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<title>KJSEmbed Documentation</title>
<h1>KJSEmbed Documentation</h1>
The KJSEmbed library is an easy-to-use wrapper around the KDE
ECMAScript interpreter (kjs) that makes it easy to add scriptability
to an application. The kjsembed library is distributed in the
tdebindings module of KDE. This library provides a binding between
Qt/KDE applications and KJS. As well as working in its native KDE environment,
the library supports a Qt-only build that has no KDE dependencies.
<h3>Discussion Forums</h3>
There is now a KJSEmbed mailing list, see
<a href="http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kjsembed">http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kjsembed</a>
for more information about the list. In addition to the mailing list,
KJSEmbed is discussed on the #kaxul IRC channel (on the freenode IRC network).
<h3>Learning KJSEmbed</h3>
An introduction to KJSEmbed. The example scripts demonstrate the use
of all the major objects, and even provides some useful tools. The
tutorial provides a basic introduction to using KJSEmbed, though it is
a little out of date.
<li><b><a href="examples/index.html">Examples</a></b><br>
Example scripts showing how to use KJSEmbed.</li>
<li><b><a href="tutorial">Tutorial</a></b><br>
A tutorial for the library. NOTE: Some of the info here is out of date, see the
examples for cleaner ways to do things.</li>
<li><b><a href="changes.html">ChangeLog</a></b><br>
A log of the change history generated from CVS commit messages.</li>
<li><b><a href="TODO">TODO</a></b><br>
The todo list for KJSEmbed.</li>
<h3>Reference Information</h3>
A reference manual for both the C++ and Javascript APIs defined by
KJSEmbed. The C++ API is of interest to developers looking to adding
scripting to support to their applications, the JS API is for people
who want to write scripts.
<h4>JavaScript API</h4>
<li><b><a href="types.html">Type Reference</a></b><br>
Documents the custom data types KJSEmbed uses to represent complex types.
<li><b><a href="jsref/index.html">Object Reference</a></b><br>
Documents the types of object scripts are allowed to create.
<h4>Host API</h4>
<li><b><a href="classdocs/index.html">C++ API Reference</a> (C++)</b><br>
Reference manual for the C++ API of the KJSEmbed library.</li>
href="http://webcvs.kde.org/tdebindings/kjsembed/kjscmd.cpp?view=markup">Example of embedding</a></b><br>
KJSCmd is a simple example of embedding the interpreter.
<li><b><a href="qtonly.html">Qt Only Mode</a></b><br>
How to build KJSEmbed with no KDE dependency.</li>
<li><b><a href="conventions.html">Document Conventions</a></b><br>
Explains the typographical conventions used by the documents.</li>
<li><b><a href="kjsembed-qsa.html">KJSEmbed and TQSA</a></b><br>
Discusses the differences between KJSEmbed and TQSA.</li>
<li><b><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/js/language/">Mozilla Javascript Resources</a></b><br>
Mozilla's Javascript resources page, includes links to the various
releases of the ECMA-262 specification that define the language.
<li><b><a href="http://www.kevlindev.com/tutorials/javascript/inheritance/">Inheritance in Javascript</a></b><br>
A tutorial on how to implement inheritence in JavaScript.
<li><b><a href="http://doc.trolltech.com/qsa/">Qt Script for Applications Documentation</a></b><br>
The documentation for TQSA, this is Trolltech's ECMAScript binding
for Qt.