You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

577 lines
19 KiB

/* -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2000 Dawit Alemayehu <>
Copyright (C) 2000 Malte Starostik <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kprotocolinfo.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include "kshorturifilter.h"
#define FQDN_PATTERN "(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9+-]*\\.[a-zA-Z]+)"
#define IPv4_PATTERN "[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}(?:\\.[0-9]{0,3})?(?:\\.[0-9]{0,3})?"
#define IPv6_PATTERN "^\\[.*\\]"
#define ENV_VAR_PATTERN "\\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
#define QFL1(x) TQString::fromLatin1(x)
* If you change anything here, please run the regression test
* tdelibs/kio/tests/kurifiltertest.
* If you add anything here, make sure to add a corresponding
* test code to tdelibs/kio/tests/kurifiltertest.
typedef TQMap<TQString,TQString> EntryMap;
static bool isValidShortURL( const TQString& cmd, bool verbose = false )
// Examples of valid short URLs:
// "", "", ""
// "", ""
// "[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]"
TQRegExp exp;
exp.setPattern( QFL1(FQDN_PATTERN) );
if ( cmd.contains( exp ) )
if (verbose)
kdDebug() << "KShortURIFilter::isValidShortURL: " << cmd
<< " matches FQDN_PATTERN" << endl;
// bug 133687
#if 0
// stuff like wallpaper.png matches the FQDN_PATTERN but is most
// likely not a domain
if (KMimeType::findByPath(cmd, 0, true /* fast mode */) != KMimeType::defaultMimeTypePtr())
return false;
return true;
// Match IPv4 addresses
exp.setPattern( QFL1(IPv4_PATTERN) );
if ( cmd.contains( exp ) )
if (verbose)
kdDebug() << "KShortURIFilter::isValidShortURL: " << cmd
<< " matches IPv4_PATTERN" << endl;
return true;
// Match IPv6 addresses
exp.setPattern( QFL1(IPv6_PATTERN) );
if ( cmd.contains( exp ) )
if (verbose)
kdDebug() << "KShortURIFilter::isValidShortURL: " << cmd
<< " matches IPv6_PATTERN" << endl;
return true;
if (verbose)
kdDebug() << "KShortURIFilter::isValidShortURL: '" << cmd
<< "' is not a short URL." << endl;
return false;
static TQString removeArgs( const TQString& _cmd )
TQString cmd( _cmd );
if( cmd[0] != '\'' && cmd[0] != '"' )
// Remove command-line options (look for first non-escaped space)
int spacePos = 0;
spacePos = cmd.find( ' ', spacePos+1 );
} while ( spacePos > 1 && cmd[spacePos - 1] == '\\' );
if( spacePos > 0 )
cmd = cmd.left( spacePos );
//kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "spacePos=" << spacePos << " returning " << cmd << endl;
return cmd;
KShortURIFilter::KShortURIFilter( TQObject *parent, const char *name,
const TQStringList & /*args*/ )
:KURIFilterPlugin( parent, name ? name : "kshorturifilter", 1.0),
bool KShortURIFilter::filterURI( KURIFilterData& data ) const
* Here is a description of how the shortURI deals with the supplied
* data. First it expands any environment variable settings and then
* deals with special shortURI cases. These special cases are the "smb:"
* URL scheme which is very specific to KDE, "#" and "##" which are
* shortcuts for man:/ and info:/ protocols respectively. It then handles
* local files. Then it checks to see if the URL is valid and one that is
* supported by KDE's IO system. If all the above checks fails, it simply
* lookups the URL in the user-defined list and returns without filtering
* if it is not found. TODO: the user-defined table is currently only manually
* hackable and is missing a config dialog.
KURL url = data.uri();
TQString cmd = data.typedString();
bool isMalformed = !url.isValid();
//kdDebug() << "url=" << url.url() << " cmd=" << cmd << " isMalformed=" << isMalformed << endl;
if (!isMalformed &&
(url.protocol().length() == 4) &&
(url.protocol() != TQString::fromLatin1("http")) &&
(url.protocol()[0]=='h') &&
(url.protocol()[1]==url.protocol()[2]) &&
// Handle "encrypted" URLs like: h++p://
url.setProtocol( TQString::fromLatin1("http"));
setFilteredURI( data, url);
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::NET_PROTOCOL );
return true;
// TODO: Make this a bit more intelligent for Minicli! There
// is no need to make comparisons if the supplied data is a local
// executable and only the argument part, if any, changed! (Dawit)
// You mean caching the last filtering, to try and reuse it, to save stat()s? (David)
const TQString starthere_proto = QFL1("start-here:");
if (cmd.find(starthere_proto, 0, true) == 0 )
setFilteredURI( data, KURL("system:/") );
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::LOCAL_DIR );
return true;
// Handle MAN & INFO pages shortcuts...
const TQString man_proto = QFL1("man:");
const TQString info_proto = QFL1("info:");
if( cmd[0] == '#' ||
cmd.find( man_proto, 0, true ) == 0 ||
cmd.find( info_proto, 0, true ) == 0 )
if( cmd.left(2) == QFL1("##") )
cmd = QFL1("info:/") + cmd.mid(2);
else if ( cmd[0] == '#' )
cmd = QFL1("man:/") + cmd.mid(1);
else if ((cmd==info_proto) || (cmd==man_proto))
setFilteredURI( data, KURL( cmd ));
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::HELP );
return true;
// Detect UNC style (aka windows SMB) URLs
if ( cmd.startsWith( TQString::fromLatin1( "\\\\") ) )
// make sure path is unix style
cmd.replace('\\', '/');
cmd.prepend( TQString::fromLatin1( "smb:" ) );
setFilteredURI( data, KURL( cmd ));
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::NET_PROTOCOL );
return true;
bool expanded = false;
// Expanding shortcut to HOME URL...
