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298 lines
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** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
** Copyright (c) 2001 Phil Thompson <>
** Copyright (c) 2002 Riverbank Computing Limited <>
** Copyright (c) 2002 Germain Garand <>
** This file is part of Qt Designer.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
** 06/2002 : Initial release of puic, the PerlQt User Interface Compiler,
** a work derivated from uic (the Qt User Interface Compiler)
** and pyuic (the PyQt User Interface Compiler).
** G.Garand
** 08/2003 : Initial release of rbuic, the QtRuby User Interface Compiler,
** a work derived from the PerlQt puic.
** Richard Dale
#include "uic.h"
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include <globaldefs.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
struct EmbedImage
int width, height, depth;
int numColors;
TQRgb* colorTable;
TTQString name;
TTQString cname;
bool alpha;
static TTQString convertToCIdentifier( const char *s )
TTQString r = s;
int len = r.length();
if ( len > 0 && !isalpha( (char)r[0].latin1() ) )
r[0] = '_';
for ( int i=1; i<len; i++ ) {
if ( !isalnum( (char)r[i].latin1() ) )
r[i] = '_';
return r;
static ulong embedData( TTQTextStream& out, const uchar* input, int nbytes )
TTQByteArray bazip( qCompress( input, nbytes ) );
ulong len = bazip.size();
ulong len = nbytes;
static const char hexdigits[] = "0123456789abcdef";
TTQString s;
for ( int i=0; i<(int)len; i++ ) {
if ( (i%14) == 0 ) {
s += "\n ";
out << (const char*)s;
s.truncate( 0 );
uint v = (uchar)
s += "0x";
s += hexdigits[(v >> 4) & 15];
s += hexdigits[v & 15];
if ( i < (int)len-1 )
s += ',';
if ( s.length() )
out << (const char*)s;
return len;
static void embedData( TTQTextStream& out, const TQRgb* input, int n )
out << hex;
const TQRgb *v = input;
for ( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
if ( (i%14) == 0 )
out << "\n ";
out << "0x";
out << hex << *v++;
if ( i < n-1 )
out << ',';
out << dec; // back to decimal mode
void Uic::embed( TTQTextStream& out, const char* project, const TTQStringList& images )
TTQString cProject = convertToCIdentifier( project );
TTQStringList::ConstIterator it;
out << "# Image collection for project '" << project << "'." << endl;
out << "#" << endl;
out << "# Generated from reading image files: " << endl;
for ( it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it )
out << "# " << *it << endl;
out << "#" << endl;
out << "# Created: " << TTQDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() << endl;
out << "# by: The QtRuby User Interface Compiler (rbuic)" << endl;
out << "#" << endl;
out << "# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!" << endl;
out << endl;
if (hasKDEwidget) {
out << "retquire 'Korundum'" << endl;
} else {
out << "retquire 'Qt'" << endl;
out << endl;
out << indent << "class MimeSourceFactory_" << cProject << " < TQt::MimeSourceFactory" << endl;
out << endl;
TTQPtrList<EmbedImage> list_image;
int image_count = 0;
for ( it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it ) {
TTQImage img;
if ( !img.load( *it ) ) {
fprintf( stderr, "rbuic: cannot load image file %s\n", (*it).latin1() );
EmbedImage *e = new EmbedImage;
e->width = img.width();
e->height = img.height();
e->depth = img.depth();
e->numColors = img.numColors();
e->colorTable = new TQRgb[e->numColors];
e->alpha = img.hasAlphaBuffer();
memcpy(e->colorTable, img.colorTable(), e->numColors*sizeof(TQRgb));
TTQFileInfo fi( *it );
e->name = fi.fileName();
e->cname = TTQString("@@image_%1").arg( image_count++);
list_image.append( e );
out << "# " << *it << endl;
TTQString imgname = (const char *)e->cname;
TTQString s;
if ( e->depth == 1 )
img = img.convertBitOrder(TTQImage::BigEndian);
out << indent << imgname << "_data = [";
embedData( out, img.bits(), img.numBytes() );
out << "]\n\n";
