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KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <>
You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public
License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqvaluevector.h>
#include <tdeshortcut.h>
#include <tqcursor.h>
#include <netwm.h>
#include <kxmessages.h>
#include "KWinInterface.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "kdecoration.h"
#include "sm.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
class TQPopupMenu;
class TDEConfig;
class TDEGlobalAccel;
class TDEShortcutDialog;
class TDEStartupInfo;
class TDEStartupInfoId;
class TDEStartupInfoData;
class TQSlider;
class TQPushButton;
class TDEProcess;
namespace KWinInternal
class Client;
class TabBox;
class PopupInfo;
class RootInfo;
class PluginMgr;
class Placement;
class Rules;
class WindowRules;
class SystemTrayWindow
: win(0),winFor(0)
SystemTrayWindow( WId w )
: win(w),winFor(0)
SystemTrayWindow( WId w, WId wf )
: win(w),winFor(wf)
bool operator==( const SystemTrayWindow& other )
{ return win ==; }
WId win;
WId winFor;
typedef TQValueList<SystemTrayWindow> SystemTrayWindowList;
class Workspace : public TQObject, public KWinInterface, public KDecorationDefines
Workspace( bool restore = FALSE );
virtual ~Workspace();
static Workspace * self() { return _self; }
bool workspaceEvent( XEvent * );
KDecoration* createDecoration( KDecorationBridge* bridge );
bool hasClient( const Client * );
template< typename T > Client* findClient( T predicate );
template< typename T1, typename T2 > void forEachClient( T1 procedure, T2 predicate );
template< typename T > void forEachClient( T procedure );
TQRect clientArea( clientAreaOption, const TQPoint& p, int desktop ) const;
TQRect clientArea( clientAreaOption, const Client* c ) const;
TQRect clientArea( clientAreaOption, int screen, int desktop ) const;
* @internal
void killWindowId( Window window );
void suspendWindowId( Window window );
void resumeWindowId( Window window );
bool isResumeableWindowID( Window window );
void killWindow() { slotKillWindow(); }
void suspendWindow() { slotSuspendWindow(); }
void resumeWindow() { slotResumeWindow(); }
WId rootWin() const;
bool initializing() const;
* Returns the active client, i.e. the client that has the focus (or None
* if no client has the focus)
Client* activeClient() const;
// Client that was activated, but it's not yet really activeClient(), because
// we didn't process yet the matching FocusIn event. Used mostly in focus
// stealing prevention code.
Client* mostRecentlyActivatedClient() const;
void activateClient( Client*, bool force = FALSE );
void requestFocus( Client* c, bool force = FALSE );
void takeActivity( Client* c, int flags, bool handled ); // flags are ActivityFlags
void handleTakeActivity( Client* c, Time timestamp, int flags ); // flags are ActivityFlags
bool allowClientActivation( const Client* c, Time time = -1U, bool focus_in = false );
void restoreFocus();
void gotFocusIn( const Client* );
void setShouldGetFocus( Client* );
bool fakeRequestedActivity( Client* c );
void unfakeActivity( Client* c );
bool activateNextClient( Client* c );
bool focusChangeEnabled() { return block_focus == 0; }
void updateColormap();
* Indicates that the client c is being moved around by the user.
