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1021 lines
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// $Id$
// -*- c++ -*-
* Copyright (C) 2003, Ian Reinhart Geiser <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <dcopref.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include "dcop_imp.h"
#include "dcop_imp.moc"
#include <kdatastream.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qbrush.h>
#include <qrect.h>
#include <qsize.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qpoint.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>
#include <qiconset.h>
#include <qpointarray.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qmemarray.h>
#include <qkeysequence.h>
#include <qbitarray.h>
#include <kjs/interpreter.h>
#include <kjs/identifier.h>
#include <kjs/types.h>
#include <kjs/ustring.h>
#include <kjs/value.h>
#include "../jsbinding.h"
#include <kjsembed/jsopaqueproxy.h>
#include <kjsembed/jsobjectproxy.h>
#include <kjsembed/kjsembedpart.h>
namespace KJSEmbed {
namespace Bindings {
KJS::Object JSDCOPRefLoader::createBinding(KJSEmbedPart *jspart, KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::List &args) const
QString application = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
QString object = extractQString(exec, args, 1);
JSOpaqueProxy * prx;
if( application.isEmpty() )
prx= new JSOpaqueProxy( new DCOPRef(), "DCOPRef" );
prx= new JSOpaqueProxy( new DCOPRef(application.latin1(),object.latin1()), "DCOPRef" );
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
prx->setOwner( JSProxy::JavaScript );
return proxyObj;
void JSDCOPRefLoader::addBindings( KJSEmbedPart *jspart, KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &proxy ) const
JSDCOPRef::addBindings( exec, proxy );
JSDCOPRef::JSDCOPRef(KJS::ExecState *exec, int id)
: JSProxyImp(exec), mid(id)
void JSDCOPRef::addBindings( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &object )
JSOpaqueProxy *op = JSProxy::toOpaqueProxy( object.imp() );
if ( !op ) {
kdWarning() << "JSDCOPRef::addBindings() failed, not a JSOpaqueProxy" << endl;
if ( op->typeName() != "DCOPRef" ) {
kdWarning() << "JSDCOPRef::addBindings() failed, type is " << op->typeName() << endl;
DCOPRef *ref = op->toNative<DCOPRef>();
JSProxy::MethodTable methods[] = {
{ Methodcall, "call"},
{ Methodsend, "send" },
{ Methodapp, "app" },
{ Methodobj, "obj" },
{ Methodtype, "type" },
{ MethodsetRef, "setRef" },
{ 0, 0 }
int idx = 0;
do {
JSDCOPRef *meth = new JSDCOPRef( exec, methods[idx].id );
object.put( exec, methods[idx].name, KJS::Object(meth) );
} while( methods[idx].id );
KJS::Value JSDCOPRef::call( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args ) {
JSOpaqueProxy *op = JSProxy::toOpaqueProxy( self.imp() );
if ( !op ) {
kdWarning() << "JSDCOPRef::call() failed, not a JSOpaqueProxy" << endl;
return KJS::Boolean(false);
if ( op->typeName() != "DCOPRef" ) {
kdWarning() << "JSDCOPRef::call() failed, type is " << op->typeName() << endl;
return KJS::Boolean(false);
DCOPRef *ref = op->toNative<DCOPRef>();
kdDebug() << "Ref valid" << ref << endl;
if( !ref )
kdWarning() << "Ref invalid" << ref << endl;
return KJS::Null();
kdDebug() << "DCOPRef call. " << mid << endl;
KJS::Value retValue = KJS::Value();
switch ( mid ) {
case Methodcall:
if ( args.size() < 1 )
kdWarning() << "Not enough args..." << endl;
return KJS::Boolean(false);
QByteArray data, replyData;
QDataStream ds( replyData, IO_ReadOnly);
QCString type;
QString app = ref->app();
QString interface = ref->obj();
QString function = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
QStringList argTypes = JSDCOPClient::getTypes( function );
if( args.size() > 1)
for( int idx = 1; idx < args.size(); ++idx)
JSDCOPClient::marshall(convertToVariant(exec,args[idx] ), argTypes[idx - 1], data);
if( !kapp->dcopClient()->call(app.local8Bit(), interface.local8Bit(), function.local8Bit(), data, type, replyData))
retValue = KJS::Boolean(false);
retValue = JSDCOPClient::demarshall(exec, type, ds);
case Methodsend:
if ( args.size() < 1 )
return KJS::Boolean(false);
QByteArray data;
QString app = ref->app();
QString interface = ref->obj();
QString function = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
QStringList argTypes = JSDCOPClient::getTypes( function );
if( args.size() > 1)
for( int idx = 1; idx < args.size(); ++idx)
JSDCOPClient::marshall(convertToVariant(exec,args[idx] ), argTypes[idx - 1], data);
