Menu EntriesThe File Menu&Ctrl;NFileNew
This command starts a new document in the editing
window. In the Documents list on the left the new file
is named Untitled.
&Ctrl;OFileOpen...Launches &tde;'s open file dialog box to let you open one or more files.
FileOpen Recent
This command allows you to open a file from a submenu
that contains a list of recently edited files.
FileOpen With
This submenu presents a list of applications known to handle the mime type
of your current document. Activating an entry will open the current document
with that application.In addition, a entry Other... command launches
the open with dialog box that allows you to select another application
to open the active file. Your file will still be open in &kate;.
This command saves your file. Use it often. If the file is
Untitled then
Save becomes
Save As.
FileSave As...Name and rename files with this command.
It launches the save file dialog box. This dialog works just as
the open file dialog box does. You can use it to navigate through
your file system, preview existing files, or filter your file
view with file masks.
Type the name you want to give the file you are saving in the
Location combo box and press the
OK button.
&Ctrl;LFileSave All
This command saves all modified open files.
F5FileReloadReloads the active file. This command is
useful if another program or process has changed the file while you have
it open in &kate;
&Ctrl;PFilePrint...Print the active file.
FileExport as HTML...
Export your file in HTML format so your document can be viewed as a
web page.
Open your mail client and attach the file in the mail.
&Ctrl;WFileCloseClose the active file with this command. If you
have made unsaved changes, you will be prompted to save
the file before &kate; closes it.
FileClose All
This command closes all the files you have open
in &kate;.
This command closes &kate; and any files you were
editing. If you have made unsaved changes to any of the files you were
editing, you will be prompted to save them.
The Edit MenuThe Edit menu contains a host of commands,
all to work with the currently active document.Menu Entries&Ctrl;ZEditUndoUndo the last editing command (typing, copying, cutting etc.)If grouped undo is enabled, this may undo several editing commands of the same type, like typing in characters.&Ctrl;&Shift;ZEditRedoRedo the last undo step.&Ctrl;XEditCutRemoves selected text if any, and places a copy of the removed text in the clipboard.&Ctrl;CEditCopyCopies selected text, if any, to the clipboard.EditCopy as HTMLCopies selected text with the syntax highlight as HTML text.&Ctrl;VEditPasteCopies the first item in the clipboard into the editor at cursor position.If Overwrite Selection is enabled, the pasted text will overwrite the selection, if any.&Ctrl;AEditSelect AllSelects all text in the editor.&Ctrl;&Shift;AEditDeselectDeselects the selected text in the editor if any.&Ctrl;ShiftBEditBlock Selection ModeToggles Selection Mode. When the Selection Mode is BLOCK, you can make vertical selections,
ie select column 5 to 10 in lines 9 to 15.The status bar shows the current state of the Selection Mode, either NORM or BLK.&Ctrl;FEditFind...Launch the Find Dialog to allow you to search for text in the edited document.F3EditFind NextGo to the nearest downwards match of the last text or regular expression searched for, starting from cursor position&Shift;F3EditFind PreviousGo to the nearest upwards match of the last text or regular expression searched for, starting from cursor position&Ctrl;REditReplace...Launch the Replace Dialog to replace one or more instances of a defined text with something else.&Ctrl;GEditGo to line...Launches the Go To Line Dialog, allowing you to enter the number of a line to find in
the documentThe Document MenuThe Document menu provides a menu entry for each open document.
Clicking one of these will bring the requested document to focus. If you have
multiple frames, an editor for that document will be displayed in the currently
active frame.In addition, commands to browse your open documents are provided:
Menu items&Alt;LeftDocumentBackThis will bring the previous document in the stack in focus. If you have
multiple frames, an editor for the document will be displayed in the currently
active frame.The order is the order in which documents were
opened, rather than a logical history. This behavior may change in future
versions of &kate;.&Alt;RightDocumentForwardThis will bring the next document in the stack in focus. If you have
multiple frames, an editor for the document will be displayed in the currently
active frame.The order is the order in which the documents were opened,
rather than a logical history. This behavior may change in future versions of
&kate;.The View menuThe View menu allows you to manage settings
specific to the active editor, and to manage frames.Menu ItemsF7ViewSwitch to Command LineThis command will toggle the display of the
built in command line.