void setClientIsMoving( Client *c );
void place( Client *c, TQRect& area );
void placeSmart( Client* c, const TQRect& area );
TQPoint adjustClientPosition( Client* c, TQPoint pos );
TQRect adjustClientSize( Client* c, TQRect moveResizeGeom, int mode );
void raiseClient( Client* c );
void lowerClient( Client* c );
void raiseClientRequest( Client* c, NET::RequestSource src, Time timestamp );
void lowerClientRequest( Client* c, NET::RequestSource src, Time timestamp );
void restackClientUnderActive( Client* );
void updateClientLayer( Client* c );
void raiseOrLowerClient( Client * );
void reconfigure();
void clientHidden( Client* );
void clientAttentionChanged( Client* c, bool set );
void clientMoved(const TQPoint &pos, Time time);
* Returns the current virtual desktop of this workspace
int currentDesktop() const;
* Returns the number of virtual desktops of this workspace
int numberOfDesktops() const;
void setNumberOfDesktops( int n );
int activeScreen() const;
int numScreens() const;
void checkActiveScreen( const Client* c );
void setActiveScreenMouse( TQPoint mousepos );
TQRect screenGeometry( int screen ) const;
int screenNumber( TQPoint pos ) const;
TQWidget* desktopWidget();
// for TabBox
Client* nextFocusChainClient(Client*) const;
Client* previousFocusChainClient(Client*) const;
Client* nextStaticClient(Client*) const;
Client* previousStaticClient(Client*) const;
int nextDesktopFocusChain( int iDesktop ) const;
int previousDesktopFocusChain( int iDesktop ) const;
void closeTabBox();
* Returns the list of clients sorted in stacking order, with topmost client
* at the last position
const ClientList& stackingOrder() const;
ClientList ensureStackingOrder( const ClientList& clients ) const;
Client* topClientOnDesktop( int desktop, bool unconstrained = false, bool only_normal = true ) const;
Client* findDesktop( bool topmost, int desktop ) const;
void sendClientToDesktop( Client* c, int desktop, bool dont_activate );
void windowToPreviousDesktop( Client* c );
void windowToNextDesktop( Client* c );
void sendClientToScreen( Client* c, int screen );
// KDE4 remove me - and it's also in the DCOP interface :(
void showWindowMenuAt( unsigned long id, int x, int y );
void kDestopResized();
* Shows the menu operations menu for the client and makes it active if
* it's not already.
void showWindowMenu( const TQRect &pos, Client* cl );
* Backwards compatibility.
void showWindowMenu( int x, int y, Client* cl );
void showWindowMenu( TQPoint pos, Client* cl );
void updateMinimizedOfTransients( Client* );
void updateOnAllDesktopsOfTransients( Client* );
void checkTransients( Window w );
void performWindowOperation( Client* c, WindowOperation op );
void storeSession( TDEConfig* config, SMSavePhase phase );
SessionInfo* takeSessionInfo( Client* );
WindowRules findWindowRules( const Client*, bool );
void rulesUpdated();
void discardUsedWindowRules( Client* c, bool withdraw );
void disableRulesUpdates( bool disable );
bool rulesUpdatesDisabled() const;
// dcop interface
void cascadeDesktop();
void unclutterDesktop();
void doNotManage(TQString);
bool setCurrentDesktop( int new_desktop );
void updateOverlappingShadows(WId window);
void setShadowed(WId window, bool shadowed);
void nextDesktop();
void previousDesktop();
void circulateDesktopApplications();
void setCurrentScreen( int new_screen );
TQString desktopName( int desk ) const;
virtual void setDesktopLayout(int , int , int );
void updateDesktopLayout();
void setShowingDesktop( bool showing );
void resetShowingDesktop( bool keep_hidden );
bool showingDesktop() const;
bool isNotManaged( const TQString& title ); // ### setter or getter ?
void sendPingToWindow( Window w, Time timestamp ); // called from Client::pingWindow()
void sendTakeActivity( Client* c, Time timestamp, long flags ); // called from Client::takeActivity()
bool kompmgrIsRunning();
void setOpacity(unsigned long winId, unsigned int opacityPercent);
void setShadowSize(unsigned long winId, unsigned int shadowSizePercent);
void setUnshadowed(unsigned long winId); // redundant, equals setShadowSize(inId, 0)
// only called from Client::destroyClient() or Client::releaseWindow()
void removeClient( Client*, allowed_t );
void setActiveClient( Client*, allowed_t );
Group* findGroup( Window leader ) const;
void addGroup( Group* group, allowed_t );
void removeGroup( Group* group, allowed_t );
Group* findClientLeaderGroup( const Client* c ) const;
bool checkStartupNotification( Window w, TDEStartupInfoId& id, TDEStartupInfoData& data );
void focusToNull(); // SELI public?
enum FocusChainChange { FocusChainMakeFirst, FocusChainMakeLast, FocusChainUpdate };
void updateFocusChains( Client* c, FocusChainChange change );
bool forcedGlobalMouseGrab() const;
void clientShortcutUpdated( Client* c );
bool shortcutAvailable( const TDEShortcut& cut, Client* ignore = NULL ) const;
bool globalShortcutsDisabled() const;
void disableGlobalShortcuts( bool disable );
void disableGlobalShortcutsForClient( bool disable );
void sessionSaveStarted();
void sessionSaveDone();
void setWasUserInteraction();
bool wasUserInteraction() const;
bool sessionSaving() const;
bool managingTopMenus() const;
int topMenuHeight() const;
void updateCurrentTopMenu();
int packPositionLeft( const Client* cl, int oldx, bool left_edge ) const;
int packPositionRight( const Client* cl, int oldx, bool right_edge ) const;
int packPositionUp( const Client* cl, int oldy, bool top_edge ) const;
int packPositionDown( const Client* cl, int oldy, bool bottom_edge ) const;
static TQStringList configModules(bool controlCenter);
void cancelDelayFocus();
void requestDelayFocus( Client* );
void updateFocusMousePosition( const TQPoint& pos );
TQPoint focusMousePosition() const;
void toggleTopDockShadows(bool on);
public slots:
void refresh();
// keybindings
void slotSwitchDesktopNext();
void slotSwitchDesktopPrevious();
void slotSwitchDesktopRight();
void slotSwitchDesktopLeft();
void slotSwitchDesktopUp();
void slotSwitchDesktopDown();
void slotSwitchToDesktop( int );
//void slotSwitchToWindow( int );
void slotWindowToDesktop( int );
//void slotWindowToListPosition( int );
void slotSwitchToScreen( int );
void slotWindowToScreen( int );
void slotSwitchToNextScreen();
void slotWindowToNextScreen();
void slotWindowMaximize();
void slotWindowMaximizeVertical();
void slotWindowMaximizeHorizontal();
void slotWindowMinimize();
void slotWindowShade();
void slotWindowRaise();
void slotWindowLower();
void slotWindowRaiseOrLower();
void slotActivateAttentionWindow();
void slotWindowPackLeft();
void slotWindowPackRight();
void slotWindowPackUp();
void slotWindowPackDown();
void slotWindowGrowHorizontal();
void slotWindowGrowVertical();
void slotWindowShrinkHorizontal();
void slotWindowShrinkVertical();
void slotWalkThroughDesktops();
void slotWalkBackThroughDesktops();
void slotWalkThroughApps();
void slotWalkBackThroughApps();
void slotWalkThroughDesktopList();
void slotWalkBackThroughDesktopList();
void slotWalkThroughWindows();
void slotWalkBackThroughWindows();
void slotWindowOperations();
void slotWindowClose();
void slotWindowMove();
void slotWindowResize();
void slotWindowAbove();
void slotWindowBelow();
void slotWindowOnAllDesktops();
void slotWindowFullScreen();
void slotWindowNoBorder();
void slotWindowToNextDesktop();
void slotWindowToPreviousDesktop();
void slotWindowToDesktopRight();
void slotWindowToDesktopLeft();
void slotWindowToDesktopUp();
void slotWindowToDesktopDown();
void slotMouseEmulation();
void slotDisableGlobalShortcuts();
void slotSettingsChanged( int category );
void slotReconfigure();
void slotKillWindow();
void slotSuspendWindow();
void slotResumeWindow();
void slotGrabWindow();
void slotGrabDesktop();
void slotSetupWindowShortcut();
void setupWindowShortcutDone( bool );
void updateClientArea();
// kompmgr, also dcop
void startKompmgr();
private slots:
void desktopPopupAboutToShow();
void clientPopupAboutToShow();
void slotSendToDesktop( int );
void clientPopupActivated( int );
void configureWM();
void desktopResized();
void slotUpdateToolWindows();
void lostTopMenuSelection();
void lostTopMenuOwner();
void delayFocus();
void gotTemporaryRulesMessage( const TQString& );
void cleanupTemporaryRules();
void writeWindowRules();
void kipcMessage( int id, int data );
// kompmgr
void setPopupClientOpacity(int v);
void resetClientOpacity();
void setTransButtonText(int value);
void unblockKompmgrRestart();
void restartKompmgr( TDEProcess *proc );
void handleKompmgrOutput( TDEProcess *proc, char *buffer, int buflen);
void stopKompmgr();
void kompmgrReloadSettings();
// end
bool keyPressMouseEmulation( XKeyEvent& ev );
void init();
void initShortcuts();
void readShortcuts();
void initDesktopPopup();
void setupWindowShortcut( Client* c );
bool startKDEWalkThroughWindows();
bool startWalkThroughDesktops( int mode ); // TabBox::Mode::DesktopMode | DesktopListMode
bool startWalkThroughDesktops();
bool startWalkThroughDesktopList();
void KDEWalkThroughWindows( bool forward );
void CDEWalkThroughWindows( bool forward );
void walkThroughDesktops( bool forward );
void KDEOneStepThroughWindows( bool forward );
void oneStepThroughDesktops( bool forward, int mode ); // TabBox::Mode::DesktopMode | DesktopListMode
void oneStepThroughDesktops( bool forward );
void oneStepThroughDesktopList( bool forward );
bool establishTabBoxGrab();
void removeTabBoxGrab();
int desktopToRight( int desktop ) const;
int desktopToLeft( int desktop ) const;
int desktopUp( int desktop ) const;
int desktopDown( int desktop ) const;
void updateStackingOrder( bool propagate_new_clients = false );
void propagateClients( bool propagate_new_clients ); // called only from updateStackingOrder
ClientList constrainedStackingOrder();
void raiseClientWithinApplication( Client* c );
void lowerClientWithinApplication( Client* c );
bool allowFullClientRaising( const Client* c, Time timestamp );
bool keepTransientAbove( const Client* mainwindow, const Client* transient );
void blockStackingUpdates( bool block );
void addTopMenu( Client* c );
void removeTopMenu( Client* c );
void setupTopMenuHandling();
void updateTopMenuGeometry( Client* c = NULL );
void updateToolWindows( bool also_hide );
// this is the right way to create a new client
Client* createClient( Window w, bool is_mapped );
void addClient( Client* c, allowed_t );
Window findSpecialEventWindow( XEvent* e );
void randomPlacement(Client* c);
void smartPlacement(Client* c);
void cascadePlacement(Client* c, bool re_init = false);
bool addSystemTrayWin( WId w );
bool removeSystemTrayWin( WId w, bool check );
void propagateSystemTrayWins();
SystemTrayWindow findSystemTrayWin( WId w );
// desktop names and number of desktops
void loadDesktopSettings();
void saveDesktopSettings();
// mouse emulation
WId getMouseEmulationWindow();
enum MouseEmulation { EmuPress, EmuRelease, EmuMove };
unsigned int sendFakedMouseEvent( TQPoint pos, WId win, MouseEmulation type, int button, unsigned int state ); // returns the new state
void tabBoxKeyPress( const KKeyNative& keyX );
void tabBoxKeyRelease( const XKeyEvent& ev );
// electric borders
void checkElectricBorders( bool force = false );
void createBorderWindows();
void destroyBorderWindows();
bool electricBorder(XEvent * e);
void raiseElectricBorders();
// ------------------
void helperDialog( const TQString& message, const Client* c );
void calcDesktopLayout(int &x, int &y) const;
TQPopupMenu* clientPopup();
void closeActivePopup();
void updateClientArea( bool force );
SystemTrayWindowList systemTrayWins;
int current_desktop;
int number_of_desktops;
TQMemArray<int> desktop_focus_chain;
int active_screen;
TQWidget* active_popup;
Client* active_popup_client;
TQWidget* desktop_widget;
void loadSessionInfo();
void loadWindowRules();
void editWindowRules( Client* c, bool whole_app );
