/***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1996-2000 the kicker authors. See file AUTHORS. Copyright (c) 2006 Debajyoti Bera Copyright (c) 2006 Dirk Mueller This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "client_mnu.h" #include "container_base.h" #include "global.h" #include "knewbutton.h" #include "kicker.h" #include "kickerSettings.h" #include "konqbookmarkmanager.h" #include "menuinfo.h" #include "menumanager.h" #include "popupmenutitle.h" #include "quickbrowser_mnu.h" #include "recentapps.h" #include "flipscrollview.h" #include "itemview.h" #include #include #include #include "media_watcher.h" #include "k_mnu.h" #include "k_new_mnu.h" #include "k_new_mnu.moc" #include "kickoff_bar.h" #define WAIT_BEFORE_QUERYING 700 #define IDS_PER_CATEGORY 20 #define ACTIONS_ID_BASE 10 #define APP_ID_BASE 10 + IDS_PER_CATEGORY #define BOOKMARKS_ID_BASE 10 + (IDS_PER_CATEGORY * 2) #define NOTES_ID_BASE 10 + (IDS_PER_CATEGORY * 3) #define MAIL_ID_BASE 10 + (IDS_PER_CATEGORY * 4) #define FILE_ID_BASE 10 + (IDS_PER_CATEGORY * 5) #define MUSIC_ID_BASE 10 + (IDS_PER_CATEGORY * 6) #define WEBHIST_ID_BASE 10 + (IDS_PER_CATEGORY * 7) #define CHAT_ID_BASE 10 + (IDS_PER_CATEGORY * 8) #define FEED_ID_BASE 10 + (IDS_PER_CATEGORY * 9) #define PIC_ID_BASE 10 + (IDS_PER_CATEGORY * 10) #define VIDEO_ID_BASE 10 + (IDS_PER_CATEGORY * 11) #define DOC_ID_BASE 10 + (IDS_PER_CATEGORY * 12) #define OTHER_ID_BASE 10 + (IDS_PER_CATEGORY * 13) static TQString calculate(const TQString &exp) { TQString result, cmd; const TQString bc = TDEStandardDirs::findExe("bc"); if ( !bc.isEmpty() ) cmd = TQString("echo %1 | %2").arg(TDEProcess::quote(exp), TDEProcess::quote(bc)); else cmd = TQString("echo $((%1))").arg(exp); FILE *fs = popen(TQFile::encodeName(cmd).data(), "r"); if (fs) { TQTextStream ts(fs, IO_ReadOnly); result = ts.read().stripWhiteSpace(); pclose(fs); } return result; } static TQString workaroundStringFreeze(const TQString& str) { TQString s = str; s.replace("","&"); TQRegExp re("<[^>]+>"); re.setMinimal(true); re.setCaseSensitive(false); s.replace(re, ""); s = s.simplifyWhiteSpace(); return s; } int base_category_id[] = {ACTIONS_ID_BASE, APP_ID_BASE, BOOKMARKS_ID_BASE, NOTES_ID_BASE, MAIL_ID_BASE, FILE_ID_BASE, MUSIC_ID_BASE, WEBHIST_ID_BASE, CHAT_ID_BASE, FEED_ID_BASE, PIC_ID_BASE, VIDEO_ID_BASE, DOC_ID_BASE, OTHER_ID_BASE}; #include static int used_size( TQLabel *label, int oldsize ) { TQSimpleRichText st( label->text(), TDEGlobalSettings::toolBarFont() ); st.setWidth( oldsize ); return QMAX( st.widthUsed(), oldsize ); } KMenu::KMenu() : KMenuBase(0, "SUSE::Kickoff::KMenu") , m_sloppyTimer(0, "KNewMenu::sloppyTimer"), m_mediaFreeTimer(0, "KNewMenu::mediaFreeTimer"), m_iconName(TQString()), m_orientation(UnDetermined), m_search_plugin( 0 ) { setMouseTracking(true); connect(&m_sloppyTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(slotSloppyTimeout())); // set the first client id to some arbitrarily large value. client_id = 10000; // Don't automatically clear the main menu. actionCollection = new TDEActionCollection(this); connect(Kicker::the(), TQT_SIGNAL(configurationChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(configChanged())); KUser * user = new KUser(); char hostname[256]; hostname[0] = '\0'; if (!gethostname( hostname, sizeof(hostname) )) hostname[sizeof(hostname)-1] = '\0'; m_userInfo->setText( i18n( "User %1 on %2" ) .arg( user->loginName() ).arg( hostname ) ); setupUi(); m_userInfo->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBase ); TQColor userInfoColor = TQApplication::palette().color( TQPalette::Normal, TQColorGroup::Mid ); if ( tqGray( userInfoColor.rgb() ) > 120 ) userInfoColor = userInfoColor.dark( 200 ); else userInfoColor = userInfoColor.light( 200 ); m_userInfo->setPaletteForegroundColor( userInfoColor ); m_tabBar = new KickoffTabBar(this, "m_tabBar"); connect(m_tabBar, TQT_SIGNAL(tabClicked(TQTab*)), TQT_SLOT(tabClicked(TQTab*))); const int tab_icon_size = 32; m_tabs[FavoriteTab] = new TQTab; m_tabBar->addTab(m_tabs[FavoriteTab]); m_tabBar->setToolTip(FavoriteTab, "" + i18n( "Most commonly used applications and documents" ) + "" ); m_tabs[ApplicationsTab] = new TQTab; m_tabBar->addTab(m_tabs[ApplicationsTab]); m_tabBar->setToolTip(ApplicationsTab, "" + i18n( "List of installed applications" ) + "" ); m_tabs[ComputerTab] = new TQTab; m_tabBar->addTab(m_tabs[ComputerTab]); m_tabBar->setToolTip(ComputerTab, "" + i18n( "Information and configuration of your " "system, access to personal files, network resources and connected disk drives") + ""); #if 0 m_tabs[SearchTab] = new TQTab; m_tabBar->addTab(m_tabs[SearchTab]); #endif m_tabs[HistoryTab] = new TQTab; m_tabBar->addTab(m_tabs[HistoryTab]); m_tabBar->setToolTip(HistoryTab, "" + i18n( "Recently used applications and documents" ) + "" ); m_tabs[LeaveTab] = new TQTab; m_tabBar->addTab(m_tabs[LeaveTab]); m_tabBar->setToolTip(LeaveTab, i18n("Logout, switch user, switch off or reset," " suspend of the system" ) + "" ); if (KickerSettings::kickoffTabBarFormat() != KickerSettings::IconOnly) { m_tabs[FavoriteTab]->setText(workaroundStringFreeze(i18n("


"))); m_tabs[HistoryTab]->setText(workaroundStringFreeze(i18n("


"))); m_tabs[ComputerTab]->setText( workaroundStringFreeze(i18n("


"))); m_tabs[ApplicationsTab]->setText(workaroundStringFreeze(i18n("


"))); m_tabs[LeaveTab]->setText( workaroundStringFreeze(i18n("


"))); } if (KickerSettings::kickoffTabBarFormat() != KickerSettings::LabelOnly) { m_tabs[FavoriteTab]->setIconSet(BarIcon("bookmark", tab_icon_size)); m_tabs[HistoryTab]->setIconSet(BarIcon("recently_used", tab_icon_size)); m_tabs[ComputerTab]->setIconSet(BarIcon("system", tab_icon_size)); m_tabs[ApplicationsTab]->setIconSet(BarIcon("player_playlist", tab_icon_size)); m_tabs[LeaveTab]->setIconSet(BarIcon("leave", tab_icon_size)); } connect(m_tabBar, TQT_SIGNAL(selected(int)), m_stacker, TQT_SLOT(raiseWidget(int))); connect(m_stacker, TQT_SIGNAL(aboutToShow(int)), m_tabBar, TQT_SLOT(setCurrentTab(int))); m_favoriteView = new FavoritesItemView (m_stacker, "m_favoriteView"); m_favoriteView->setAcceptDrops(true); m_favoriteView->setItemsMovable(true); m_stacker->addWidget(m_favoriteView, FavoriteTab); m_recentlyView = new ItemView (m_stacker, "m_recentlyView"); m_stacker->addWidget(m_recentlyView, HistoryTab); m_systemView = new ItemView(m_stacker, "m_systemView"); m_stacker->addWidget(m_systemView, ComputerTab ); m_browserView = new FlipScrollView(m_stacker, "m_browserView"); m_stacker->addWidget(m_browserView, ApplicationsTab); connect( m_browserView, TQT_SIGNAL( backButtonClicked() ), TQT_SLOT( slotGoBack() ) ); m_exitView = new FlipScrollView(m_stacker, "m_exitView"); m_stacker->addWidget(m_exitView, LeaveTab); connect( m_exitView, TQT_SIGNAL( backButtonClicked() ), TQT_SLOT( slotGoExitMainMenu() ) ); m_searchWidget = new TQVBox (m_stacker, "m_searchWidget"); m_searchWidget->setSpacing(0); m_stacker->addWidget(m_searchWidget, 5); // search provider icon TQPixmap icon; KURIFilterData data; TQStringList list; data.setData( TQString("some keyword") ); list << "kurisearchfilter" << "kuriikwsfilter"; if ( KURIFilter::self()->filterURI(data, list) ) { TQString iconPath = locate("cache", KMimeType::favIconForURL(data.uri()) + ".png"); if ( iconPath.isEmpty() ) icon = SmallIcon("enhanced_browsing"); else icon = TQPixmap( iconPath ); } else icon = SmallIcon("enhanced_browsing"); m_searchResultsWidget = new ItemView (m_searchWidget, "m_searchResultsWidget"); m_searchResultsWidget->setItemMargin(4); // m_searchResultsWidget->setIconSize(16); m_searchActions = new ItemView (m_searchWidget, "m_searchActions"); m_searchActions->setFocusPolicy(TQ_NoFocus); m_searchActions->setItemMargin(4); m_searchInternet = new TQListViewItem(m_searchActions, i18n("Search Internet")); m_searchInternet->setPixmap(0,icon); setTabOrder(m_kcommand, m_searchResultsWidget); m_kerryInstalled = !TDEStandardDirs::findExe(TQString::fromLatin1("kerry")).isEmpty(); m_isShowing = false; if (!m_kerryInstalled) { m_searchIndex = 0; m_searchActions->setMaximumHeight(5+m_searchInternet->height()); } else { m_searchIndex = new TQListViewItem(m_searchActions, i18n("Search Index")); m_searchIndex->setPixmap(0,SmallIcon("kerry")); m_searchActions->setMaximumHeight(5+m_searchIndex->height()*2); } connect(m_searchActions, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(TQListViewItem*)), TQT_SLOT(searchActionClicked(TQListViewItem*))); connect(m_searchActions, TQT_SIGNAL(returnPressed(TQListViewItem*)), TQT_SLOT(searchActionClicked(TQListViewItem*))); connect(m_searchActions, TQT_SIGNAL(spacePressed(TQListViewItem*)), TQT_SLOT(searchActionClicked(TQListViewItem*))); connect(m_searchResultsWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(startService(KService::Ptr)), TQT_SLOT(slotStartService(KService::Ptr))); connect(m_searchResultsWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(startURL(const TQString&)), TQT_SLOT(slotStartURL(const TQString&))); connect(m_searchResultsWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int )), TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenuRequested( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int ))); connect(m_recentlyView, TQT_SIGNAL(startService(KService::Ptr)), TQT_SLOT(slotStartService(KService::Ptr))); connect(m_recentlyView, TQT_SIGNAL(startURL(const TQString&)), TQT_SLOT(slotStartURL(const TQString&))); connect(m_recentlyView, TQT_SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int )), TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenuRequested( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int ))); connect(m_favoriteView, TQT_SIGNAL(startService(KService::Ptr)), TQT_SLOT(slotStartService(KService::Ptr))); connect(m_favoriteView, TQT_SIGNAL(startURL(const TQString&)), TQT_SLOT(slotStartURL(const TQString&))); connect(m_favoriteView, TQT_SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int )), TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenuRequested( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int ))); connect(m_favoriteView, TQT_SIGNAL(moved(TQListViewItem*, TQListViewItem*, TQListViewItem*)), TQT_SLOT(slotFavoritesMoved( TQListViewItem*, TQListViewItem*, TQListViewItem* ))); connect(m_systemView, TQT_SIGNAL(startURL(const TQString&)), TQT_SLOT(slotStartURL(const TQString&))); connect(m_systemView, TQT_SIGNAL(startService(KService::Ptr)), TQT_SLOT(slotStartService(KService::Ptr))); connect(m_systemView, TQT_SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int )), TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenuRequested( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int ))); connect(m_browserView, TQT_SIGNAL(startURL(const TQString&)), TQT_SLOT(slotGoSubMenu(const TQString&))); connect(m_browserView, TQT_SIGNAL(startService(KService::Ptr)), TQT_SLOT(slotStartService(KService::Ptr))); connect(m_browserView, TQT_SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int )), TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenuRequested( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int ))); connect(m_exitView, TQT_SIGNAL(startURL(const TQString&)), TQT_SLOT(slotStartURL(const TQString&))); connect(m_exitView, TQT_SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int )), TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenuRequested( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int ))); m_kcommand->setDuplicatesEnabled( false ); m_kcommand->setLineEdit(new KLineEdit(m_kcommand, "m_kcommand-lineedit")); m_kcommand->setCompletionMode( TDEGlobalSettings::CompletionAuto ); connect(m_kcommand, TQT_SIGNAL(cleared()), TQT_SLOT(clearedHistory())); connect(m_kcommand->lineEdit(), TQT_SIGNAL(returnPressed()), TQT_SLOT(searchAccept())); connect(m_kcommand->lineEdit(), TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString &)), TQT_SLOT(searchChanged(const TQString &))); // URI Filter meta object... m_filterData = new KURIFilterData(); max_category_id = new int [num_categories]; categorised_hit_total = new int [num_categories]; input_timer = new TQTimer (this, "input_timer"); connect( input_timer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(doQuery()) ); init_search_timer = new TQTimer (this, "init_search_timer"); connect( init_search_timer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(initSearch()) ); init_search_timer->start(2000, true); connect( m_favoriteView, TQT_SIGNAL( dropped (TQDropEvent *, TQListViewItem * ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotFavDropped( TQDropEvent *, TQListViewItem * ) ) ); this->installEventFilter(this); m_tabBar->installEventFilter(this); m_favoriteView->installEventFilter(this); m_recentlyView->installEventFilter(this); m_browserView->leftView()->installEventFilter(this); m_browserView->rightView()->installEventFilter(this); m_systemView->installEventFilter(this); m_exitView->leftView()->installEventFilter(this); m_exitView->rightView()->installEventFilter(this); m_kcommand->lineEdit()->installEventFilter(this); m_searchLabel->installEventFilter(this); m_searchPixmap->installEventFilter(this); m_stacker->installEventFilter(this); emailRegExp = TQRegExp("^([\\w\\-]+\\.)*[\\w\\-]+@([\\w\\-]+\\.)*[\\w\\-]+$"); authRegExp = TQRegExp("^[a-zA-Z]+://\\w+(:\\w+)?@([\\w\\-]+\\.)*[\\w\\-]+(:\\d+)?(/.*)?$"); uriRegExp = TQRegExp("^[a-zA-Z]+://([\\w\\-]+\\.)*[\\w\\-]+(:\\d+)?(/.*)?$"); uri2RegExp = TQRegExp("^([\\w\\-]+\\.)+[\\w\\-]+(:\\d+)?(/.*)?