ConfigDlgBase ConfigDlgBase 0 0 371 338 unnamed 0 kcfg_DragEnabled Allow drag and drop groupBox2 Layout unnamed kcfg_ConserveSpace Conserve space Do not expand icons to the size of the panel textLabel1_2 Icon size: iconDim true spacer4_2 Horizontal Expanding 332 20 autoAdjustGroup Most Popular Applications unnamed tqlayout1 unnamed kcfg_HistoryHorizon 100 0 10 Horizontal spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 140 20 textLabel1 Short Term AlignCenter textLabel2 Long Term AlignCenter textLabel3 Maximum number of applications: kcfg_AutoAdjustMinItems spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 50 20 kcfg_AutoAdjustMaxItems textLabel3_2 Minimum number of applications: kcfg_AutoAdjustEnabled Add/remove applications based on their popularity true kcfg_AutoAdjustEnabled toggled(bool) kcfg_AutoAdjustMinItems setEnabled(bool) kcfg_AutoAdjustEnabled toggled(bool) kcfg_AutoAdjustMaxItems setEnabled(bool) kcfg_AutoAdjustEnabled toggled(bool) kcfg_HistoryHorizon setEnabled(bool) kcfg_AutoAdjustEnabled toggled(bool) textLabel1 setEnabled(bool) kcfg_AutoAdjustEnabled toggled(bool) textLabel2 setEnabled(bool) kcfg_AutoAdjustEnabled toggled(bool) textLabel3 setEnabled(bool) kcfg_AutoAdjustEnabled toggled(bool) textLabel3_2 setEnabled(bool) knuminput.h knuminput.h