TQPtrList<SessionInfo> session;
TQValueList<Rules*> rules;
KXMessages temporaryRulesMessages;
TQTimer rulesUpdatedTimer;
bool rules_updates_disabled;
static const char* windowTypeToTxt( NET::WindowType type );
static NET::WindowType txtToWindowType( const char* txt );
static bool sessionInfoWindowTypeMatch( Client* c, SessionInfo* info );
Client* active_client;
Client* last_active_client;
Client* next_active_client; // will be active after active_client deactivates
Client* most_recently_raised; // used _only_ by raiseOrLowerClient()
Client* movingClient;
Client* pending_take_activity;
// delay(ed) window focus timer and client
TQTimer* delayFocusTimer;
Client* delayfocus_client;
TQPoint focusMousePos;
ClientList clients;
ClientList desktops;
ClientList unconstrained_stacking_order; // topmost last
ClientList stacking_order; // topmost last
TQValueVector< ClientList > focus_chain; // currently active last
ClientList global_focus_chain; // this one is only for things like tabbox's MRU
ClientList should_get_focus; // last is most recent
ClientList attention_chain;
bool showing_desktop;
ClientList showing_desktop_clients;
int block_showing_desktop;
GroupList groups;
bool was_user_interaction;
bool session_saving;
int session_active_client;
int session_desktop;
bool control_grab;
bool tab_grab;
//KKeyNative walkThroughDesktopsKeycode, walkBackThroughDesktopsKeycode;
//KKeyNative walkThroughDesktopListKeycode, walkBackThroughDesktopListKeycode;
//KKeyNative walkThroughWindowsKeycode, walkBackThroughWindowsKeycode;
TDEShortcut cutWalkThroughDesktops, cutWalkThroughDesktopsReverse;
TDEShortcut cutWalkThroughDesktopList, cutWalkThroughDesktopListReverse;
TDEShortcut cutWalkThroughWindows, cutWalkThroughWindowsReverse;
TDEShortcut cutWalkThroughApps, cutWalkThroughAppsReverse;
bool mouse_emulation;
unsigned int mouse_emulation_state;
WId mouse_emulation_window;
int block_focus;
TabBox* tab_box;
PopupInfo* popupinfo;
TQPopupMenu *popup;
TQPopupMenu *advanced_popup;
TQPopupMenu *desk_popup;
int desk_popup_index;
TDEGlobalAccel *keys;
TDEGlobalAccel *client_keys;
ShortcutDialog* client_keys_dialog;
Client* client_keys_client;
TDEGlobalAccel *disable_shortcuts_keys;
bool global_shortcuts_disabled;
bool global_shortcuts_disabled_for_client;
WId root;
PluginMgr *mgr;
RootInfo *rootInfo;
TQWidget* supportWindow;
// swallowing
TQStringList doNotManageList;
// colormap handling
Colormap default_colormap;
Colormap installed_colormap;
// Timer to collect requests for 'reconfigure'
TQTimer reconfigureTimer;
TQTimer updateToolWindowsTimer;
static Workspace *_self;
bool workspaceInit;
TDEStartupInfo* startup;
bool electric_have_borders;
int electric_current_border;
WId electric_top_border;
WId electric_bottom_border;
WId electric_left_border;
WId electric_right_border;
int electricLeft;
int electricRight;
int electricTop;
int electricBottom;
Time electric_time_first;
Time electric_time_last;
TQPoint electric_push_point;
Qt::Orientation layoutOrientation;
int layoutX;
int layoutY;
Placement *initPositioning;
TQRect* workarea; // array of workareas for virtual desktops
TQRect** screenarea; // array of workareas per xinerama screen for all virtual desktops
bool managing_topmenus;
TDESelectionOwner* topmenu_selection;
TDESelectionWatcher* topmenu_watcher;
ClientList topmenus; // doesn't own them
mutable int topmenu_height;
TQWidget* topmenu_space;
int set_active_client_recursion;
int block_stacking_updates; // when >0, stacking updates are temporarily disabled
bool blocked_propagating_new_clients; // propagate also new clients after enabling stacking updates?
Window null_focus_window;
bool forced_global_mouse_grab;
friend class StackingUpdatesBlocker;
friend class Client;
TQSlider *transSlider;
TQPushButton *transButton;
// not used yet
/*Client* topDock;
int maximizedWindowCounter;
int topDockShadowSize;*/
void kompmgrStarted();
void kompmgrStopped();
friend bool performTransiencyCheck();
// helper for Workspace::blockStackingUpdates() being called in pairs (true/false)
class StackingUpdatesBlocker
StackingUpdatesBlocker( Workspace* w )
: ws( w ) { ws->blockStackingUpdates( true ); }
{ ws->blockStackingUpdates( false ); }
Workspace* ws;
// NET WM Protocol handler class
class RootInfo : public NETRootInfo4
typedef KWinInternal::Client Client; // because of NET::Client
RootInfo( Workspace* ws, Display *dpy, Window w, const char *name, unsigned long pr[], int pr_num, int scr= -1);
virtual void changeNumberOfDesktops(int n);
virtual void changeCurrentDesktop(int d);
// virtual void changeActiveWindow(Window w); the extended version is used
virtual void changeActiveWindow(Window w,NET::RequestSource src, Time timestamp, Window active_window);
virtual void closeWindow(Window w);
virtual void moveResize(Window w, int x_root, int y_root, unsigned long direction);
virtual void moveResizeWindow(Window w, int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height );
virtual void gotPing(Window w, Time timestamp);
virtual void restackWindow(Window w, RequestSource source, Window above, int detail, Time timestamp);
virtual void gotTakeActivity(Window w, Time timestamp, long flags );
virtual void changeShowingDesktop( bool showing );
Workspace* workspace;
inline WId Workspace::rootWin() const
return root;
inline bool Workspace::initializing() const
return workspaceInit;
inline Client* Workspace::activeClient() const
// next_active_client is a kludge for drop shadows. If a window that is
// activated is not also raised (i.e. when focus follows mouse), then the
// newly activated window and its shadow won't cover visual artifacts that
// might exist in the inactive window's shadow. We work around this by
// (re)drawing the inactive window's shadow after the active window's shadow
// is drawn, but to do that the inactive window needs to know which window
// will become active next. next_active_client is a Client pointer for that
// purpose.
return next_active_client != NULL ? next_active_client : active_client;
inline Client* Workspace::mostRecentlyActivatedClient() const
return should_get_focus.count() > 0 ? should_get_focus.last() : active_client;
inline int Workspace::currentDesktop() const
return current_desktop;
inline int Workspace::numberOfDesktops() const
return number_of_desktops;
inline void Workspace::addGroup( Group* group, allowed_t )
groups.append( group );
inline void Workspace::removeGroup( Group* group, allowed_t )
groups.remove( group );
inline const ClientList& Workspace::stackingOrder() const
// TODO Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 );
return stacking_order;
inline void Workspace::showWindowMenu(TQPoint pos, Client* cl)
showWindowMenu(TQRect(pos, pos), cl);
inline void Workspace::showWindowMenu(int x, int y, Client* cl)
showWindowMenu(TQRect(TQPoint(x, y), TQPoint(x, y)), cl);
void Workspace::setWasUserInteraction()
was_user_interaction = true;
bool Workspace::wasUserInteraction() const
return was_user_interaction;
bool Workspace::managingTopMenus() const
return managing_topmenus;
inline void Workspace::sessionSaveStarted()
session_saving = true;
inline void Workspace::sessionSaveDone()
session_saving = false;
inline bool Workspace::sessionSaving() const
return session_saving;
inline bool Workspace::forcedGlobalMouseGrab() const
return forced_global_mouse_grab;
inline bool Workspace::showingDesktop() const
return showing_desktop;
inline bool Workspace::globalShortcutsDisabled() const
return global_shortcuts_disabled || global_shortcuts_disabled_for_client;
bool Workspace::rulesUpdatesDisabled() const
return rules_updates_disabled;
void Workspace::updateFocusMousePosition( const TQPoint& pos )
focusMousePos = pos;
TQPoint Workspace::focusMousePosition() const
return focusMousePos;
template< typename T >
inline Client* Workspace::findClient( T predicate )
if( Client* ret = findClientInList( clients, predicate ))
return ret;
if( Client* ret = findClientInList( desktops, predicate ))
return ret;
return NULL;
template< typename T1, typename T2 >
inline void Workspace::forEachClient( T1 procedure, T2 predicate )
for ( ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it)
if ( predicate( const_cast< const Client* >( *it)))
procedure( *it );
for ( ClientList::ConstIterator it = desktops.begin(); it != desktops.end(); ++it)
if ( predicate( const_cast< const Client* >( *it)))
procedure( *it );
template< typename T >
inline void Workspace::forEachClient( T procedure )
return forEachClient( procedure, TruePredicate());
KWIN_COMPARE_PREDICATE( ClientMatchPredicate, const Client*, cl == value );
inline bool Workspace::hasClient( const Client* c )
return findClient( ClientMatchPredicate( c ));
} // namespace