/***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1996-2000 the kicker authors. See file AUTHORS. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "client_mnu.h" #include "container_base.h" #include "global.h" #include "kbutton.h" #include "kicker.h" #include "kickerSettings.h" #include "konqbookmarkmanager.h" #include "menuinfo.h" #include "menumanager.h" #include "popupmenutitle.h" #include "quickbrowser_mnu.h" #include "recentapps.h" #include "clicklineedit.h" #include "k_mnu.h" #include "k_mnu.moc" const int PanelKMenu::searchLineID(23140 /*whatever*/); PanelKMenu::PanelKMenu() : PanelServiceMenu(TQString::null, TQString::null, 0, "KMenu") , bookmarkMenu(0) , bookmarkOwner(0) , displayRepaired(FALSE) { static const TQCString dcopObjId("KMenu"); DCOPObject::setObjId(dcopObjId); // set the first client id to some arbitrarily large value. client_id = 10000; // Don't automatically clear the main menu. disableAutoClear(); actionCollection = new KActionCollection(this); setCaption(i18n("TDE Menu")); connect(Kicker::the(), TQT_SIGNAL(configurationChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(configChanged())); DCOPClient *dcopClient = TDEApplication::dcopClient(); dcopClient->connectDCOPSignal(0, "appLauncher", "serviceStartedByStorageId(TQString,TQString)", dcopObjId, "slotServiceStartedByStorageId(TQString,TQString)", false); displayRepairTimer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( displayRepairTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(repairDisplay()) ); } PanelKMenu::~PanelKMenu() { clearSubmenus(); delete bookmarkMenu; delete bookmarkOwner; } void PanelKMenu::slotServiceStartedByStorageId(TQString starter, TQString storageId) { if (starter != "kmenu") { kdDebug() << "KMenu - updating recently used applications: " << storageId << endl; KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByStorageId(storageId); updateRecentlyUsedApps(service); } } void PanelKMenu::hideMenu() { hide(); #ifdef USE_QT4 // The hacks below aren't needed any more because Qt4 supports true transparency for the fading logout screen #else // USE_QT4 // Try to redraw the area under the menu // Qt makes this surprisingly difficult to do in a timely fashion! while (isShown() == true) kapp->eventLoop()->processEvents(1000); TQTimer *windowtimer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( windowtimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(windowClearTimeout()) ); windowTimerTimedOut = false; windowtimer->start( 0, TRUE ); // Wait for all window system events to be processed while (windowTimerTimedOut == false) kapp->eventLoop()->processEvents(TQEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput, 1000); // HACK // The TDE Menu takes an unknown amount of time to disappear, and redrawing // the underlying window(s) also takes time. This should allow both of those // events to occur (unless you're on a 200MHz Pentium 1 or similar ;-)) // thereby removing a bad shutdown screen artifact while still providing // a somewhat snappy user interface. TQTimer *delaytimer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( delaytimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(windowClearTimeout()) ); windowTimerTimedOut = false; delaytimer->start( 100, TRUE ); // Wait for 100 milliseconds while (windowTimerTimedOut == false) kapp->eventLoop()->processEvents(TQEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput, 1000); #endif // USE_QT4 } void PanelKMenu::windowClearTimeout() { windowTimerTimedOut = true; } bool PanelKMenu::loadSidePixmap() { if (!KickerSettings::useSidePixmap()) { return false; } TQString sideName = KickerSettings::sidePixmapName(); TQString sideTileName = KickerSettings::sideTileName(); TQImage image; image.load(locate("data", "kicker/pics/" + sideName)); if (image.isNull()) { kdDebug(1210) << "Can't find a side pixmap" << endl; return false; } KickerLib::colorize(image); sidePixmap.convertFromImage(image); image.load(locate("data", "kicker/pics/" + sideTileName)); if (image.isNull()) { kdDebug(1210) << "Can't find a side tile pixmap" << endl; return false; } KickerLib::colorize(image); sideTilePixmap.convertFromImage(image); if (sidePixmap.width() != sideTilePixmap.width()) { kdDebug(1210) << "Pixmaps have to be the same size" << endl; return false; } // pretile