$"); m_resizeHandle = new TQLabel(this); m_resizeHandle->setBackgroundOrigin( TQLabel::ParentOrigin ); m_resizeHandle->setScaledContents(true); m_resizeHandle->setFixedSize( 16, 16 ); m_searchFrame->stackUnder( m_resizeHandle ); m_isresizing = false; m_searchPixmap->setPixmap( BarIcon( "find", 32 ) ); TQFont f = font(); f.setPointSize( kMax( 7, (f.pointSize() * 4 / 5 ) + KickerSettings::kickoffFontPointSizeOffset() ) ); m_tabBar->setFont ( f ); f.setPointSize( kMax( 7, (f.pointSize() * 3 / 2 ) + KickerSettings::kickoffFontPointSizeOffset() ) ); m_searchLabel->setFont( f ); static_cast(m_kcommand->lineEdit())->setClickMessage(i18n( "Applications, Contacts and Documents" ) ); bookmarkManager = 0; m_addressBook = 0; m_popupMenu = 0; main_border_tl.load( locate("data", "kicker/pics/main_corner_tl.png" ) ); main_border_tr.load( locate("data", "kicker/pics/main_corner_tr.png" ) ); search_tab_left.load( locate("data", "kicker/pics/search-tab-left.png" ) ); search_tab_right.load( locate("data", "kicker/pics/search-tab-right.png" ) ); search_tab_center.load( locate("data", "kicker/pics/search-tab-center.png" ) ); search_tab_top_left.load( locate("data", "kicker/pics/search-tab-top-left.png" ) ); search_tab_top_right.load( locate("data", "kicker/pics/search-tab-top-right.png" ) ); search_tab_top_center.load( locate("data", "kicker/pics/search-tab-top-center.png" ) ); } void KMenu::setupUi() { m_stacker = new TQWidgetStack( this, "m_stacker" ); m_stacker->setGeometry( TQRect( 90, 260, 320, 220 ) ); m_stacker->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)3, (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)3, 1, 1, m_stacker->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); m_stacker->setPaletteBackgroundColor( TQColor( 255, 255, 255 ) ); // m_stacker->setFocusPolicy( TQ_StrongFocus ); m_stacker->setLineWidth( 0 ); m_stacker->setFocusPolicy(TQ_NoFocus); connect(m_stacker, TQT_SIGNAL(aboutToShow(TQWidget*)), TQT_SLOT(stackWidgetRaised(TQWidget*))); m_kcommand->setName("m_kcommand"); } KMenu::~KMenu() { saveConfig(); clearSubmenus(); delete m_filterData; } bool KMenu::eventFilter ( TQObject * receiver, TQEvent* e) { //kdDebug() << "eventFilter receiver=" << receiver->name() << " type=" << e->type() << endl; TQWidget* raiseWidget = 0; TQRect raiseRect; if (e->type() == TQEvent::KeyPress || e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress || e->type() == TQEvent::MouseMove || e->type() == TQEvent::FocusIn || e->type() == TQEvent::Wheel) { TQPoint p; if (e->type() == TQEvent::MouseMove || e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress) { TQMouseEvent* me = TQT_TQMOUSEEVENT(e); p = me->globalPos(); } else if (e->type() == TQEvent::Wheel) { TQWheelEvent* we = TQT_TQWHEELEVENT(e); p = we->globalPos(); } while (receiver) { if (TQT_BASE_OBJECT(receiver) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_tabBar) && (e->type()!=TQEvent::MouseMove || KickerSettings::kickoffSwitchTabsOnHover() ) ) { TQTab* s = m_tabBar->selectTab(m_tabBar->mapFromGlobal(p)); if (s && s->identifier() == ApplicationsTab) raiseWidget = m_browserView; if (s && s->identifier() == FavoriteTab) raiseWidget = m_favoriteView; if (s && s->identifier() == HistoryTab) raiseWidget = m_recentlyView; if (s && s->identifier() == ComputerTab) raiseWidget = m_systemView; if (s && s->identifier() == LeaveTab) raiseWidget = m_exitView; if (raiseWidget) raiseRect = TQRect( m_tabBar->mapToGlobal(s->rect().topLeft()), s->rect().size()); } /* we do not want hover activation for the search line edit as this can be * pretty disturbing */ if ( (TQT_BASE_OBJECT(receiver) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_searchPixmap) || ( ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(receiver) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_searchLabel) || TQT_BASE_OBJECT(receiver)==TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_kcommand->lineEdit()) ) && ( e->type() == TQEvent::KeyPress || e->type() == TQEvent::Wheel || e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress ) ) ) && !m_isShowing) { raiseWidget = m_searchWidget; raiseRect = TQRect( m_searchFrame->mapToGlobal(m_searchFrame->rect().topLeft()), m_searchFrame->size()); } if(raiseWidget) break; if(receiver->isWidgetType()) receiver = TQT_TQOBJECT(TQT_TQWIDGET(receiver)->parentWidget(true)); else break; } if (e->type() == TQEvent::FocusIn && receiver && raiseWidget) { m_searchResultsWidget->setFocusPolicy(TQ_StrongFocus); m_searchActions->setFocusPolicy(raiseWidget == m_searchWidget ? TQ_StrongFocus : TQ_NoFocus); setTabOrder(raiseWidget, m_searchResultsWidget); if (raiseWidget != m_stacker->visibleWidget() && TQT_TQWIDGET(receiver)->focusPolicy() == TQ_NoFocus && m_stacker->id(raiseWidget) >= 0) { m_stacker->raiseWidget(raiseWidget); return true; } if (raiseWidget->focusPolicy() != TQ_NoFocus) return false; } if (m_sloppyRegion.contains(p)) { if (e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress /*&& m_sloppyTimer.isActive()*/) m_sloppySourceClicked = true; if (!m_sloppyTimer.isActive() || m_sloppySource != raiseRect) { int timeout= style().styleHint(TQStyle::SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay); if (m_sloppySourceClicked) timeout = 3000; m_sloppyTimer.start(timeout); } m_sloppyWidget = raiseWidget; m_sloppySource = raiseRect; return false; } } if(e->type() == TQEvent::Enter && receiver->isWidgetType()) { TQT_TQWIDGET(receiver)->setMouseTracking(true); TQToolTip::hide(); } if ( ( e->type() == TQEvent::DragEnter || e->type() == TQEvent::DragMove ) && raiseWidget == m_favoriteView ) { m_stacker->raiseWidget(m_favoriteView); return false; } // This is a nightmare of a hack, look away. Logic needs // to be moved to the stacker and all widgets in the stacker // must have focusNextPrevChild() overwritten to do nothing if (e->type() == TQEvent::KeyPress && !raiseRect.isNull()) { ItemView* view; if (m_browserView==m_stacker->visibleWidget()) view = m_browserView->currentView(); else if (m_exitView==m_stacker->visibleWidget()) view = m_exitView->currentView(); else view = dynamic_cast(m_stacker->visibleWidget()); if (view) { bool handled = true; switch (TQT_TQKEYEVENT(e)->key()) { case Key_Up: if (view->selectedItem()) { view->setSelected(view->selectedItem()->itemAbove(),true); } else { view->setSelected(view->lastItem(),true); } break; case Key_Down: if (view->selectedItem()) { view->setSelected(view->selectedItem()->itemBelow(),true); } else { if (view->firstChild() && view->firstChild()->isSelectable()) view->setSelected(view->firstChild(),true); else if (view->childCount()>2) view->setSelected(view->firstChild()->itemBelow(),true); } break; case Key_Right: if (view->selectedItem() && !static_cast(view->selectedItem())->hasChildren()) break; // nobreak case Key_Enter: case Key_Return: if (view->selectedItem()) view->slotItemClicked(view->selectedItem()); break; case Key_Left: if (m_browserView == m_stacker->visibleWidget() || m_exitView == m_stacker->visibleWidget()) { FlipScrollView* flip = dynamic_cast(m_stacker->visibleWidget()); if (flip->showsBackButton()) { if (m_browserView == m_stacker->visibleWidget()) goSubMenu( m_browserView->currentView()->backPath(), true ); else view->slotItemClicked(view->firstChild()); } break; } // nobreak case Key_Backspace: if (m_browserView == m_stacker->visibleWidget() || m_exitView == m_stacker->visibleWidget()) { FlipScrollView* flip = dynamic_cast(m_stacker->visibleWidget()); if (flip->showsBackButton()) { if (m_browserView == m_stacker->visibleWidget()) goSubMenu( m_browserView->currentView()->backPath(), true ); else view->slotItemClicked(view->firstChild()); } } break; default: handled = false; } if (handled) view->ensureItemVisible(view->selectedItem()); return handled; } } bool r = KMenuBase::eventFilter(receiver, e); if (!r && raiseWidget) m_stacker->raiseWidget(raiseWidget); if (e->type() == TQEvent::Wheel && raiseWidget ) { // due to an ugly TQt bug we have to kill wheel events // that cause focus switches r = true; } if (e->type() == TQEvent::Enter && TQT_BASE_OBJECT(receiver) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_stacker)) { TQRect r(m_stacker->mapToGlobal(TQPoint(-8,-32)), m_stacker->size()); r.setSize(r.size()+TQSize(16,128)); m_sloppyRegion = TQRegion(r); } // redo the sloppy region if (e->type() == TQEvent::MouseMove && !r && raiseWidget) { TQPointArray points(4); // hmm, eventually this should be mouse position + 10px, not // just worst case. but worst case seems to work fine enough. TQPoint edge(raiseRect.topLeft()); edge.setX(edge.x()+raiseRect.center().x()); if (m_orientation == BottomUp) { points.setPoint(0, m_stacker->mapToGlobal(m_stacker->rect().bottomLeft())); points.setPoint(1, m_stacker->mapToGlobal(m_stacker->rect().bottomRight())); edge.setY(edge.y()+raiseRect.height()); points.setPoint(2, edge+TQPoint(+raiseRect.width()/4,0)); points.setPoint(3, edge+TQPoint(-raiseRect.width()/4,0)); } else { points.setPoint(0, m_stacker->mapToGlobal(m_stacker->rect().topLeft())); points.setPoint(1, m_stacker->mapToGlobal(m_stacker->rect().topRight())); points.setPoint(2, edge+TQPoint(-raiseRect.width()/4,0)); points.setPoint(3, edge+TQPoint(+raiseRect.width()/4,0)); } m_sloppyRegion = TQRegion(points); } return r; } void KMenu::slotSloppyTimeout() { if (m_sloppyRegion.contains(TQCursor::pos()) && !m_sloppySource.isNull()) { if ( m_sloppySource.contains(TQCursor::pos())) { m_stacker->raiseWidget(m_sloppyWidget); m_sloppyWidget = 0; m_sloppySource = TQRect(); m_sloppyRegion = TQRegion(); m_sloppySourceClicked = false; } } m_sloppyTimer.stop(); } void KMenu::paintSearchTab( bool active ) { TQPixmap canvas( m_searchFrame->size() ); TQPainter p( &canvas ); TQPixmap pix; if ( m_orientation == BottomUp ) pix.load( locate("data", "kicker/pics/search-gradient.png" ) ); else pix.load( locate("data", "kicker/pics/search-gradient-topdown.png" ) ); pix.convertFromImage( pix.convertToImage().scale(pix.width(), m_searchFrame->height())); p.drawTiledPixmap( 0, 0, m_searchFrame->width(), m_searchFrame->height(), pix ); if ( active ) { m_tabBar->deactivateTabs(true); p.setBrush( Qt::white ); p.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); if ( m_orientation == BottomUp ) { search_tab_center.convertFromImage( search_tab_center.convertToImage().scale(search_tab_center.width(), m_searchFrame->height())); p.drawTiledPixmap( search_tab_left.width(), 0, m_searchFrame->width()-search_tab_left.width()-search_tab_right.width(), m_searchFrame->height(), search_tab_center ); search_tab_left.convertFromImage( search_tab_left.convertToImage().scale(search_tab_left.width(), m_searchFrame->height())); p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, search_tab_left ); search_tab_right.convertFromImage( search_tab_right.convertToImage().scale(search_tab_right.width(), m_searchFrame->height())); p.drawPixmap( m_searchFrame->width()-search_tab_right.width(), 0, search_tab_right ); } else { search_tab_top_center.convertFromImage( search_tab_top_center.convertToImage().scale(search_tab_top_center.width(), m_searchFrame->height())); p.drawTiledPixmap( search_tab_top_left.width(), 0, m_searchFrame->width()-search_tab_top_left.width()-search_tab_top_right.width(), m_searchFrame->height(), search_tab_top_center ); search_tab_top_left.convertFromImage( search_tab_top_left.convertToImage().scale(search_tab_top_left.width(), m_searchFrame->height())); p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, search_tab_top_left ); search_tab_top_right.convertFromImage( search_tab_top_right.convertToImage().scale(search_tab_top_right.width(), m_searchFrame->height())); p.drawPixmap( m_searchFrame->width()-search_tab_top_right.width(), 0, search_tab_top_right ); } } else m_tabBar->deactivateTabs(false); p.end(); m_searchFrame->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( canvas ); } void KMenu::stackWidgetRaised(TQWidget* raiseWidget) { paintSearchTab(raiseWidget == m_searchWidget); if (raiseWidget == m_browserView) { if ( m_tabBar->currentTab() == ApplicationsTab) slotGoSubMenu(TQString()); if (m_browserDirty ) { createNewProgramList(); m_browserView->prepareRightMove(); m_browserView->currentView()->clear(); fillSubMenu(TQString(), m_browserView->currentView()); m_browserDirty = false; } } else if (raiseWidget == m_recentlyView) { if (m_recentDirty) updateRecent(); } else if (raiseWidget == m_exitView) { if (m_tabBar->currentTab() == LeaveTab) slotGoExitMainMenu(); } #warning TQtab fixme #if 0 else if (raiseWidget == m_systemView) frame = m_system; else if (raiseWidget == m_favoriteView) frame = m_btnFavorites; if (!frame) return; if ( m_activeTab == frame ) return; paintTab( m_activeTab, false ); paintTab( frame, true ); // if (dynamic_cast(raiseWidget)) // m_activeTab->setFocusProxy(static_cast(raiseWidget)->viewport()); if (0 && /*raiseWidget == m_stacker->visibleWidget() &&*/ !raiseWidget->hasFocus()) { if (dynamic_cast(raiseWidget)) static_cast(raiseWidget)->viewport()->setFocus(); else raiseWidget->setFocus(); } m_activeTab = frame; m_sloppyRegion = TQRegion(); m_sloppyTimer.stop(); ItemView* view; if (raiseWidget == m_browserView) view = m_browserView->currentView(); else if (raiseWidget == m_exitView) view = m_exitView->currentView(); else view = dynamic_cast(m_stacker->visibleWidget()); if (view && !view->selectedItem()) { if (view->firstChild() && view->firstChild()->isSelectable()) { view->setSelected(view->firstChild(),true); } else if (view->childCount()>1) { view->setSelected(view->firstChild()->itemBelow(),true); } } #endif } void KMenu::paletteChanged() { } void KMenu::tabClicked(TQTab* t) { if (t==m_tabs[ApplicationsTab]) slotGoSubMenu(TQString()); else if (t==m_tabs[LeaveTab]) slotGoExitMainMenu(); } void KMenu::slotGoBack() { goSubMenu( m_browserView->currentView()->backPath() ); } void KMenu::slotGoExitMainMenu() { if (m_exitView->currentView()==m_exitView->rightView()) { m_exitView->prepareLeftMove(false); m_exitView->showBackButton(false); m_exitView->flipScroll(TQString()); } } void KMenu::slotGoExitSubMenu(const TQString& url) { m_exitView->prepareRightMove(); m_exitView->showBackButton(true); int nId = serviceMenuEndId() + 1; int index = 1; if (url=="kicker:/restart/") { TQStringList rebootOptions; int def, cur; if ( DM().bootOptions( rebootOptions, def, cur ) ) { if ( cur == -1 ) cur = def; int boot_index = 0; TQStringList::ConstIterator it = rebootOptions.begin(); for (; it != rebootOptions.end(); ++it, ++boot_index) { TQString option = i18n( "Start '%1'" ).arg( *it ); if (boot_index == cur) option = i18n("Start '%1' (current)").arg( *it ); m_exitView->rightView()->insertItem( "reload", option, i18n( "Restart and boot directly into '%1'").arg( *it ), TQString( "kicker:/restart_%1" ).arg( boot_index ), nId++, index++ ); } m_exitView->rightView()->insertHeader( nId++, "kicker:/restart/" ); } } else /*if (url=="kicker:/switchuser/") */{ m_exitView->rightView()->insertItem( "switchuser", i18n( "Start New Session" ), i18n( "Start a parallel session" ), "kicker:/switchuser", nId++, index++ ); m_exitView->rightView()->insertItem( "lock", i18n( "Lock Current && Start New Session").replace("&&","&"), i18n( "Lock screen and start a parallel session" ), "kicker:/switchuserafterlock", nId++, index++ ); SessList sess; if (DM().localSessions( sess )) { if (sess.count()>1) m_exitView->rightView()->insertSeparator( nId++, TQString(), index++ ); for (SessList::ConstIterator it = sess.begin(); it != sess.