You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

336 lines
10 KiB

This file is part of Konsole, an X terminal.
Copyright (C) 1997,1998 by Lars Doelle <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA.
#ifndef TE_WIDGET_H
#define TE_WIDGET_H
#include <tqbitarray.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqkeycode.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqscrollbar.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include "TECommon.h"
extern unsigned short vt100_graphics[32];
class Konsole;
class QLabel;
class QTimer;
class TEWidget : public QFrame
// a widget representing attributed text
friend class Konsole;
TEWidget(TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
virtual ~TEWidget();
void setBlendColor(const QRgb color) { blend_color = color; }
void setDefaultBackColor(const TQColor& color);
TQColor getDefaultBackColor();
const ColorEntry* getColorTable() const;
void setColorTable(const ColorEntry table[]);
void setScrollbarLocation(int loc);
int getScrollbarLocation() { return scrollLoc; }
void setScroll(int cursor, int lines);
void doScroll(int lines);
bool blinkingCursor() { return hasBlinkingCursor; }
void setBlinkingCursor(bool blink);
void setCtrlDrag(bool enable) { ctrldrag=enable; }
bool ctrlDrag() { return ctrldrag; }
void setCutToBeginningOfLine(bool enable) { cuttobeginningofline=enable; }
bool cutToBeginningOfLine() { return cuttobeginningofline; }
void setLineSpacing(uint);
uint lineSpacing() const;
void emitSelection(bool useXselection,bool appendReturn);
void emitText(TQString text);
void setImage(const ca* const newimg, int lines, int columns);
void setLineWrapped(TQBitArray line_wrapped) { m_line_wrapped=line_wrapped; }
void setCursorPos(const int curx, const int cury);
int Lines() { return lines; }
int Columns() { return columns; }
int fontHeight() { return font_h; }
int fontWidth() { return font_w; }
void calcGeometry();
void propagateSize();
void updateImageSize();
void setSize(int cols, int lins);
void setFixedSize(int cols, int lins);
TQSize sizeHint() const;
void setWordCharacters(TQString wc);
TQString wordCharacters() { return word_characters; }
void setBellMode(int mode);
int bellMode() { return m_bellMode; }
void Bell(bool visibleSession, TQString message);
void setSelection(const TQString &t);
* Reimplemented. Has no effect. Use setVTFont() to change the font
* used to draw characters in the display.
virtual void setFont(const TQFont &);
/** Returns the font used to draw characters in the display */
TQFont getVTFont() { return font(); }
* Sets the font used to draw the display. Has no effect if @p font
* is larger than the size of the display itself.
void setVTFont(const TQFont& font);
void setMouseMarks(bool on);
static void setAntialias( bool enable ) { s_antialias = enable; }
static bool antialias() { return s_antialias; }
static void setStandalone( bool standalone ) { s_standalone = standalone; }
static bool standalone() { return s_standalone; }
void setTerminalSizeHint(bool on) { terminalSizeHint=on; }
bool isTerminalSizeHint() { return terminalSizeHint; }
void setTerminalSizeStartup(bool on) { terminalSizeStartup=on; }
void setBidiEnabled(bool set) { bidiEnabled=set; }
bool isBidiEnabled() { return bidiEnabled; }
void print(TQPainter &paint, bool friendly, bool exact);
void setRim(int rim) { rimX=rim; rimY=rim; }
public slots:
void setSelectionEnd();
void copyClipboard();
void pasteClipboard();
void pasteSelection();
void onClearSelection();
void keyPressedSignal(TQKeyEvent *e);
void mouseSignal(int cb, int cx, int cy);
void changedFontMetricSignal(int height, int width);
void changedContentSizeSignal(int height, int width);
void changedHistoryCursor(int value);
void configureRequest( TEWidget*, int state, int x, int y );
void copySelectionSignal();
void clearSelectionSignal();
void beginSelectionSignal( const int x, const int y, const bool columnmode );
void extendSelectionSignal( const int x, const int y );
void endSelectionSignal(const bool preserve_line_breaks);
void isBusySelecting(bool);
void testIsSelected(const int x, const int y, bool &selected /* result */);
void sendStringToEmu(const char*);
virtual void styleChange( TQStyle& );
bool eventFilter( TQObject *, TQEvent * );
bool event( TQEvent * );
void drawTextFixed(TQPainter &paint, int x, int y,
TQString& str, const ca *attr);
void drawAttrStr(TQPainter &paint, TQRect rect,
TQString& str, const ca *attr, bool pm, bool clear);
void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * );
void paintContents(TQPainter &paint, const TQRect &rect, bool pm=false);
void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent*);
void fontChange(const TQFont &font);
void frameChanged();
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent* ev);
void mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* );
void mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent* );
void mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent* );
void extendSelection( TQPoint pos );
void wheelEvent( TQWheelEvent* );
void focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent * );
void focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent * );
bool focusNextPrevChild( bool next );
// Dnd
void dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent* event);
void dropEvent(TQDropEvent* event);
void doDrag();
enum DragState { diNone, diPending, diDragging };
struct _dragInfo {
DragState state;
TQPoint start;
TQTextDrag *dragObject;
} dragInfo;
virtual int charClass(UINT16) const;
void clearImage();
void mouseTripleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent* ev);
void imStartEvent( TQIMEvent *e );
void imComposeEvent( TQIMEvent *e );
void imEndEvent( TQIMEvent *e );
protected slots:
void scrollChanged(int value);
void blinkEvent();
void blinkCursorEvent();
// TQChar (*fontMap)(TQChar); // possible vt100 font extension
bool fixed_font; // has fixed pitch
int font_h; // height
int font_w; // width
int font_a; // ascend
int bX; // offset
int bY; // offset
int lines;
int columns;
int contentHeight;
int contentWidth;
ca *image; // [lines][columns]
int image_size;
TQBitArray m_line_wrapped;
ColorEntry color_table[TABLE_COLORS];
TQColor defaultBgColor;
bool resizing;
bool terminalSizeHint,terminalSizeStartup;
bool bidiEnabled;
bool mouse_marks;
void makeImage();
TQPoint iPntSel; // initial selection point
TQPoint pntSel; // current selection point
TQPoint tripleSelBegin; // help avoid flicker
int actSel; // selection state
bool word_selection_mode;
bool line_selection_mode;
bool preserve_line_breaks;
bool column_selection_mode;
QClipboard* cb;
TQScrollBar* scrollbar;
int scrollLoc;
TQString word_characters;
TQTimer bellTimer; //used to rate-limit bell events. started when a bell event occurs,
//and prevents further bell events until it stops
int m_bellMode;
bool blinking; // hide text in paintEvent
bool hasBlinker; // has characters to blink
bool cursorBlinking; // hide cursor in paintEvent
bool hasBlinkingCursor; // has blinking cursor enabled
bool ctrldrag; // require Ctrl key for drag
bool cuttobeginningofline; // triple click only selects forward
bool isBlinkEvent; // paintEvent due to blinking.
bool isPrinting; // Paint job is intended for printer
bool printerFriendly; // paint printer friendly, save ink
bool printerBold; // Use a bold font instead of overstrike for bold
bool isFixedSize; //Columns / lines are locked.
TQTimer* blinkT; // active when hasBlinker
TQTimer* blinkCursorT; // active when hasBlinkingCursor
KPopupMenu* m_drop;
TQString dropText;
int m_dnd_file_count;
bool possibleTripleClick; // is set in mouseDoubleClickEvent and deleted
// after TQApplication::doubleClickInterval() delay
static bool s_antialias; // do we antialias or not
static bool s_standalone; // are we part of a standalone konsole?
TQFrame *mResizeWidget;
TQLabel *mResizeLabel;
TQTimer *mResizeTimer;
uint m_lineSpacing;
TQRect cursorRect; //for quick changing of cursor
TQPoint configureRequestPoint; // remember right mouse button click position
bool colorsSwapped; // true during visual bell
// the rim should normally be 1, 0 only when running in full screen mode.
int rimX; // left/right rim width
int rimY; // top/bottom rim high
TQSize m_size;
TQString m_imPreeditText;
int m_imPreeditLength;
int m_imStart;
int m_imStartLine;
int m_imEnd;
int m_imSelStart;
int m_imSelEnd;
int m_cursorLine;
int m_cursorCol;
bool m_isIMEdit;
bool m_isIMSel;
QRgb blend_color;
private slots:
void drop_menu_activated(int item);
void swapColorTable();
void tripleClickTimeout(); // resets possibleTripleClick
#endif // TE_WIDGET_H