ViewSchemaThis menu lists the available schemas. You can change the schema
for the current view here, to change the default schema you need to
use the config dialogF10ViewDynamic Word WrapToggles dynamic word wrap in the current view. Dynamic word
wrap makes all the text in a view visible without the need for horizontal
scrolling by rendering one actual line on more visual lines as needed.ViewShow/Hide Static Word
Wrap MarkerToggles the display of a vertical line indicating the position
of the wrap width as configured in the config dialog. This
feature requires that you use a true fixed-width font.F6ViewShow/Hide Icon BorderThis is a toggle item. Setting it on checked will make the Icon Border
visible in the left side of the active editor, and vice versa.F11ViewShow/Hide Line NumbersThis is a toggle Item. Setting it on checked will make a pane displaying
the line numbers of the document visible in the left border of the active editor,
and vice versa.ViewShow/Hide Scrollbar
MarksToggles the visualization of bookmarks (and other marks) on the
vertical scrollbar. When enabled, marks are represented by a thin line in the
mark color at the scrollbar, middleclicking on the lines will scroll the view
to a position near the mark.F9ViewShow/Hide Folding MarkersToggles the display of the folding marker pane in the left
side of the view. See Using
Code Folding.Code Folding&Ctrl;
Shift-Collapse ToplevelCollapse all toplevel regions in the document.&Ctrl;
Shift+Expand ToplevelExpand all toplevel regions in the document.&Ctrl;
-Collapse One Local LevelCollapse the region closest to the cursor.&Ctrl;
+Expand One Local LevelExpand the region closest to the cursor.The Bookmarks MenuThe Bookmarks menu allows you to work with
the bookmarks in the currently active document.Below the entries described here, one entry for each bookmark in
the active document will be available. The text will be the first few
words of the marked line. Choose an item to move the cursor to the
start of that line. The editor will scroll as necessary to make that
line visible.Menu Items&Ctrl;BBookmarksSet/Clear BookmarkSets or removes a bookmark in the current line of the active document.
(If it's there, it is removed, otherwise one is set.)BookmarksClear All BookmarksClears (removes) all bookmarks in the active document.&Alt;
Page UpBookmarksPreviousThis will move the cursor to beginning of the first above line
with a bookmark. The menuitem text will include the line number and the first
piece of text on the line. This item is only available when there is a bookmark
in a line above the cursor.&Alt;
Page DownBookmarksNextThis will move the cursor to beginning of the next line with a
bookmark. The menuitem text will include the line number and the first piece of
text on the line. This item is only available when there is a bookmark in a line
below the cursor.The Tools MenuToolsPipe to
ConsoleFeed the currently selected text ito the built in terminal
emulator. No newline is added after the text.ToolsExternal
ToolsThis submenu contains all the external toolsyou have
configured.ToolsRead Only ModeSet the current document to Read Only mode. This prevents any text
addition and any changes in the document formatting.ToolsFilletypeChoose the filetype scheme you prefer for the active document. This
overwrites the global filetype
mode set in SettingsConfigure
Editor... in the Filetypes tab for your current
document only.ToolsHighlightingChoose the Highlighting scheme you prefer for the active document. This
overwrites the global highlighting mode set in SettingsConfigure Editor... for your current document only.ToolsIndentationChoose the style of
indentation you want for your active document.
This overwrites the global indentation mode set in SettingsConfigure Editor... for your current document only.ToolsEncodingYou can overwrite the default encoding set in SettingsConfigure
Editor... in the Open/Save tab
to set a different encoding for your current document. The encoding you
set here will be only valid for your current document.ToolsEnd of LineChoose your prefered end of line mode for your active
document. This overwrites the global end of line mode set in SettingsConfigure Editor... for your current document only.ToolsSpelling...This initiates the spellchecking program - a program
designed to help the user catch and correct any spelling errors.
Clicking on this entry will start the checker and bring up the speller dialog
box through which the user can control the process. There are four settings
lined up vertically in the center of the dialog with their corresponding labels
just to the left. Starting at the top they are:Unknown word:Here, the spellchecker indicates the word currently under
consideration. This happens when the checker encounters a word not in its
dictionary - a file containing a list of correctly spelled words against which
it compares each word in the editor.Replace with: If the checker has any similar words in its dictionary the
first one will be listed here. The user can accept the suggestion, type in his
or her own correction, or choose a different suggestion from the next
box.Suggested Words: The checker may list here a number of possible replacements for
the word under consideration. Clicking on any one of the suggestions will cause
that word to be entered in the Replacement: box,
above.Language: If you have installed multiple dictionaries, here you can
select which dictionary/language should be used.On the right side of the dialog box are 5 buttons that allow the user to
control the spellcheck process. They are:Add to DictionaryPressing this button adds the word in the Misspelled
Word: box to the checker's dictionary. This means that in the future
the checker will always consider this word to be correctly
spelled.Replace This button has the checker replace the word under
consideration in the document with the word in the
Replacement: box.Replace All This button causes the checker to replace not only the current
Unknown word: but to automatically make the same
substitution for any other occurrences of this Misspelled
Word: in the document.IgnoreActivating this button will have the checker move on without
making any changes.Ignore All This button tells the checker to do nothing with the current
Unknown word: and to pass over any other instances of
the same word.This only applies to the current spellcheck
run. If the checker is run again later it will stop on this same
word.Three more buttons are located horizontally along the bottom of the
spellcheck dialog. They are:Help This invokes the &tde; help system starting at the &kate; help
pages (this document).Finished This button ends the spellcheck process, and returns to the
document.Cancel This button cancels the spellcheck process, all modifications
are reverted, and you will return to your document.ToolsSpelling (from cursor)...This initiates the spellchecking program but it starts where your cursor
is instead of at the beginning of the document.ToolsSpellcheck Selection...Spellchecks the current selection.&Ctrl;IToolsIndentThis increases the paragraph's indentation by one step. The size of the
step depends on the indentation
settings.&Ctrl;&Shift;IToolsUnindentThis reduces the paragraph's indentation by one step. The size of the step
depends on the indentation settings.ToolsClean
IndentationThis cleans the indentation for the current selection or for the
line the cursor is currently in. Cleaning the indentation ensures that
all your selected text follows the indentation mode you choose.ToolsAlignCauses a realign of the current line or selected lines using the
indentation mode and indentation settings in the document.&Ctrl;DToolsCommentThis adds one space to the beginning of the line
where the text cursor is located or to the beginning of any
selected lines.&Ctrl;&Shift;DToolsUncommentThis removes one space (if any exist) from the beginning of the
line where the text cursor is located or from the beginning of any
selected lines.&Ctrl;UToolsUppercasePut the selected text or the letter after the cursor in
uppercase.&Ctrl;&Shift;UToolsLowercasePut the selected text or the letter after the cursor in
lowercase.&Alt;&Ctrl;UToolsCapitalizeCapitalize the selected text or the current
word.ToolsDelete LineDelete the current line.&Ctrl;JToolsJoin LinesJoins the selected lines, or the current line and the line below
with one white space character as a separator. Leading/trailing white space on
joined lines is removed in the affected ends.ToolsWord Wrap DocumentApply static word wrapping on all the document. That means that
a new line of text will automatically start when the current
line exceeds the length specified by the Wrap words at: option
in the Editing tab in SettingsConfigure
Editor...The Sessions MenuThis menu contains entries for using and managing &kate; sessions.
For more information, read
Using Sessions and the
Sessions panel.SessionsSelect sessionThis submenu allows to select and switch to a given session.SessionsNewCreates a new session and switch to it.SessionsSaveSave the current session.SessionsSave asSave the selected session as a new session. A checkbox allows to choose whether to switch
to the new session after saving or not.SessionsRenameRename the selected session.SessionsDeleteDelete the selected session. If the active session is deleted, a new session will
be automatically created.SessionsReloadReload the active session from the last saved state.SessionsActivateClose the active session and switch to the selected one. The same action can be
performed by activating the selected session entry in the list using the mouse of the Enter key.SessionsToggle read onlyAllows to set whether the selected session is read only or not. A read only session will not change
its properties and can't be saved, although documents can be edited and saved as normal. This option is great for
creating template sessions.SessionsMove upMove the selected session one position up in the list.SessionsMove downMove the selected session one position down in the list.The Settings MenuThe Settings menu allows you to change the properties
of the main window, such as showing/hiding toolbars, and provides
access to the configuration dialogs.SettingsToolbarsThis submenu lists the available toolbars, each item toggles the display
of the associated toolbar.SettingsFull Screen
ModeToggles full screen display.This commmand will be moved to the Window menu in a future
version of &kate;SettingsConfigure Shortcuts...Display the familiar &tde; Keyboard Shortcut Configuration
Dialog.SettingsConfigure Toolbars...Display the familiar &tde; Toolbar Configuration Dialog.SettingsConfigure &kate;...Launch the Main Configuration DialogThe Window MenuWindowNew WindowOpens another instance of &kate;.
The new instance will be identical to your previous instance.
&Ctrl;&Shift;LWindowSplit VerticalThis will split the frame (which may be the main editing area) in two equally sized frames,
the new one to the left of the current one. The new frame gets the focus, and will display the
same document as the old one.See also Working with the &kate; MDI&Ctrl;&Shift;TWindowSplit HorizontalSplits the current frame (which may be the main editing area) in two equally sized frames,
the new one at the bottom half. The new frame gets the focus, and displays the same document as
the old one.See also Working with the &kate; MDI&Ctrl;&Shift;RWindowClose CurrentCloses the active frame. This is disabled, if there is only one frame
(the main editing area).No documents get closed by closing a
frame – they will still be available in the Documents Menu as well as in
the File List.See also Working with the
&kate; MDIF8WindowNext
ViewFocus the next document view, if you have split the editor area
in more views.&Shift;F8WindowPrevious
ViewFocus the previous document view, if you have split the editor
area in more views.WindowTool ViewsWindowTool ViewsShow/Hide SidebarsToggles the display of the sidebar button rows. This command
does not affect the display of the sidebar content widgets, any sidebar that
is visible will stay visible, and if you assigned shortcuts to the below
commands those will of course continue to work.WindowTool ViewsShow/Hide DocumentsToggle the display of &kate;'s Documents listWindowTool ViewsShow/Hide Filesystem BrowserToggle the display of &kate;'s Filesystem BrowserWindowTool ViewsShow/Hide SessionsToggle the display of &kate;'s Sessions panelWindowTool ViewsShow/Hide Find in FilesToggle the display of &kate;'s Find in Files tool.
WindowTool ViewsShow/Hide TerminalToggles the display of the built in terminal emulator.When activated the first time, the terminal will be created.When the terminal emulator is displayed, it will get the focus, so that
you can start typing in commands immediately. If the Sync Konsole with Active
Document option is enabled in the General Page of the Main configuration dialog the shell session will
change to the directory of the active document, if it is a local file.The Help MenuApart from standard &tde; Help menu items
described below you will have menu entries to show the
Plugins User Manuals for installed plugins.