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).vt && !(*it).self) { TQString user, loc; DM().sess2Str2( *it, user, loc ); TQStringList list = TQStringList::split(":", user); m_exitView->rightView()->insertItem( "switchuser", i18n( "Switch to Session of User '%1'").arg(list[0]), i18n("Session: %1").arg(list[1].mid(1)+", "+loc) , TQString("kicker:/switchuser_%1").arg((*it).vt), nId++, index++ ); } } } m_exitView->rightView()->insertHeader( nId++, "kicker:/switchuser/" ); } m_exitView->flipScroll(TQString()); } void KMenu::slotGoSubMenu(const TQString& relPath) { goSubMenu(relPath); } void KMenu::goSubMenu(const TQString& relPath, bool keyboard) { if ( relPath.startsWith( "kicker:/goup/" ) ) { TQString rel = relPath.mid( strlen( "kicker:/goup/" ) ); int index = rel.length() - 1; if ( rel.endsWith( "/" ) ) index--; index = rel.findRev( '/', index ); kdDebug() << "goup, rel '" << rel << "' " << index << endl; TQString currel = rel; rel = rel.left( index + 1 ); if ( rel == "/" ) rel = TQString(); kdDebug() << "goup, rel '" << rel << "' " << rel.isEmpty() << endl; fillSubMenu( rel, m_browserView->prepareLeftMove() ); m_browserView->flipScroll(keyboard ? currel : TQString()); return; } else if (relPath.isEmpty()) { if (m_browserView->currentView()->path.isEmpty()) return; fillSubMenu( relPath, m_browserView->prepareLeftMove() ); } else if ( relPath.startsWith( "kicker:/new/" ) ) { ItemView* view = m_browserView->prepareRightMove(); m_browserView->showBackButton( true ); int nId = serviceMenuEndId() + 1; view->insertHeader( nId++, "new/" ); int index = 2; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = m_newInstalledPrograms.begin(); it != m_newInstalledPrograms.end(); ++it) { KService::Ptr p = KService::serviceByStorageId((*it)); view->insertMenuItem(p, nId++, index++); } } else { //m_browserView->clear(); fillSubMenu(relPath, m_browserView->prepareRightMove()); } m_browserView->flipScroll(keyboard ? "kicker:/goup/": TQString()); } void KMenu::fillSubMenu(const TQString& relPath, ItemView *view) { kdDebug() << "fillSubMenu() " << relPath << endl; KServiceGroup::Ptr root = KServiceGroup::group(relPath); Q_ASSERT( root ); KServiceGroup::List list = root->entries(true, true, true, KickerSettings:: menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionAndName || KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionOnly); int nId = serviceMenuStartId(); m_browserView->showBackButton( !relPath.isEmpty() ); if ( !relPath.isEmpty() ) { view->insertHeader( nId++, relPath ); } else if ( m_newInstalledPrograms.count() ) { KMenuItem *item = view->insertItem( "clock", i18n( "New Applications" ), TQString(), "kicker:/new/", nId++, -1 ); item->setHasChildren( true ); view->insertSeparator( nId++, TQString(), -1 ); } view->path = relPath; fillMenu (root, list, relPath, view, nId); } void KMenu::fillMenu(KServiceGroup::Ptr& #ifdef KDELIBS_SUSE _root #endif , KServiceGroup::List& _list, const TQString& _relPath, ItemView* view, int& id) { bool separatorNeeded = false; KServiceGroup::List::ConstIterator it = _list.begin(); #ifdef KDELIBS_SUSE KSortableValueList,TQCString> slist; KSortableValueList,TQCString> glist; TQMap specialTitle; TQMap categoryIcon; TQMap shortenedMenuPath; #endif for (; it != _list.end(); ++it) { KSycocaEntry * e = *it; if (e->isType(KST_KServiceGroup)) { KServiceGroup::Ptr g(static_cast(e)); #ifdef KDELIBS_SUSE if ( true /*KickerSettings::reduceMenuDepth()*/ && g->SuSEshortMenu() ){ KServiceGroup::List l = g->entries(true, true /*excludeNoDisplay_*/ ); if ( l.count() == 1 ) { // the special case, we want to short the menu. // TOFIX? : this works only for one level KServiceGroup::List::ConstIterator _it=l.begin(); KSycocaEntry *_e = *_it; if (_e->isType(KST_KService)) { KService::Ptr s(static_cast(_e)); TQString key; if ( g->SuSEgeneralDescription() ) { // we use the application name key = s->name(); } else { // we use the normal menu description key = s->name(); if( !s->genericName().isEmpty() && g->caption()!=s->genericName()) { if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::NameAndDescription) key = s->name() + " (" + g->caption() + ")"; else if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionAndName) key = g->caption() + " (" + s->name() + ")"; else if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionOnly) key = g->caption(); } } specialTitle.insert( _e->name(), key ); categoryIcon.insert( _e->name(), g->icon() ); slist.insert( key.local8Bit(), _e ); shortenedMenuPath.insert( _e->name(), g->relPath() ); // and escape from here continue; } } } glist.insert( g->caption().local8Bit(), e ); }else if( e->isType(KST_KService)) { KService::Ptr s(static_cast(e)); slist.insert( s->name().local8Bit(), e ); } else slist.insert( e->name().local8Bit(), e ); } _list = _root->SuSEsortEntries( slist, glist, true /*excludeNoDisplay_*/, true ); it = _list.begin(); for (; it != _list.end(); ++it) { KSycocaEntry * e = *it; if (e->isType(KST_KServiceGroup)) { KServiceGroup::Ptr g(static_cast(e)); if ( true /*KickerSettings::reduceMenuDepth()*/ && g->SuSEshortMenu() ){ KServiceGroup::List l = g->entries(true, true /*excludeNoDisplay_*/ ); if ( l.count() == 1 ) { continue; } } // standard sub menu #endif TQString groupCaption = g->caption(); // Avoid adding empty groups. KServiceGroup::Ptr subMenuRoot = KServiceGroup::group(g->relPath()); int nbChildCount = subMenuRoot->childCount(); if (nbChildCount == 0 && !g->showEmptyMenu()) { continue; } bool is_description = KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionAndName || KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionOnly; TQString inlineHeaderName = g->showInlineHeader() ? groupCaption : ""; if ( nbChildCount == 1 && g->allowInline() && g->inlineAlias()) { KServiceGroup::Ptr element = KServiceGroup::group(g->relPath()); if ( element ) { //just one element KServiceGroup::List listElement = element->entries(true, true, true, is_description ); KSycocaEntry * e1 = *( listElement.begin() ); if ( e1->isType( KST_KService ) ) { KService::Ptr s(static_cast(e1)); view->insertMenuItem(s, id++, -1, 0); continue; } } } if (g->allowInline() && ((nbChildCount <= g->inlineValue() ) || (g->inlineValue() == 0))) { //inline all entries KServiceGroup::Ptr rootElement = KServiceGroup::group(g->relPath()); if (!rootElement || !rootElement->isValid()) { break; } KServiceGroup::List listElement = rootElement->entries(true, true, true, is_description ); #if 0 if ( !g->inlineAlias() && !inlineHeaderName.isEmpty() ) { int mid = view->insertItem(new PopupMenuTitle(inlineHeaderName, font()), id++, id, 0); m_browserView->setItemEnabled( mid, false ); } #endif fillMenu( rootElement, listElement, g->relPath(), 0, id ); continue; } // Ignore dotfiles. if ((g->name().at(0) == '.')) { continue; } KMenuItem *item = view->insertItem(g->icon(), groupCaption, TQString(), g->relPath(), id++, -1); item->setMenuPath(g->relPath()); item->setHasChildren( true ); #warning FIXME #if 0 PanelServiceMenu * m = newSubMenu(g->name(), g->relPath(), this, g->name().utf8(), inlineHeaderName); m->setCaption(groupCaption); TQIconSet iconset = KickerLib::menuIconSet(g->icon()); if (separatorNeeded) { insertSeparator(); separatorNeeded = false; } int newId = insertItem(iconset, groupCaption, m, id++); entryMap_.insert(newId, static_cast(g)); // We have to delete the sub menu our selves! (See TQt docs.) subMenus.append(m); #endif } if (e->isType(KST_KService)) { KService::Ptr s(static_cast(e)); if (_relPath.isEmpty()) { TQStringList favs = KickerSettings::favorites(); if (favs.find(s->storageId())!=favs.end()) continue; } #ifdef KDELIBS_SUSE KMenuItem *item = view->insertMenuItem(s, id++, -1, 0, TQString(), specialTitle[s->name()], categoryIcon[s->name()] ); if (shortenedMenuPath[s->name()].isEmpty()) item->setMenuPath(_relPath+s->menuId()); else item->setMenuPath(shortenedMenuPath[s->name()]+s->menuId()); #else KMenuItem *item = view->insertMenuItem(s, id++, -1); item->setMenuPath(_relPath+s->menuId()); #endif } else if (e->isType(KST_KServiceSeparator)) { separatorNeeded = true; } } view->slotMoveContent(); } void KMenu::initialize() { static bool m_initialized=false; if (m_initialized) return; m_initialized = true; kdDebug(1210) << "KMenu::initialize()" << endl; // in case we've been through here before, let's disconnect disconnect(kapp, TQT_SIGNAL(tdedisplayPaletteChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(paletteChanged())); connect(kapp, TQT_SIGNAL(tdedisplayPaletteChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(paletteChanged())); /* If the user configured ksmserver to */ TDEConfig ksmserver("ksmserverrc", false, false); ksmserver.setGroup("General"); connect( m_branding, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotOpenHomepage())); m_tabBar->setTabEnabled(LeaveTab, kapp->authorize("logout")); // load search field history TQStringList histList = KickerSettings::history(); int maxHistory = KickerSettings::historyLength(); bool block = m_kcommand->signalsBlocked(); m_kcommand->blockSignals( true ); m_kcommand->setMaxCount( maxHistory ); m_kcommand->setHistoryItems( histList ); m_kcommand->blockSignals( block ); TQStringList compList = KickerSettings::completionItems(); if( compList.isEmpty() ) m_kcommand->completionObject()->setItems( histList ); else m_kcommand->completionObject()->setItems( compList ); TDECompletionBox* box = m_kcommand->completionBox(); if (box) box->setActivateOnSelect( false ); m_finalFilters = KURIFilter::self()->pluginNames(); m_finalFilters.remove("kuriikwsfilter"); m_middleFilters = m_finalFilters; m_middleFilters.remove("localdomainurifilter"); TQStringList favs = KickerSettings::favorites(); if (favs.isEmpty()) { TQFile f(locate("data", "kicker/default-favs")); if (f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { TQTextStream is(&f); while (!is.eof()) favs << is.readLine(); f.close(); } KickerSettings::setFavorites(favs); KickerSettings::writeConfig(); } int nId = serviceMenuEndId() + 1; int index = 1; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = favs.begin(); it != favs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)[0]=='/') { KDesktopFile df((*it),true); TQString url = df.readURL(); if (!KURL(url).isLocalFile() || TQFile::exists(url.replace("file://",TQString()))) m_favoriteView->insertItem(df.readIcon(),df.readName(),df.readGenericName(), url, nId++, index++); } else { KService::Ptr p = KService::serviceByStorageId((*it)); m_favoriteView->insertMenuItem(p, nId++, index++); } } //nId = m_favoriteView->insertSeparator( nId, TQString(), index++ ); // m_favoriteView->insertDocument(KURL("help:/khelpcenter/userguide/index.html"), nId++); insertStaticItems(); m_stacker->raiseWidget (m_favoriteView); } void KMenu::insertStaticExitItems() { int nId = serviceMenuEndId() + 1; int index = 1; m_exitView->leftView()->insertSeparator( nId++, i18n("Session"), index++ ); if (kapp->authorize("logout")) m_exitView->leftView()->insertItem( "undo", i18n( "Logout" ), i18n( "End session" ), "kicker:/logout", nId++, index++ ); if (kapp->authorize("lock_screen")) m_exitView->leftView()->insertItem( "lock", i18n( "Lock" ), i18n( "Lock screen" ), "kicker:/lock", nId++, index++ ); TDEConfig ksmserver("ksmserverrc", false, false); ksmserver.setGroup("General"); if (ksmserver.readEntry( "loginMode" ) == "restoreSavedSession") { m_exitView->leftView()->insertItem("filesave", i18n("Save Session"), i18n("Save current Session for next login"), "kicker:/savesession", nId++, index++ ); } if (DM().isSwitchable() && kapp->authorize("switch_user")) { KMenuItem *switchuser = m_exitView->leftView()->insertItem( "switchuser", i18n( "Switch User" ), i18n( "Manage parallel