ("*** True KDE version is %s -- building for KDE %s ***" % (hex (kde_version), hex (kde_max_version)))
kde_version = kde_max_version
major = hex ((kde_version & 0xff0000) >> 16) [ 2:]
minor = hex ((kde_version & 0x00ff00) >> 8) [ 2:]
micro = hex (kde_version & 0x0000ff) [ 2:]
if ok:
kde_version_str = string.join ([major, minor, micro], ".")
kde_version_sfx = string.join (["-kde", major, minor, micro, ".diff"], "")
kde_version_extra = string.join (["kde", major, minor, micro], "")
sipconfig.error ("KDE version not found in %s" % versFile)
global postProcess
def search (target, searchPath):
if not searchPath:
path = None
for searchEntry in searchPath:
if os.path.isdir (searchEntry)\
and (not target or os.path.isfile (os.path.join (searchEntry, target))):
path = searchEntry
return path
def discoverKDE3 ():
global opt_kdeincdir, opt_kdebasedir, opt_kdelibdir, opt_libdir
if not opt_kdebasedir:
kdeSearchPaths = []
libSearchPaths = []
incSearchPaths = []
kdeSearchPaths.append (os.environ ["KDEDIR"])
kdeSearchPaths.append (os.path.join ("/opt", "kde3"))
kdeSearchPaths.append ("/usr")
opt_kdebasedir = search (None, kdeSearchPaths)
if not opt_kdelibdir:
libSearchPaths = [os.path.join (opt_kdebasedir, "lib"), os.path.join (opt_kdebasedir, "lib64"), os.path.join (opt_kdebasedir, opt_libdir)]
# print opt_libdir
opt_kdelibdir = search ("", libSearchPaths)
if not opt_kdeincdir:
incSearchPaths = [os.path.join (opt_kdebasedir, "include")]
incSearchPaths.append (os.path.join (opt_kdebasedir, "include", "kde")) # Red Hat
opt_kdeincdir = search ("kapplication.h", incSearchPaths)
def check_kde_installation():
"""Check the KDE installation and get the version number
# Check the KDE header files have been installed.
discoverKDE3 ()
if not opt_kdebasedir:
sipconfig.error ("Couldn't locate KDE3 base directory")
if not opt_kdeincdir:
sipconfig.error ("Couldn't locate KDE3 include directory (%s is KDE base)" % opt_kdebasedir)
if not opt_kdelibdir:
sipconfig.error ("Couldn't locate KDE3 lib directory (%s is KDE base)" % opt_kdebasedir)
kdeversion_h = os.path.join(opt_kdeincdir, "kdeversion.h")
inform_user (1)
if not os.access(kdeversion_h, os.F_OK):
sipconfig.error("kdeversion.h could not be found in %s." % opt_kdeincdir)
# Get the KDE version number.
inform_user (2)
def create_top_level (mname):
""" Create the top level sip file <mname>mod.sip from <mname>mod.sip-in
and add/delete any %Included sip files per the current KDE version
diff = os.path.join ("sip", mname, mname + kde_version_sfx)
plus = []
minus = []
if os.path.exists (diff):
d = open (diff)
line = d.readline()
while line:
if string.find (line, "+") == 0:
plus.append (line [2:])
elif string.find (line, "-") == 0:
minus.append (line [2:])
line = d.readline()
sipin = open (os.path.join ("sip", mname, mname + ""))
sipout = open (os.path.join ("sip", mname, mname + "mod.sip"), "w")
line = sipin.readline()
while line:
if string.find (line, "%Include") == 0:
inclFound = 1
if minus and line in minus:
line = sipin.readline()
sipout.write (line)
elif string.find (line, "@mark@") == 0:
for p in plus:
sipout.write (p)
elif mname == "kabc" and kde_version < 0x030200 and string.find (line, "kresourcesmod.sip") >= 0:
sipout.write (line)
line = sipin.readline()
sipin.close ()
sipout.close ()
if mname == "khtml":
# PyKDE < 3.3.0 doesn't provide kutils (and khtml doesn't need it)
sippath = os.path.join ("sip", mname)
if kde_version < 0x030300:
sipin = open (os.path.join (sippath, mname + "mod.sip"))
sipout = open (os.path.join (sippath, mname + ""), "w")
for line in sipin:
if line.find ("kutilsmod.sip") > 0:
sipout.write (line)
sipin.close ()
sipout.close ()
os.unlink (os.path.join (sippath, mname + "mod.sip"))
os.rename (os.path.join (sippath, mname + ""), os.path.join (sippath, mname + "mod.sip"))
os.system ("cp %s %s" % (os.path.join (sippath, "khtml_part.sip.323"), os.path.join (sippath, "khtml_part.sip")))
os.system ("cp %s %s" % (os.path.join (sippath, "khtml_part.sip.330"), os.path.join (sippath, "khtml_part.sip")))
def check_distribution ():
kde_sip_flags.append ("-t")
kde_sip_flags.append ("ALL")
def set_sip_flags():
"""Set the SIP platform, version and feature flags.
global kde_sip_flags
check_distribution ()
kde_sip_flags.append (pyqtcfg.pyqt_qt_sip_flags)
kdetags = {
0x030001: "KDE_3_0_0",
0x030003: "KDE_3_0_1",
0x030100: "KDE_3_0_3",
0x030101: "KDE_3_1_0",
0x030102: "KDE_3_1_1",
0x030103: "KDE_3_1_2",
0x030104: "KDE_3_1_3",
0x030105: "KDE_3_1_4",
0x030200: "KDE_3_1_5",
0x030201: "KDE_3_2_0",
0x030202: "KDE_3_2_1",
0x030203: "KDE_3_2_2",
0x030300: "KDE_3_2_3",
0x030301: "KDE_3_3_0",
0x030302: "KDE_3_3_1",
0x030400: "KDE_3_3_2",
0x030401: "KDE_3_4_0",
0x030402: "KDE_3_4_1",
0x030403: "KDE_3_4_2",
0x030500: "KDE_3_4_3",
0x030501: "KDE_3_5_0",
0x030502: "KDE_3_5_1",
0x030503: "KDE_3_5_2",
0x040000: "KDE_3_5_3"
kde_sip_flags.append(sipconfig.version_to_sip_tag(kde_version, kdetags, "KDE"))
def generate_code(mname, imports=None, extra_cflags=None, extra_cxxflags=None, extra_define=None, extra_include_dir=None, extra_lflags=None, extra_lib_dir=None, extra_lib=None, opengl=0, sip_flags=None):
"""Generate the code for a module.
mname is the name of the module.
imports is the list of PyQt/PyKDE modules that this one %Imports.
extra_cflags is a string containing additional C compiler flags.
extra_cxxflags is a string containing additional C++ compiler flags.
extra_define is a name to add to the list of preprocessor defines.
extra_include_dir is the name of a directory to add to the list of include
extra_lflags is a string containing additional linker flags.
extra_lib_dir is the name of a directory to add to the list of library
extra_lib is the name of an extra library to add to the list of libraries.
opengl is set if the module needs OpenGL support.
sip_flags is the list of sip flags to use instead of the defaults.
sipconfig.inform("Generating the C++ source for the %s module..." % mname)
create_top_level (mname)
#create_top_level (mname)
sipconfig.error ("Couldn't create top level sip file for %s" % mname)
sipconfig.error("Unable to create the %s directory." % mname)
# Build the SIP command line.
argv = [sipcfg.sip_bin]
if opt_concat:
if mname == "kdeui" and opt_split == 1:
splits = 2
splits = opt_split
if opt_tracing:
if opt_releasegil:
buildfile = os.path.join(mname, mname + ".sbf")
pyqtInclPathSeen = 0
for mod in pykde_imports [mname]:
if string.find (mod, "q") == 0 and not pyqtInclPathSeen:
argv.append ("-I")
argv.append (pyqtcfg.pyqt_sip_dir)
pyqtInclPathSeen = 1
elif mod == "dcop" or string.find (mod, "k") == 0:
subdir = os.path.join ("sip", mod)
# SIP assumes POSIX style path separators.
argv.append(string.join(["sip", mname, mname + "mod.sip"], "/"))
# print string.join (argv)
# finally, run SIP and generate the C++ code
os.system (string.join(argv))
# post process the C++ code for QT_NO_TRANSLATION
if os.system (string.join ([sys.executable, "postproc"] + ['-p', mname, "-o", "tr", "*.cpp"])) != 0:
sipconfig.error ("Post processing of C++ code failed %s (tr)" % mname)
# Check the result.
if not os.access(buildfile, os.F_OK):
sipconfig.error("Unable to create the C++ code.")
if mname == "kdecore" and not opt_concat:
postProcess ["kdecore"][-1][-1] = "kdecorecmodule.*"
# Compile the Python stub.
if sipcfg.sip_version < 0x040000:
sipconfig.inform("Compiling" % mname)
py_compile.compile(os.path.join(mname, mname + ".py"), os.path.join(mname, mname + ".pyc"))
elif mname == "kdecore":
postProcess ["kdecore"][-1][-1] = "sip" + postProcess ["kdecore"][-1][-1]
# needs to be here (not earlier) to catch .py files if any
if postProcess [mname]:
for s in postProcess [mname]:
if os.system (string.join ([sys.executable, "postproc"] + s)) != 0:
sipconfig.error ("Post processing of C++ code failed %s (%s)" % (mname, s [3]))
# Generate the Makefile.
sipconfig.inform("Creating the Makefile for the %s module..." % mname)
installs = []
if mname == "dcop":
installs.append ([["../extensions/", "../extensions/"], opt_pykdemoddir])
if sipcfg.sip_version >= 0x040000:
warnings = 1
warnings = 0
installs.append([[mname + ".py", mname + ".pyc"], opt_pykdemoddir])
sipfiles = []
# for s in glob.glob("sip/*.sip"):
# sipfiles.append(os.path.join("..", "sip", os.path.basename(s)))
for s in os.listdir (os.path.join ("sip", mname)):
if s.endswith (".sip"):
sipfiles.append(os.path.join("..", "sip", mname, os.path.basename(s)))
installs.append([sipfiles, os.path.join(opt_pykdesipdir, mname)])
makefile = sipconfig.SIPModuleMakefile(
configuration = pyqtcfg,
build_file = mname + ".sbf",
dir = mname,
install_dir = opt_pykdemoddir,
installs = installs,
qt = 1,
opengl = opengl,
warnings = warnings,
static = opt_static,
debug = opt_debug
if extra_cflags:
if extra_cxxflags:
if opt_dep_warnings == 0:
makefile.extra_cflags.append ("-Wno-deprecated-declarations")
makefile.extra_cxxflags.append ("-Wno-deprecated-declarations")
if extra_define:
makefile.extra_include_dirs.append (os.path.join ("..", "extra", kde_version_extra))
makefile.extra_include_dirs.append (opt_kdeincdir)
if kde_includes [mname]:
for incdir in kde_includes [mname]:
if "/" not in incdir:
makefile.extra_include_dirs.append (os.path.join (opt_kdeincdir, incdir))
makefile.extra_include_dirs.append (incdir)
if extra_include_dir:
if extra_lflags:
makefile.extra_lib_dirs.append (opt_kdelibdir)
if extra_lib_dir:
if extra_lib == "dcop":
extra_lib = "DCOP"
elif extra_lib == "kfile":
extra_lib = "kio"
if extra_lib == "kdefx":
makefile.extra_libs.append ("kdecore")
if extra_lib == "kspell":
makefile.extra_libs.append ("kdeui")
if extra_lib == "kabc" and kde_version >= 0x030200:
makefile.extra_libs.append ("kabc_file")
if extra_lib == "kparts" and kde_version >= 0x030500:
makefile.extra_lib_dirs.append (os.path.join (opt_kdelibdir, "kde3"))
makefile.extra_libs.append ("konsolepart")
if extra_lib == "kdeprint":
makefile.extra_cflags.append ("-fno-rtti")
makefile.extra_cxxflags.append ("-fno-rtti")
if sipcfg.sip_version < 0x040000 and imports:
# Inter-module links.
for im in imports:
makefile.extra_lib_dirs.insert(0, os.path.join("..", im))
makefile.extra_libs.insert(0, makefile.module_as_lib(im))
def create_makefiles():
"""Create the additional Makefiles.
subdirs = pykde_modules[:]
sipconfig.inform("Creating top level Makefile...")
configuration = pyqtcfg,
subdirs = subdirs,
installs= [("", opt_pykdemoddir), ("contrib/kdepyuic", sipcfg.default_bin_dir)]
if kde_version >= 0x030500:
f = open ("Makefile", "r")
buff = ()
f.close ()
target = os.path.join (opt_kdelibdir, "kde3", "")
symlink = os.path.join ( "$(DESTDIR)" + opt_kdelibdir, "")
buff = buff.replace ("install:\n", "install:\n\tln -sf %s %s\n" % (target, symlink))
f = open ("", "w")
f.write (buff)
f.close ()
os.unlink ("Makefile")
os.rename ("", "Makefile")
def fileOpts (fn):
optfile = open (fn, 'r')
error ("Could not open option file %s" % (fn))
opts = []
for line in optfile.readlines ():
if (line [0] == '#') or (line == '\n'):
elif line [0] == '-':
opts.append ((line [0:2], string.strip (line [2:])))
opts.append (("-" + line [0:1], string.strip (line [1:])))
print 'Additional options: ',
for opt, arg in opts:
print "%s %s " %(opt, arg)
return opts
def main(argv):
"""Create the configuration module module.
argv is the list of command line arguments.
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hcd:gij:k:L:l:n:o:ruv:wz:")
except getopt.GetoptError:
global opt_pykdemoddir, opt_pykdesipdir
global opt_debug, opt_concat, opt_releasegil
global opt_split, opt_tracing, opt_startModName
global opt_startmod, opt_endmod
global opt_kdebasedir, opt_kdelibdir, opt_kdeincdir, opt_libdir
global pykde_modules, opt_dep_warnings, opt_dist_name
global pykde_imports, kde_includes
# Look for '-z' first and process that switch
# (command line switches override file switches)
for opt, arg in optlist:
if opt == "-z":
optlist = fileOpts (arg) + optlist
elif opt == "-h":
usage (0)
if args: usage()
for opt, arg in optlist:
if opt == "-h":
# turns on concatentation (on by default, here for consistency)
elif opt == "-c":
opt_concat = 1
elif opt == "-d":
opt_pykdemoddir = arg
elif opt == "-g":
opt_releasegil = 1
# turns off concatenation (on by default)
elif opt == "-i":
opt_concat = 0
elif opt == "-j":
opt_split = int(arg)
elif opt == "-k":
opt_kdebasedir = arg
elif opt == "-L":
opt_libdir = arg
# allows build of single module (-lmodule) or all modules
# beginning at specified module (-lmodule:)
elif opt == "-l":
opt_startModName = arg
elif opt == "-n":
opt_kdelibdir = arg
elif opt == "-o":
opt_kdeincdir = arg
elif opt == "-r":
opt_tracing = 1
elif opt == "-u":
opt_debug = 1
elif opt == "-v":
opt_pykdesipdir = arg
elif opt == "-w":
opt_dep_warnings = 1
inform_user (0)
init_and_check_sanity ()
# Set the SIP platform, version and feature flags.
if kde_version < 0x030200:
pykde_modules.remove ("kmdi")
pykde_modules.remove ("kresources")
pykde_imports ["kabc"].remove ("kresources")
kde_includes ["kabc"].remove ("kresources")
if kde_version < 0x030300:
pykde_modules.remove ("kutils")
# pykde_modules.remove ("kspell2")
pykde_imports ["khtml"].remove ("kutils")
opt_endmod = len (pykde_modules)
if opt_startModName != "":
if opt_startModName in pykde_modules:
single = opt_startModName [-1] != ":"
if not single:
opt_startModName = opt_startModName [:-1]
opt_startmod = pykde_modules.index (opt_startModName)
if single:
opt_endmod = opt_startmod + 1
sipconfig.error ("%s is not a PyKDE module" % opt_startModName)
print "PyKDE modules to be built:\n %s\n" % string.join(pykde_modules [opt_startmod:opt_endmod])
for module in pykde_modules [opt_startmod:opt_endmod]:
generate_code (module, pykde_imports [module], extra_lib = module)
# Create the additional Makefiles.
# Install the configuration module.
create_config("", "")
def reporting_msg ():
print """
If reporting errors, paste all of the output above into your
message and post to the PyKDE mailing list at:
You can redirect the output into a file (> output.txt) if needed
# The script starts here.
if __name__ == "__main__":
except SystemExit:
reporting_msg ()
reporting_msg ()
print \
An internal error occured. Please report all output from the program,
including the following traceback, to the PyKDE mailing list