You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.kde.koala;
import org.kde.qt.Qt;
import org.kde.qt.TQMetaObject;
import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
import org.kde.qt.TQObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.kde.qt.TQEvent;
import org.kde.qt.TQWidget;
import org.kde.qt.TQSplitter;
This view is designed to combine two KFileViews into one widget, to show
directories on the left side and files on the right side.
Methods like selectedItems() to query status _only_ work on the right side,
i.e. on the files.
After creating the KCombiView, you need to supply the view shown in the
right, (see setRight()). Available KFileView implementations are
KFileIconView and KFileDetailView.
Most of the below methods are just implementations of the baseclass
KFileView, so look there for documentation.
@short This view is designed to combine two KFileViews into one widget, to show directories on the left side and files on the right side.
@see KFileView
@see KFileIconView
@see KFileDetailView
@see KDirOperator
public class KCombiView extends TQSplitter implements KFileViewInterface {
protected KCombiView(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
public native String className();
public KCombiView(TQWidget parent, String name) {
super((Class) null);
private native void newKCombiView(TQWidget parent, String name);
public native TQWidget widget();
public native void clearView();
public native void updateView(boolean arg1);
public native void updateView(KFileItem arg1);
public native void removeItem(KFileItem arg1);
public native void listingCompleted();
Sets the view to be shown in the right. You need to call this before
doing anything else with this widget.
@short Sets the view to be shown in the right.
public native void setRight(KFileViewInterface view);
public native void setSelectionMode(int sm);
public native void setSelected(KFileItem arg1, boolean arg2);
public native boolean isSelected(KFileItem arg1);
public native void clearSelection();
public native void selectAll();
public native void invertSelection();
public native void setCurrentItem(KFileItem arg1);
public native KFileItem currentFileItem();
public native KFileItem firstFileItem();
public native KFileItem nextItem(KFileItem arg1);
public native KFileItem prevItem(KFileItem arg1);
public native void insertItem(KFileItem i);
public native void clear();
public native void setSorting(int sort);
public native void readConfig(KConfig arg1, String group);
public native void readConfig(KConfig arg1);
public native void writeConfig(KConfig arg1, String group);
public native void writeConfig(KConfig arg1);
public native void ensureItemVisible(KFileItem arg1);
public native KActionCollection actionCollection();
public native void setAcceptDrops(boolean b);
public native boolean eventFilter(TQObject o, TQEvent e);
protected native void setDropOptions_impl(int options);
protected native void slotSortingChanged(int arg1);
/** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
/** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
public native void dispose();
/** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
public native boolean isDisposed();
inserts a list of items.
@short inserts a list of items.
public native void addItemList(ArrayList list);
Sets <code>filename</code> the current item in the view, if available.
@short Sets <code>filename</code> the current item in the view, if available.
public native void setCurrentItem(String filename);
public native void updateView();
Returns the sorting order of the internal list. Newly added files
are added through this sorting.
@short Returns the sorting order of the internal list.
public native int sorting();
Tells whether the current items are in reversed order (shortcut to
sorting() & TQDir.Reversed).
@short Tells whether the current items are in reversed order (shortcut to sorting() & TQDir.Reversed).
public native boolean isReversed();
public native void sortReversed();
@return the number of dirs and files
public native int count();
@return the number of files.
public native int numFiles();
@return the number of directories
public native int numDirs();
public native void setViewMode(int vm);
public native int viewMode();
@return the localized name of the view, which could be displayed
somewhere, e.g. in a menu, where the user can choose between views.
@see #setViewName
public native String viewName();
Sets the name of the view, which could be displayed somewhere.
E.g. "Image Preview".
@short Sets the name of the view, which could be displayed somewhere.
public native void setViewName(String name);
public native void setParentView(KFileViewInterface parent);
@return all currently highlighted items.
public native ArrayList selectedItems();
@return all items currently available in the current sort-order
public native ArrayList items();
This is a KFileDialog specific hack: we want to select directories with
single click, but not files. But as a generic class, we have to be able
to select files on single click as well.
This gives us the opportunity to do both.
Every view has to decide when to call select( item ) when a file was
single-clicked, based on onlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles().
@short This is a KFileDialog specific hack: we want to select directories with single click, but not files.
public native void setOnlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles(boolean enable);
@return whether files (not directories) should only be select()ed by
@see #setOnlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles
public native boolean onlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles();
increases the number of dirs and files.
@return true if the item fits the view mode
@short increases the number of dirs and files.
public native boolean updateNumbers(KFileItem i);
public native KFileViewSignaler signaler();
Specify DND options. See DropOptions for details.
All options are disabled by default.
@short Specify DND options.
public native void setDropOptions(int options);
Returns the DND options in effect.
See DropOptions for details.
@short Returns the DND options in effect.
public native int dropOptions();
This method calculates a String from the given parameters, that is
suitable for sorting with e.g. TQIconView or TQListView. Their
Item-classes usually have a setKey( String ) method or a virtual
method String key() that is used for sorting.
@param value Any string that should be used as sort criterion
@param isDir Tells whether the key is computed for an item representing
a directory (directories are usually sorted before files)
@param sortSpec An ORed combination of TQDir.SortSpec flags.
Currently, the values IgnoreCase, Reversed and
DirsFirst are taken into account.
@short This method calculates a String from the given parameters, that is suitable for sorting with e.
public static native String sortingKey(String value, boolean isDir, int sortSpec);
An overloaded method that takes not a String, but a number as sort
criterion. You can use this for file-sizes or dates/times for example.
If you use a time_t, you need to cast that to KIO.filesize_t because
of ambiguity problems.
@short An overloaded method that takes not a String, but a number as sort criterion.
public static native String sortingKey(long value, boolean isDir, int sortSpec);
delay before auto opening a directory
public static native int autoOpenDelay();