sessions" ), "kicker:/switchuser/", nId++, index++ ); switchuser->setHasChildren(true); } bool maysd = false; if (ksmserver.readBoolEntry( "offerShutdown", true ) && DM().canShutdown()) maysd = true; if ( maysd ) { m_exitView->leftView()->insertSeparator( nId++, i18n("System"), index++ ); m_exitView->leftView()->insertItem( "exit", i18n( "Shutdown Computer" ), i18n( "Turn off computer" ), "kicker:/shutdown", nId++, index++ ); m_exitView->leftView()->insertItem( "reload", i18n( "&Restart Computer" ).replace("&",""), i18n( "Restart and boot the default system" ), "kicker:/restart", nId++, index++ ); insertSuspendOption(nId, index); int def, cur; TQStringList dummy_opts; if ( DM().bootOptions( dummy_opts, def, cur ) ) { KMenuItem *restart = m_exitView->leftView()->insertItem( "reload", i18n( "Start Operating System" ), i18n( "Restart and boot another operating system" ), "kicker:/restart/", nId++, index++ ); restart->setHasChildren(true); } } } void KMenu::insertStaticItems() { insertStaticExitItems(); int nId = serviceMenuEndId() + 10; int index = 1; m_systemView->insertSeparator( nId++, i18n("Applications"), index++); #ifdef KICKOFF_DIST_CONFIG_SHORTCUT1 KService::Ptr kdcs1 = KService::serviceByStorageId(KICKOFF_DIST_CONFIG_SHORTCUT1); m_systemView->insertMenuItem(kdcs1, nId++, index++); #endif #ifdef KICKOFF_DIST_CONFIG_SHORTCUT2 KService::Ptr kdcs2 = KService::serviceByStorageId(KICKOFF_DIST_CONFIG_SHORTCUT2); m_systemView->insertMenuItem(kdcs2, nId++, index++); #endif KService::Ptr p = KService::serviceByStorageId("KControl.desktop"); m_systemView->insertMenuItem(p, nId++, index++); // run command if (kapp->authorize("run_command")) { m_systemView->insertItem( "run", i18n("Run Command..."), "", "kicker:/runusercommand", nId++, index++ ); } m_systemView->insertSeparator( nId++, i18n("System Folders"), index++ ); m_systemView->insertItem( "folder_home", i18n( "Home Folder" ), TQDir::homeDirPath(), "file://"+TQDir::homeDirPath(), nId++, index++ ); if ( TDEStandardDirs::exists( TDEGlobalSettings::documentPath() + "/" ) ) { TQString documentPath = TDEGlobalSettings::documentPath(); if ( documentPath.endsWith( "/" ) ) documentPath = documentPath.left( documentPath.length() - 1 ); if (documentPath!=TQDir::homeDirPath()) m_systemView->insertItem( "folder_man", i18n( "My Documents" ), documentPath, documentPath, nId++, index++ ); } m_systemView->insertItem( "network", i18n( "Network Folders" ), "remote:/", "remote:/", nId++, index++ ); m_mediaWatcher = new MediaWatcher( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ); connect( m_mediaWatcher, TQT_SIGNAL( mediumChanged() ), TQT_SLOT( updateMedia() ) ); m_media_id = 0; connect(&m_mediaFreeTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT( updateMedia())); } int KMenu::insertClientMenu(KickerClientMenu *) { #if 0 int id = client_id; clients.insert(id, p); return id; #endif return 0; } void KMenu::removeClientMenu(int) { #if 0 clients.remove(id); slotClear(); #endif } extern int kicker_screen_number; void KMenu::slotLock() { kdDebug() << "slotLock " << endl; accept(); TQCString appname( "kdesktop" ); if ( kicker_screen_number ) appname.sprintf("kdesktop-screen-%d", kicker_screen_number); kapp->dcopClient()->send(appname, "KScreensaverIface", "lock()", TQString("")); } void KMenu::slotOpenHomepage() { accept(); kapp->invokeBrowser("http://www.trinitydesktop.org"); } void KMenu::slotLogout() { kapp->requestShutDown(); } void KMenu::slotPopulateSessions() { int p = 0; DM dm; sessionsMenu->clear(); if (kapp->authorize("start_new_session") && (p = dm.numReserve()) >= 0) { if (kapp->authorize("lock_screen")) sessionsMenu->insertItem(/*SmallIconSet("lockfork"),*/ i18n("Lock Current && Start New Session"), 100 ); sessionsMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("fork"), i18n("Start New Session"), 101 ); if (!p) { sessionsMenu->setItemEnabled( 100, false ); sessionsMenu->setItemEnabled( 101, false ); } sessionsMenu->insertSeparator(); } SessList sess; if (dm.localSessions( sess )) for (SessList::ConstIterator it = sess.begin(); it != sess.end(); ++it) { int id = sessionsMenu->insertItem( DM::sess2Str( *it ), (*it).vt ); if (!(*it).vt) sessionsMenu->setItemEnabled( id, false ); if ((*it).self) sessionsMenu->setItemChecked( id, true ); } } void KMenu::slotSessionActivated( int ent ) { if (ent == 100) doNewSession( true ); else if (ent == 101) doNewSession( false ); else if (!sessionsMenu->isItemChecked( ent )) DM().lockSwitchVT( ent ); } void KMenu::doNewSession( bool lock ) { int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( TQT_TQWIDGET(kapp->desktop()->screen(kapp->desktop()->screenNumber(this))), i18n("

You have chosen to open another desktop session.
" "The current session will be hidden " "and a new login screen will be displayed.
" "An F-key is assigned to each session; " "F%1 is usually assigned to the first session, " "F%2 to the second session and so on. " "You can switch between sessions by pressing " "Ctrl, Alt and the appropriate F-key at the same time. " "Additionally, the TDE Panel and Desktop menus have " "actions for switching between sessions.

") .arg(7).arg(8), i18n("Warning - New Session"), KGuiItem(i18n("&Start New Session"), "fork"), ":confirmNewSession", KMessageBox::PlainCaption | KMessageBox::Notify); if (result==KMessageBox::Cancel) return; if (lock) slotLock(); DM().startReserve(); } void KMenu::searchAccept() { TQString cmd = m_kcommand->currentText().stripWhiteSpace(); bool logout = (cmd == "logout"); bool lock = (cmd == "lock"); addToHistory(); if ( !logout && !lock ) { // first try if we have any search action if (m_searchResultsWidget->currentItem()) { m_searchResultsWidget->slotItemClicked(m_searchResultsWidget->currentItem()); return; } } accept(); saveConfig(); if ( logout ) { kapp->propagateSessionManager(); kapp->requestShutDown(); } if ( lock ) { TQCString appname( "kdesktop" ); int kicker_screen_number = tqt_xscreen(); if ( kicker_screen_number ) appname.sprintf("kdesktop-screen-%d", kicker_screen_number); kapp->dcopClient()->send(appname, "KScreensaverIface", "lock()", TQString("")); } } bool KMenu::runCommand() { kdDebug() << "runCommand() " << m_kcommand->lineEdit()->text() << endl; // Ignore empty commands... if ( m_kcommand->lineEdit()->text().isEmpty() ) return true; accept(); if (input_timer->isActive ()) input_timer->stop (); // Make sure we have an updated data parseLine( true ); bool block = m_kcommand->signalsBlocked(); m_kcommand->blockSignals( true ); m_kcommand->clearEdit(); m_kcommand->setFocus(); m_kcommand->reset(); m_kcommand->blockSignals( block ); TQString cmd; KURL uri = m_filterData->uri(); if ( uri.isLocalFile() && !uri.hasRef() && uri.query().isEmpty() ) cmd = uri.path(); else cmd = uri.url(); TQString exec; switch( m_filterData->uriType() ) { case KURIFilterData::LOCAL_FILE: case KURIFilterData::LOCAL_DIR: case KURIFilterData::NET_PROTOCOL: case KURIFilterData::HELP: { // No need for kfmclient, KRun does it all (David) (void) new KRun( m_filterData->uri(), parentWidget()); return false; } case KURIFilterData::EXECUTABLE: { if( !m_filterData->hasArgsAndOptions() ) { // Look for desktop file KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopName(cmd); if (service && service->isValid() && service->type() == "Application") { notifyServiceStarted(service); KRun::run(*service, KURL::List()); return false; } } } // fall-through to shell case case KURIFilterData::SHELL: { if (kapp->authorize("shell_access")) { exec = cmd; if( m_filterData->hasArgsAndOptions() ) cmd += m_filterData->argsAndOptions(); break; } else { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("
\n" "You do not have permission to execute " "this command.") .arg( TQStyleSheet::convertFromPlainText(cmd) )); return true; } } case KURIFilterData::UNKNOWN: case KURIFilterData::ERROR: default: { // Look for desktop file KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopName(cmd); if (service && service->isValid() && service->type() == "Application") { notifyServiceStarted(service); KRun::run(*service, KURL::List(), this); return false; } service = KService::serviceByName(cmd); if (service && service->isValid() && service->type() == "Application") { notifyServiceStarted(service); KRun::run(*service, KURL::List(), this); return false; } KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("
\n" "Could not run the specified command.") .arg( TQStyleSheet::convertFromPlainText(cmd) )); return true; } } if ( KRun::runCommand( cmd, exec, m_iconName ) ) return false; KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("
\n" "The specified command does not exist.").arg(cmd) ); return true; // Let the user try again... } void KMenu::show() { m_isShowing = true; emit aboutToShow(); initialize(); PanelPopupButton *kButton = MenuManager::the()->findKButtonFor( this ); if (kButton) { TQPoint center = kButton->center(); TQRect screen = TQApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( center ); setOrientation((center.y()-screen.y()raiseWidget(FavoriteTab); m_kcommand->clear(); current_query.clear(); m_kcommand->setFocus(); // we need to reenable it m_toolTipsEnabled = TQToolTip::isGloballyEnabled(); TQToolTip::setGloballyEnabled(KickerSettings::showToolTips()); KMenuBase::show(); m_isShowing = false; } void KMenu::setOrientation(MenuOrientation orientation) { if (m_orientation == orientation) return; m_orientation=orientation; m_resizeHandle->setCursor(m_orientation == BottomUp ? tqsizeBDiagCursor : tqsizeFDiagCursor); TQPixmap pix; if ( m_orientation == BottomUp ) pix.load( locate("data", "kicker/pics/search-gradient.png" ) ); else pix.load( locate("data", "kicker/pics/search-gradient-topdown.png" ) ); pix.convertFromImage( pix.convertToImage().scale(pix.width(), m_searchFrame->height())); m_search->mainWidget()->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( pix ); m_resizeHandle->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( pix ); m_tabBar->setShape( m_orientation == BottomUp ? TQTabBar::RoundedBelow : TQTabBar::RoundedAbove); TQPixmap respix = TQPixmap( locate("data", "kicker/pics/resize_handle.png" ) ); if ( m_orientation == TopDown ) { TQWMatrix m; m.rotate( 90.0 ); respix=respix.xForm(m); } m_resizeHandle->setPixmap(respix); { TQWidget *footer = m_footer->mainWidget(); TQPixmap pix( 64, footer->height() ); TQPainter p( &pix ); p.fillRect( 0, 0, 64, footer->height(), m_branding->colorGroup().brush( TQColorGroup::Base ) ); p.end(); footer->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( pix ); } resizeEvent(new TQResizeEvent(sizeHint(), sizeHint())); } void KMenu::showMenu() { kdDebug() << "KMenu::showMenu()" << endl; PanelPopupButton *kButton = MenuManager::the()->findKButtonFor(this); if (kButton) { adjustSize(); kButton->showMenu(); } else { show(); } kdDebug() << "end KMenu::showMenu()" << endl; } void KMenu::hide() { //kdDebug() << "KMenu::hide() from " << kdBacktrace() << endl; // TODO: hide popups emit aboutToHide(); if (m_popupMenu) { m_popupMenu->deleteLater(); m_popupMenu=0; } m_mediaFreeTimer.stop(); m_isresizing = false; KickerSettings::setKMenuWidth(width()); KickerSettings::setKMenuHeight(height()); KickerSettings::writeConfig(); TQToolTip::setGloballyEnabled(m_toolTipsEnabled); // remove focus from lineedit again, otherwise it doesn't kill its timers m_stacker->raiseWidget(FavoriteTab); TQWidget::hide(); } void KMenu::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent * e) { KMenuBase::paintEvent(e); TQPainter p(this); p.setClipRegion(e->region()); const BackgroundMode bgmode = backgroundMode(); const TQColorGroup::ColorRole crole = TQPalette::backgroundRoleFromMode( bgmode ); p.setBrush( colorGroup().brush( crole ) ); p.drawRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ); int ypos = m_search->mainWidget()->geometry().bottom(); p.drawPixmap( 0, ypos, main_border_tl ); p.drawPixmap( width() - main_border_tr.width(), ypos, main_border_tr ); // p.drawPixmap( 0, ->y(), button_box_left ); } void KMenu::configChanged() { RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_bNeedToUpdate = false; RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().configChanged(); m_exitView->leftView()->clear(); insertStaticExitItems(); } // create and fill "recent" section at first void KMenu::createRecentMenuItems() { RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().init(); if (!KickerSettings::numVisibleEntries()) KickerSettings::setNumVisibleEntries(5); int nId = serviceMenuEndId() + 1; m_recentlyView->insertSeparator( nId++, i18n( "Applications" ), -1 ); TQStringList RecentApps; if (!KickerSettings::recentVsOften()) { KickerSettings::setRecentVsOften(true); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().configChanged(); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().getRecentApps(RecentApps); KickerSettings::setRecentVsOften(false); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().configChanged(); } else RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().getRecentApps(RecentApps); if (RecentApps.count() > 0) { // bool bSeparator = KickerSettings::showMenuTitles(); int nIndex = 0; for (TQValueList::ConstIterator it = RecentApps.begin(); it!