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* compton.h
// Throw everything in here.
// === Options ===
// Debug options, enable them using -D in CFLAGS
// #define DEBUG_REPAINT 1
// #define DEBUG_EVENTS 1
// #define DEBUG_RESTACK 1
// #define DEBUG_WINTYPE 1
// #define DEBUG_CLIENTWIN 1
// #define DEBUG_WINDATA 1
// #define DEBUG_WINMATCH 1
// #define DEBUG_REDIR 1
// #define DEBUG_ALLOC_REG 1
// #define MONITOR_REPAINT 1
// Whether to enable PCRE regular expression support in blacklists, enabled
// by default
// #define CONFIG_REGEX_PCRE 1
// Whether to enable JIT support of libpcre. This may cause problems on PaX
// kernels.
// Whether to enable parsing of configuration files using libconfig
// Whether to enable DRM VSync support
// #define CONFIG_VSYNC_DRM 1
// Whether to enable OpenGL VSync support
// === Includes ===
// For some special functions
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fnmatch.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pcre.h>
// For compatiblity with <libpcre-8.20
#include <libgen.h>
#include <libconfig.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xcomposite.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xdamage.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h>
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xdbe.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
// We references some definitions in drm.h, which could also be found in
// /usr/src/linux/include/drm/drm.h, but that path is probably even less
// reliable than libdrm
#include <libdrm/drm.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <GL/glx.h>
// === Constants ===
#error libXcomposite version unsupported
#define ROUNDED_PERCENT 0.05
#define OPAQUE 0xffffffff
#define SW_OPTI_TOLERANCE 1000
#define NS_PER_SEC 1000000000L
#define US_PER_SEC 1000000L
#define MS_PER_SEC 1000
// Window flags
// Window size is changed
#define WFLAG_SIZE_CHANGE 0x0001
// Window size/position is changed
#define WFLAG_POS_CHANGE 0x0002
* Types
typedef uint32_t opacity_t;
typedef enum {
} wintype_t;
typedef enum {
} winmode;
typedef struct {
// All pointers have the same length, right?
// I wanted to use anonymous union but it's a GNU extension...
union {
unsigned char *p8;
short *p16;
long *p32;
} data;
unsigned long nitems;
} winprop_t;
typedef struct _ignore {
struct _ignore *next;
unsigned long sequence;
} ignore_t;
enum wincond_target {
enum wincond_type {
#define CONDF_IGNORECASE 0x0001
typedef struct _wincond {
enum wincond_target target;
enum wincond_type type;
char *pattern;
pcre *regex_pcre;
pcre_extra *regex_pcre_extra;
int16_t flags;
struct _wincond *next;
} wincond_t;
/// VSync modes.
typedef enum {
} vsync_t;
typedef int (*f_WaitVideoSync) (int, int, unsigned *);
typedef int (*f_GetVideoSync) (unsigned *);
typedef struct {
int size;
double *data;
} conv;
struct _win;
/// Structure representing all options.
typedef struct {
// === General ===
char *display;
/// Whether to try to detect WM windows and mark them as focused.
bool mark_wmwin_focused;
/// Whether to mark override-redirect windows as focused.
bool mark_ovredir_focused;
/// Whether to fork to background.
bool fork_after_register;
/// Whether to detect rounded corners.
bool detect_rounded_corners;
/// Whether to paint on X Composite overlay window instead of root
/// window.
bool paint_on_overlay;
/// Whether to unredirect all windows if a full-screen opaque window
/// is detected.
bool unredir_if_possible;
/// Whether to work under synchronized mode for debugging.
bool synchronize;
// === VSync & software optimization ===
/// User-specified refresh rate.
int refresh_rate;
/// Whether to enable refresh-rate-based software optimization.
bool sw_opti;
/// VSync method to use;
vsync_t vsync;
/// Whether to enable double buffer.
bool dbe;
/// Whether to do VSync aggressively.
bool vsync_aggressive;
// === Shadow ===
bool wintype_shadow[NUM_WINTYPES];
/// Red, green and blue tone of the shadow.
double shadow_red, shadow_green, shadow_blue;
int shadow_radius;
int shadow_offset_x, shadow_offset_y;
double shadow_opacity;
bool clear_shadow;
/// Shadow blacklist. A linked list of conditions.
wincond_t *shadow_blacklist;
/// Whether bounding-shaped window should be ignored.
bool shadow_ignore_shaped;
/// Whether to respect _COMPTON_SHADOW.
bool respect_prop_shadow;
// === Fading ===
bool wintype_fade[NUM_WINTYPES];
/// How much to fade in in a single fading step.
opacity_t fade_in_step;
/// How much to fade out in a single fading step.
opacity_t fade_out_step;
unsigned long fade_delta;
/// Whether to disable fading on window open/close.
bool no_fading_openclose;
/// Fading blacklist. A linked list of conditions.
wincond_t *fade_blacklist;
// === Opacity ===
double wintype_opacity[NUM_WINTYPES];
/// Default opacity for inactive windows.
