Improvement: Change fading mechanism

- Change fading mechanism for better modularity. Remove fade queue and
  use members in struct _win to record fading data. In contrast to
  previous commits, this one actually could make the program slower (but
  very slightly, hardly noticeable if your CPU is anywhere close to AMD
  K7). As this commit changes lots of things, bugs are to be expected.

- Currently -F does not do its job. -f actually equals -fF. (While in
  the past -F equals nothing and -f is just -f.) A fix will be made
  soon. I suppose it isn't hard.

- Add a preprocessor function paint_preprocess() and move all
  preprocessing code in paint_all() to it.

- Add window flag support but currently unused.

- Add DamageNotify handling to ev_window().

- I'm considering removing HAS_NAME_WINDOW_PIXMAP = 0 support as I
  couldn't see what it is good for. Nor do I know what CAN_DO_USABLE
  does. Basically all my changes ignore these cases.
Richard Grenville 12 years ago
parent fb18759b02
commit a08c22945a

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
struct timeval time_start = { 0, 0 };
win *list;
fade *fades;
Display *dpy;
int scr;
@ -97,10 +96,12 @@ int shadow_offset_x = -15;
int shadow_offset_y = -15;
double shadow_opacity = .75;
double fade_in_step = 0.028;
double fade_out_step = 0.03;
int fade_delta = 10;
int fade_time = 0;
/// How much to fade in in a single fading step.
opacity_t fade_in_step = 0.028 * OPAQUE;
/// How much to fade out in a single fading step.
opacity_t fade_out_step = 0.03 * OPAQUE;
unsigned long fade_delta = 10;
unsigned long fade_time = 0;
Bool fade_trans = False;
Bool clear_shadow = False;
@ -125,7 +126,13 @@ Bool synchronize = False;
* Fades
static int
* Get current system clock in milliseconds.
* The return type must be unsigned long because so many milliseconds have
* passed since the epoch.
static unsigned long
get_time_in_milliseconds() {
struct timeval tv;
@ -134,153 +141,70 @@ get_time_in_milliseconds() {
return tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000;
static fade *
find_fade(win *w) {
fade *f;
for (f = fades; f; f = f->next) {
if (f->w == w) return f;
return 0;
static void
dequeue_fade(Display *dpy, fade *f) {
fade **prev;
* Get the time left before next fading point.
* In milliseconds.
static int
fade_timeout(void) {
int diff = fade_delta - get_time_in_milliseconds() + fade_time;
for (prev = &fades; *prev; prev = &(*prev)->next) {
if (*prev == f) {
*prev = f->next;
if (f->callback) {
(*f->callback)(dpy, f->w);
if (diff < 0)
diff = 0;
static void
cleanup_fade(Display *dpy, win *w) {
fade *f = find_fade (w);
if (f) {
dequeue_fade(dpy, f);
static void
enqueue_fade(Display *dpy, fade *f) {
if (!fades) {
fade_time = get_time_in_milliseconds() + fade_delta;
f->next = fades;
fades = f;
return diff;
* Run fading on a window.
* @param steps steps of fading
static void
set_fade(Display *dpy, win *w, double start,
double finish, double step,
void(*callback) (Display *dpy, win *w),
Bool exec_callback, Bool override) {
fade *f;
f = find_fade(w);
if (!f) {
f = malloc(sizeof(fade));
f->next = 0;
f->w = w;
f->cur = start;
enqueue_fade(dpy, f);
} else if (!override) {
run_fade(Display *dpy, win *w, unsigned steps) {
// If we reach target opacity, set fade_fin so the callback gets
// executed
if (w->opacity == w->opacity_tgt) {
w->fade_fin = True;
} else {
if (exec_callback && f->callback) {
(*f->callback)(dpy, f->w);
if (finish < 0) finish = 0;
if (finish > 1) finish = 1;
f->finish = finish;
if (f->cur < finish) {
f->step = step;
} else if (f->cur > finish) {
f->step = -step;
if (!w->fade)
w->opacity = w->opacity_tgt;
else if (steps) {
// Use double below because opacity_t will probably overflow during
// calculations
if (w->opacity < w->opacity_tgt)
w->opacity = normalize_d_range(
(double) w->opacity + (double) fade_in_step * steps,
0.0, w->opacity_tgt);
w->opacity = normalize_d_range(
(double) w->opacity - (double) fade_out_step * steps,
w->opacity_tgt, OPAQUE);
f->callback = callback;
set_opacity(dpy, w, f->cur * OPAQUE);
/* fading windows need to be drawn, mark
them as damaged. when a window maps,
if it tries to fade in but it already
at the right opacity (map/unmap/map fast)
then it will never get drawn without this
until it repaints */
w->damaged = 1;
if (w->opacity == w->opacity_tgt) {
w->fade_fin = True;
static int
fade_timeout(void) {
int now;
int delta;
if (!fades) return -1;
now = get_time_in_milliseconds();
delta = fade_time - now;
if (delta < 0) delta = 0;
return delta;
w->fade_fin = False;
* Set fade callback of a window, and possibly execute the previous
* callback.
* @param exec_callback whether the previous callback is to be executed
static void
run_fades(Display *dpy) {
int now = get_time_in_milliseconds();
fade *next = fades;
int steps;
Bool need_dequeue;
if (fade_time - now > 0) return;
steps = 1 + (now - fade_time) / fade_delta;
while (next) {
fade *f = next;
win *w = f->w;
next = f->next;
f->cur += f->step * steps;
if (f->cur >= 1) {
f->cur = 1;
} else if (f->cur < 0) {
f->cur = 0;
w->opacity = f->cur * OPAQUE;
need_dequeue = False;
if (f->step > 0) {
if (f->cur >= f->finish) {
w->opacity = f->finish * OPAQUE;
need_dequeue = True;
} else {
if (f->cur <= f->finish) {
w->opacity = f->finish * OPAQUE;
need_dequeue = True;
determine_mode(dpy, w);
/* Must do this last as it might
destroy f->w in callbacks */
if (need_dequeue) dequeue_fade(dpy, f);
fade_time = now + fade_delta;
set_fade_callback(Display *dpy, win *w,
void (*callback) (Display *dpy, win *w), Bool exec_callback) {
if (exec_callback && w->fade_callback)
(w->fade_callback)(dpy, w);
w->fade_callback = callback;
@ -1003,62 +927,39 @@ get_frame_extents(Display *dpy, Window w,
static void
paint_all(Display *dpy, XserverRegion region) {
static win *
paint_preprocess(Display *dpy, win *list) {
win *w;
win *t = 0;
if (!region) {
region = get_screen_region(dpy);
root_buffer = root_picture;
if (!root_buffer) {
Pixmap root_pixmap = XCreatePixmap(
dpy, root, root_width, root_height,
DefaultDepth(dpy, scr));
win *t = NULL, *next = NULL;
// Sounds like the timeout in poll() frequently does not work
// accurately, asking it to wait to 20ms, and often it would wait for
// 19ms, so the step value has to be rounded.
unsigned steps = roundl((double) (get_time_in_milliseconds() - fade_time) / fade_delta);
root_buffer = XRenderCreatePicture(dpy, root_pixmap,
XRenderFindVisualFormat(dpy, DefaultVisual(dpy, scr)),
0, 0);
XFreePixmap(dpy, root_pixmap);
// Reset fade_time
fade_time = get_time_in_milliseconds();
XFixesSetPictureClipRegion(dpy, root_picture, 0, 0, region);
for (w = list; w; w = next) {
// In case calling the fade callback function destroys this window
next = w->next;
opacity_t opacity_old = w->opacity;
dpy, PictOpSrc, black_picture, None,
root_picture, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
root_width, root_height);
for (w = list; w; w = w->next) {
if (!w->usable) continue;
/* never painted, ignore it */
if (!w->damaged) continue;
// Run fading
run_fade(dpy, w, steps);
/* if invisible, ignore it */
if (w->a.x + w->a.width < 1 || w->a.y + w->a.height < 1
// Give up if it's not damaged or invisible
if (!w->damaged
|| w->a.x + w->a.width < 1 || w->a.y + w->a.height < 1
|| w->a.x >= root_width || w->a.y >= root_height) {
check_fade_fin(dpy, w);
printf(" %#010lx", w->id);
// Fetch the picture and pixmap if needed
if (!w->picture) {
XRenderPictureAttributes pa;
XRenderPictFormat *format;
@ -1078,6 +979,7 @@ paint_all(Display *dpy, XserverRegion region) {
dpy, draw, format, CPSubwindowMode, &pa);
// Fetch bounding region and extents if needed
if (!w->border_size) {
w->border_size = border_size(dpy, w);
@ -1086,6 +988,17 @@ paint_all(Display *dpy, XserverRegion region) {
w->extents = win_extents(dpy, w);
// If opacity changes
if (w->opacity != opacity_old) {
determine_mode(dpy, w);
add_damage_win(dpy, w);
if (!w->opacity) {
check_fade_fin(dpy, w);
// Rebuild alpha_pict only if necessary
if (OPAQUE != w->opacity
&& (!w->alpha_pict || w->opacity != w->opacity_cur)) {
@ -1137,15 +1050,48 @@ paint_all(Display *dpy, XserverRegion region) {
t = w;
return t;
static void
paint_all(Display *dpy, XserverRegion region, win *t) {
win *w;
if (!region) {
region = get_screen_region(dpy);
root_buffer = root_picture;
if (!root_buffer) {
Pixmap root_pixmap = XCreatePixmap(
dpy, root, root_width, root_height,
DefaultDepth(dpy, scr));
root_buffer = XRenderCreatePicture(dpy, root_pixmap,
XRenderFindVisualFormat(dpy, DefaultVisual(dpy, scr)),
0, 0);
XFreePixmap(dpy, root_pixmap);
XFixesSetPictureClipRegion(dpy, root_buffer, 0, 0, region);
XFixesSetPictureClipRegion(dpy, root_picture, 0, 0, region);
dpy, PictOpSrc, black_picture, None,
root_picture, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
root_width, root_height);
for (w = t; w; w = w->prev_trans) {
int x, y, wid, hei;
@ -1161,6 +1107,10 @@ paint_all(Display *dpy, XserverRegion region) {
hei = w->a.height;
printf(" %#010lx", w->id);
// Allow shadow to be painted anywhere in the damaged region
XFixesSetPictureClipRegion(dpy, root_buffer, 0, 0, region);
@ -1226,8 +1176,15 @@ paint_all(Display *dpy, XserverRegion region) {
XFixesDestroyRegion(dpy, paint_reg);
check_fade_fin(dpy, w);
XFixesDestroyRegion(dpy, region);
if (root_buffer != root_picture) {
@ -1415,18 +1372,12 @@ map_win(Display *dpy, Window id,
w->a.map_state = IsViewable;
w->window_type = determine_wintype(dpy, w->id, w->id);
// Window type change could affect shadow
Bool shadow_old = w->shadow;
// Window type change could affect shadow and fade
determine_shadow(dpy, w);
if (w->shadow != shadow_old) {
calc_shadow_geometry(dpy, w);
if (w->extents) {
free_region(dpy, &w->extents);
w->extents = win_extents(dpy, w);
determine_fade(dpy, w);
// Determine mode here just in case the colormap changes
determine_mode(dpy, w);
printf("map_win(): window %#010lx type %s\n",
@ -1461,22 +1412,18 @@ map_win(Display *dpy, Window id,
// Fading in
calc_opacity(dpy, w, True);
calc_dim(dpy, w);
set_fade_callback(dpy, w, NULL, True);
determine_mode(dpy, w);
calc_dim(dpy, w);
w->damage_bounds.x = w->damage_bounds.y = 0;
w->damage_bounds.width = w->damage_bounds.height = 0;
w->damaged = 0;
w->damaged = 1;
if (fade && win_type_fade[w->window_type]) {
dpy, w, 0, get_opacity_percent(dpy, w),
fade_in_step, 0, True, True);
/* if any configure events happened while
the window was unmapped, then configure
@ -1508,12 +1455,10 @@ finish_unmap_win(Display *dpy, win *w) {
free_picture(dpy, &w->shadow_pict);
static void
unmap_callback(Display *dpy, win *w) {
finish_unmap_win(dpy, w);
static void
unmap_win(Display *dpy, Window id, Bool fade) {
@ -1523,6 +1468,10 @@ unmap_win(Display *dpy, Window id, Bool fade) {
w->a.map_state = IsUnmapped;
// Fading out
w->opacity_tgt = 0;
set_fade_callback(dpy, w, unmap_callback, False);
// don't care about properties anymore
// Will get BadWindow if the window is destroyed
set_ignore(dpy, NextRequest(dpy));
@ -1532,14 +1481,6 @@ unmap_win(Display *dpy, Window id, Bool fade) {
set_ignore(dpy, NextRequest(dpy));
XSelectInput(dpy, w->client_win, 0);
if (w->pixmap && fade && win_type_fade[w->window_type]) {
set_fade(dpy, w, get_opacity_percent(dpy, w), 0.0,
fade_out_step, unmap_callback, False, True);
} else
finish_unmap_win(dpy, w);
static opacity_t
@ -1594,15 +1535,6 @@ determine_mode(Display *dpy, win *w) {
add_damage_win(dpy, w);
static void
set_opacity(Display *dpy, win *w, opacity_t opacity) {
// Do nothing if the opacity does not change
if (w->opacity == opacity) return;
w->opacity = opacity;
determine_mode(dpy, w);
* Calculate and set the opacity of a window.
@ -1650,7 +1582,7 @@ calc_opacity(Display *dpy, win *w, Bool refetch_prop) {
opacity = inactive_opacity;
set_opacity(dpy, w, opacity);
w->opacity_tgt = opacity;
static void
@ -1670,11 +1602,32 @@ calc_dim(Display *dpy, win *w) {
* Determine if a window should have shadow.
* Determine if a window should fade on opacity change.
static void
determine_fade(Display *dpy, win *w) {
w->fade = win_type_fade[w->window_type];
* Determine if a window should have shadow, and update things depending
* on shadow state.
static void
determine_shadow(Display *dpy, win *w) {
Bool shadow_old = w->shadow;
w->shadow = win_type_shadow[w->window_type];
// Window extents need update on shadow state change
if (w->shadow != shadow_old) {
// Shadow geometry currently doesn't change on shadow state change
// calc_shadow_geometry(dpy, w);
if (w->extents) {
free_region(dpy, &w->extents);
w->extents = win_extents(dpy, w);
@ -1776,9 +1729,13 @@ add_win(Display *dpy, Window id, Window prev, Bool override_redirect) {
new->shadow_dy = 0;
new->shadow_width = 0;
new->shadow_height = 0;
new->opacity = OPAQUE;
new->opacity = 0;
new->opacity_tgt = 0;
new->opacity_cur = OPAQUE;
new->opacity_prop = OPAQUE;
new->fade = False;
new->fade_callback = NULL;
new->fade_fin = False;
new->alpha_pict = None;
new->frame_opacity = 1.0;
new->frame_opacity_cur = 1.0;
@ -1976,7 +1933,6 @@ finish_destroy_win(Display *dpy, Window id) {
free_picture(dpy, &w->shadow_pict);
free_damage(dpy, &w->damage);
cleanup_fade(dpy, w);
@ -1994,17 +1950,12 @@ static void
destroy_win(Display *dpy, Window id, Bool fade) {
win *w = find_win(dpy, id);
if (w) w->destroyed = True;
if (w) {
w->destroyed = True;
if (w && w->pixmap && fade && win_type_fade[w->window_type]) {
set_fade(dpy, w, get_opacity_percent(dpy, w),
0.0, fade_out_step, destroy_callback,
False, True);
} else
finish_destroy_win(dpy, id);
// Fading out the window
w->opacity_tgt = 0;
set_fade_callback(dpy, w, destroy_callback, False);
@ -2273,6 +2224,8 @@ ev_window(XEvent *ev) {
return ev->xcreatewindow.window;
case ConfigureNotify:
return ev->xconfigure.window;
case DestroyNotify:
return ev->xdestroywindow.window;
case MapNotify:
return ev->xmap.window;
case UnmapNotify:
@ -2748,6 +2701,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) {
double shadow_red = 0.0;
double shadow_green = 0.0;
double shadow_blue = 0.0;
win *t;
gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL);
@ -2792,16 +2746,10 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) {
case 'I':
fade_in_step = atof(optarg);
if (fade_in_step <= 0) {
fade_in_step = 0.01;
fade_in_step = normalize_d(atof(optarg)) * OPAQUE;
case 'O':
fade_out_step = atof(optarg);
if (fade_out_step <= 0) {
fade_out_step = 0.01;
fade_out_step = normalize_d(atof(optarg)) * OPAQUE;
case 'c':
for (i = 0; i < NUM_WINTYPES; ++i) {
@ -2882,6 +2830,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) {
track_focus = True;
fade_time = get_time_in_milliseconds();
dpy = XOpenDisplay(display);
if (!dpy) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open display\n");
@ -2994,13 +2944,13 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) {
ufd.fd = ConnectionNumber(dpy); = POLLIN;
paint_all(dpy, None);
t = paint_preprocess(dpy, list);
paint_all(dpy, None, t);
for (;;) {
do {
if (!QLength(dpy)) {
if (poll(&ufd, 1, fade_timeout()) == 0) {
@ -3009,9 +2959,10 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) {
ev_handle((XEvent *)&ev);
} while (QLength(dpy));
t = paint_preprocess(dpy, list);
if (all_damage) {
static int paint;
paint_all(dpy, all_damage);
paint_all(dpy, all_damage, t);
XSync(dpy, False);
all_damage = None;

@ -107,13 +107,12 @@ typedef struct _win {
Bool destroyed;
/// Cached width/height of the window including border.
int widthb, heightb;
unsigned int left_width;
unsigned int right_width;
unsigned int top_width;
unsigned int bottom_width;
// Opacity-related members
/// Current window opacity.
opacity_t opacity;
/// Target window opacity.
opacity_t opacity_tgt;
/// Opacity of current alpha_pict.
opacity_t opacity_cur;
/// Cached value of opacity window attribute.
@ -121,13 +120,26 @@ typedef struct _win {
/// Alpha mask Picture to render window with opacity.
Picture alpha_pict;
// Fading-related members
/// Do not fade if it's false. Change on window type change.
/// Used by fading blacklist in the future.
Bool fade;
/// Callback to be called after fading completed.
void (*fade_callback) (Display *dpy, struct _win *w);
/// Whether fading is finished.
Bool fade_fin;
// Frame-opacity-related members
/// Current window frame opacity. Affected by window opacity.
double frame_opacity;
/// Opacity of current frame_alpha_pict.
opacity_t frame_opacity_cur;
/// Alpha mask Picture to render window frame with opacity.
Picture frame_alpha_pict;
/// Frame widths. Determined by client window attributes.
unsigned int left_width, right_width, top_width, bottom_width;
// Shadow-related members
/// Whether a window has shadow. Affected by window type.
Bool shadow;
/// Opacity of the shadow. Affected by window opacity and frame opacity.
@ -146,6 +158,7 @@ typedef struct _win {
/// shadow opacity.
Picture shadow_pict;
// Dim-related members
/// Whether the window is to be dimmed.
Bool dim;
@ -165,16 +178,6 @@ typedef struct _conv {
double *data;
} conv;
typedef struct _fade {
struct _fade *next;
win *w;
double cur;
double finish;
double step;
void (*callback) (Display *dpy, win *w);
Display *dpy;
} fade;
typedef enum {
@ -217,16 +220,30 @@ normalize_i_range(int i, int min, int max) {
return i;
* Normalize a double value to a specific range.
* @param d double value to normalize
* @param min minimal value
* @param max maximum value
* @return normalized value
static inline double
normalize_d_range(double d, double min, double max) {
if (d > max) return max;
if (d < min) return min;
return d;
* Normalize a double value to 0.\ 0 - 1.\ 0.
* @param d double value to normalize
* @return normalized value
static inline double
normalize_d(double d) {
if (d > 1.0) return 1.0;
if (d < 0.0) return 0.0;
return d;
return normalize_d_range(d, 0.0, 1.0);
@ -388,32 +405,33 @@ win_get_children(Display *dpy, Window w,
return True;
static int
static unsigned long
static fade *
find_fade(win *w);
static void
dequeue_fade(Display *dpy, fade *f);
static void
cleanup_fade(Display *dpy, win *w);
static int
static void
enqueue_fade(Display *dpy, fade *f);
run_fade(Display *dpy, win *w, unsigned steps);
static void
set_fade(Display *dpy, win *w, double start,
double finish, double step,
void(*callback) (Display *dpy, win *w),
Bool exec_callback, Bool override);
set_fade_callback(Display *dpy, win *w,
void (*callback) (Display *dpy, win *w), Bool exec_callback);
static int
* Execute fade callback of a window if fading finished.
static inline void
check_fade_fin(Display *dpy, win *w) {
if (w->fade_fin) {
set_fade_callback(dpy, w, NULL, True);
w->fade_fin = False;
static void
run_fades(Display *dpy);
set_fade_callback(Display *dpy, win *w,
void (*callback) (Display *dpy, win *w), Bool exec_callback);
static double
gaussian(double r, double x, double y);
@ -476,8 +494,11 @@ get_frame_extents(Display *dpy, Window w,
unsigned int *top,
unsigned int *bottom);
static win *
paint_preprocess(Display *dpy, win *list);
static void
paint_all(Display *dpy, XserverRegion region);
paint_all(Display *dpy, XserverRegion region, win *t);
static void
add_damage(Display *dpy, XserverRegion damage);
@ -516,15 +537,15 @@ get_opacity_percent(Display *dpy, win *w);
static void
determine_mode(Display *dpy, win *w);
static void
set_opacity(Display *dpy, win *w, opacity_t opacity);
static void
calc_opacity(Display *dpy, win *w, Bool refetch_prop);
static void
calc_dim(Display *dpy, win *w);
static void
determine_fade(Display *dpy, win *w);
static void
determine_shadow(Display *dpy, win *w);