=RecentApps.end(); ++it) { KService::Ptr s = KService::serviceByStorageId(*it); if (!s) { RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().removeItem(*it); } else m_recentlyView->insertMenuItem(s, nIndex++); } } m_recentlyView->insertSeparator( nId++, i18n( "Documents" ), -1 ); TQStringList fileList = TDERecentDocument::recentDocuments(); kdDebug() << "createRecentMenuItems=" << fileList << endl; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = fileList.begin(); it != fileList.end(); ++it) m_recentlyView->insertRecentlyItem(*it, nId++); } void KMenu::clearSubmenus() { // we don't need to delete these on the way out since the libloader // handles them for us if (TQApplication::closingDown()) { return; } for (PopupMenuList::const_iterator it = dynamicSubMenus.constBegin(); it != dynamicSubMenus.constEnd(); ++it) { delete *it; } dynamicSubMenus.clear(); } void KMenu::updateRecent() { m_recentlyView->clear(); createRecentMenuItems(); m_recentDirty = false; } void KMenu::popup(const TQPoint&, int) { showMenu(); } void KMenu::clearRecentAppsItems() { RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().clearRecentApps(); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().save(); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_bNeedToUpdate = true; updateRecent(); } void KMenu::clearRecentDocsItems() { TDERecentDocument::clear(); updateRecent(); } void KMenu::searchChanged(const TQString & text) { if (!text.isEmpty()) { const TQColor on = TQColor( 244, 244, 244 ); const TQColor off = TQColor( 181, 181, 181 ); m_stacker->raiseWidget(m_searchWidget); paintSearchTab(true); } m_searchActions->clearSelection(); m_searchResultsWidget->clearSelection(); if (input_timer->isActive ()) input_timer->stop (); input_timer->start (WAIT_BEFORE_QUERYING, TRUE); } bool KMenu::dontQueryNow (const TQString& str) { if (str.isEmpty ()) return true; if (str == current_query.get()) return true; int length = str.length (); int last_whitespace = str.findRev (' ', -1); if (last_whitespace == length-1) return false; // if the user typed a space, search if (last_whitespace >= length-2) return true; // dont search if the user only typed one character TQChar lastchar = str[length-1]; if (lastchar == ':' || lastchar == '=') return true; return false; } void KMenu::createNewProgramList() { m_seenProgramsChanged = false; m_seenPrograms = KickerSettings::firstSeenApps(); m_newInstalledPrograms.clear(); m_currentDate = TQDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); bool initialize = (m_seenPrograms.count() == 0); createNewProgramList(TQString()); if (initialize) { for (TQStringList::Iterator it = m_seenPrograms.begin(); it != m_seenPrograms.end(); ++it) *(++it)="-"; m_newInstalledPrograms.clear(); } if (m_seenProgramsChanged) { KickerSettings::setFirstSeenApps(m_seenPrograms); KickerSettings::writeConfig(); } } void KMenu::createNewProgramList(TQString relPath) { KServiceGroup::Ptr group = KServiceGroup::group(relPath); if (!group || !group->isValid()) return; KServiceGroup::List list = group->entries(); if (list.isEmpty()) return; KServiceGroup::List::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); for(; it != list.end(); ++it) { KSycocaEntry *e = *it; if(e != 0) { if(e->isType(KST_KServiceGroup)) { KServiceGroup::Ptr g(static_cast(e)); if(!g->noDisplay()) createNewProgramList(g->relPath()); } else if(e->isType(KST_KService)) { KService::Ptr s(static_cast(e)); if(s->type() == "Application" && !s->noDisplay() ) { TQString shortStorageId = s->storageId().replace(".desktop",TQString()); TQStringList::Iterator it_find = m_seenPrograms.begin(); TQStringList::Iterator it_end = m_seenPrograms.end(); bool found = false; for (; it_find != it_end; ++it_find) { if (*(it_find)==shortStorageId) { found = true; break; } ++it_find; } if (!found) { m_seenProgramsChanged=true; m_seenPrograms+=shortStorageId; m_seenPrograms+=m_currentDate; if (m_newInstalledPrograms.find(s->storageId())==m_newInstalledPrograms.end()) m_newInstalledPrograms+=s->storageId(); } else { ++it_find; if (*(it_find)!="-") { TQDate date = TQDate::fromString(*(it_find),Qt::ISODate); if (date.daysTo(TQDate::currentDate())<3) { if (m_newInstalledPrograms.find(s->storageId())==m_newInstalledPrograms.end()) m_newInstalledPrograms+=s->storageId(); } else { m_seenProgramsChanged=true; (*it_find)="-"; } } } } } } } } void KMenu::searchProgramList(TQString relPath) { KServiceGroup::Ptr group = KServiceGroup::group(relPath); if (!group || !group->isValid()) return; KServiceGroup::List list = group->entries(); if (list.isEmpty()) return; KServiceGroup::List::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); for(; it != list.end(); ++it) { KSycocaEntry *e = *it; if(e != 0) { if(e->isType(KST_KServiceGroup)) { KServiceGroup::Ptr g(static_cast(e)); if(!g->noDisplay()) searchProgramList(g->relPath()); } else if(e->isType(KST_KService)) { KService::Ptr s(static_cast(e)); if(s->type() == "Application" && !s->noDisplay() && !checkUriInMenu(s->desktopEntryPath())) { if (!current_query.matches(s->name()+' '+s->genericName()+' '+s->exec()+' '+ s->keywords().join(",")+' '+s->comment()+' '+group->caption()+' '+ s->categories().join(",")) || !anotherHitMenuItemAllowed(APPS)) continue; TQString input = current_query.get(); int score = 0; if (s->exec()==input) score = 100; else if (s->exec().find(input)==0) score = 50; else if (s->exec().find(input)!=-1) score = 10; else if (s->name().lower()==input) score = 100; else if (s->genericName().lower()==input) score = 100; else if (s->name().lower().find(input)==0) score = 50; else if (s->genericName().lower().find(input)==0) score = 50; else if (s->name().lower().find(input)!=-1) score = 10; else if (s->genericName().lower().find(input)!=-1) score = 10; if (s->exec().find(' ')==-1) score+=1; if (s->substituteUid()) score-=1; if (s->noDisplay()) score -= 100; else if (s->terminal()) score -= 50; else score += kMin(10, s->initialPreference()); TQString firstLine, secondLine; if ((KickerSettings::DescriptionAndName || KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionOnly) && !s->genericName().isEmpty()) { firstLine = s->genericName(); secondLine = s->name(); } else { firstLine = s->name(); secondLine = s->genericName(); } HitMenuItem *hit_item = new HitMenuItem (firstLine, secondLine, s->desktopEntryPath(), TQString(), 0, APPS, s->icon(), score); if (hit_item == NULL) continue; hit_item->service = s; insertSearchResult(hit_item); TQString exe = s->exec(); int pos = exe.find(' '); if (pos>0) exe=exe.left(pos); m_programsInMenu+=TDEGlobal::dirs()->findExe(exe); } } } } } void KMenu::searchBookmarks(KBookmarkGroup group) { KBookmark bookmark = group.first(); while(!bookmark.isNull()) { if (bookmark.isGroup()) { searchBookmarks(bookmark.toGroup()); } else if (!bookmark.isSeparator() && !bookmark.isNull()) { if (!current_query.matches(bookmark.fullText()+' '+bookmark.url().url()) || !anotherHitMenuItemAllowed(BOOKMARKS)) { bookmark = group.next(bookmark); continue; } HitMenuItem *hit_item = new HitMenuItem (bookmark.fullText(), bookmark.fullText(), bookmark.url(), TQString(), 0, BOOKMARKS, bookmark.icon()); insertSearchResult(hit_item); } bookmark = group.next(bookmark); } } void KMenu::initSearch() { if (!m_addressBook && KickerSettings::kickoffSearchAddressBook()) m_addressBook = TDEABC::StdAddressBook::self( false ); if (!bookmarkManager) bookmarkManager = KBookmarkManager::userBookmarksManager(); if (!m_search_plugin) { m_search_plugin_interface = new TQObject( this, "m_search_plugin_interface" ); new MyKickoffSearchInterface( this, m_search_plugin_interface, "kickoffsearch interface" ); TDETrader::OfferList offers = TDETrader::self()->query("KickoffSearch/Plugin"); KService::Ptr service = *offers.begin(); if (service) { int errCode = 0; m_search_plugin = KParts::ComponentFactory::createInstanceFromService ( service, m_search_plugin_interface, 0, TQStringList(), &errCode); } } } void KMenu::searchAddressbook() { if (!KickerSettings::kickoffSearchAddressBook()) return; if (!m_addressBook) m_addressBook = TDEABC::StdAddressBook::self( false ); TDEABC::AddressBook::ConstIterator it = m_addressBook->begin(); while (it!=m_addressBook->end()) { if (!current_query.matches((*it).assembledName()+' '+(*it).fullEmail())) { it++; continue; } HitMenuItem *hit_item; TQString realName = (*it).realName(); if (realName.isEmpty()) realName=(*it).preferredEmail(); if (!(*it).preferredEmail().isEmpty()) { if (!anotherHitMenuItemAllowed(ACTIONS)) { it++; continue; } hit_item = new HitMenuItem (i18n("Send Email to %1").arg(realName), (*it).preferredEmail(), "mailto:"+(*it).preferredEmail(), TQString(), 0, ACTIONS, "mail_new"); insertSearchResult(hit_item); } if (!anotherHitMenuItemAllowed(ACTIONS)) { it++; continue; } hit_item = new HitMenuItem (i18n("Open Addressbook at %1").arg(realName), (*it).preferredEmail(), "kaddressbook:/"+(*it).uid(), TQString(), 0, ACTIONS, "kaddressbook"); insertSearchResult(hit_item); it++; } } TQString KMenu::insertBreaks(const TQString& text, TQFontMetrics fm, int width, TQString leadInsert) { TQString result, line; TQStringList words = TQStringList::split(' ', text); for(TQStringList::Iterator it = words.begin(); it != words.end(); ++it) { if (fm.width(line+' '+*it) >= width) { if (!result.isEmpty()) result = result + '\n'; result = result + line; line = leadInsert + *it; } else line = line + ' ' + *it; } if (!result.isEmpty()) result = result + '\n'; return result + line; } void KMenu::clearSearchResults(bool showHelp) { m_searchResultsWidget->clear(); m_searchResultsWidget->setFocusPolicy(showHelp ? TQ_NoFocus : TQ_StrongFocus); setTabOrder(m_kcommand, m_searchResultsWidget); if (showHelp) { const int width = m_searchResultsWidget->width()-10; TQFontMetrics fm = m_searchResultsWidget->fontMetrics(); TQListViewItem* item; item = new TQListViewItem( m_searchResultsWidget, insertBreaks(i18n("- Add ext:type to specify a file extension."), fm, width, " ") ); item->setSelectable(false); item->setMultiLinesEnabled(true); item = new TQListViewItem( m_searchResultsWidget, insertBreaks(i18n("- When searching for a phrase, add quotes."), fm, width, " " ) ); item->setSelectable(false); item->setMultiLinesEnabled(true); item = new TQListViewItem( m_searchResultsWidget, insertBreaks(i18n("- To exclude search terms, use the minus symbol in front."), fm, width, " " ) ); item->setSelectable(false); item->setMultiLinesEnabled(true); item = new TQListViewItem( m_searchResultsWidget, insertBreaks(i18n("- To search for optional terms, use OR."), fm, width, " ") ); item->setSelectable(false); item->setMultiLinesEnabled(true); item = new TQListViewItem( m_searchResultsWidget, insertBreaks(i18n("- You can use upper and lower case."), fm, width, " ") ); item->setSelectable(false); item->setMultiLinesEnabled(true); item = new TQListViewItem( m_searchResultsWidget, i18n("Search Quick Tips")); item->setSelectable(false); } for (int i=0; ilineEdit()->text ().simplifyWhiteSpace (); if (! return_pressed && dontQueryNow (query_str)) { if (query_str.length()<3) clearSearchResults(); else { if (m_searchResultsWidget->firstChild() && m_searchResultsWidget->firstChild()->isSelectable()) { m_searchResultsWidget->setSelected(m_searchResultsWidget->firstChild(),true); } else if (m_searchResultsWidget->childCount()>1) { m_searchResultsWidget->setSelected(m_searchResultsWidget->firstChild()->itemBelow(),true); } } return; } kdDebug() << "Querying for [" << query_str << "]" << endl; current_query.set(query_str); // reset search results HitMenuItem *hit_item; while ((hit_item = m_current_menu_items.take ()) != NULL) { //kndDebug () << " (" << hit_item->id << "," << hit_item->category << ")" << endl; delete hit_item; } clearSearchResults(false); m_searchPixmap->setMovie(TQMovie(locate( "data", "kicker/pics/search-running.mng" ))); resetOverflowCategory(); initCategoryTitlesUpdate(); // calculate ? TQString cmd = query_str.stripWhiteSpace(); if (!cmd.isEmpty() && (cmd[0].isNumber() || (cmd[0] == '(')) && (TQRegExp("[a-zA-Z\\]\\[]").search(cmd) == -1)) { TQString result = calculate(cmd); if (!result.isEmpty()) { categorised_hit_total[ACTIONS] ++; HitMenuItem *hit_item = new HitMenuItem (i18n("%1 = %2").arg(query_str, result), TQString(), "kcalc", TQString(), (++max_category_id [ACTIONS]), ACTIONS, "kcalc"); int index = getHitMenuItemPosition (hit_item); m_searchResultsWidget->insertItem(iconForHitMenuItem(hit_item), hit_item->display_name, hit_item->display_info, TDEGlobal::dirs()->findExe("kcalc"), max_category_id [ACTIONS], index); } } // detect email address if (emailRegExp.exactMatch(query_str)) { categorised_hit_total[ACTIONS] ++; HitMenuItem *hit_item = new HitMenuItem (i18n("Send Email to %1").arg(query_str), TQString(), "mailto:"+query_str, TQString(), (++max_category_id [ACTIONS]), ACTIONS, "mail_new"); int index = getHitMenuItemPosition (hit_item); m_searchResultsWidget->insertItem(iconForHitMenuItem(hit_item), hit_item->display_name, hit_item->display_info, "mailto:"+query_str, max_category_id [ACTIONS], index); } // quick own application search m_programsInMenu.clear(); searchProgramList(TQString()); KURIFilterData filterData; filterData.setData(query_str); filterData.setCheckForExecutables(true); if (KURIFilter::self()->filterURI(filterData)) { TQString description; TQString exe; switch (filterData.uriType()) { case KURIFilterData::LOCAL_FILE: description = i18n("Open Local File: %1").arg(filterData.uri().url()); break; case KURIFilterData::LOCAL_DIR: description = i18n("Open Local Dir: %1").arg(filterData.uri().url()); break; case KURIFilterData::NET_PROTOCOL: description = i18n("Open Remote Location: %1").arg(filterData.uri().url()); break; case KURIFilterData::SHELL: case KURIFilterData::EXECUTABLE: { exe = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findExe(filterData.uri().url()); #ifdef KDELIBS_SUSE bool gimp_hack = false; if (exe.endsWith("/bin/gimp")) { TQStringList::ConstIterator it = m_programsInMenu.begin(); for (; it != m_programsInMenu.end(); ++it) if ((*it).find("bin/gimp-remote-")!