/// 32-bit integer with the format of _NET_WM_OPACITY. 0 stands for
/// not enabled, default.
opacity_t inactive_opacity;
/// Whether inactive_opacity overrides the opacity set by window
/// attributes.
bool inactive_opacity_override;
/// Frame opacity. Relative to window opacity, also affects shadow
/// opacity.
double frame_opacity;
/// Whether to detect _NET_WM_OPACITY on client windows. Used on window
/// managers that don't pass _NET_WM_OPACITY to frame windows.
bool detect_client_opacity;
/// How much to dim an inactive window. 0.0 - 1.0, 0 to disable.
double inactive_dim;
/// Step for pregenerating alpha pictures. 0.01 - 1.0.
double alpha_step;
/// Whether to use EWMH _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW to find active window.
bool use_ewmh_active_win;
// === Calculated ===
/// Whether compton needs to track focus changes.
bool track_focus;
/// Whether compton needs to track window name and class.
bool track_wdata;
} options_t;
/// Structure containing all necessary data for a compton session.
typedef struct {
// === Display related ===
/// Display in use.
Display *dpy;
/// Default screen.
int scr;
/// Default visual.
Visual *vis;
/// Default depth.
int depth;
/// Root window.
Window root;
/// Height of root window.
int root_height;
/// Width of root window.
int root_width;
// Damage of root window.
// Damage root_damage;
/// X Composite overlay window. Used if <code>--paint-on-overlay</code>.
Window overlay;
/// Picture of the root window background.
Picture root_tile;
/// A region of the size of the screen.
XserverRegion screen_reg;
/// Picture of root window. Destination of painting in no-DBE painting
/// mode.
Picture root_picture;
/// A Picture acting as the painting target.
Picture tgt_picture;
/// Temporary buffer to paint to before sending to display.
Picture tgt_buffer;
/// DBE back buffer for root window. Used in DBE painting mode.
XdbeBackBuffer root_dbe;
/// Window ID of the window we register as a symbol.
Window reg_win;
// === Operation related ===
/// Program options.
options_t o;
/// Program start time.
struct timeval time_start;
/// The region needs to painted on next paint.
XserverRegion all_damage;
/// Whether all windows are currently redirected.
bool redirected;
/// Whether there's a highest full-screen window, and all windows could
/// be unredirected.
bool unredir_possible;
/// Pre-generated alpha pictures.
Picture *alpha_picts;
/// Whether all reg_ignore of windows should expire in this paint.
bool reg_ignore_expire;
/// Whether the program is idling. I.e. no fading, no potential window
/// changes.
bool idling;
/// Time of last fading. In milliseconds.
unsigned long fade_time;
/// Head pointer of the error ignore linked list.
ignore_t *ignore_head;
/// Pointer to the <code>next</code> member of tail element of the error
/// ignore linked list.
ignore_t **ignore_tail;
/// Reset program after next paint.
bool reset;
// === Expose event related ===
/// Pointer to an array of <code>XRectangle</code>-s of exposed region.
XRectangle *expose_rects;
/// Number of <code>XRectangle</code>-s in <code>expose_rects</code>.
int size_expose;
/// Index of the next free slot in <code>expose_rects</code>.
int n_expose;
// === Window related ===
/// Linked list of all windows.
struct _win *list;
/// Pointer to <code>win</code> of current active window. Used by
/// EWMH <code>_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW</code> focus detection. In theory,
/// it's more reliable to store the window ID directly here, just in
/// case the WM does something extraordinary, but caching the pointer
/// means another layer of complexity.
struct _win *active_win;
// === Shadow/dimming related ===
/// 1x1 black Picture.
Picture black_picture;
/// Picture used for dimming inactive windows.
Picture dim_picture;
/// 1x1 Picture of the shadow color.
Picture cshadow_picture;
/// Gaussian map of shadow.
conv *gaussian_map;
// for shadow precomputation
/// Shadow depth on one side.
int cgsize;
/// Pre-computed color table for corners of shadow.
unsigned char *shadow_corner;
/// Pre-computed color table for a side of shadow.
unsigned char *shadow_top;
// === Software-optimization-related ===
/// Currently used refresh rate.
short refresh_rate;
/// Interval between refresh in nanoseconds.
long refresh_intv;
/// Nanosecond offset of the first painting.
long paint_tm_offset;
// === DRM VSync related ===
/// File descriptor of DRI device file. Used for DRM VSync.
int drm_fd;
// === OpenGL VSync related ===
/// GLX context.
GLXContext glx_context;
/// Pointer to glXGetVideoSyncSGI function.
f_GetVideoSync glx_get_video_sync;
/// Pointer to glXWaitVideoSyncSGI function.
f_WaitVideoSync glx_wait_video_sync;
// === X extension related ===
/// Event base number for X Fixes extension.
int xfixes_event;
/// Error base number for X Fixes extension.
int xfixes_error;
/// Event base number for X Damage extension.
int damage_event;
/// Error base number for X Damage extension.
int damage_error;
/// Event base number for X Render extension.
int render_event;
/// Error base number for X Render extension.
int render_error;
/// Event base number for X Composite extension.
int composite_event;
/// Error base number for X Composite extension.
int composite_error;
/// Major opcode for X Composite extension.
int composite_opcode;
/// Whether X Composite NameWindowPixmap is available. Aka if X
/// Composite version >= 0.2.
bool has_name_pixmap;
/// Whether X Shape extension exists.
bool shape_exists;
/// Event base number for X Shape extension.
int shape_event;
/// Error base number for X Shape extension.
int shape_error;
/// Whether X RandR extension exists.
bool randr_exists;
/// Event base number for X RandR extension.
int randr_event;
/// Error base number for X RandR extension.
int randr_error;
/// Whether X GLX extension exists.
bool glx_exists;
/// Event base number for X GLX extension.
int glx_event;
/// Error base number for X GLX extension.
int glx_error;
/// Whether X DBE extension exists.
bool dbe_exists;
// === Atoms ===
/// Atom of property <code>_NET_WM_OPACITY</code>.
Atom atom_opacity;
/// Atom of <code>_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS</code>.
Atom atom_frame_extents;
/// Property atom to identify top-level frame window. Currently
/// <code>WM_STATE</code>.
Atom atom_client;
/// Atom of property <code>WM_NAME</code>.
Atom atom_name;
/// Atom of property <code>_NET_WM_NAME</code>.
Atom atom_name_ewmh;
/// Atom of property <code>WM_CLASS</code>.
Atom atom_class;
/// Atom of property <code>WM_TRANSIENT_FOR</code>.
Atom atom_transient;
/// Atom of property <code>_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW</code>.
Atom atom_ewmh_active_win;
/// Atom of property <code>_COMPTON_SHADOW</code>.
Atom atom_compton_shadow;
/// Atom of property <code>_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE</code>.
Atom atom_win_type;
/// Array of atoms of all possible window types.
Atom atoms_wintypes[NUM_WINTYPES];
} session_t;
/// Structure representing a top-level window compton manages.
typedef struct _win {
struct _win *next;
Window id;
Window client_win;
Pixmap pixmap;
XWindowAttributes a;
winmode mode;
int damaged;
Damage damage;
Picture picture;
XserverRegion border_size;
XserverRegion extents;
// Type of the window.
wintype_t window_type;
/// Whether the window is focused.
bool focused;
/// Whether the window has been destroyed.
bool destroyed;
/// Cached width/height of the window including border.
int widthb, heightb;
/// Whether the window is bounding-shaped.
bool bounding_shaped;
/// Whether the window just have rounded corners.
bool rounded_corners;
/// Whether this window is to be painted.
bool to_paint;
// Blacklist related members
char *name;
char *class_instance;
char *class_general;
wincond_t *cache_sblst;
wincond_t *cache_fblst;
// Opacity-related members
/// Current window opacity.
opacity_t opacity;
/// Target window opacity.
opacity_t opacity_tgt;
/// Cached value of opacity window attribute.
opacity_t opacity_prop;
/// Cached value of opacity window attribute on client window. For
/// broken window managers not transferring client window's
/// _NET_WM_OPACITY value
opacity_t opacity_prop_client;
/// Alpha mask Picture to render window with opacity.
Picture alpha_pict;
// Fading-related members
/// Do not fade if it's false. Change on window type change.
/// Used by fading blacklist in the future.
bool fade;
/// Callback to be called after fading completed.
void (*fade_callback) (session_t *ps, struct _win *w);
// Frame-opacity-related members
/// Current window frame opacity. Affected by window opacity.
double frame_opacity;
/// Alpha mask Picture to render window frame with opacity.
Picture frame_alpha_pict;
/// Frame widths. Determined by client window attributes.
unsigned int left_width, right_width, top_width, bottom_width;
// Shadow-related members
/// Whether a window has shadow. Affected by window type.
bool shadow;
/// Opacity of the shadow. Affected by window opacity and frame opacity.
double shadow_opacity;
/// X offset of shadow. Affected by commandline argument.
int shadow_dx;
/// Y offset of shadow. Affected by commandline argument.
int shadow_dy;
/// Width of shadow. Affected by window size and commandline argument.
int shadow_width;
/// Height of shadow. Affected by window size and commandline argument.
int shadow_height;
/// Picture to render shadow. Affected by window size.
Picture shadow_pict;
/// Alpha mask Picture to render shadow. Affected by shadow opacity.
Picture shadow_alpha_pict;
/// The value of _COMPTON_SHADOW attribute of the window. Below 0 for
/// none.
long attr_shadow;
// Dim-related members
/// Whether the window is to be dimmed.
bool dim;
/// Window flags. Definitions above.
int_fast16_t flags;
unsigned long damage_sequence; /* sequence when damage was created */
/// Whether there's a pending <code>ConfigureNotify</code> happening
/// when the window is unmapped.
bool need_configure;
/// Queued <code>ConfigureNotify</code> when the window is unmapped.
XConfigureEvent queue_configure;
/// Region to be ignored when painting. Basically the region where
/// higher opaque windows will paint upon. Depends on window frame
/// opacity state, window geometry, window mapped/unmapped state,
/// window mode, of this and all higher windows.
XserverRegion reg_ignore;
struct _win *prev_trans;
} win;
/// Temporary structure used for communication between
/// <code>get_cfg()</code> and <code>parse_config()</code>.
struct options_tmp {
bool no_dock_shadow;
bool no_dnd_shadow;
double menu_opacity;
typedef enum {
} win_evmode_t;
extern const char *WINTYPES[NUM_WINTYPES];
extern session_t *ps_g;
// == Debugging code ==
static void
print_timestamp(session_t *ps);
#include <execinfo.h>
* Print current backtrace, excluding the first two items.
* Stolen from glibc manual.
static inline void
print_backtrace(void) {
void *array[BACKTRACE_SIZE];
size_t size;
char **strings;
size = backtrace(array, BACKTRACE_SIZE);
strings = backtrace_symbols(array, size);
for (size_t i = 2; i < size; i++)
printf ("%s\n", strings[i]);
* Wrapper of <code>XFixesCreateRegion</code>, for debugging.
static inline XserverRegion
XFixesCreateRegion_(Display *dpy, XRectangle *p, int n,
const char *func, int line) {
XserverRegion reg = XFixesCreateRegion(dpy, p, n);
printf("%#010lx: XFixesCreateRegion() in %s():%d\n", reg, func, line);
return reg;
* Wrapper of <code>XFixesDestroyRegion</code>, for debugging.
static inline void
XFixesDestroyRegion_(Display *dpy, XserverRegion reg,
const char *func, int line) {
XFixesDestroyRegion(dpy, reg);
printf("%#010lx: XFixesDestroyRegion() in %s():%d\n", reg, func, line);
#define XFixesCreateRegion(dpy, p, n) XFixesCreateRegion_(dpy, p, n, __func__, __LINE__)
#define XFixesDestroyRegion(dpy, reg) XFixesDestroyRegion_(dpy, reg, __func__, __LINE__)
// == Functions ==
// inline functions must be made static to compile correctly under clang:
// Helper functions
static void
discard_ignore(session_t *ps, unsigned long sequence);
static void
set_ignore(session_t *ps, unsigned long sequence);
static inline void
set_ignore_next(session_t *ps) {
set_ignore(ps, NextRequest(ps->dpy));
static int
should_ignore(session_t *ps, unsigned long sequence);
* Subtract two unsigned long values.
* Truncate to 0 if the result is negative.
static inline unsigned long __attribute__((const))
sub_unslong(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) {
return (a > b) ? a - b : 0;
* Set a <code>bool</code> array of all wintypes to true.
static void
wintype_arr_enable(bool arr[]) {
wintype_t i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_WINTYPES; ++i) {
arr[i] = true;
* Allocate the space and copy a string.
static inline char * __attribute__((const))
mstrcpy(const char *src) {
char *str = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(src) + 1));
strcpy(str, src);
return str;
* Allocate the space and join two strings.
static inline char * __attribute__((const))
mstrjoin(const char *src1, const char *src2) {
char *str = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(src1) + strlen(src2) + 1));
strcpy(str, src1);
strcat(str, src2);
return str;
* Allocate the space and join two strings;
static inline char * __attribute__((const))
mstrjoin3(const char *src1, const char *src2, const char *src3) {
char *str = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(src1) + strlen(src2)
+ strlen(src3) + 1));
strcpy(str, src1);
strcat(str, src2);
strcat(str, src3);
return str;
* Normalize an int value to a specific range.
* @param i int value to normalize
* @param min minimal value
* @param max maximum value
* @return normalized value
static inline int __attribute__((const))
normalize_i_range(int i, int min, int max) {
if (i > max) return max;
if (i < min) return min;
return i;
* Select the larger integer of two.
static inline int __attribute__((const))
max_i(int a, int b) {
return (a > b ? a : b);
* Select the smaller integer of two.
static inline int __attribute__((const))
min_i(int a, int b) {
return (a > b ? b : a);
* Normalize a double value to a specific range.
* @param d double value to normalize
* @param min minimal value
* @param max maximum value
* @return normalized value
static inline double __attribute__((const))
normalize_d_range(double d, double min, double max) {
if (d > max) return max;
if (d < min) return min;
return d;
* Normalize a double value to 0.\ 0 - 1.\ 0.
* @param d double value to normalize
* @return normalized value
static inline double __attribute__((const))
normalize_d(double d) {
return normalize_d_range(d, 0.0, 1.0);
* Check if a window ID exists in an array of window IDs.
* @param arr the array of window IDs
* @param count amount of elements in the array
* @param wid window ID to search for
static inline bool
array_wid_exists(const Window *arr, int count, Window wid) {
while (count--) {
if (arr[count] == wid) {
return true;
return false;
* Subtracting two struct timeval values.
* Taken from glibc manual.
* Subtract the `struct timeval' values X and Y,
* storing the result in RESULT.
* Return 1 if the difference is negative, otherwise 0. */
static int
timeval_subtract(struct timeval *result,
struct timeval *x,
struct timeval *y) {
/* Perform the carry for the later subtraction by updating y. */
if (x->tv_usec < y->tv_usec) {
long nsec = (y->tv_usec - x->tv_usec) / 1000000 + 1;
y->tv_usec -= 1000000 * nsec;
y->tv_sec += nsec;
if (x->tv_usec - y->tv_usec > 1000000) {
long nsec = (x->tv_usec - y->tv_usec) / 1000000;
y->tv_usec += 1000000 * nsec;
y->tv_sec -= nsec;
/* Compute the time remaining to wait.
tv_usec is certainly positive. */
result->tv_sec = x->tv_sec - y->tv_sec;
result->tv_usec = x->tv_usec - y->tv_usec;
/* Return 1 if result is negative. */
return x->tv_sec < y->tv_sec;
* Subtracting two struct timespec values.
* Taken from glibc manual.
* Subtract the `struct timespec' values X and Y,
* storing the result in RESULT.
* Return 1 if the difference is negative, otherwise 0.
static inline int
timespec_subtract(struct timespec *result,
struct timespec *x,
struct timespec *y) {
/* Perform the carry for the later subtraction by updating y. */
if (x->tv_nsec < y->tv_nsec) {
long nsec = (y->tv_nsec - x->tv_nsec) / NS_PER_SEC + 1;
y->tv_nsec -= NS_PER_SEC * nsec;
y->tv_sec += nsec;
if (x->tv_nsec - y->tv_nsec > NS_PER_SEC) {
long nsec = (x->tv_nsec - y->tv_nsec) / NS_PER_SEC;
y->tv_nsec += NS_PER_SEC * nsec;
y->tv_sec -= nsec;
/* Compute the time remaining to wait.
tv_nsec is certainly positive. */
result->tv_sec = x->tv_sec - y->tv_sec;
result->tv_nsec = x->tv_nsec - y->tv_nsec;
/* Return 1 if result is negative. */
return x->tv_sec < y->tv_sec;
* Get current time in struct timespec.
* Note its starting time is unspecified.
static inline struct timespec __attribute__((const))
get_time_timespec(void) {
struct timespec tm = { 0, 0 };
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tm);
// Return a time of all 0 if the call fails
return tm;
* Print time passed since program starts execution.
* Used for debugging.
static void
print_timestamp(session_t *ps) {
struct timeval tm, diff;
if (gettimeofday(&tm, NULL)) return;
timeval_subtract(&diff, &tm, &ps->time_start);
printf("[ %5ld.%02ld ] ", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec / 10000);
* Destroy a <code>XserverRegion</code>.
inline static void
free_region(session_t *ps, XserverRegion *p) {
if (*p) {
XFixesDestroyRegion(ps->dpy, *p);
*p = None;
* Destroy a <code>Picture</code>.
inline static void
free_picture(session_t *ps, Picture *p) {
if (*p) {
XRenderFreePicture(ps->dpy, *p);
*p = None;
* Destroy a <code>Pixmap</code>.
inline static void
free_pixmap(session_t *ps, Pixmap *p) {
if (*p) {
XFreePixmap(ps->dpy, *p);
*p = None;
* Destroy a <code>Damage</code>.
inline static void
free_damage(session_t *ps, Damage *p) {
if (*p) {
// BadDamage will be thrown if the window is destroyed
XDamageDestroy(ps->dpy, *p);
*p = None;
* Destroy a <code>wincond_t</code>.
inline static void
free_wincond(wincond_t *cond) {
if (cond->pattern)
if (cond->regex_pcre_extra)
if (cond->regex_pcre)
* Destroy a linked list of <code>wincond_t</code>.
inline static void
free_wincondlst(wincond_t **cond_lst) {
wincond_t *next = NULL;
for (wincond_t *cond = *cond_lst; cond; cond = next) {
next = cond->next;
*cond_lst = NULL;
* Destroy all resources in a <code>struct _win</code>.
inline static void
free_win_res(session_t *ps, win *w) {
free_region(ps, &w->extents);
free_pixmap(ps, &w->pixmap);
free_picture(ps, &w->picture);
free_region(ps, &w->border_size);
free_picture(ps, &w->shadow_pict);
free_damage(ps, &w->damage);
free_region(ps, &w->reg_ignore);
* Get current system clock in milliseconds.
