#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require 'Qt' class AnimatedThingy < TQt::Label attr_accessor :label, :step attr_accessor :ox0, :oy0, :ox1, :oy1 attr_accessor :x0, :y0, :x1, :y1 attr_accessor :dx0, :dx1, :dy0, :dy1 NTQIX = 10 def initialize(*k) super(*k) @label = k[1] + "\n... and wasting CPU\nwith this animation!\n" @step = 0 @ox0, @oy0, @ox1, @oy1 = *Array.new(4) { Array.new(10, 0) } @x0 = @y0 = @x1 = @y1 = 0 @dx0 = rand(8)+2 @dy0 = rand(8)+2 @dx1 = rand(8)+2 @dy1 = rand(8)+2 end def show startTimer(100) unless isVisible super end def hide super killTimers() end def sizeHint TQt::Size.new(120,100) end def inc(x, dx, b) x += dx if x < 0 x = 0 dx = rand(8) + 2 elsif x >= b x = b-1 dx = -(rand(8)+2) end yield x, dx end def timerEvent(e) p = TQt::Painter.new(self) pn = p.pen pn.setWidth(2) pn.setColor(backgroundColor) p.setPen(pn) @step = (@step + 1) % NTQIX p.drawLine(@ox0[@step], @oy0[@step], @ox1[@step], @oy1[@step]) inc(@x0, @dx0, width) { |x,dx| @x0, @dx0 = x, dx } inc(@y0, @dy0, height) { |y,dy| @y0, @dy0 = y, dy } inc(@x1, @dx1, width) { |x,dx| @x1, @dx1 = x, dx } inc(@y1, @dy1, height) { |y,dy| @y1, @dy1 = y, dy } @ox0[@step] = @x0 @oy0[@step] = @y0 @ox1[@step] = @x1 @oy1[@step] = @y1 c = TQt::Color.new c.setHsv( (@step*255)/NTQIX, 255, 255 ) # rainbow effect pn.setColor(c) pn.setWidth(2) p.setPen(pn) p.drawLine(@ox0[@step], @oy0[@step], @ox1[@step], @oy1[@step]) p.setPen(colorGroup().text()) p.drawText(rect(), AlignCenter, @label) p.end() end def paintEvent(event) p = TQt::Painter.new(self) pn = p.pen() pn.setWidth(2) p.setPen(pn) p.setClipRect(event.rect()) 0.upto(NTQIX-1) do |i| c = TQt::Color.new() c.setHsv( (i*255)/NTQIX, 255, 255 ) # rainbow effect pn.setColor(c) p.setPen(pn) p.drawLine(@ox0[i], @oy0[i], @ox1[i], @oy1[i]) end p.setPen(colorGroup().text()) p.drawText(rect(), AlignCenter, @label) p.end end end class CPUWaster < TQt::Widget attr_accessor :menubar, :file, :options, :rects, :pb attr_accessor :td_id , :ld_id, :dl_id, :cl_id, :md_id attr_accessor :got_stop, :timer_driven, :default_label slots 'drawItemRects(int)', 'doMenuItem(int)', 'stopDrawing()', 'timerDriven()' slots 'loopDriven()', 'defaultLabel()', 'customLabel()', 'toggleMinimumDuration()' FIRST_DRAW_ITEM = 1000 LAST_DRAW_ITEM = 1006 def initialize(*k) super(*k) @menubar = TQt::MenuBar.new(self, "menu") @pb = nil @file = TQt::PopupMenu.new @menubar.insertItem( "&File", file ) FIRST_DRAW_ITEM.upto(LAST_DRAW_ITEM) { |i| file.insertItem( "#{drawItemRects(i)} Rectangles", i) } connect( menubar, TQ_SIGNAL('activated(int)'), self, TQ_SLOT('doMenuItem(int)') ) @file.insertSeparator @file.insertItem("Quit", $qApp, TQ_SLOT('quit()')) @options = TQt::PopupMenu.new @menubar.insertItem("&Options", options) @td_id = options.insertItem("Timer driven", self, TQ_SLOT('timerDriven()')) @ld_id = options.insertItem("Loop driven", self, TQ_SLOT('loopDriven()')) @options.insertSeparator @dl_id = options.insertItem("Default label", self, TQ_SLOT('defaultLabel()')) @cl_id = options.insertItem("Custom label", self, TQ_SLOT('customLabel()')) @options.insertSeparator @md_id = options.insertItem("No minimum duration", self, TQ_SLOT('toggleMinimumDuration()')) @options.setCheckable true loopDriven defaultLabel setFixedSize(400, 300) setBackgroundColor(black) end def drawItemRects(id) n = id - FIRST_DRAW_ITEM - 1 r = 100 n.downto(0) { |n| r *= (n%3 != 0) ? 