the pixmap to a height of at least 100 pixels if (sideTilePixmap.height() < 100) { int tiles = (int)(100 / sideTilePixmap.height()) + 1; TQPixmap preTiledPixmap(sideTilePixmap.width(), sideTilePixmap.height() * tiles); TQPainter p(&preTiledPixmap); p.drawTiledPixmap(preTiledPixmap.rect(), sideTilePixmap); sideTilePixmap = preTiledPixmap; } return true; } void PanelKMenu::paletteChanged() { if (!loadSidePixmap()) { sidePixmap = sideTilePixmap = TQPixmap(); setMinimumSize( sizeHint() ); } } /* A MenuHBox is supposed to be inserted into a menu. * You can set a special widget in the hbox which will * get the focus if the user moves up or down with the * cursor keys */ class MenuHBox : public TQHBox { public: MenuHBox(PanelKMenu* parent) : TQHBox(parent) { } virtual void keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent *e) { } private: PanelKMenu *parent; }; void PanelKMenu::initialize() { // kdDebug(1210) << "PanelKMenu::initialize()" << endl; updateRecent(); if (initialized()) { return; } if (loadSidePixmap()) { // in case we've been through here before, let's disconnect disconnect(kapp, TQT_SIGNAL(kdisplayPaletteChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(paletteChanged())); connect(kapp, TQT_SIGNAL(kdisplayPaletteChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(paletteChanged())); } else { sidePixmap = sideTilePixmap = TQPixmap(); } // add services PanelServiceMenu::initialize(); // Insert search field if (KickerSettings::useSearchBar()) { TQHBox* hbox = new TQHBox( this ); KToolBarButton *clearButton = new KToolBarButton( "locationbar_erase", 0, hbox ); searchEdit = new KPIM::ClickLineEdit(hbox, " "+i18n("Press '/' to search...")); hbox->setFocusPolicy(TQ_StrongFocus); hbox->setFocusProxy(searchEdit); hbox->setSpacing( 3 ); connect(clearButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), searchEdit, TQT_SLOT(clear())); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotClearSearch())); connect(searchEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUpdateSearch( const TQString&))); insertItem(hbox, searchLineID, 0); } else { searchEdit = NULL; } //TQToolTip::add(clearButton, i18n("Clear Search")); //TQToolTip::add(searchEdit, i18n("Enter the name of an application")); if (KickerSettings::showMenuTitles()) { int id; id = insertItem(new PopupMenuTitle(i18n("All Applications"), font()), -1 /* id */, 0); setItemEnabled( id, false ); id = insertItem(new PopupMenuTitle(i18n("Actions"), font()), -1 /* id */, -1); setItemEnabled( id, false ); } // create recent menu section createRecentMenuItems(); bool need_separator = false; // insert bookmarks if (KickerSettings::useBookmarks() && kapp->authorizeKAction("bookmarks")) { // Need to create a new popup each time, it's deleted by subMenus.clear() KPopupMenu * bookmarkParent = new KPopupMenu( this, "bookmarks" ); if(!bookmarkOwner) bookmarkOwner = new KBookmarkOwner; delete bookmarkMenu; // can't reuse old one, the popup has been deleted bookmarkMenu = new KBookmarkMenu( KonqBookmarkManager::self(), bookmarkOwner, bookmarkParent, actionCollection, true, false ); insertItem(KickerLib::menuIconSet("bookmark"), i18n("Bookmarks"), bookmarkParent); subMenus.append(bookmarkParent); need_separator = true; } // insert quickbrowser if (KickerSettings::useBrowser()) { PanelQuickBrowser *browserMnu = new PanelQuickBrowser(this); browserMnu->initialize(); insertItem(KickerLib::menuIconSet("kdisknav"), i18n("Quick Browser"), KickerLib::reduceMenu(browserMnu)); subMenus.append(browserMnu); need_separator = true; } // insert dynamic menus TQStringList menu_ext = KickerSettings::menuExtensions(); if (!menu_ext.isEmpty()) { for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=menu_ext.begin(); it!