retValue = KJS::Boolean( kapp->dcopClient()->send(app.local8Bit(), interface.local8Bit(),
function.local8Bit(), data));
case Methodapp:
retValue = convertToValue( exec, ref->app() );
case Methodobj:
retValue = convertToValue( exec, ref->obj() );
case Methodtype:
retValue = convertToValue( exec, ref->type() );
case MethodsetRef:
QString arg0 = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
QString arg1 = extractQString(exec, args, 1);
QString arg2 = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
ref->setRef(arg0.latin1(), arg1.latin1(), arg2.latin1() );
kdWarning() << "JSDCOPClient has no method " << mid << endl;
op->setValue( ref, "DCOPRef" );
return retValue;
KJS::Object JSDCOPClientLoader::createBinding(KJSEmbedPart *jspart, KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::List &/*args*/) const
JSOpaqueProxy * prx = new JSOpaqueProxy( kapp->dcopClient(), "DCOPClient" );
prx->setOwner( JSProxy::Native );
KJS::Object proxyObj( prx );
addBindings( jspart, exec, proxyObj );
return proxyObj;
void JSDCOPClientLoader::addBindings( KJSEmbedPart *jspart, KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &proxy ) const
JSDCOPClient::addBindings( exec, proxy );
JSDCOPClient::JSDCOPClient( KJS::ExecState *exec, int id )
: JSProxyImp(exec), mid(id)
void JSDCOPClient::addBindings( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &object )
if( !JSProxy::checkType(object, JSProxy::OpaqueProxy, "DCOPClient") ) return;
JSProxy::MethodTable methods[] = {
{ Methodattach, "attach"},
{ Methoddetach, "detach"},
{ MethodisAttached, "isAttached" },
{ MethodregisteredApplications, "registeredApplications" },
{ MethodremoteObjects, "remoteObjects" },
{ MethodremoteInterfaces, "remoteInterfaces" },
{ MethodremoteFunctions, "remoteFunctions" },
{ MethodconnectDCOPSignal, "connectDCOPSignal" },
{ MethoddisconnectDCOPSignal, "disconnectDCOPSignal"},
{ Methodcall, "call"},
{ Methodsend, "send"},
{ MethodDCOPStart, "dcopStart"},
{ MethodappId, "appId"},
{ MethodisApplicationRegistered, "isApplicationRegistered" },
{ 0, 0 }
JSProxy::addMethods<JSDCOPClient>(exec, methods, object );
KJS::Value JSDCOPClient::call( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args ) {
if( !JSProxy::checkType(self, JSProxy::OpaqueProxy, "DCOPClient") ) return KJS::Value();
JSOpaqueProxy *op = JSProxy::toOpaqueProxy( self.imp() );
KJS::Value retValue = KJS::Value();
switch ( mid ) {
case Methodattach: {
retValue = KJS::Boolean(attach( ));
case Methoddetach: {
retValue = KJS::Boolean(detach( ));
case MethodisAttached: {
retValue = KJS::Boolean(isAttached( ));
case MethodregisteredApplications: {
retValue = convertToValue(exec, registeredApplications());
case MethodremoteObjects: {
QString arg0 = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
retValue = convertToValue( exec, remoteObjects(arg0));
case MethodremoteInterfaces: {
QString arg0 = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
QString arg1 = extractQString(exec, args, 1);
this->remoteInterfaces(arg0, arg1);
case MethodremoteFunctions: {
QString arg0 = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
QString arg1 = extractQString(exec, args, 1);
remoteFunctions(arg0, arg1);
case MethodconnectDCOPSignal: {
QString arg0 = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
QString arg1 = extractQString(exec, args, 1);
QString arg2 = extractQString(exec, args, 2);
QString arg3 = extractQString(exec, args, 3);
QString arg4 = extractQString(exec, args, 4);
bool arg5 = (args.size() > 5) ? args[5].toBoolean(exec) : false;
connectDCOPSignal( arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
case MethoddisconnectDCOPSignal: {
QString arg0 = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
QString arg1 = extractQString(exec, args, 1);
QString arg2 = extractQString(exec, args, 2);
QString arg3 = extractQString(exec, args, 3);
QString arg4 = extractQString(exec, args, 4);
disconnectDCOPSignal(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
case MethodDCOPStart: {
QString arg0 = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
retValue = KJS::String( dcopStart( arg0, QStringList() ) );
case MethodappId:
retValue = KJS::String( kapp->dcopClient()->appId().data() );
case MethodisApplicationRegistered: {
QString arg0 = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
retValue = KJS::Boolean( kapp->dcopClient()->isApplicationRegistered( arg0.latin1() ) );
case Methodsend:
return dcopSend( exec, self, args );
case Methodcall:
return dcopCall( exec, self, args );
kdWarning() << "JSDCOPClient has no method " << mid << endl;
return retValue;
bool JSDCOPClient::attach() const
if( !kapp->dcopClient()->isAttached() )
return kapp->dcopClient()->attach();
return true;
bool JSDCOPClient::detach() const
{ return kapp->dcopClient()->detach();
bool JSDCOPClient::isAttached() const
return kapp->dcopClient()->isAttached();
KJS::Value JSDCOPClient::dcopCall( KJS::ExecState * exec, KJS::Object &, const KJS::List & args )
if ( args.size() < 3 )
return KJS::Boolean(false);
QStringList types;
QByteArray data, replyData;
QDataStream ds( replyData, IO_ReadOnly);
QCString type;
QString app = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
QString interface = extractQString(exec, args, 1);
QString function = extractQString(exec, args, 2);
QStringList argTypes = getTypes( function );
if( args.size() > 3)
for( int idx = 3; idx < args.size(); ++idx)
QVariant var = convertToVariant(exec,args[idx] );
marshall(var, argTypes[idx -3 ], data);
if( !kapp->dcopClient()->call(app.local8Bit(), interface.local8Bit(), function.local8Bit(), data, type, replyData))
return KJS::Boolean(false);
return demarshall(exec, type, ds);
KJS::Value JSDCOPClient::dcopSend( KJS::ExecState * exec, KJS::Object &, const KJS::List & args )
if ( args.size() < 3 )
return KJS::Boolean(false);
QByteArray data;
QString app = extractQString(exec, args, 0);
QString interface = extractQString(exec, args, 1);
QString function = extractQString(exec, args, 2);
QStringList argTypes = getTypes( function );
if( args.size() > 3)
for( int idx = 3; idx < args.size(); ++idx)
QVariant var = convertToVariant(exec,args[idx] );
marshall(var, argTypes[idx - 3], data);
return KJS::Boolean( kapp->dcopClient()->send(app.local8Bit(), interface.local8Bit(),
function.local8Bit(), data));
KJS::Value JSDCOPClient::demarshall( KJS::ExecState * exec, const QCString& type, QDataStream& data)
kdDebug() << "Demarshall " << type << endl;
if( type == "DCOPRef" )
DCOPRef *ref = new DCOPRef();
data >> *ref;
JSOpaqueProxy *prx = new JSOpaqueProxy(ref, "DCOPRef" );
KJS::Object proxyObj(prx);
kdDebug() << "DCOPRef " << ref->app() << endl;
Bindings::JSDCOPRef::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
return proxyObj;
return convertToValue(exec, demarshall(type, data));
QStringList JSDCOPClient::getTypes( const QString& function )
QCString myFunction = DCOPClient::normalizeFunctionSignature (function.latin1());
QString args = myFunction.mid( myFunction.find('(') + 1 );
args = args.left( args.length() - 1);
return QStringList::split(',', args);
void JSDCOPClient::marshall( const QVariant& data, const QString& typeName, QByteArray& buffer )
QDataStream stream(buffer, IO_WriteOnly | IO_Append);
if ( typeName == "QString" )
stream << data.toString();
else if ( typeName == "QCString")
stream << data.toCString();
else if ( typeName == "int")
stream << data.toInt();
else if ( typeName == "uint")
stream << data.toUInt();
else if ( typeName == "bool")
stream << data.toBool();
else if ( typeName == "double")
stream << data.toDouble();
else if ( typeName == "QMap" )
stream << data.toMap();
else if ( typeName == "QValueList")
stream << data.toList();
else if ( typeName == "QFont")
stream << data.toFont();
else if ( typeName == "QPixmap")
stream << data.toPixmap();
else if ( typeName == "QBrush")
stream << data.toBrush();
else if ( typeName == "QRect")
stream << data.toRect();
else if ( typeName == "QSize")
stream << data.toSize();
else if ( typeName == "QColor")
stream << data.toColor();
else if ( typeName == "QPalette")
stream << data.toPalette();
else if ( typeName == "QColorGroup")
stream << data.toColorGroup();
/*else if ( typeName == "QIconSet")
stream << data.toIconSet();
else if ( typeName == "QPoint")
stream << data.toPoint();
else if ( typeName == "QImage")
stream << data.toImage();
else if ( typeName == "QPointArray")
stream << data.toPointArray();
else if ( typeName == "QRegion")
stream << data.toRegion();
else if ( typeName == "QBitmap")
stream << data.toBitmap();
else if ( typeName == "QCursor")
stream << data.toCursor();
/*else if ( typeName == "QSizePolicy")
stream << data.toSizePolicy();
else if ( typeName == "QDate")
stream << data.toDate();
else if ( typeName == "QTime")
stream << data.toTime();
else if ( typeName == "QDateTime")
stream << data.toDateTime();
else if ( typeName == "QByteArray")
stream << data.toByteArray();
else if ( typeName == "QBitArray")
