#!/usr/bin/env kjscmd
StdDirs . addResourceType ( "madminute" , StdDirs . kde _default ( "data" ) + "/madminute" ) ;
try {
//var view = Factory.loadui( StdDirs.findResource("madminute", "madminute.ui"), this, mw );
var view = Factory . loadui ( "madminute.ui" ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
alert ( err ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ;
var Addition = 1 ;
var Subtraction = 2 ;
var config = new Config ( "madminute" ) ;
config . setGroup ( "Game Options" ) ;
// Timer
var timer = new TQTimer ( this ) ;
// Current Argument 1
var arg1 = 0 ;
// Current Argument 2
var arg2 = 0 ;
// Current Operation
var operation = Addition ;
// Acceptable operations 1 = Addition 2 = Subtraction 3 = Both
var operations = config . readNumEntry ( "Operations" , Addition ) ;
// Time to run the drill
var drillTime = config . readNumEntry ( "Drill Time" , 60 ) ;
// maxInput is maximum value for the numbers in the question
var maxInput = config . readNumEntry ( "Maximum Input" , 10 ) ;
var total = 0 ;
view . connect ( view . fileExitAction , 'activated()' , application , 'quit()' ) ;
view . connect ( view . fileGoAction , 'activated()' , this , 'start' ) ;
view . connect ( view . editPreferencesAction , 'activated()' , this , 'configure' ) ;
view . connect ( view . helpAboutAction , 'activated()' , this , 'about' ) ;
view . connect ( view . helpHelpAction , 'activated()' , this , 'helpDialog' ) ;
view . connect ( view . qt _central _widget . answer , 'returnPressed()' , this , 'checkAnswer' ) ;
view . connect ( timer , 'timeout()' , this , 'countdown' ) ;
view . qt _central _widget . answer . enabled = false ;
view . show ( ) ;
// Run the main event loop.
application . exec ( ) ;
function configure ( )
//var configUI = Factory.loadui( StdDirs.findResource("madminute", "configdialog.ui"), this, mw );
var configUI = Factory . loadui ( "configdialog.ui" ) ;
configUI . connect ( configUI . buttonHelp , 'clicked()' , this , 'helpDialog' ) ;
configUI . addition . checked = false ;
configUI . subtraction . checked == false ;
configUI . time . value = drillTime ;
configUI . maximum . value = maxInput ;
if ( operations == 1 )
configUI . addition . checked = true ;
if ( operations == 2 )
configUI . subtraction . checked = true ;
if ( operations == 3 )
configUI . addition . checked = true ;
configUI . subtraction . checked = true ;
if ( configUI . exec ( ) == 1 )
operations = 0 ;
if ( configUI . addition . checked == true )
operations += 1 ;
if ( configUI . subtraction . checked == true )
operations += 2 ;
drillTime = configUI . time . value ;
maxInput = configUI . maximum . value ;
config . setGroup ( "Game Options" ) ;
config . writeNumEntry ( "Operations" , operations ) ;
config . writeNumEntry ( "Drill Time" , drillTime ) ;
config . writeNumEntry ( "Maximum Input" , maxInput ) ;
config . sync ( ) ;
function about ( )
alert ( "<h2>MadMinute 1.0</h2>A math tutoring drill to help students master basic math skills.<br>Copyright 2004 Ian Reinhart Geiser <a href='mailto:geiseri@kde.org'>geiseri@kde.org</a>" ) ;
function helpDialog ( )
//var helpUI = Factory.loadui( StdDirs.findResource("madminute", "helpdialog.ui"), this, mw );
var helpUI = Factory . loadui ( "helpdialog.ui" ) ;
helpUI . exec ( ) ;
function askQuestion ( )
arg1 = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * maxInput ) ;
arg2 = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * maxInput ) ;
if ( operations == 3 )
operation = Math . floor ( ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 1 ) ;
operation = operations ;
var operationText = "" ;
if ( operation == Addition )
operationText = " + " ;
else if ( operation == Subtraction )
operationText = " - " ;
if ( arg1 < arg2 )
var arg = arg1 ;
arg1 = arg2 ;
arg2 = arg ;
view . qt _central _widget . question . text = "<h2>" + arg1 + operationText + arg2 + "=</h2>" ;
function checkAnswer ( )
var answer = 0 ;
if ( operation == Addition )
answer = ( arg1 + arg2 ) ;
else if ( operation == Subtraction )
answer = ( arg1 - arg2 ) ;
if ( view . qt _central _widget . answer . text == answer )
view . qt _central _widget . correct . value ++ ;
total ++ ;
askQuestion ( ) ;
view . qt _central _widget . answer . text = "" ;
function start ( )
askQuestion ( ) ;
total = 0 ;
timer . start ( 1000 ) ;
view . fileGoAction . enabled = false ;
view . qt _central _widget . answer . enabled = true ;
view . qt _central _widget . answer . setFocus ( ) ;
view . qt _central _widget . timeleft . progress = drillTime ;
view . qt _central _widget . correct . value = 0 ;
function countdown ( )
view . qt _central _widget . timeleft . progress -- ;
if ( view . qt _central _widget . timeleft . progress == 0 )
timer . stop ( ) ;
view . fileGoAction . enabled = true ;
view . qt _central _widget . answer . enabled = false ;
alert ( "<h1>Times Up!</h1>You got " + view . qt _central _widget . correct . value + " out of " + total + " questions correct." ) ;