=-1) { gimp_hack = true; break; } } #endif if (m_programsInMenu.find(exe)!=m_programsInMenu.end() #ifdef KDELIBS_SUSE || gimp_hack #endif ) exe = TQString(); else if (kapp->authorize("shell_access")) { if( filterData.hasArgsAndOptions() ) exe += filterData.argsAndOptions(); description = i18n("Run '%1'").arg(exe); exe = "kicker:/runcommand"; } } default: break; } if (!description.isEmpty()) { categorised_hit_total[ACTIONS] ++; HitMenuItem *hit_item = new HitMenuItem (description, TQString(), exe.isEmpty() ? filterData.uri() : exe, TQString(), (++max_category_id [ACTIONS]), ACTIONS, exe.isEmpty() ? "fileopen": "run"); int index = getHitMenuItemPosition (hit_item); m_searchResultsWidget->insertItem(iconForHitMenuItem(hit_item), hit_item->display_name, hit_item->display_info, exe.isEmpty() ? filterData.uri().url() : exe, max_category_id [ACTIONS], index); } } // search Konqueror bookmarks; if (!bookmarkManager) bookmarkManager = KBookmarkManager::userBookmarksManager(); if (query_str.length()>=3) searchBookmarks(bookmarkManager->root()); // search TDE addressbook if (query_str.length()>=3) searchAddressbook(); updateCategoryTitles(); if (m_searchResultsWidget->childCount()>1) m_searchResultsWidget->setSelected(m_searchResultsWidget->firstChild()->itemBelow(),true); m_searchActions->clearSelection(); if (!m_search_plugin) initSearch(); // start search plugin only with at least 3 characters if (query_str.length()<3 || !m_search_plugin || (m_search_plugin && !m_search_plugin->daemonRunning()) ) { m_searchPixmap->setPixmap( BarIcon( "find", 32 ) ); fillOverflowCategory(); if (query_str.length()>2 && m_current_menu_items.isEmpty()) reportError (i18n("No matches found")); return; } if (m_search_plugin) { m_search_plugin->query(current_query.get(), KickerSettings::DescriptionAndName || KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionOnly); } } bool KMenu::anotherHitMenuItemAllowed(int cat, bool count) { // update number of hits in this category if (count) categorised_hit_total [cat] ++; // if number of hits in this category is more than allowed, dont process this if (max_category_id [cat] - base_category_id [cat] < max_items(cat)) return true; if (m_overflowCategoryState==None || (m_overflowCategoryState==Filling && m_overflowCategory==cat && max_category_id [cat] + m_overflowList.count() - base_category_id [cat] < max_items(cat) * 2.0)) return true; return false; } void KMenu::addHitMenuItem(HitMenuItem* item) { if (checkUriInMenu(item->uri)) return; // if number of hits in this category is more than allowed, dont process this if (!anotherHitMenuItemAllowed(item->category, false)) return; insertSearchResult(item); } void KMenu::insertSearchResult(HitMenuItem* item) { if (m_overflowCategoryState==None) { m_overflowCategoryState = Filling; m_overflowCategory = item->category; } else if (m_overflowCategoryState==Filling && m_overflowCategory!=item->category) m_overflowCategoryState = NotNeeded; if (max_category_id [item->category] - base_category_id [item->category] < max_items(item->category)) { max_category_id [item->category]++; item->id=max_category_id [item->category]; int index = getHitMenuItemPosition (item); kdDebug () << "Adding " << item->uri << "(" << item->mimetype << ") with id=" << max_category_id [item->category] << " at " << index << endl; KMenuItem *hit_item = m_searchResultsWidget->insertItem(iconForHitMenuItem(item), item->display_name, item->display_info, item->uri.url(), max_category_id [item->category], index); hit_item->setService(item->service); kdDebug () << "Done inserting ... " << endl; } else if (m_overflowCategoryState==Filling && m_overflowCategory==item->category && max_category_id [item->category] - base_category_id [item->category] < max_items(item->category) * 2) m_overflowList.append(item); } void KMenu::searchOver() { m_searchPixmap->setPixmap( BarIcon( "find", 32 ) ); fillOverflowCategory(); if (m_current_menu_items.isEmpty()) { kdDebug() << "No matches found" << endl; reportError (i18n("No matches found")); } if (!m_searchResultsWidget->selectedItem() && !m_searchActions->selectedItem() && m_searchResultsWidget->childCount()>1) { m_searchResultsWidget->setSelected(m_searchResultsWidget->firstChild()->itemBelow(),true); } } void KMenu::initCategoryTitlesUpdate() { // Need to know if each category was updated with hits or had the first hit // That way we know if we need to changetitle or inserttitle already_added = new bool [num_categories]; for (int i=0; iinsertSeparator(base_category_id [i], title, index); kdDebug () << "Inserting heading with id=" << base_category_id[i] << " for " << categories[i] << " at " << index << endl; } else { // something was already displayed in this category // update the title to reflect the total sep = dynamic_cast( m_searchResultsWidget->findItem(base_category_id [i]) ); if ( !sep ) continue; kdDebug () << "Changing heading of id=" << base_category_id[i] << " for " << categories[i] << endl; } int max = max_items(i); if (m_overflowCategoryState == Filling && m_overflowCategory == i) max *= 2; if ( categorised_hit_total [i] > max ) { if (m_kerryInstalled) sep->setLink( i18n( "top %1 of %2" ).arg( max ).arg( categorised_hit_total [i] ), TQString( "kerry:/%1" ).arg( i ) ); else sep->setText( 0, i18n( "%1 (top %2 of %3)" ).arg( i18n(categories [i].utf8()) ).arg( max ).arg( categorised_hit_total [i] ) ); } else { sep->setLink( TQString() ); } } delete[] already_added; already_added = 0; } TQString KMenu::iconForHitMenuItem(HitMenuItem *hit_item) { // get the icon if (!hit_item->icon.isEmpty()) return hit_item->icon; if (hit_item->category == WEBHIST) { TQString favicon = KMimeType::favIconForURL (hit_item->uri); if (! favicon.isEmpty ()) return favicon; } if (mimetype_iconstore.contains (hit_item->mimetype)) return (mimetype_iconstore [hit_item->mimetype]); else { KMimeType::Ptr mimetype_ptr = KMimeType::mimeType (hit_item->mimetype); TQString mimetype_icon = mimetype_ptr->icon(TQString(), FALSE); mimetype_iconstore [hit_item->mimetype] = mimetype_icon; return mimetype_icon; } return TQString(); } void KMenu::slotStartService(KService::Ptr ptr) { accept(); addToHistory(); TDEApplication::startServiceByDesktopPath(ptr->desktopEntryPath(), TQStringList(), 0, 0, 0, "", true); updateRecentlyUsedApps(ptr); } void KMenu::slotStartURL(const TQString& u) { if ( u == "kicker:/goup/" ) { // only m_exitView is connected to this slot, not m_browserView slotGoExitMainMenu(); return; } if ( u == "kicker:/restart/" || u=="kicker:/switchuser/") { slotGoExitSubMenu(u); return; } accept(); if ( u == "kicker:/lock" ) { slotLock(); } else if ( u == "kicker:/logout" ) { TQByteArray params; TQDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly); stream << 0 << -1 << ""; kapp->dcopClient()->send("ksmserver", "default", "logoutTimed(int,int,TQString)", params); } else if ( u == "kicker:/runcommand" ) { runCommand(); } else if ( u == "kicker:/runusercommand" ) { runUserCommand(); } else if ( u == "kicker:/shutdown" ) { TQByteArray params; TQDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly); stream << 2 << -1 << ""; kapp->dcopClient()->send("ksmserver", "default", "logoutTimed(int,int,TQString)", params); } else if ( u == "kicker:/restart" ) { TQByteArray params; TQDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly); stream << 1 << -1 << TQString(); kapp->dcopClient()->send("ksmserver", "default", "logoutTimed(int,int,TQString)", params); } #ifdef KDELIBS_SUSE else if ( u == "kicker:/suspend_disk" ) { slotSuspend( 1 ); } else if ( u == "kicker:/suspend_ram" ) { slotSuspend( 2 ); } else if ( u == "kicker:/standby" ) { slotSuspend( 3 ); } #endif else if ( u == "kicker:/savesession" ) { TQByteArray data; kapp->dcopClient()->send( "ksmserver", "default", "saveCurrentSession()", data ); } else if ( u == "kicker:/switchuser" ) { DM().startReserve(); } else if ( u == "kicker:/switchuserafterlock" ) { slotLock(); DM().startReserve(); } else if ( u.startsWith("kicker:/switchuser_") ) DM().lockSwitchVT( u.mid(19).toInt() ); else if ( u.startsWith("kicker:/restart_") ) { TQStringList rebootOptions; int def, cur; DM().bootOptions( rebootOptions, def, cur ); TQByteArray params; TQDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly); stream << 1 << -1 << rebootOptions[u.mid(16).toInt()]; kapp->dcopClient()->send("ksmserver", "default", "logoutTimed(int,int,TQString)", params); } #warning restart entry not supported #if 0 else if ( u == "kicker:/restart_windows" ) { if (KMessageBox::Continue==KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Do you really want to reset the computer and boot Microsoft Windows"), i18n("Start Windows Confirmation"), KGuiItem(i18n("Start Windows"),"reload"))) KMessageBox::error( this, TQString( "kicker:/restart_windows is not yet implemented " ) ); } #endif else if ( u.startsWith("kerry:/")) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << m_kcommand->currentText() << kerry_categories[u.mid(7).toInt()]; if (ensureServiceRunning("kerry")) kapp->dcopClient()->send("kerry","search","search(TQString,TQString)", data); } else { addToHistory(); if (u.startsWith("kaddressbook:/")) { TDEProcess *proc = new TDEProcess; *proc << "kaddressbook" << "--uid" << u.mid(14); proc->start(); accept(); return; } else if (u.startsWith("note:/")) { TDEProcess *proc = new TDEProcess; *proc << "tomboy"; *proc << "--open-note" << u; if (!proc->start()) KMessageBox::error(0,i18n("Could not start Tomboy.")); return; } else if (u.startsWith("knotes:/") ) { if (ensureServiceRunning("knotes")) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << u.mid(9,22); kapp->dcopClient()->send("knotes","KNotesIface","showNote(TQString)", data); } return; } kapp->propagateSessionManager(); (void) new KRun( u, parentWidget()); } } void KMenu::slotContextMenuRequested( TQListViewItem * item, const TQPoint & pos, int /*col*/ ) { const TQObject* source = TQT_TQOBJECT_CONST(sender()); if (!item) return; KMenuItem* kitem = dynamic_cast(item); if (!kitem) return; KFileItemList _items; _items.setAutoDelete(true); if (dynamic_cast(item)) return; m_popupService = kitem->service(); m_popupPath.menuPath = kitem->menuPath(); if (!m_popupService) { m_popupPath.title = kitem->title(); m_popupPath.description = kitem->description(); m_popupPath.path = kitem->path(); m_popupPath.icon = kitem->icon(); if (m_popupPath.path.startsWith(locateLocal("data", TQString::fromLatin1("RecentDocuments/")))) { KDesktopFile df(m_popupPath.path,true); m_popupPath.path=df.readURL(); } } m_popupMenu = new TDEPopupMenu(this); connect(m_popupMenu, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenu(int))); bool hasEntries = false; m_popupMenu->insertTitle(SmallIcon(kitem->icon()),kitem->title()); if (TQT_BASE_OBJECT_CONST(source)==TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_favoriteView)) { hasEntries = true; m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("remove"), i18n("Remove From Favorites"), RemoveFromFavorites); } else if (!kitem->hasChildren() && !m_popupPath.path.startsWith("system:/") && !m_popupPath.path.startsWith("kicker:/switchuser_") && !m_popupPath.path.startsWith("kicker:/restart_")) { hasEntries = true; int num = m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("bookmark_add"), i18n("Add to Favorites"), AddToFavorites); TQStringList favs = KickerSettings::favorites(); if (m_popupService && favs.find(m_popupService->storageId())!=favs.end()) m_popupMenu->setItemEnabled(num, false); else { TQStringList::Iterator it; for (it = favs.begin(); it != favs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)[0]=='/') { KDesktopFile df((*it),true); if (df.readURL().replace("file://",TQString())==m_popupPath.path) break; } } if (it!=favs.end()) m_popupMenu->setItemEnabled(num, false); } } if (TQT_BASE_OBJECT_CONST(source)!=TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_exitView)) { if (m_popupService || (!m_popupPath.path.startsWith("kicker:/") && !m_popupPath.path.startsWith("system:/") && !m_popupPath.path.startsWith("kaddressbook:/"))) { if (hasEntries) m_popupMenu->insertSeparator(); if (kapp->authorize("editable_desktop_icons") ) { hasEntries = true; if (m_popupPath.menuPath.endsWith("/")) m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("desktop"), i18n("Add Menu to Desktop"), AddMenuToDesktop); else m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("desktop"), i18n("Add Item to Desktop"), AddItemToDesktop); } if (kapp->authorizeTDEAction("kicker_rmb") && !Kicker::the()->isImmutable()) { hasEntries = true; if (m_popupPath.menuPath.endsWith("/")) m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("kicker"), i18n("Add Menu to Main Panel"), AddMenuToPanel); else m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("kicker"), i18n("Add Item to Main Panel"), AddItemToPanel); } if (kapp->authorizeTDEAction("menuedit") && !kitem->menuPath().isEmpty()) { hasEntries = true; if (kitem->menuPath().endsWith("/")) m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("kmenuedit"), i18n("Edit Menu"), EditMenu); else m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("kmenuedit"), i18n("Edit Item"), EditItem); } if (kapp->authorize("run_command") && (m_popupService || (!m_popupPath.menuPath.isEmpty() && !m_popupPath.menuPath.endsWith("/")))) { hasEntries = true; m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("run"), i18n("Put Into Run Dialog"), PutIntoRunDialog); } } if (TQT_BASE_OBJECT_CONST(source)==TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_searchResultsWidget) || ((TQT_BASE_OBJECT_CONST(source)==TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_favoriteView) || TQT_BASE_OBJECT_CONST(source)==TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_recentlyView) || TQT_BASE_OBJECT_CONST(source) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_systemView)) && !m_popupService && !m_popupPath.path.startsWith("kicker:/")) ) { TQString uri; if (m_popupService) uri = locate("apps", m_popupService->desktopEntryPath()); else uri = m_popupPath.path; TQString mimetype = TQString(); if ( m_popupPath.path.startsWith( "system:/media/" ) ) mimetype = media_mimetypes[m_popupPath.path]; KFileItem* item = new KFileItem(uri, mimetype, KFileItem::Unknown); _items.append( item ); const KURL kurl(uri); TDEActionCollection act(this); KonqPopupMenu * konqPopupMenu = new KonqPopupMenu( KonqBookmarkManager::self(), _items, kurl, act, (KNewMenu*)NULL, this, item->isLocalFile() ? KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties : KonqPopupMenu::NoFlags, KParts::BrowserExtension::DefaultPopupItems ); if (konqPopupMenu->count()) { if (hasEntries) { m_popupMenu->insertSeparator(); m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("add"),i18n("Advanced"), konqPopupMenu); } else { delete m_popupMenu; m_popupMenu = (TDEPopupMenu*)konqPopupMenu; m_popupMenu->insertTitle(SmallIcon(kitem->icon()),kitem->title(),-1,0); } hasEntries = true; } } } if (TQT_BASE_OBJECT_CONST(source)==TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_recentlyView)) { m_popupMenu->insertSeparator(); if (m_popupService) m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("history_clear"), i18n("Clear Recently Used Applications"), ClearRecentlyUsedApps); else m_popupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("history_clear"), i18n("Clear Recently Used Documents"), ClearRecentlyUsedDocs); } if (hasEntries) { m_isShowing = true; m_popupMenu->exec(pos); m_isShowing = false; } delete m_popupMenu; m_popupMenu = 0; } void KMenu::slotContextMenu(int selected) { KServiceGroup::Ptr g; TQByteArray ba; TQDataStream ds(ba, IO_WriteOnly); KURL src,dest; TDEIO::CopyJob *job; TDEProcess *proc; TQStringList favs = KickerSettings::favorites(); switch (selected) { case AddItemToDesktop: accept(); if (m_popupService) { src.setPath( TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResource( "apps", m_popupService->desktopEntryPath() ) ); dest.setPath( TDEGlobalSettings::desktopPath() ); dest.setFileName( src.fileName() ); job = TDEIO::copyAs( src, dest ); job->setDefaultPermissions( true ); } else { KDesktopFile* df = new KDesktopFile( newDesktopFile(KURL(m_popupPath.path), TDEGlobalSettings::desktopPath() ) ); df->writeEntry("GenericName", m_popupPath.description); df->writeEntry( "Icon", m_popupPath.icon ); df->writePathEntry( "URL", m_popupPath.path ); df->writeEntry( "Name", m_popupPath.title ); df->writeEntry( "Type", "Link" ); df->sync(); delete df; } accept(); break; case AddItemToPanel: accept(); if (m_popupService) kapp->dcopClient()->send("kicker", "Panel", "addServiceButton(TQString)", m_popupService->desktopEntryPath()); else #warning FIXME special RecentDocuments/foo.desktop handling kapp->dcopClient()->send("kicker", "Panel", "addURLButton(TQString)", m_popupPath.path); accept(); break; case EditItem: case EditMenu: accept(); proc = new TDEProcess(TQT_TQOBJECT(this)); *proc << TDEStandardDirs::findExe(TQString::fromLatin1("kmenuedit")); *proc << "/"+m_popupPath.menuPath.section('/',-200,-2) << m_popupPath.menuPath.section('/', -1); proc->start(); break; case PutIntoRunDialog: accept(); if (m_popupService) kapp->dcopClient()->send("kdesktop", "default", "popupExecuteCommand(TQString)", m_popupService->exec()); else #warning FIXME special RecentDocuments/foo.desktop handling kapp->dcopClient()->send("kdesktop", "default", "popupExecuteCommand(TQString)", m_popupPath.path); accept(); break; case AddMenuToDesktop: { accept(); KDesktopFile *df = new KDesktopFile( newDesktopFile(KURL("programs:/"+m_popupPath.menuPath),TDEGlobalSettings::desktopPath())); df->writeEntry( "Icon", m_popupPath.icon ); df->writePathEntry( "URL", "programs:/"+m_popupPath.menuPath ); df->writeEntry( "Name", m_popupPath.title ); df->writeEntry( "Type", "Link" ); df->sync(); delete df; break; } case AddMenuToPanel: accept(); ds << "foo" << m_popupPath.menuPath; kapp->dcopClient()->send("kicker", "Panel", "addServiceMenuButton(TQString,TQString)", ba); break; case AddToFavorites: if (m_popupService) { if (favs.find(m_popupService->storageId())==favs.end()) { KService::Ptr p = KService::serviceByStorageId(m_popupService->storageId()); m_favoriteView->insertMenuItem(p, serviceMenuEndId()+favs.count()+1); favs+=m_popupService->storageId(); } } else { TQStringList::Iterator it; for (it = favs.begin(); it != favs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)[0]=='/') { KDesktopFile df((*it),true); if (df.readURL().replace("file://",TQString())==m_popupPath.path) break; } } if (it==favs.end()) { TQString file = KickerLib::newDesktopFile(m_popupPath.path); KDesktopFile df(file); df.writeEntry("Encoding", "UTF-8"); df.writeEntry("Type","Link"); df.writeEntry("Name", m_popupPath.title); df.writeEntry("GenericName", m_popupPath.description); df.writeEntry("Icon", m_popupPath.icon); df.writeEntry("URL", m_popupPath.path); m_favoriteView->insertItem(m_popupPath.icon, m_popupPath.title, m_popupPath.description, m_popupPath.path, serviceMenuEndId()+favs.count()+1, -1); favs+=file; } } KickerSettings::setFavorites(favs); KickerSettings::writeConfig(); m_browserDirty=true; m_stacker->raiseWidget(FavoriteTab); break; case RemoveFromFavorites: if (m_popupService) { favs.erase(favs.find(m_popupService->storageId())); for (TQListViewItemIterator it(m_favoriteView); it.current(); ++it) { KMenuItem* kitem = static_cast(it.current()); if (kitem->service() && kitem->service()->storageId() == m_popupService->storageId()) { delete it.current(); break; } } } else { for (TQStringList::Iterator it = favs.begin(); it != favs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)[0]=='/') { KDesktopFile df((*it),true); if (df.readURL().replace("file://",TQString())==m_popupPath.path) { TQFile::remove((*it)); favs.erase(it); break; } } } for (TQListViewItemIterator it(m_favoriteView); it.current(); ++it) { KMenuItem* kitem = static_cast(it.current()); if (!kitem->service() && kitem->path() == m_popupPath.path) { delete it.current(); break; } } } m_favoriteView->slotMoveContent(); KickerSettings::setFavorites(favs); KickerSettings::writeConfig(); m_browserDirty=true; m_stacker->raiseWidget(FavoriteTab); break; case ClearRecentlyUsedApps: clearRecentAppsItems(); break; case ClearRecentlyUsedDocs: clearRecentDocsItems(); break; default: break; } } void KMenu::resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent * e ) { //kdDebug() << "resizeEvent " << size() << endl; KMenuBase::resizeEvent(e); int ypos = 0; // this is the height remaining to fill int left_height = height(); if ( m_orientation == BottomUp ) { m_resizeHandle->move( e->size().width() - 19, 3); // put the search widget at the top of the menu and give it its desired // height m_search->mainWidget()->setGeometry( 0, ypos, width(), m_search->minimumSize().height() ); left_height -= m_search->minimumSize().height(); ypos += m_search->minimumSize().height(); // place the footer widget at the bottom of the menu and give it its desired // height m_footer->mainWidget()->setGeometry( 0, height() - m_footer->minimumSize().height(), width(), m_footer->minimumSize().height() ); left_height -= m_footer->minimumSize().height(); // place the button box above the footer widget, horizontal placement // has the width of the edge graphics subtracted m_tabBar->setGeometry(button_box_left.width(), height() - m_footer->minimumSize().height() - m_tabBar->sizeHint().height(), width() - button_box_left.width(), m_tabBar->sizeHint().height() ); left_height -= m_tabBar->sizeHint().height(); // place the main (stacker) widget below the search widget, // in the remaining vertical space m_stacker->setGeometry(0, ypos, width(), left_height ); } else // TopDown orientation { // place the 'footer' widget at the top of the menu and give it // its desired height m_footer->mainWidget()->setGeometry( 0, ypos /*height() - m_footer->minimumSize().height()*/, width(), m_footer->minimumSize().height() ); ypos += m_footer->minimumSize().height(); left_height -= m_footer->minimumSize().height(); // place the button box next at the top of the menu. // has the width of the edge graphics subtracted m_tabBar->setGeometry(button_box_left.width(), ypos, width() - button_box_left.width(), m_tabBar->sizeHint().height()); ypos += m_tabBar->sizeHint().height(); left_height -= m_tabBar->sizeHint().height(); // put the search widget above the footer widget // height m_search->mainWidget()->setGeometry( 0, height() - m_search->minimumSize().height(), width(), m_search->minimumSize().height() ); left_height -= m_search->minimumSize().height(); // place the main (stacker) widget below the button box, // in the remaining vertical space m_stacker->setGeometry(0, ypos, width(), left_height ); m_resizeHandle->move( e->size().width() - 19, e->size().height() - 19); } paintSearchTab( false ); } void KMenu::mousePressEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e ) { if ( m_orientation == BottomUp ) { if (e->x() > width() - m_resizeHandle->width() && e->y() < m_resizeHandle->height() ) { m_isresizing = true; } } else { if (e->x() > width() - m_resizeHandle->width() && e->y() > height() - m_resizeHandle->height() ) { m_isresizing = true; } } KMenuBase::mousePressEvent(e); } void KMenu::mouseReleaseEvent ( TQMouseEvent * /*e*/ ) { m_isresizing = false; } void KMenu::mouseMoveEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e ) { if ( hasMouseTracking() && m_isresizing ) { m_stacker->setMinimumSize( TQSize(0, 0) ); m_stacker->setMaximumSize( TQSize(32000, 32000) ); int newWidth = QMAX( e->x() - x(), minimumSizeHint().width() ); if ( m_orientation == BottomUp ) { int newHeight = QMAX( height() - e->y(), minimumSizeHint().height() + 10 ); int newY = y() + height() - newHeight; setGeometry( x(), newY, newWidth, newHeight); } else { setGeometry( x(), y(), newWidth, QMAX( e->y(), minimumSizeHint().height() + 10 )); } } } void KMenu::clearedHistory() { saveConfig(); } void KMenu::saveConfig() { KickerSettings::setHistory( m_kcommand->historyItems() ); KickerSettings::setCompletionItems( m_kcommand->completionObject()->items() ); KickerSettings::writeConfig(); } void KMenu::notifyServiceStarted(KService::Ptr service) { // Inform other applications (like the quickstarter applet) // that an application was started TQByteArray params; TQDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly); stream << "minicli" << service->storageId(); kdDebug() << "minicli appLauncher dcop signal: " << service->storageId() << endl; TDEApplication::kApplication()->dcopClient()->emitDCOPSignal("appLauncher", "serviceStartedByStorageId(TQString,TQString)", params); } void KMenu::parseLine( bool final ) { TQString cmd = m_kcommand->currentText().stripWhiteSpace(); m_filterData->setData( cmd ); if( final ) KURIFilter::self()->filterURI( *(m_filterData), m_finalFilters ); else KURIFilter::self()->filterURI( *(m_filterData), m_middleFilters ); m_iconName = m_filterData->iconName(); kdDebug (1207) << "Command: " << m_filterData->uri().url() << endl; kdDebug (1207) << "Arguments: " << m_filterData->argsAndOptions() << endl; } // report error as a title in the menu void KMenu::reportError (TQString error) { int index = 1000; //getHitMenuItemPosition (new HitMenuItem (base_category_id[0], 0)); kndDebug () << "Inserting error:" << error << " at position " << index << endl; m_searchResultsWidget->insertSeparator(OTHER_ID_BASE + 120, error, index); } int KMenu::getHitMenuItemPosition ( HitMenuItem *hit_item) { TQPtrListIterator it (m_current_menu_items); const HitMenuItem *cur_item; int pos = 0; while ((cur_item = it.current ()) != NULL) { ++it; if ((cur_item->category!=hit_item->category || !cur_item->display_name.isEmpty()) && (*hit_item) < (*cur_item)) break; pos++; } m_current_menu_items.insert (pos, hit_item); return pos + 1; } bool KMenu::checkUriInMenu( const KURL &uri) { TQPtrListIterator it (m_current_menu_items); const HitMenuItem *cur_item; while ((cur_item = it.current ()) != NULL) { ++it; if (cur_item->uri == uri ) return true; } return false; } void KMenu::searchActionClicked(TQListViewItem* item) { accept(); addToHistory(); if (item==m_searchIndex) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << m_kcommand->currentText(); if (ensureServiceRunning("kerry")) kapp->dcopClient()->send("kerry","search","search(TQString)", data); } else { KURIFilterData data; TQStringList list; data.setData( m_kcommand->currentText() ); list << "kurisearchfilter" << "kuriikwsfilter"; if( !KURIFilter::self()->filterURI(data, list) ) { KDesktopFile file("searchproviders/google.desktop", true, "services"); data.setData(file.readEntry("Query").replace("\\{@}", m_kcommand->currentText())); } (void) new KRun( data.uri(), parentWidget()); } } void KMenu::addToHistory() { TQString search = m_kcommand->currentText().stripWhiteSpace(); if (search.length()<4) return; m_kcommand->addToHistory( search ); } TQString KMenu::newDesktopFile(const KURL& url, const TQString &directory) { TQString base = url.fileName(); if (base.endsWith(".desktop")) base.truncate(base.length()-8); TQRegExp r("(.