=menu_ext.end(); ++it) { MenuInfo info(*it); if (!info.isValid()) continue; KPanelMenu *menu = info.load(); if (menu) { insertItem(KickerLib::menuIconSet(info.icon()), info.name(), menu); dynamicSubMenus.append(menu); need_separator = true; } } } if (need_separator) insertSeparator(); // insert client menus, if any if (clients.count() > 0) { TQIntDictIterator it(clients); while (it){ if (it.current()->text.at(0) != '.') insertItem( it.current()->icon, it.current()->text, it.current(), it.currentKey() ); ++it; } insertSeparator(); } // run command if (kapp->authorize("run_command")) { insertItem(KickerLib::menuIconSet("run"), i18n("Run Command..."), this, TQT_SLOT( slotRunCommand())); insertSeparator(); } if (DM().isSwitchable() && kapp->authorize("switch_user")) { sessionsMenu = new TQPopupMenu( this ); insertItem(KickerLib::menuIconSet("switchuser"), i18n("Switch User"), sessionsMenu); connect( sessionsMenu, TQT_SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), TQT_SLOT(slotPopulateSessions()) ); connect( sessionsMenu, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotSessionActivated(int)) ); } /* If the user configured ksmserver to */ KConfig ksmserver("ksmserverrc", false, false); ksmserver.setGroup("General"); if (ksmserver.readEntry( "loginMode" ) == "restoreSavedSession") { insertItem(KickerLib::menuIconSet("filesave"), i18n("Save Session"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSaveSession())); } if (kapp->authorize("lock_screen")) { insertItem(KickerLib::menuIconSet("lock"), i18n("Lock Session"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotLock())); } if (kapp->authorize("logout")) { insertItem(KickerLib::menuIconSet("exit"), i18n("Log Out..."), this, TQT_SLOT(slotLogout())); } #if 0 // WABA: tear off handles don't work together with dynamically updated // menus. We can't update the menu while torn off, and we don't know // when it is torn off. if (KGlobalSettings::insertTearOffHandle()) insertTearOffHandle(); #endif if (displayRepaired == FALSE) { displayRepairTimer->start(0, FALSE); displayRepaired = TRUE; } setInitialized(true); } void PanelKMenu::repairDisplay(void) { if (isShown() == true) { displayRepairTimer->stop(); // Now do a nasty hack to prevent search bar merging into the side image // This forces a layout/repaint of the qpopupmenu repaint(); // This ensures that the side bar image was applied styleChange(style()); // This forces a call to the private function updateSize(TRUE) inside the qpopupmenu. update(); // This repaints the entire popup menu to apply the widget size/alignment changes made above } } int PanelKMenu::insertClientMenu(KickerClientMenu *p) { int id = client_id; clients.insert(id, p); slotClear(); return id; } void PanelKMenu::removeClientMenu(int id) { clients.remove(id); removeItem(id); slotClear(); } extern int kicker_screen_number; void PanelKMenu::slotLock() { TQCString appname( "kdesktop" ); if ( kicker_screen_number ) appname.sprintf("kdesktop-screen-%d", kicker_screen_number); kapp->dcopClient()->send(appname, "KScreensaverIface", "lock()", TQString("")); } void PanelKMenu::slotLogout() { hide(); kapp->requestShutDown(); } void PanelKMenu::slotPopulateSessions() { int p = 0; DM dm; sessionsMenu->clear(); if (kapp->authorize("start_new_session") && (p = dm.numReserve()) >= 0) { if (kapp->authorize("lock_screen")) sessionsMenu->insertItem(/*SmallIconSet("lockfork"),*/ i18n("Lock Current && Start New Session"), 100 ); sessionsMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("fork"), i18n("Start New Session"), 101 ); if (!p) { sessionsMenu->setItemEnabled( 100, false ); sessionsMenu->setItemEnabled( 101, false ); } sessionsMenu->insertSeparator(); } SessList sess; if (dm.localSessions( sess )) for (SessList::ConstIterator it = sess.begin(); it != sess.end(); ++it) { int id = sessionsMenu->insertItem( DM::sess2Str( *it ), (*it).vt ); if (!(*it).vt) sessionsMenu->setItemEnabled( id, false ); if ((*it).self) sessionsMenu->setItemChecked( id, true ); } } void PanelKMenu::slotSessionActivated( int ent ) { if (ent == 100) doNewSession( true ); else if (ent == 101) doNewSession( false ); else if (!sessionsMenu->isItemChecked( ent )) DM().lockSwitchVT( ent ); } void PanelKMenu::doNewSession( bool lock ) { int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( TQT_TQWIDGET(kapp->desktop()->screen(kapp->desktop()->screenNumber(this))), i18n("

You have chosen to open another desktop session.
" "The current session will be hidden " "and a new login screen will be displayed.
" "An F-key is assigned to each session; " "F%1 is usually assigned to the first session, " "F%2 to the second session and so on. " "You can switch between sessions by pressing " "Ctrl, Alt and the appropriate F-key at the same time. " "Additionally, the TDE Panel and Desktop menus have " "actions for switching between sessions.