if ( e->numColors ) {
out << indent << imgname << "_ctable = [";
embedData( out, e->colorTable, e->numColors );
out << "]\n\n";
if ( !list_image.isEmpty() ) {
out << indent << "@@embed_images = {\n";
EmbedImage *e = list_image.first();
while ( e )
out << indent << "\"" << e->name << "\"" << " => [" << e->cname << "_data, "
<< e->width << ", " << e->height << ", " << e->depth << ", "
<< (e->numColors ? e->cname + "_ctable" : TTQString::fromLatin1( "[]" ) ) << ", "
<< (e->alpha ? "true" : "false") << "]," << endl;
e =;
out << indent << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
out << indent << "@@images =" << endl;
out << endl;
out << indent << "def uic_findImage( name )" << endl;
out << indent << "if !@@images[name].nil?" << endl;
out << indent << "return @@images[name]" << endl;
out << indent << "end" << endl;
out << indent << "if @@embed_images[name].nil?" << endl;
out << indent << "return" << endl;
out << indent << "end" << endl;
out << indent << endl;
out << indent << "baunzip = qUncompress( @@embed_images[name][0].pack(\"C*\")," << endl;
out << indent << " @@embed_images[name][0].length )" << endl;
out << indent << "img =," << endl;
out << indent << " @@embed_images[name][1]," << endl;
out << indent << " @@embed_images[name][2]," << endl;
out << indent << " @@embed_images[name][3]," << endl;
out << indent << " @@embed_images[name][4]," << endl;
out << indent << " @@embed_images[name][4].length," << endl;
out << indent << " TQt::Image::BigEndian )" << endl;
out << indent << "img = @@embed_images[name][0].pack(\"C*\")," << endl;
out << indent << " @@embed_images[name][1]," << endl;
out << indent << " @@embed_images[name][2]," << endl;
out << indent << " @@embed_images[name][3]," << endl;
out << indent << " @@embed_images[name][4]," << endl;
out << indent << " @@embed_images[name][4].length," << endl;
out << indent << " TQt::Image::BigEndian )" << endl;
out << indent << "if @@embed_images[name][5]" << endl;
out << indent << "img.setAlphaBuffer(true)" << endl;
out << indent << "end" << endl;
out << indent << "@@images[name] = img" << endl;
out << indent << "return img" << endl;
out << indent << "end" << endl;
out << endl;
out << indent << "def data( abs_name )" << endl;
out << indent << "img = uic_findImage(abs_name)" << endl;
out << indent << "if img.nil?" << endl;
out << indent << "TQt::MimeSourceFactory.removeFactory(self)" << endl;
out << indent << "s = TQt::MimeSourceFactory.defaultFactory().data(abs_name);" << endl;
out << indent << "TQt::MimeSourceFactory.addFactory(self)" << endl;
out << indent << "return s" << endl;
out << indent << "end" << endl;
out << indent << "TQt::MimeSourceFactory.defaultFactory().setImage(abs_name, img)" << endl;
out << indent << "return TQt::MimeSourceFactory.defaultFactory().data(abs_name)" << endl;
out << indent << "end" << endl;
out << indent << "end" << endl;
out << endl;
out << endl;
out << indent << "module StaticInitImages_" << cProject << endl;
out << indent << "@@factories =" << endl;
out << indent << endl;
out << indent << "def StaticInitImages_" << cProject << ".qInitImages" << endl;
out << indent << "factory = MimeSourceFactory_" << cProject << ".new()" << endl;
out << indent << "TQt::MimeSourceFactory.defaultFactory().addFactory(factory)" << endl;
out << indent << "@@factories['MimeSourceFactory_" << cProject << "'] = factory" << endl;
out << indent << "end" << endl;
out << endl;
out << indent << "def StaticInitImages_" << cProject << ".qCleanupImages" << endl;
out << indent << "for values in @@factories" << endl;
out << indent << "TQt::MimeSourceFactory.defaultFactory().removeFactory(values)" << endl;
out << indent << "end" << endl;
out << indent << "@@factories = nil" << endl;
out << indent << "end" << endl;
out << endl;
out << indent << "StaticInitImages_" << cProject << ".qInitImages" << endl;
out << indent << "end" << endl;
out << endl;