*)(?=-\\d+)"); if (r.search(base) > -1) base = r.cap(1); TQString file = base + ".desktop"; for(int n = 1; ++n; ) { if (!TQFile::exists(directory+file)) break; file = TQString("%2-%1.desktop").arg(n).arg(base); } return directory+file; } void KMenu::updateRecentlyUsedApps(KService::Ptr &service) { TQString strItem(service->desktopEntryPath()); // don't add an item from root kmenu level if (!strItem.contains('/')) { return; } // add it into recent apps list RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().appLaunched(strItem); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().save(); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_bNeedToUpdate = true; } TQSize KMenu::sizeHint() const { #warning FIXME // this should be only for the inner area so layout changes do not break it const int width = kMin(KickerSettings::kMenuWidth(), TQApplication::desktop()->screen()->width()-50); const int height = kMin(KickerSettings::kMenuHeight(), TQApplication::desktop()->screen()->height()-50); TQSize wanted(width, height); kdDebug() << "show " << minimumSizeHint() << " " << m_stacker->minimumSizeHint() << " " << m_searchFrame->minimumSizeHint() << " " << wanted << endl; bool isDefault = wanted.isNull(); wanted = wanted.expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()); if ( isDefault ) wanted.setHeight( wanted.height() + ( m_favoriteView->goodHeight() - m_stacker->minimumSizeHint().height() ) ); return wanted; } TQSize KMenu::minimumSizeHint() const { TQSize minsize; minsize.setWidth( minsize.width() + m_tabBar->minimumSizeHint().width() ); minsize.setWidth( QMAX( minsize.width(), m_search->minimumSize().width() ) ); minsize.setWidth( QMAX( minsize.width(), m_search->minimumSize().width() ) ); minsize.setHeight( minsize.height() + m_search->minimumSize().height() + m_footer->minimumSize().height() + 180 ); // 180 is a very rough guess for 32 icon size return minsize; } void KMenu::slotFavoritesMoved( TQListViewItem* item, TQListViewItem* /*afterFirst*/, TQListViewItem* afterNow) { KMenuItem* kitem = dynamic_cast(item); KMenuItem* kafterNow = dynamic_cast(afterNow); TQStringList favs = KickerSettings::favorites(); TQStringList::Iterator it; TQString addFav = TQString(); // remove at old position if (kitem->service()) { favs.erase(favs.find(kitem->service()->storageId())); addFav = kitem->service()->storageId(); } else { for (it = favs.begin(); it != favs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)[0]=='/') { KDesktopFile df((*it),true); if (df.readURL().replace("file://",TQString())==kitem->path()) { addFav = *it; favs.erase(it); break; } } } } if (addFav.isEmpty()) return; if (!kafterNow || dynamic_cast(afterNow)) { favs.prepend(addFav); } else { // add at new position for (it = favs.begin(); it != favs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)[0]=='/' && !kafterNow->service()) { KDesktopFile df((*it),true); if (df.readURL().replace("file://",TQString())==kafterNow->path()) { kdDebug() << "insert after " << kafterNow->path() << endl; favs.insert(++it,addFav); break; } } else if (kafterNow->service() && *it==kafterNow->service()->storageId()) { kdDebug() << "insert after service " << kafterNow->service() << endl; favs.insert(++it,addFav); break; } } } kdDebug() << "favs " << favs << endl; KickerSettings::setFavorites(favs); KickerSettings::writeConfig(); m_favoriteView->slotMoveContent(); } void KMenu::updateMedia() { TQStringList devices = m_mediaWatcher->devices(); if ( devices.isEmpty() ) { return; } int nId = serviceMenuStartId(); if ( m_media_id ) { for ( int i = m_media_id + 1 ;; ++i ) { KMenuItem *item = m_systemView->findItem( i ); if ( !item ) break; if ( !item->path().startsWith( "system:/" ) ) break; media_mimetypes.remove(item->path()); delete item; } nId = m_media_id + 1; } else { m_media_id = nId; m_systemView->insertSeparator( nId++, i18n("Media"), -1); } // WARNING // This loop MUST be kept in sync with the data structure listed in libmediacommon/medium.h #define SAFE_INCREMENT it++; if (it == devices.constEnd()) { printf("[kicker] Warning: incompatible media device list encountered!\n"); break; } for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = devices.constBegin(); it != devices.constEnd(); ++it ) { TQString id = *it; SAFE_INCREMENT TQString uuid = *it; SAFE_INCREMENT TQString name = *it; SAFE_INCREMENT TQString label = *it; SAFE_INCREMENT TQString userLabel = *it; SAFE_INCREMENT bool mountable = ( *it == "true" ); // bool SAFE_INCREMENT TQString deviceNode = ( *it ); SAFE_INCREMENT TQString mountPoint = ( *it ); SAFE_INCREMENT TQString fsType = ( *it ); SAFE_INCREMENT bool mounted = ( *it == "true" ); // bool SAFE_INCREMENT TQString baseURL = ( *it ); SAFE_INCREMENT TQString mimeType = ( *it ); SAFE_INCREMENT TQString iconName = ( *it ); SAFE_INCREMENT bool encrypted = ( *it == "true" ); // bool SAFE_INCREMENT TQString clearDeviceUDI = ( *it ); SAFE_INCREMENT bool hidden = ( *it == "true" ); // bool media_mimetypes["system:/media/"+name] = mimeType; if ( iconName.isEmpty() ) // no user icon, query the MIME type { KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::mimeType( mimeType ); iconName = mime->icon( TQString(), false ); } TQString descr = deviceNode; if ( mounted ) { descr = mountPoint; // calc the free/total space struct statfs sfs; if ( statfs( TQFile::encodeName( mountPoint ), &sfs ) == 0 ) { uint64_t total = ( uint64_t )sfs.f_blocks * sfs.f_bsize; uint64_t avail = ( uint64_t )( getuid() ? sfs.f_bavail : sfs.f_bfree ) * sfs.f_bsize; if ( avail < total && avail > 1024 ) { label += " " + i18n( "(%1 available)" ).arg( TDEIO::convertSize(avail) ); } } } m_systemView->insertItem( iconName, userLabel.isEmpty() ? label : userLabel, descr, "system:/media/" + name, nId++, -1 ); SAFE_INCREMENT // skip separator } #undef SAFE_INCREMENT } bool KMenu::ensureServiceRunning(const TQString & service) { TQStringList URLs; TQByteArray data, replyData; TQCString replyType; TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << service << URLs; if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->call( "tdelauncher", "tdelauncher", "start_service_by_desktop_name(TQString,TQStringList)", data, replyType, replyData) ) { tqWarning( "call to tdelauncher failed."); return false; } TQDataStream reply(replyData, IO_ReadOnly); if ( replyType != "serviceResult" ) { tqWarning( "unexpected result '%s' from tdelauncher.", replyType.data()); return false; } int result; TQCString dcopName; TQString error; reply >> result >> dcopName >> error; if (result != 0) { tqWarning("Error starting: %s", error.local8Bit().data()); return false; } return true; } void KMenu::slotFavDropped(TQDropEvent * ev, TQListViewItem *after ) { TQStringList favs = KickerSettings::favorites(); KMenuItem *newItem = 0; if (KMenuItemDrag::canDecode(ev)) { KMenuItemInfo item; KMenuItemDrag::decode(ev,item); if (item.m_s) { if (favs.find(item.m_s->storageId())==favs.end()) { newItem = m_favoriteView->insertMenuItem(item.m_s, serviceMenuEndId()+favs.count()+1); favs += item.m_s->storageId(); } } else { TQString uri = item.m_path; if (uri.startsWith(locateLocal("data", TQString::fromLatin1("RecentDocuments/")))) { KDesktopFile df(uri,true); uri=df.readURL(); } TQStringList::Iterator it; for (it = favs.begin(); it != favs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)[0]=='/') { KDesktopFile df((*it),true); if (df.readURL().replace("file://",TQString())==uri) break; } } if (it==favs.end()) { TQString file = KickerLib::newDesktopFile(uri); KDesktopFile df(file); df.writeEntry("Encoding", "UTF-8"); df.writeEntry("Type","Link"); df.writeEntry("Name", item.m_title); df.writeEntry("GenericName", item.m_description); df.writeEntry("Icon", item.m_icon); df.writeEntry("URL", uri); newItem = m_favoriteView->insertItem(item.m_icon, item.m_title, item.m_description, uri, serviceMenuEndId()+favs.count()+1, -1); favs += file; } } } else if (TQTextDrag::canDecode(ev)) { TQString text; TQTextDrag::decode(ev,text); if (text.endsWith(".desktop")) { KService::Ptr p = KService::serviceByDesktopPath(text.replace("file://",TQString())); if (p && favs.find(p->storageId())==favs.end()) { newItem = m_favoriteView->insertMenuItem(p, serviceMenuEndId()+favs.count()+1); favs+=p->storageId(); } } else { TQStringList::Iterator it; for (it = favs.begin(); it != favs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)[0]=='/') { KDesktopFile df((*it),true); if (df.readURL().replace("file://",TQString())==text) break; } } if (it==favs.end()) { KFileItem* item = new KFileItem(text, TQString(), KFileItem::Unknown); KURL kurl(text); TQString file = KickerLib::newDesktopFile(text); KDesktopFile df(file); df.writeEntry("Encoding", "UTF-8"); df.writeEntry("Type","Link"); df.writeEntry("Name", item->name()); df.writeEntry("GenericName", i18n("Directory: %1").arg(kurl.upURL().path())); df.writeEntry("Icon", item->iconName()); df.writeEntry("URL", text); newItem = m_favoriteView->insertItem(item->iconName(), item->name(), i18n("Directory: %1").arg(kurl.upURL().path()), text, serviceMenuEndId()+favs.count()+1, -1); favs += file; } } } if ( newItem ) { if (!after && m_favoriteView->childCount()>0) { newItem->moveItem( m_favoriteView->firstChild() ); m_favoriteView->firstChild()->moveItem( newItem ); } else newItem->moveItem( after ); KickerSettings::setFavorites(favs); slotFavoritesMoved( newItem, 0, after ); } m_stacker->raiseWidget(m_favoriteView); } void KMenu::resetOverflowCategory() { if (m_overflowCategoryState==NotNeeded) m_overflowList.setAutoDelete( true ); m_overflowList.clear(); m_overflowList.setAutoDelete( false ); m_overflowCategoryState = None; m_overflowCategory = num_categories; } void KMenu::fillOverflowCategory() { if (m_overflowCategoryState==Filling) { initCategoryTitlesUpdate(); for (HitMenuItem * item = m_overflowList.first(); item; item = m_overflowList.next() ) { max_category_id [item->category]++; item->id=max_category_id [item->category]; KMenuItem *hit_item = m_searchResultsWidget->insertItem(iconForHitMenuItem(item), item->display_name, item->display_info, item->uri.url(), max_category_id [item->category], getHitMenuItemPosition (item)); hit_item->setService(item->service); } updateCategoryTitles(); } } int KMenu::max_items(int category) const { if (category==ACTIONS) return 10; return 5; } #define DBUS_HAL_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.Hal" #define DBUS_HAL_SYSTEM_POWER_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement" #define HAL_UDI_COMPUTER "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer" #ifdef KDELIBS_SUSE #include #endif void KMenu::insertSuspendOption( int &nId, int &index ) { #ifdef KDELIBS_SUSE int supported = -1; bool suspend_ram, suspend_disk, standby; liblazy_hal_get_property_bool(HAL_UDI_COMPUTER, "power_management.can_suspend", &supported); if (supported == 1) suspend_ram = true; else suspend_ram = false; liblazy_hal_get_property_bool(HAL_UDI_COMPUTER, "power_management.can_standby", &supported); if (supported == 1) standby = true; else standby = false; liblazy_hal_get_property_bool(HAL_UDI_COMPUTER, "power_management.can_hibernate", &supported); if (supported == 1) suspend_disk = true; else suspend_disk = false; if (liblazy_hal_is_caller_privileged("org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.hibernate") != 1) suspend_disk = false; if (liblazy_hal_is_caller_privileged("org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.suspend") != 1) suspend_ram = false; if (liblazy_hal_is_caller_privileged("org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.standby") != 1) standby = false; if ( ! ( standby + suspend_ram + suspend_disk ) ) return; i18n("Suspend Computer"); if ( suspend_disk ) m_exitView->leftView()->insertItem( "suspend2disk", i18n( "Suspend to Disk" ), i18n( "Pause without logging out" ), "kicker:/suspend_disk", nId++, index++ ); if ( suspend_ram ) m_exitView->leftView()->insertItem( "suspend2ram", i18n( "Suspend to RAM" ), i18n( "Pause without logging out" ), "kicker:/suspend_ram", nId++, index++ ); if ( standby ) m_exitView->leftView()->insertItem( "player_pause", i18n( "Standby" ), i18n( "Pause without logging out" ), "kicker:/standby", nId++, index++ ); #endif } void KMenu::slotSuspend(int id) { #ifdef KDELIBS_SUSE int error = 0; int wake = 0; DBusMessage *reply = 0; if (id == 1) { error = liblazy_dbus_system_send_method_call(DBUS_HAL_INTERFACE, HAL_UDI_COMPUTER, DBUS_HAL_SYSTEM_POWER_INTERFACE, "Hibernate", &reply, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); } else if (id == 2) error = liblazy_dbus_system_send_method_call(DBUS_HAL_INTERFACE, HAL_UDI_COMPUTER, DBUS_HAL_SYSTEM_POWER_INTERFACE, "Suspend", &reply, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &wake, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); else if (id == 3) error = liblazy_dbus_system_send_method_call(DBUS_HAL_INTERFACE, HAL_UDI_COMPUTER, DBUS_HAL_SYSTEM_POWER_INTERFACE, "Standby", &reply, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); else return; if (error) #endif KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Suspend failed")); } void KMenu::runUserCommand() { TQByteArray data; TQCString appname( "kdesktop" ); if ( kicker_screen_number ) appname.sprintf("kdesktop-screen-%d", kicker_screen_number); kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp( appname ); kapp->dcopClient()->send( appname, "KDesktopIface", "popupExecuteCommand()", data ); } // vim:cindent:sw=4: