You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

428 lines
12 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2001 Christoph Cullmann <>
Copyright (C) 2001 Joseph Wenninger <>
Copyright (C) 2001, 2005 Anders Lund <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kateviewspace.h"
#include "kateviewspace.moc"
#include "katemainwindow.h"
#include "kateviewspacecontainer.h"
#include "katedocmanager.h"
#include "kateapp.h"
#include "katesession.h"
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <ksqueezedtextlabel.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tqwidgetstack.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqcursor.h>
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
A 2 px line to separate the statusbar from the view.
It is here to compensate for the lack of a frame in the view,
I think Kate looks very nice this way, as TQScrollView with frame
looks slightly clumsy...
Slight 3D effect. I looked for suitable TQStyle props or methods,
but found none, though maybe it should use TQStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth
for height (TRY!).
It does look a bit funny with flat styles (Light, .Net) as is,
but there are on methods to paint panel lines separately. And,
those styles tends to look funny on their own, as a light line
in a 3D frame next to a light contents widget is not functional.
Also, TQStatusBar is up to now completely ignorant to style.
class KVSSBSep : public TQWidget {
KVSSBSep( KateViewSpace *parent=0) : TQWidget(parent)
setFixedHeight( 2 );
void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *e )
TQPainter p( this );
p.setPen( colorGroup().shadow() );
p.drawLine( e->rect().left(), 0, e->rect().right(), 0 );
p.setPen( ((KateViewSpace*)parentWidget())->isActiveSpace() ? colorGroup().light() : colorGroup().midlight() );
p.drawLine( e->rect().left(), 1, e->rect().right(), 1 );
//BEGIN KateViewSpace
KateViewSpace::KateViewSpace( KateViewSpaceContainer *viewManager,
TQWidget* parent, const char* name )
: TQVBox(parent, name),
m_viewManager( viewManager )
stack = new TQWidgetStack( this );
setStretchFactor(stack, 1);
//sep = new KVSSBSep( this );
mStatusBar = new KateVSStatusBar(this);
mIsActiveSpace = false;
mViewCount = 0;
setMinimumWidth (mStatusBar->minimumWidth());
m_group = TQString::null;
void KateViewSpace::polish()
void KateViewSpace::addView(Kate::View* v, bool show)
// restore the config of this view if possible
if ( !m_group.isEmpty() )
TQString fn = v->getDoc()->url().prettyURL();
if (!fn.isEmpty())
TQString vgroup = TQString("%1 %2").arg(m_group).arg(fn);
const KateSession *as = KateSessionManager::self()->getActiveSession();
TDEConfig *asCfg = as->getConfig();
if (asCfg && asCfg->hasGroup(vgroup))
uint id = mViewList.count();
stack->addWidget(v, id);
if (show) {
showView( v );
else {
Kate::View* c = mViewList.current();
mViewList.prepend( v );
showView( c );
void KateViewSpace::removeView(Kate::View* v)
disconnect( v->getDoc(), TQ_SIGNAL(modifiedChanged()),
mStatusBar, TQ_SLOT(modifiedChanged()) );
bool active = ( v == currentView() );
mViewList.remove (v);
stack->removeWidget (v);
if ( ! active )
if (currentView() != 0L)
else if (mViewList.count() > 0)
bool KateViewSpace::showView(Kate::View* v)
return showView( v->getDoc()->documentNumber() );
bool KateViewSpace::showView(uint documentNumber)
TQPtrListIterator<Kate::View> it (mViewList);
for( ; it.current(); --it ) {
if (((Kate::Document*)it.current()->getDoc())->documentNumber() == documentNumber) {
if ( currentView() )
disconnect( currentView()->getDoc(), TQ_SIGNAL(modifiedChanged()),
mStatusBar, TQ_SLOT(modifiedChanged()) );
Kate::View* kv = it.current();
connect( kv->getDoc(), TQ_SIGNAL(modifiedChanged()),
mStatusBar, TQ_SLOT(modifiedChanged()) );
mViewList.removeRef( kv );
mViewList.append( kv );
stack->raiseWidget( kv );
return true;
return false;
Kate::View* KateViewSpace::currentView()
if (mViewList.count() > 0)
return (Kate::View*)stack->visibleWidget();
return 0L;
bool KateViewSpace::isActiveSpace()
return mIsActiveSpace;
void KateViewSpace::setActive( bool active, bool )
mIsActiveSpace = active;
// change the statusbar palette and make sure it gets updated
TQPalette pal( palette() );
if ( ! active )
pal.setColor( TQColorGroup::Background, );
pal.setColor( TQColorGroup::Light, );
mStatusBar->setPalette( pal );
bool KateViewSpace::event( TQEvent *e )
if ( e->type() == TQEvent::PaletteChange )
setActive( mIsActiveSpace );
return true;
return TQVBox::event( e );
void KateViewSpace::slotStatusChanged (Kate::View *view, int r, int c, int ovr, bool block, int mod, const TQString &msg)
if ((TQWidgetStack *)view->parentWidget() != stack)
mStatusBar->setStatus( r, c, ovr, block, mod, msg );
void KateViewSpace::saveConfig ( TDEConfig* config, int myIndex ,const TQString& viewConfGrp)
// kdDebug()<<"KateViewSpace::saveConfig("<<myIndex<<", "<<viewConfGrp<<") - currentView: "<<currentView()<<")"<<endl;
TQString group = TQString(viewConfGrp+"-ViewSpace %1").arg( myIndex );
config->setGroup (group);
config->writeEntry ("Count", mViewList.count());
if (currentView())
config->writeEntry( "Active View", currentView()->getDoc()->url().prettyURL() );
// Save file list, including cursor position in this instance.