stream << data.toBitArray();
else if ( typeName == "QKeySequence")
stream << data.toKeySequence();
else if ( typeName == "KURL" )
KURL url = data.toString();
stream << url;
stream << 0;
QString JSDCOPClient::dcopStart( const QString &appName, const QStringList& args )
QString error;
QString startFunction;
if (appName.endsWith(".desktop"))
startFunction = "start_service_by_desktop_path(QString,QStringList)";
startFunction = "start_service_by_desktop_name(QString,QStringList)";
QByteArray data, replyData;
QCString replyType;
QDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly);
arg << appName << args;
if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->call( "klauncher", "klauncher", startFunction.latin1(), data, replyType, replyData) )
kdWarning() << "Error: Dcop call failed" << endl;
QDataStream reply(replyData, IO_ReadOnly);
if ( replyType != "serviceResult" )
kdWarning() << "Error: No serviceResult " << endl;
int result;
QCString dcopName;
QString error;
reply >> result >> dcopName >> error;
if (result != 0)
kdWarning() << "Error: " << error.local8Bit().data() << endl;
else if (!dcopName.isEmpty())
return dcopName;
kdWarning() << "Error: no app name returned." << endl;
return "";
QStringList JSDCOPClient::remoteFunctions( const QString & remApp, const QString & remObj )
QStringList returnList;
QCStringList lst = kapp->dcopClient()->remoteFunctions(remApp.local8Bit(), remObj.local8Bit());
for(uint idx = 0; idx < lst.count(); ++idx)
returnList += lst[idx];
return returnList;
QStringList JSDCOPClient::remoteInterfaces( const QString & remApp, const QString & remObj )
QStringList returnList;
QCStringList lst = kapp->dcopClient()->remoteInterfaces(remApp.local8Bit(), remObj.local8Bit());
for(uint idx = 0; idx < lst.count(); ++idx)
returnList += lst[idx];
return returnList;
QStringList JSDCOPClient::remoteObjects( const QString & remApp )
QStringList returnList;
QCStringList lst = kapp->dcopClient()->remoteObjects(remApp.local8Bit());
for(uint idx = 0; idx < lst.count(); ++idx)
returnList += lst[idx];
return returnList;
QStringList JSDCOPClient::registeredApplications( )
QStringList returnList;
QCStringList lst = kapp->dcopClient()->registeredApplications( );
for(uint idx = 0; idx < lst.count(); ++idx)
returnList += lst[idx];
return returnList;
bool JSDCOPClient::connectDCOPSignal (const QString &sender, const QString &senderObj, const QString &signal, const QString &receiverObj, const QString &slot, bool Volatile)
return kapp->dcopClient()->connectDCOPSignal(sender.latin1(), senderObj.latin1(), signal.latin1(), receiverObj.latin1(), slot.latin1(), Volatile);
bool JSDCOPClient::disconnectDCOPSignal (const QString &sender, const QString &senderObj, const QString &signal, const QString &receiverObj, const QString &slot)
return kapp->dcopClient()->disconnectDCOPSignal(sender.latin1(), senderObj.latin1(), signal.latin1(), receiverObj.latin1(), slot.latin1());
KJS::Object JSDCOPInterfacerLoader::createBinding(KJSEmbedPart *jspart, KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::List &args) const
QObject *parent = extractQObject(exec, args, 0);
QString name = extractQString(exec, args, 1);
QObject *obj = new JSDCOPInterface(jspart->interpreter(),parent, name.latin1() );
JSObjectProxy *prxy = new JSObjectProxy(jspart, obj);
KJS::Object object(prxy);
return object;
void JSDCOPInterfacerLoader::addBindings( KJSEmbedPart *jspart, KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &proxy ) const
JSObjectProxy *prx = JSProxy::toObjectProxy( proxy.imp() );
if( prx )
prx->addBindings( exec, proxy );
void JSDCOPInterface::publish( const QString & signature )
if( m_Members.find(signature.latin1() ) == m_Members.end())
m_Members.append(signature.latin1() );
JSDCOPInterface::~ JSDCOPInterface( )
JSDCOPInterface::JSDCOPInterface( KJS::Interpreter *js, QObject * parent, const char * name )
: BindingObject( parent, name ),DCOPObject(name), m_js(js)
QCStringList JSDCOPInterface::functionsDynamic( )
return m_Members;
bool JSDCOPInterface::processDynamic( const QCString & rawFunction, const QByteArray & data, QCString & replyType, QByteArray & replyData )
bool isOkay = false;
QRegExp reg = QRegExp("([_\\d\\w]+)(\\()(.*)(\\))");;
kdDebug() << "Raw function: " << rawFunction << endl;
kdDebug() << "Reply type: " << replyType << endl;
kdDebug() << "Signature: " << reg.cap(1) << endl;
kdDebug() << "Args: " << reg.cap(3) << endl;
QString signature = reg.cap(1);
QStringList argStrings = QStringList::split(',', reg.cap(3), false);
kdDebug() << argStrings.count() << " args..." << endl;
KJS::ExecState *exec = m_js->globalExec();
KJS::Object obj = m_js->globalObject();
KJS::Identifier id( KJS::UString( signature.latin1() ) );
KJS::Object fun = obj.get(exec, id ).toObject( exec );
KJS::Value retValue;
if ( fun.implementsCall() )
QDataStream ds( data, IO_ReadOnly );
KJS::List args;
for( uint idx = 0; idx < argStrings.count(); ++idx)
kdDebug() << "Get arg: " << argStrings[idx] << endl;
args.append( JSDCOPClient::demarshall( exec, argStrings[idx].latin1(), ds));
retValue =, obj, args);
if( exec->hadException() )
kdWarning() << "Got error: " << exec->exception().toString(exec).qstring() << endl;
kdDebug() << "Returned type is a " << retValue.type() << endl;
if( retValue.isA(KJS::UndefinedType) )
replyType = "void";
isOkay = true;
else if( retValue.isA(KJS::ObjectType) )
JSOpaqueProxy *oprx = JSProxy::toOpaqueProxy( retValue.imp() );
if( oprx )
replyType = "DCOPRef";
QDataStream refStream( replyData, IO_WriteOnly );
if( oprx->typeName() == "DCOPRef" )
DCOPRef ref(*oprx->toNative<DCOPRef>());
refStream << ref;
isOkay = true;
QVariant returnVariant = convertToVariant(exec, retValue);
JSDCOPClient::marshall(returnVariant,returnVariant.typeName(), replyData);
replyType = returnVariant.typeName();
isOkay = true;
return isOkay;
QVariant JSDCOPClient::demarshall( const QCString & type, QDataStream & reply )
kdDebug() << "Type: '" << type << "'"<< endl;
/*if ( type == "QMap" ) // ? dont handle?
QMap<QVariant, QVariant> result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QValueList") // ? dont handle?
QValueList<QVariant> result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
}else if ( type == "QVariantList")
QVariantList result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else */
if ( type == "QString")
QString result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "int")
int result;
reply >> result;
kdDebug() << "Result: " << result << endl;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "uint")
uint result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "bool")
bool result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "double")
double result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QCString")
QCString result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QVariant")
QVariant result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QFont")
QFont result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QPixmap")
QPixmap result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QBrush")
QBrush result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QRect")
QRect result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QSize")
QSize result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QColor")
QColor result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QPalette")
QPalette result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QColorGroup")
QColorGroup result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
/*else if ( type == "QIconSet")
QIconSet result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QPoint")
QPoint result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QImage")
QImage result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QPointArray")
QPointArray result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QRegion")
QRegion result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QBitmap")
QBitmap result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QCursor")
QCursor result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
/*else if ( type == "QSizePolicy")
QSizePolicy result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QDate")
QDate result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QTime")
QTime result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QDateTime")
QDateTime result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QByteArray")
QByteArray result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QBitArray")
QBitArray result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QKeySequence")
QKeySequence result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QStringList")
QStringList result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
else if ( type == "QCStringList")
QStringList result;
reply >> result;
return QVariant(result);
return QVariant();
} // namespace Bindings
} // namespace KJSEmbed