* The return type must be unsigned long because so many milliseconds have
* passed since the epoch.
static unsigned long
get_time_ms(void) {
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return (unsigned long) tv.tv_sec * 1000
+ (unsigned long) tv.tv_usec / 1000;
static int
fade_timeout(session_t *ps);
static void
run_fade(session_t *ps, win *w, unsigned steps);
static void
set_fade_callback(session_t *ps, win *w,
void (*callback) (session_t *ps, win *w), bool exec_callback);
* Execute fade callback of a window if fading finished.
static inline void
check_fade_fin(session_t *ps, win *w) {
if (w->fade_callback && w->opacity == w->opacity_tgt) {
// Must be the last line as the callback could destroy w!
set_fade_callback(ps, w, NULL, true);
static void
set_fade_callback(session_t *ps, win *w,
void (*callback) (session_t *ps, win *w), bool exec_callback);
static double
gaussian(double r, double x, double y);
static conv *
make_gaussian_map(double r);
static unsigned char
sum_gaussian(conv *map, double opacity,
int x, int y, int width, int height);
static void
presum_gaussian(session_t *ps, conv *map);
static XImage *
make_shadow(session_t *ps, double opacity, int width, int height);
static Picture
shadow_picture(session_t *ps, double opacity, int width, int height);
static Picture
solid_picture(session_t *ps, bool argb, double a,
double r, double g, double b);
static inline bool is_normal_win(const win *w) {
return (WINTYPE_NORMAL == w->window_type
|| WINTYPE_UTILITY == w->window_type);
* Determine if a window has a specific attribute.
* @param session_t current session
* @param w window to check
* @param atom atom of attribute to check
* @return 1 if it has the attribute, 0 otherwise
static inline bool
wid_has_attr(const session_t *ps, Window w, Atom atom) {
Atom type = None;
int format;
unsigned long nitems, after;
unsigned char *data;
if (Success == XGetWindowProperty(ps->dpy, w, atom, 0, 0, False,
AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &data)) {
if (type) return true;
return false;
* Get a specific attribute of a window.
* Returns a blank structure if the returned type and format does not
* match the requested type and format.
* @param session_t current session
* @param w window
* @param atom atom of attribute to fetch
* @param length length to read
* @param rtype atom of the requested type
* @param rformat requested format
* @return a <code>winprop_t</code> structure containing the attribute
* and number of items. A blank one on failure.
static winprop_t
wid_get_prop(const session_t *ps, Window w, Atom atom, long length,
Atom rtype, int rformat) {
Atom type = None;
int format = 0;
unsigned long nitems = 0, after = 0;
unsigned char *data = NULL;
// Use two if statements to deal with the sequence point issue.
if (Success == XGetWindowProperty(ps->dpy, w, atom, 0L, length, False,
rtype, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &data)) {
if (type == rtype && format == rformat) {
return (winprop_t) {
.data.p8 = data,
.nitems = nitems
return (winprop_t) {
.data.p8 = NULL,
.nitems = 0
* Free a <code>winprop_t</code>.
* @param pprop pointer to the <code>winprop_t</code> to free.
static inline void
free_winprop(winprop_t *pprop) {
// Empty the whole structure to avoid possible issues
if (pprop->data.p8) {
pprop->data.p8 = NULL;
pprop->nitems = 0;
* Stop listening for events on a particular window.
static inline void
win_ev_stop(session_t *ps, win *w) {
// Will get BadWindow if the window is destroyed
XSelectInput(ps->dpy, w->id, 0);
if (w->client_win) {
XSelectInput(ps->dpy, w->client_win, 0);
if (ps->shape_exists) {
XShapeSelectInput(ps->dpy, w->id, 0);
* Get the children of a window.
* @param session_t current session
* @param w window to check
* @param children [out] an array of child window IDs
* @param nchildren [out] number of children
* @return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
static inline bool
wid_get_children(session_t *ps, Window w,
Window **children, unsigned *nchildren) {
Window troot, tparent;
if (!XQueryTree(ps->dpy, w, &troot, &tparent, children, nchildren)) {
*nchildren = 0;
return false;
return true;
* Check if a window is bounding-shaped.
static inline bool
wid_bounding_shaped(const session_t *ps, Window wid) {
if (ps->shape_exists) {
Bool bounding_shaped = False, clip_shaped = False;
int x_bounding, y_bounding, x_clip, y_clip;
unsigned int w_bounding, h_bounding, w_clip, h_clip;
XShapeQueryExtents(ps->dpy, wid, &bounding_shaped,
&x_bounding, &y_bounding, &w_bounding, &h_bounding,
&clip_shaped, &x_clip, &y_clip, &w_clip, &h_clip);
return bounding_shaped;
return false;
* Determine if a window change affects <code>reg_ignore</code> and set
* <code>reg_ignore_expire</code> accordingly.
static inline void
update_reg_ignore_expire(session_t *ps, const win *w) {
if (w->to_paint && WINDOW_SOLID == w->mode)
ps->reg_ignore_expire = true;
* Check whether a window has WM frames.
static inline bool __attribute__((const))
win_has_frame(const win *w) {
return w->top_width || w->left_width || w->right_width
|| w->bottom_width;
* Check if a window is a fullscreen window.
* It's not using w->border_size for performance measures.
static inline bool
win_is_fullscreen(session_t *ps, const win *w) {
return (w->a.x <= 0 && w->a.y <= 0
&& (w->a.x + w->widthb) >= ps->root_width
&& (w->a.y + w->heightb) >= ps->root_height
&& !w->bounding_shaped);
static void
win_rounded_corners(session_t *ps, win *w);
static bool
win_match_once(win *w, const wincond_t *cond);
static bool
win_match(win *w, wincond_t *condlst, wincond_t * *cache);
static bool
condlst_add(wincond_t **pcondlst, const char *pattern);
static long
determine_evmask(session_t *ps, Window wid, win_evmode_t mode);
static win *
find_win(session_t *ps, Window id);
static win *
find_toplevel(session_t *ps, Window id);
static win *
find_toplevel2(session_t *ps, Window wid);
static win *
recheck_focus(session_t *ps);
static Picture
root_tile_f(session_t *ps);
static void
paint_root(session_t *ps, Picture tgt_buffer);
static XserverRegion
win_extents(session_t *ps, win *w);
static XserverRegion
border_size(session_t *ps, win *w);
static Window
find_client_win(session_t *ps, Window w);
static void
get_frame_extents(session_t *ps, win *w, Window client);
static win *
paint_preprocess(session_t *ps, win *list);
static void
paint_all(session_t *ps, XserverRegion region, win *t);
static void
add_damage(session_t *ps, XserverRegion damage);
static void
repair_win(session_t *ps, win *w);
static wintype_t
wid_get_prop_wintype(session_t *ps, Window w);
static void
map_win(session_t *ps, Window id);
static void
finish_map_win(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
finish_unmap_win(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
unmap_callback(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
unmap_win(session_t *ps, Window id);
static opacity_t
wid_get_opacity_prop(session_t *ps, Window wid, opacity_t def);
static double
get_opacity_percent(win *w);
static void
determine_mode(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
calc_opacity(session_t *ps, win *w, bool refetch_prop);
static void
calc_dim(session_t *ps, win *w);
static inline void
set_focused(session_t *ps, win *w, bool focused) {
w->focused = focused;
calc_opacity(ps, w, false);
calc_dim(ps, w);
static void
determine_fade(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
win_update_shape_raw(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
win_update_shape(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
win_update_attr_shadow_raw(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
win_update_attr_shadow(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
determine_shadow(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
calc_win_size(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
calc_shadow_geometry(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
mark_client_win(session_t *ps, win *w, Window client);
static void
add_win(session_t *ps, Window id, Window prev);
static void
restack_win(session_t *ps, win *w, Window new_above);
static void
configure_win(session_t *ps, XConfigureEvent *ce);
static void
circulate_win(session_t *ps, XCirculateEvent *ce);
static void
finish_destroy_win(session_t *ps, Window id);
static void
destroy_callback(session_t *ps, win *w);
static void
destroy_win(session_t *ps, Window id);
static void
damage_win(session_t *ps, XDamageNotifyEvent *de);
static int
error(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *ev);
static void
expose_root(session_t *ps, XRectangle *rects, int nrects);
static bool
wid_get_text_prop(session_t *ps, Window wid, Atom prop,
char ***pstrlst, int *pnstr);
static bool
wid_get_name(session_t *ps, Window w, char **name);
static int
win_get_name(session_t *ps, win *w);
static bool
win_get_class(session_t *ps, win *w);
static int
ev_serial(XEvent *ev);
static const char *
ev_name(session_t *ps, XEvent *ev);
static Window
ev_window(session_t *ps, XEvent *ev);
static void __attribute__ ((noreturn))
static void
register_cm(session_t *ps, bool want_glxct);
inline static void
ev_focus_in(session_t *ps, XFocusChangeEvent *ev);
inline static void
ev_focus_out(session_t *ps, XFocusChangeEvent *ev);
inline static void
ev_create_notify(session_t *ps, XCreateWindowEvent *ev);
inline static void
ev_configure_notify(session_t *ps, XConfigureEvent *ev);
inline static void
ev_destroy_notify(session_t *ps, XDestroyWindowEvent *ev);
inline static void
ev_map_notify(session_t *ps, XMapEvent *ev);
inline static void
ev_unmap_notify(session_t *ps, XUnmapEvent *ev);
inline static void
ev_reparent_notify(session_t *ps, XReparentEvent *ev);
inline static void
ev_circulate_notify(session_t *ps, XCirculateEvent *ev);
inline static void
ev_expose(session_t *ps, XExposeEvent *ev);
static void
update_ewmh_active_win(session_t *ps);
inline static void
ev_property_notify(session_t *ps, XPropertyEvent *ev);
inline static void
ev_damage_notify(session_t *ps, XDamageNotifyEvent *ev);
inline static void
ev_shape_notify(session_t *ps, XShapeEvent *ev);
* Get a region of the screen size.
inline static XserverRegion
get_screen_region(session_t *ps) {
XRectangle r;
r.x = 0;
r.y = 0;
r.width = ps->root_width;
r.height = ps->root_height;
return XFixesCreateRegion(ps->dpy, &r, 1);
* Copies a region
inline static XserverRegion
copy_region(const session_t *ps, XserverRegion oldregion) {
XserverRegion region = XFixesCreateRegion(ps->dpy, NULL, 0);
XFixesCopyRegion(ps->dpy, region, oldregion);
return region;
* Dump a region.
static inline void
dump_region(const session_t *ps, XserverRegion region) {
int nrects = 0, i;
XRectangle *rects = XFixesFetchRegion(ps->dpy, region, &nrects);
if (!rects)
for (i = 0; i < nrects; ++i)
printf("Rect #%d: %8d, %8d, %8d, %8d\n", i, rects[i].x, rects[i].y,
rects[i].width, rects[i].height);
* Check if a region is empty.
* Keith Packard said this is slow:
* @param ps current session
* @param region region to check for
static inline bool
is_region_empty(const session_t *ps, XserverRegion region) {
int nrects = 0;
XRectangle *rects = XFixesFetchRegion(ps->dpy, region, &nrects);
return !nrects;
* Add a window to damaged area.
* @param ps current session
* @param w struct _win element representing the window
static inline void
add_damage_win(session_t *ps, win *w) {
if (w->extents) {
add_damage(ps, copy_region(ps, w->extents));
#if defined(DEBUG_EVENTS) || defined(DEBUG_RESTACK)
static bool
ev_window_name(session_t *ps, Window wid, char **name);
inline static void
ev_handle(session_t *ps, XEvent *ev);
static void
* Wrapper of libconfig's <code>config_lookup_int</code>.
* To convert <code>int</code> value <code>config_lookup_bool</code>
* returns to <code>bool</code>.
static inline void
lcfg_lookup_bool(const config_t *config, const char *path,
bool *value) {
int ival;
if (config_lookup_bool(config, path, &ival))
*value = ival;
* Wrapper of libconfig's <code>config_lookup_int</code>.
* To deal with the different value types <code>config_lookup_int</code>
* returns in libconfig-1.3 and libconfig-1.4.
static inline int
lcfg_lookup_int(const config_t *config, const char *path, int *value) {
return config_lookup_int(config, path, value);
long lval;
int ret;
if ((ret = config_lookup_int(config, path, &lval)))
*value = lval;
return ret;
static FILE *
open_config_file(char *cpath, char **path);
static void
parse_config(session_t *ps, char *cpath, struct options_tmp *pcfgtmp);
static void
get_cfg(session_t *ps, int argc, char *const *argv);
static void
init_atoms(session_t *ps);
static void
update_refresh_rate(session_t *ps);
static bool
sw_opti_init(session_t *ps);
static int
evpoll(session_t *ps, int timeout);
static bool
vsync_drm_init(session_t *ps);
static int
vsync_drm_wait(session_t *ps);
static bool
vsync_opengl_init(session_t *ps);
static void
vsync_opengl_wait(session_t *ps);
static void
vsync_wait(session_t *ps);
static void
init_alpha_picts(session_t *ps);
static void
init_dbe(session_t *ps);
static void
init_overlay(session_t *ps);
static void
redir_start(session_t *ps);
static void
redir_stop(session_t *ps);
static session_t *
session_init(session_t *ps_old, int argc, char **argv);
static void
session_destroy(session_t *ps);
static void
session_run(session_t *ps);
static void
reset_enable(int __attribute__((unused)) signum);