/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004 Kevin Ottens This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "tdefilemediaplugin.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STATVFS # include #else # include # define statvfs statfs # define f_frsize f_bsize #endif typedef KGenericFactory KFileMediaPluginFactory; K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdefile_media, KFileMediaPluginFactory("kio_media")) KFileMediaPlugin::KFileMediaPlugin(TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args) : KFilePlugin(parent, name, args) { addMimeType( "media/audiocd" ); addMimeType( "media/hdd_mounted" ); addMimeType( "media/hdd_mounted_decrypted" ); addMimeType( "media/blankcd" ); addMimeType( "media/hdd_unmounted" ); addMimeType( "media/hdd_unmounted_decrypted" ); addMimeType( "media/blankdvd" ); addMimeType( "media/cdrom_mounted" ); addMimeType( "media/cdrom_mounted_decrypted" ); addMimeType( "media/cdrom_unmounted" ); addMimeType( "media/cdrom_unmounted_decrypted" ); addMimeType( "media/cdwriter_mounted" ); addMimeType( "media/cdwriter_mounted_decrypted" ); addMimeType( "media/nfs_mounted" ); addMimeType( "media/cdwriter_unmounted" ); addMimeType( "media/cdwriter_unmounted_decrypted" ); addMimeType( "media/nfs_unmounted" ); addMimeType( "media/removable_mounted" ); addMimeType( "media/removable_mounted_decrypted" ); addMimeType( "media/dvd_mounted" ); addMimeType( "media/dvd_mounted_decrypted" ); addMimeType( "media/removable_unmounted" ); addMimeType( "media/removable_unmounted_decrypted" ); addMimeType( "media/dvd_unmounted" ); addMimeType( "media/dvd_unmounted_decrypted" ); addMimeType( "media/smb_mounted" ); addMimeType( "media/dvdvideo" ); addMimeType( "media/smb_unmounted" ); addMimeType( "media/floppy5_mounted" ); addMimeType( "media/svcd" ); addMimeType( "media/floppy5_unmounted" ); addMimeType( "media/vcd" ); addMimeType( "media/floppy_mounted" ); addMimeType( "media/zip_mounted" ); addMimeType( "media/floppy_unmounted" ); addMimeType( "media/zip_unmounted" ); addMimeType( "media/gphoto2camera" ); addMimeType( "media/camera_mounted" ); addMimeType( "media/camera_unmounted" ); } bool KFileMediaPlugin::readInfo(KFileMetaInfo &info, uint /*what*/) { const Medium medium = askMedium(info); kdDebug() << "KFileMediaPlugin::readInfo " << medium.id() << endl; if (medium.id().isNull()) return false; TQString mount_point = medium.mountPoint(); KURL base_url = medium.prettyBaseURL(); TQString device_node = medium.deviceNode(); KFileMetaInfoGroup group = appendGroup(info, "mediumInfo"); if (base_url.isValid()) { appendItem(group, "baseURL", base_url.prettyURL()); } if (!device_node.isEmpty()) { appendItem(group, "deviceNode", device_node); } if (!mount_point.isEmpty() && medium.isMounted()) { m_total = 0; m_used = 0; m_free = 0; struct statvfs vfs; memset(&vfs, 0, sizeof(vfs)); if ( ::statvfs(TQFile::encodeName(mount_point), &vfs) != -1 ) { m_total = static_cast(vfs.f_blocks) * static_cast(vfs.f_frsize); m_free = static_cast(vfs.f_bavail) * static_cast(vfs.f_frsize); m_used = m_total - m_free; int percent = 0; int length = 0; if (m_total != 0) { percent = 100 * m_used / m_total; length = 150 * m_used / m_total; } appendItem(group, "free", m_free); appendItem(group, "used", m_used); appendItem(group, "total", m_total); group = appendGroup(info, "mediumSummary"); appendItem(group, "percent", TQString("%1%").arg(percent)); TQPixmap bar(150, 20); TQPainter p(&bar); p.fillRect(0, 0, length, 20, Qt::red); p.fillRect(length, 0, 150-length, 20, Qt::green); TQColorGroup cg = TQApplication::palette().active(); TQApplication::style().tqdrawPrimitive(TQStyle::PE_Panel, &p, TQRect(0, 0, 150, 20), cg, TQStyle::Style_Sunken); appendItem( group, "thumbnail", bar ); } } return true; } const Medium KFileMediaPlugin::askMedium(KFileMetaInfo &info) { DCOPRef mediamanager("kded", "mediamanager"); kdDebug() << "properties " << info.url() << endl; DCOPReply reply = mediamanager.call( "properties", info.url().url() ); if ( !reply.isValid() ) { return Medium(TQString::null, TQString::null, TQString::null); } return Medium::create(reply); } void KFileMediaPlugin::addMimeType(const char *mimeType) { KFileMimeTypeInfo *info = addMimeTypeInfo( mimeType ); KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo *group = addGroupInfo(info, "mediumInfo", i18n("Medium Information")); KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo *item = addItemInfo(group, "free", i18n("Free"), TQVariant::ULongLong); setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Bytes); item = addItemInfo(group, "used", i18n("Used"), TQVariant::ULongLong); setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Bytes); item = addItemInfo(group, "total", i18n("Total"), TQVariant::ULongLong); setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Bytes); item = addItemInfo(group, "baseURL", i18n("Base URL"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "mountPoint", i18n("Mount Point"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "deviceNode", i18n("Device Node"), TQVariant::String); group = addGroupInfo(info, "mediumSummary", i18n("Medium Summary")); item = addItemInfo(group, "percent", i18n("Usage"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo( group, "thumbnail", i18n("Bar Graph"), TQVariant::Image ); setHint( item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Thumbnail ); } #include "tdefilemediaplugin.moc"