You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
224 lines
6.4 KiB
224 lines
6.4 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env kjscmd
// Populates the sidebar listview
function setup_sidebar( builtins, special, qt, kde, all )
var qobjects = Factory.constructors().sort();
for ( var i=0; i < qobjects.length ; i++ ) {
all.insertItem( qobjects[i] );
if ( /^Q/.test(qobjects[i]) )
qt.insertItem( qobjects[i] );
else if ( /^K/.test(qobjects[i]) )
kde.insertItem( qobjects[i] );
special.insertItem( qobjects[i] );
qt.insertItem( 'Qt' );
builtins.insertItem( 'System' );
builtins.insertItem( 'StdIcons' );
builtins.insertItem( 'Factory' );
builtins.insertItem( 'StdDirs' );
builtins.insertItem( 'StdAction' );
// Main
// Create the UI
var mw = new KMainWindow(this);
var ac = mw.actionCollection();
var split = new TQSplitter( mw );
mw.setCentralWidget( split );
side = new TQToolBox( split, 'sidebar' );
view = new TQTabWidget( split, 'mainview' );
// Load the view
jsview = Factory.createROPart( "text/html", view, "js" );
cppview = Factory.createROPart( "text/html", view, "cpp" );
js = view.child(4);
cpp = view.child(6);
view.addTab( js, '&Javascript' );
view.addTab( cpp, '&C++' );
view.set_class = function( clazz )
var nm;
clazz = clazz.replace( '^[^QK]*', '' );
if ( /^Q/.test(clazz) )
nm = '' + clazz.toLowerCase() + '.html';
else if ( /^K/.test(clazz) )
nm = '' + clazz + '.html';
cppview.openURL( nm );
// JS docs
jsview.openStream( 'text/html', 'file:///index.html' );
jsview.writeStream( '<html>' );
jsview.writeStream( '<head>' );
jsview.writeStream( '<style type="text/css"><!--' );
jsview.writeStream( 'h1 { text-align: center; background-color: #ccccff; }' );
jsview.writeStream( 'h2 { background-color: #eeeeff; }' );
jsview.writeStream( 'h3 { background-color: #eeeeff; }' );
jsview.writeStream( 'th { background-color: #cccccc; }' );
jsview.writeStream( 'td { background-color: #eeeeee; }' );
jsview.writeStream( 'table { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 8pt }' );
jsview.writeStream( '--></style>' );
jsview.writeStream( '</head>' );
jsview.writeStream( '<body>' );
jsview.writeStream( '<h1>' + clazz + '</h1>' );
try {
var obj = eval('new '+clazz+'(this)');
jsview.writeStream( dump(obj) );
catch ( err ) {
try {
var obj = eval(clazz);
jsview.writeStream( dump(obj) );
catch ( err2 ) {
jsview.writeStream( '<font color="red">Error dumping object: ' + err + '<hr>' + err2 + '</font>' );
jsview.writeStream( '</body>' );
jsview.writeStream( '</html>' );
view.setup = function()
// JS docs
jsview.openStream( 'text/html', 'file:///index.html' );
jsview.writeStream( '<html>' );
jsview.writeStream( '<head>' );
jsview.writeStream( '<style type="text/css"><!--' );
jsview.writeStream( 'h1 { text-align: center; background-color: #ccccff; }' );
jsview.writeStream( 'h2 { background-color: #eeeeff; }' );
jsview.writeStream( 'h3 { background-color: #eeeeff; }' );
jsview.writeStream( 'table { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 8pt }' );
jsview.writeStream( '--></style>' );
jsview.writeStream( '</head>' );
jsview.writeStream( '<body>' );
jsview.writeStream( '<h1>Script Reference</h1>' );
jsview.writeStream( '</body>' );
jsview.writeStream( '</html>' );
// C++ docs
cppview.openStream( 'text/html', 'file:///index.html' );
cppview.writeStream( '<html>' );
cppview.writeStream( '<head>' );
cppview.writeStream( '<style type="text/css"><!--' );
cppview.writeStream( 'h1 { text-align: center; background-color: #ccccff; }' );
cppview.writeStream( 'h2 { background-color: #ccccff; }' );
cppview.writeStream( 'h3 { background-color: #ddddff; }' );
cppview.writeStream( 'table { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 8pt }' );
cppview.writeStream( '--></style>' );
cppview.writeStream( '</head>' );
cppview.writeStream( '<body>' );
cppview.writeStream( '<h1>C++ Reference</h1>' );
cppview.writeStream( '</body>' );
cppview.writeStream( '</html>' );
jsview.connect( jsview.child(0), 'openURLRequest(const KURL&,const KParts::URLArgs&)', 'openURL(const KURL&)' );
cppview.connect( cppview.child(0), 'openURLRequest(const KURL&,const KParts::URLArgs&)', 'openURL(const KURL&)' );
// Setup the sidebar
builtinside = new KListView( side, 'builtinside' );
builtinside.addColumn( 'Class' );
builtinside.resizeMode = 2; // LastColumn
builtinside.changed = function()
var item = this.selectedItem();
view.set_class( item.text(0) );
specialside = new KListView( side, 'specialsidebar' );
specialside.addColumn( 'Class' );
specialside.resizeMode = 2; // LastColumn
specialside.changed = function()
var item = this.selectedItem();
view.set_class( item.text(0) );
qtside = new KListView( side, 'qtsidebar' );
qtside.addColumn( 'Class' );
qtside.resizeMode = 2; // LastColumn
qtside.changed = function()
var item = this.selectedItem();
view.set_class( item.text(0) );
kdeside = new KListView( side, 'kdesidebar' );
kdeside.addColumn( 'Class' );
kdeside.resizeMode = 2; // LastColumn
kdeside.changed = function()
var item = this.selectedItem();
view.set_class( item.text(0) );
allside = new KListView( side, 'allsidebar' );
allside.addColumn( 'Class' );
allside.resizeMode = 2; // LastColumn
allside.changed = function()
var item = this.selectedItem();
view.set_class( item.text(0) );
side.addItem( builtinside, '&Builtins' );
side.addItem( specialside, 'K&JSEmbed' );
side.addItem( kdeside, '&KDE' );
side.addItem( qtside, '&Qt' );
side.addItem( allside, '&All' );
setup_sidebar( builtinside, specialside, qtside, kdeside, allside );
kdeside.connect( kdeside, 'selectionChanged()', kdeside, 'changed' );
qtside.connect( qtside, 'selectionChanged()', qtside, 'changed' );
specialside.connect( specialside, 'selectionChanged()', specialside, 'changed' );
builtinside.connect( builtinside, 'selectionChanged()', builtinside, 'changed' );
allside.connect( allside, 'selectionChanged()', allside, 'changed' );
// Activate XMLGUI and show the window
var quitAction = StdAction.quit( 0, 0, mw.actionCollection() );
mw.connect( quitAction, 'activated()', this, 'exit');
mw.createGUI( 'stdactionsui.rc' );
side.maximumWidth = 250;
mw.resize( 800, 550 );
// Connect together