TQPtrListIterator<Kate::View> it(mViewList);
int idx = 0;
for (; it.current(); ++it)
if ( !it.current()->getDoc()->url().isEmpty() )
long docListPos = it.current()->getDoc()->documentListPosition();
config->setGroup( group );
config->writeEntry( TQString("View %1").arg( (docListPos<0)?idx:docListPos ), it.current()->getDoc()->url().prettyURL() );
// view config, group: "ViewSpace <n> url"
TQString vgroup = TQString("%1 %2").arg(group).arg(it.current()->getDoc()->url().prettyURL());
config->setGroup( vgroup );
it.current()->writeSessionConfig( config );
void KateViewSpace::modifiedOnDisc(Kate::Document *, bool, unsigned char)
if ( currentView() )
mStatusBar->updateMod( currentView()->getDoc()->isModified() );
void KateViewSpace::restoreConfig ( KateViewSpaceContainer *viewMan, TDEConfig* config, const TQString &group )
config->setGroup (group);
TQString fn = config->readEntry( "Active View" );
if ( !fn.isEmpty() )
Kate::Document *doc = KateDocManager::self()->findDocumentByUrl (KURL(fn));
if (doc)
// view config, group: "ViewSpace <n> url"
TQString vgroup = TQString("%1 %2").arg(group).arg(fn);
config->setGroup( vgroup );
viewMan->createView (doc);
Kate::View *v = viewMan->activeView ();
if (v)
v->readSessionConfig( config );
if (mViewList.isEmpty())
viewMan->createView (KateDocManager::self()->document(0));
m_group = group; // used for restroing view configs later
//END KateViewSpace
//BEGIN KateVSStatusBar
KateVSStatusBar::KateVSStatusBar ( KateViewSpace *parent, const char *name )
: KStatusBar( parent, name ),
m_viewSpace( parent )
m_lineColLabel = new TQLabel( this );
addWidget( m_lineColLabel, 0, false );
m_lineColLabel->setAlignment( TQt::AlignCenter );
m_lineColLabel->installEventFilter( this );
m_modifiedLabel = new TQLabel( TQString(" "), this );
addWidget( m_modifiedLabel, 0, false );
m_modifiedLabel->setAlignment( TQt::AlignCenter );
m_modifiedLabel->installEventFilter( this );
m_insertModeLabel = new TQLabel( i18n(" INS "), this );
addWidget( m_insertModeLabel, 0, false );
m_insertModeLabel->setAlignment( TQt::AlignCenter );
m_insertModeLabel->installEventFilter( this );
m_selectModeLabel = new TQLabel( i18n(" NORM "), this );
addWidget( m_selectModeLabel, 0, false );
m_selectModeLabel->setAlignment( TQt::AlignCenter );
m_selectModeLabel->installEventFilter( this );
m_fileNameLabel=new KSqueezedTextLabel( this );
addWidget( m_fileNameLabel, 1, true );
m_fileNameLabel->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 );
m_fileNameLabel->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Ignored, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ));
m_fileNameLabel->setAlignment( /*TQt::AlignRight*/TQt::AlignLeft );
m_fileNameLabel->installEventFilter( this );
installEventFilter( this );
m_modPm = SmallIcon("modified");
m_modDiscPm = SmallIcon("modonhd");
m_modmodPm = SmallIcon("modmod");
KateVSStatusBar::~KateVSStatusBar ()
void KateVSStatusBar::setStatus( int r, int c, int ovr, bool block, int, const TQString &msg )
i18n(" Line: %1 Col: %2 ").arg(TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(r+1, 0))
.arg(TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(c+1, 0)) );
if (ovr == 0)
m_insertModeLabel->setText( i18n(" R/O ") );
else if (ovr == 1)
m_insertModeLabel->setText( i18n(" OVR ") );
else if (ovr == 2)
m_insertModeLabel->setText( i18n(" INS ") );
// updateMod( mod );
m_selectModeLabel->setText( block ? i18n(" BLK ") : i18n(" NORM ") );
m_fileNameLabel->setText( msg );
void KateVSStatusBar::updateMod( bool mod )
Kate::View *v = m_viewSpace->currentView();
if ( v )
const KateDocumentInfo *info
= KateDocManager::self()->documentInfo ( v->getDoc() );
bool modOnHD = info && info->modifiedOnDisc;
KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByURL(v->getDoc()->url());
mod ?
info && modOnHD ?
m_modmodPm :
m_modPm :
info && modOnHD ?
m_modDiscPm :
TQToolTip::add(this, mime->comment());
void KateVSStatusBar::modifiedChanged()
Kate::View *v = m_viewSpace->currentView();
if ( v )
updateMod( v->getDoc()->isModified() );
void KateVSStatusBar::showMenu()
TDEMainWindow* mainWindow = static_cast<TDEMainWindow*>( topLevelWidget() );
TQPopupMenu* menu = static_cast<TQPopupMenu*>( mainWindow->factory()->container("viewspace_popup", mainWindow ) );
if (menu)
bool KateVSStatusBar::eventFilter(TQObject*,TQEvent *e)
if (e->type()==TQEvent::MouseButtonPress)
if ( m_viewSpace->currentView() )
if ( ((TQMouseEvent*)e)->button()==TQt::RightButton)
return true;
return false;
//END KateVSStatusBar