") .arg(7).arg(8), i18n("Warning - New Session"), KGuiItem(i18n("&Start New Session"), "fork"), ":confirmNewSession", KMessageBox::PlainCaption | KMessageBox::Notify); if (result==KMessageBox::Cancel) return; if (lock) slotLock(); DM().startReserve(); } void PanelKMenu::slotSaveSession() { TQByteArray data; kapp->dcopClient()->send( "ksmserver", "default", "saveCurrentSession()", data ); } void PanelKMenu::slotRunCommand() { TQByteArray data; TQCString appname( "kdesktop" ); if ( kicker_screen_number ) appname.sprintf("kdesktop-screen-%d", kicker_screen_number); kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp( appname ); kapp->dcopClient()->send( appname, "KDesktopIface", "popupExecuteCommand()", data ); } void PanelKMenu::slotEditUserContact() { } void PanelKMenu::setMinimumSize(const TQSize & s) { KPanelMenu::setMinimumSize(s.width() + sidePixmap.width(), s.height()); } void PanelKMenu::setMaximumSize(const TQSize & s) { KPanelMenu::setMaximumSize(s.width() + sidePixmap.width(), s.height()); } void PanelKMenu::setMinimumSize(int w, int h) { KPanelMenu::setMinimumSize(w + sidePixmap.width(), h); } void PanelKMenu::setMaximumSize(int w, int h) { KPanelMenu::setMaximumSize(w + sidePixmap.width(), h); } void PanelKMenu::showMenu() { kdDebug( 1210 ) << "PanelKMenu::showMenu()" << endl; PanelPopupButton *kButton = MenuManager::the()->findKButtonFor(this); if (kButton) { adjustSize(); kButton->showMenu(); } else { show(); } } TQRect PanelKMenu::sideImageRect() { return TQStyle::visualRect( TQRect( frameWidth(), frameWidth(), sidePixmap.width(), height() - 2*frameWidth() ), this ); } void PanelKMenu::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent * e) { // kdDebug(1210) << "PanelKMenu::resizeEvent():" << endl; // kdDebug(1210) << geometry().width() << ", " << geometry().height() << endl; PanelServiceMenu::resizeEvent(e); setFrameRect( TQStyle::visualRect( TQRect( sidePixmap.width(), 0, width() - sidePixmap.width(), height() ), this ) ); } //Workaround Qt3.3.x sizing bug, by ensuring we're always wide enough. void PanelKMenu::resize(int width, int height) { width = kMax(width, maximumSize().width()); PanelServiceMenu::resize(width, height); } TQSize PanelKMenu::sizeHint() const { TQSize s = PanelServiceMenu::sizeHint(); // kdDebug(1210) << "PanelKMenu::sizeHint()" << endl; // kdDebug(1210) << s.width() << ", " << s.height() << endl; return s; } void PanelKMenu::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent * e) { if (sidePixmap.isNull()) { PanelServiceMenu::paintEvent(e); return; } TQPainter p(this); p.setClipRegion(e->region()); style().tqdrawPrimitive( TQStyle::PE_PanelPopup, &p, TQRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ), colorGroup(), TQStyle::Style_Default, TQStyleOption( frameWidth(), 0 ) ); TQRect r = sideImageRect(); r.setBottom( r.bottom() - sidePixmap.height() ); if ( r.intersects( e->rect() ) ) { p.drawTiledPixmap( r, sideTilePixmap ); } r = sideImageRect(); r.setTop( r.bottom() - sidePixmap.height() ); if ( r.intersects( e->rect() ) ) { TQRect drawRect = r.intersect( e->rect() ); TQRect pixRect = drawRect; pixRect.moveBy( -r.left(), -r.top() ); p.drawPixmap( drawRect.topLeft(), sidePixmap, pixRect ); } drawContents( &p ); } TQMouseEvent PanelKMenu::translateMouseEvent( TQMouseEvent* e ) { TQRect side = sideImageRect(); if ( !side.contains( e->pos() ) ) return *e; TQPoint newpos( e->pos() ); TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? newpos.setX( newpos.x() - side.width() ) : newpos.setX( newpos.x() + side.width() ); TQPoint newglobal( e->globalPos() ); TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? newglobal.setX( newpos.x() - side.width() ) : newglobal.setX( newpos.x() + side.width() ); return TQMouseEvent( e->type(), newpos, newglobal, e->button(), e->state() ); } void PanelKMenu::mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent * e) { TQMouseEvent newEvent = translateMouseEvent(e); PanelServiceMenu::mousePressEvent( &newEvent ); } void PanelKMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) { TQMouseEvent newEvent = translateMouseEvent(e); PanelServiceMenu::mouseReleaseEvent( &newEvent ); } void PanelKMenu::mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) { TQMouseEvent newEvent = translateMouseEvent(e); PanelServiceMenu::mouseMoveEvent( &newEvent ); } void PanelKMenu::slotUpdateSearch(const TQString& searchString) { kdDebug() << "Searching for " << searchString << endl; setSearchString(searchString); } void PanelKMenu::slotClearSearch() { if (searchEdit && searchEdit->text().isEmpty() == false) { TQTimer::singleShot(0, searchEdit, TQT_SLOT(clear())); } } void PanelKMenu::keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent* e) { // We move the focus to the search field if the // user presses '/'. This is the same shortcut as // konqueror is using, and afaik it's hardcoded both // here and there. This sucks badly for many non-us // keyboard layouts, but for the sake of consistency // we follow konqueror. if (!searchEdit) return KPanelMenu::keyPressEvent(e); if (e->key() == TQt::Key_Slash && !searchEdit->hasFocus()) { if (indexOf(searchLineID) >=0 ) { setActiveItem(indexOf(searchLineID)); } } else if (e->key() == TQt::Key_Escape && searchEdit->text().isEmpty() == false) { searchEdit->clear(); } else if (e->key() == TQt::Key_Delete && !searchEdit->hasFocus() && searchEdit->text().isEmpty() == false) { searchEdit->clear(); } else { KPanelMenu::keyPressEvent(e); } } void PanelKMenu::configChanged() { RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_bNeedToUpdate = false; RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().configChanged(); PanelServiceMenu::configChanged(); } // create and fill "recent" section at first void PanelKMenu::createRecentMenuItems() { RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_nNumMenuItems = 0; TQStringList RecentApps; RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().getRecentApps(RecentApps); if (RecentApps.count() > 0) { bool bSeparator = KickerSettings::showMenuTitles(); int nId = serviceMenuEndId() + 1; int nIndex = KickerSettings::showMenuTitles() ? 1 : 0; for (TQValueList::ConstIterator it = RecentApps.fromLast(); /*nop*/; --it) { KService::Ptr s = KService::serviceByDesktopPath(*it); if (!s) { RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().removeItem(*it); } else { if (bSeparator) { bSeparator = false; int id = insertItem( new PopupMenuTitle( RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().caption(), font()), serviceMenuEndId(), 0); setItemEnabled( id, false ); } insertMenuItem(s, nId++, nIndex); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_nNumMenuItems++; } if (it == RecentApps.begin()) { break; } } if (!KickerSettings::showMenuTitles()) { insertSeparator(RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_nNumMenuItems); } } } void PanelKMenu::clearSubmenus() { // we don't need to delete these on the way out since the libloader // handles them for us if (TQApplication::closingDown()) { return; } for (PopupMenuList::const_iterator it = dynamicSubMenus.constBegin(); it != dynamicSubMenus.constEnd(); ++it) { delete *it; } dynamicSubMenus.clear(); PanelServiceMenu::clearSubmenus(); } void PanelKMenu::updateRecent() { if (!RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_bNeedToUpdate) { return; } RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_bNeedToUpdate = false; int nId = serviceMenuEndId() + 1; // remove previous items if (RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_nNumMenuItems > 0) { // -1 --> menu title int i = KickerSettings::showMenuTitles() ? -1 : 0; for (; i < RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_nNumMenuItems; i++) { removeItem(nId + i); entryMap_.remove(nId + i); } RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_nNumMenuItems = 0; if (!KickerSettings::showMenuTitles()) { removeItemAt(0); } } // insert new items TQStringList RecentApps; RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().getRecentApps(RecentApps); if (RecentApps.count() > 0) { bool bNeedSeparator = KickerSettings::showMenuTitles(); for (TQValueList::ConstIterator it = RecentApps.fromLast(); /*nop*/; --it) { KService::Ptr s = KService::serviceByDesktopPath(*it); if (!s) { RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().removeItem(*it); } else { if (bNeedSeparator) { bNeedSeparator = false; int id = insertItem(new PopupMenuTitle( RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().caption(), font()), nId - 1, 0); setItemEnabled( id, false ); } insertMenuItem(s, nId++, KickerSettings::showMenuTitles() ? 1 : 0); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_nNumMenuItems++; } if (it == RecentApps.begin()) break; } if (!KickerSettings::showMenuTitles()) { insertSeparator(RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_nNumMenuItems); } } } void PanelKMenu::clearRecentMenuItems() { RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().clearRecentApps(); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().save(); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_bNeedToUpdate = true; updateRecent(); }