#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# A tquick and dirty web browser demonstrating the direct instantiation
# of a KHTML part. Needless to say: this is NOT a programming paragon :)
# -- gg.
# AK - ported to ruby
require 'Korundum'
opt = [ [ "+[url]", "An URL to open at startup.", "" ],
[ "z", "A dummy binary option.", "" ],
[ "baz <file>", "A long option with arg.", "" ],
[ "boz <file>", "Same as above with default value", "default.txt" ],
#TQt::Internal::setDebug TQt::QtDebugChannel::TQTDB_ALL
# Qt.debug_level = TQt::DebugLevel::High
about = KDE::AboutData.new("kludgeror", "Kludgeror", "0.1", "A basic web browser")
KDE::CmdLineArgs::init(ARGV, about)
KDE::CmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions opt
args = KDE::CmdLineArgs::parsedArgs
a = KDE::Application.new # BUG, application shouldn't be needed at the top, lets fix this...
class PartHolder < TQt::Object
signals "setLocBarText(const TQString&)"
slots "reload()", "goToURL(const TQString&)", "back()", "openURL(const KURL&)" # BUG - the slots should be normalize wrt spaces by the lib
attr_accessor :part, :history
def initialize part, *k
@part = part
@history = []
def openURL url
@part.openURL url
# BUG - a non existant slot emit says horrible things, nothing interesting for user.. very confusing
# BUG - signal emitting is *very* wrong
# emit setLocBarText(url.url)
@history.unshift url unless url == @history[0]
def reload
@part.openURL @part.url
def goToURL(url)
url = "http://#{url}" unless url =~ /^\w*:/
openURL KDE::URL.new(url)
def back
return unless @history.length > 1
openURL @history[0] unless @history.empty?
LOC_ED = 322
ERASE_B = 323
BACK_B = 324
url = (args.count > 1) ? args.url(0) : KDE::URL.new("http://loki:8080/xml/index.xml")
puts "Dummy z option activated." if args.isSet "z"
puts "Dummy baz option has value: #{args.getOption "baz"}" if args.isSet "baz"
# puts "Dummy boz option has value: #{args.getOption "boz"}" if args.isSet "boz" # B0rked?
toplevel = KDE::MainWindow.new
doc = KDE::HTMLPart.new toplevel, nil, toplevel, nil, 1
# doc = KDE::HTMLPart.new toplevel, nil, toplevel, nil, 1 # KDE::HTMLPart::BrowserViewGUI
ph = PartHolder.new doc
TQt::Object::connect doc.browserExtension, SIGNAL("openURLRequest(const KURL&, const KParts::URLArgs&)"),
ph, SLOT("openURL(const KURL&)") # BUG this slot must be screwing up wrt marshalling?
ph.openURL url
toplevel.setCentralWidget doc.widget
toplevel.resize 700, 500
d, viewMenu, fileMenu, locBar, e = nil
d = doc.domDocument
viewMenu = d.documentElement.firstChild.childNodes.item(2).toElement
e = d.createElement "action"
e.setAttribute "name", "debugRenderTree"
viewMenu.appendChild e
e = d.createElement "action"
e.setAttribute "name", "debugDOMTree"
viewMenu.appendChild e
fileMenu = d.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild.toElement
fileMenu.appendChild d.createElement("separator")
e = d.createElement "action"
e.setAttribute "name", "exit"
fileMenu.appendChild e
locBar = d.createElement "toolbar"
locBar.setAttribute "name", "locationBar"
e = d.createElement "action"
e.setAttribute "name", "reload"
locBar.appendChild e
d.documentElement.appendChild locBar
a1 = KDE::Action.new( "Reload", "reload", KDE::Shortcut.new(TQt::Key_F5), ph, SLOT("reload()"), doc.actionCollection, "reload" )
a2 = KDE::Action.new( "Exit", "exit", KDE::Shortcut.new(0), a, SLOT("quit()"), doc.actionCollection, "exit" )
toplevel.guiFactory.addClient doc
locBar = toplevel.toolBar("locationBar");
locBar.insertButton "back", BACK_B, SIGNAL("clicked()"),
ph, SLOT("back()"), true, "Go back"
locBar.insertLined url.url, LOC_ED, SIGNAL("returnPressed(const TQString&)"), ph, SLOT("goToURL(const TQString&)"), true, "Location"
locBar.insertButton "locationbar_erase", ERASE_B, SIGNAL("clicked()"),
locBar.getLined(LOC_ED), SLOT("clear()"), true, "Erase the location bar's content", 2
locBar.setItemAutoSized LOC_ED, true
comp = locBar.getLined(LOC_ED).completionObject
comp.setCompletionMode KDE::GlobalSettings::CompletionPopupAuto
TQt::Object::connect(locBar.getLined(LOC_ED), SIGNAL("returnPressed(const TQString&)"),
comp, SLOT("addItem(const TQString&)"))
TQt::Object::connect(ph, SIGNAL("setLocBarText(const TQString&)"), # BUG - once again...
locBar.getLined(LOC_ED), SLOT("setText(const TQString&)"))
doc.setJScriptEnabled true
doc.setJavaEnabled true
doc.setPluginsEnabled true
doc.setURLCursor TQt::Cursor.new(TQt::PointingHandCursor)
a.setTopWidget doc.widget
TQt::Object::connect doc, SIGNAL("setWindowCaption(const TQString&)"),
doc.widget.topLevelWidget, SLOT("setCaption(const TQString&)")