5 : 4 } r end def doMenuItem(id) draw drawItemRects(id) if id >= FIRST_DRAW_ITEM && id <= LAST_DRAW_ITEM end def stopDrawing @got_stop = true end def timerDriven @timer_driven = true @options.setItemChecked(@td_id, true) @options.setItemChecked(@ld_id, false) end def loopDriven @timer_driven = false @options.setItemChecked(@td_id, false) @options.setItemChecked(@ld_id, true) end def defaultLabel @default_label = true @options.setItemChecked(@dl_id, true) @options.setItemChecked(@cl_id, false) end def customLabel @default_label = false @options.setItemChecked(@dl_id, false) @options.setItemChecked(@cl_id, true) end def toggleMinimumDuration checked = @options.isItemChecked(@md_id) @options.setItemChecked(@md_id, !checked) end def timerEvent(e) @pb.setProgress( @pb.totalSteps - @rects ) if @rects % 100 == 0 @rects -= 1 painter = TQt::Painter.new(self) ww = width wh = height if ww > 8 and wh > 8 c = TQt::Color.new(rand(255), rand(255), rand(255)) x = rand(ww - 8) y = rand(wh - 8) w = rand(ww - x) h = rand(wh - y) painter.fillRect(x, y, w, h, TQt::Brush.new(c)) end painter.end() if @rects == 0 || @got_stop @pb.setProgress(@pb.totalSteps) painter = TQt::Painter.new(self) painter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), TQt::Brush.new(backgroundColor)) painter.end() enableDrawingItems(true) killTimers() @pb = nil end end def newProgressDialog(label, steps, modal) d = TQt::ProgressDialog.new(label, "Cancel", steps, self, "progress", modal) d.setMinimumDuration(0) if @options.isItemChecked(@md_id) d.setLabel( AnimatedThingy.new(d, label) ) unless @default_label d.show d end def enableDrawingItems(yes) FIRST_DRAW_ITEM.upto(LAST_DRAW_ITEM) { |i| menubar.setItemEnabled(i, yes) } end def draw(n) if timer_driven unless @pb.nil? warn("This cannot happen!") return end @rects = n @pb = newProgressDialog("Drawing rectangles.\nUsing timer event.", n, false) @pb.setCaption("Please Wait") connect(@pb, TQ_SIGNAL('cancelled()'), self, TQ_SLOT('stopDrawing()')) enableDrawingItems(false) startTimer(0) @got_stop = false else lpb = newProgressDialog("Drawing rectangles.\nUsing loop.", n, true) lpb.setCaption("Please Wait") painter = TQt::Painter.new(self) 0.upto(n) { |i| if (i % 100) == 0 lpb.setProgress(i) break if lpb.wasCancelled end cw, ch = width, height c = TQt::Color.new(rand(255), rand(255), rand(255)) x = rand(cw - 8) y = rand(cw - 8) w = rand(cw - x) h = rand(cw - y) painter.fillRect(x, y, w, h, TQt::Brush.new(c)) } lpb.cancel painter.fillRect(0, 0, width, height, TQt::Brush.new(backgroundColor)) painter.end() end end end a = TQt::Application.new(ARGV) w = CPUWaster.new w.show a.setMainWidget(w) a.exec