TQString path;
TQString ref;
TQString query;
TQString nameFilter;
if (KURL::isRelativeURL(cmd) && TQDir::isRelativePath(cmd)) {
path = cmd;
if (url.isLocalFile())
// Split path from ref/query if the path exists
// but not for "/tmp/a#b", if "a#b" is an existing file,
// or for "/tmp/a?b" (#58990)
if ( ( url.hasRef() || !url.query().isEmpty() ) // avoid the calling exists() when not needed
&& TQFile::exists(url.path())
&& !url.path().endsWith(QFL1("/")) ) // /tmp/?foo is a namefilter, not a query
path = url.path();
ref = url.ref();
query = url.query();
if (path.isEmpty() && url.hasHost())
path = '/';
path = cmd;
if( path[0] == '~' )
int slashPos = path.find('/');
if( slashPos == -1 )
slashPos = path.length();
if( slashPos == 1 ) // ~/
path.replace ( 0, 1, TQDir::homeDirPath() );
else // ~username/
TQString user = path.mid( 1, slashPos-1 );
struct passwd *dir = getpwnam(user.local8Bit().data());
if( dir && strlen(dir->pw_dir) )
path.replace (0, slashPos, TQString::fromLocal8Bit(dir->pw_dir));
TQString msg = dir ? i18n("<qt><b>%1</b> does not have a home folder.</qt>").arg(user) :
i18n("<qt>There is no user called <b>%1</b>.</qt>").arg(user);
setErrorMsg( data, msg );
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::ERROR );
// Always return true for error conditions so
// that other filters will not be invoked !!
return true;
expanded = true;
else if ( path[0] == '$' ) {
// Environment variable expansion.
if ( path ) == 0 )
const char* exp = getenv( path.mid( 1, r.matchedLength() - 1 ).local8Bit().data() );
path.replace( 0, r.matchedLength(), TQString::fromLocal8Bit(exp) );
expanded = true;
if ( expanded )
// Look for #ref again, after $ and ~ expansion (testcase: $QTDIR/doc/html/functions.html#s)
// Can't use KURL here, setPath would escape it...
int pos = path.find('#');
if ( pos > -1 )
ref = path.mid( pos + 1 );
path = path.left( pos );
//kdDebug() << "Extracted ref: path=" << path << " ref=" << ref << endl;
bool isLocalFullPath = (!path.isEmpty() && path[0] == '/');
// Checking for local resource match...
// Determine if "uri" is an absolute path to a local resource OR
// A local resource with a supplied absolute path in KURIFilterData
TQString abs_path = data.absolutePath();
bool canBeAbsolute = (isMalformed && !abs_path.isEmpty());
bool canBeLocalAbsolute = (canBeAbsolute && abs_path[0] =='/');
bool exists = false;
/*kdDebug() << "abs_path=" << abs_path << " malformed=" << isMalformed
<< " canBeLocalAbsolute=" << canBeLocalAbsolute << endl;*/
struct stat buff;
if ( canBeLocalAbsolute )
TQString abs = TQDir::cleanDirPath( abs_path );
// combine absolute path (abs_path) and relative path (cmd) into abs_path
int len = path.length();
if( (len==1 && path[0]=='.') || (len==2 && path[0]=='.' && path[1]=='.') )
path += '/';
//kdDebug() << "adding " << abs << " and " << path << endl;
abs = TQDir::cleanDirPath(abs + '/' + path);
//kdDebug() << "checking whether " << abs << " exists." << endl;
// Check if it exists
if( stat( TQFile::encodeName(abs).data(), &buff ) == 0 )
path = abs; // yes -> store as the new cmd
exists = true;
isLocalFullPath = true;
if( isLocalFullPath && !exists )
exists = ( stat( TQFile::encodeName(path).data() , &buff ) == 0 );
if ( !exists ) {
// Support for name filter (/foo/*.txt), see also KonqMainWindow::detectNameFilter
// If the app using this filter doesn't support it, well, it'll simply error out itself
int lastSlash = path.findRev( '/' );
if ( lastSlash > -1 && path.find( ' ', lastSlash ) == -1 ) // no space after last slash, otherwise it's more likely command-line arguments
TQString fileName = path.mid( lastSlash + 1 );
TQString testPath = path.left( lastSlash + 1 );
if ( ( fileName.find( '*' ) != -1 || fileName.find( '[' ) != -1 || fileName.find( '?' ) != -1 )
&& stat( TQFile::encodeName(testPath).data(), &buff ) == 0 )
nameFilter = fileName;
kdDebug() << "Setting nameFilter to " << nameFilter << endl;
path = testPath;
exists = true;
//kdDebug() << "path =" << path << " isLocalFullPath=" << isLocalFullPath << " exists=" << exists << endl;
if( exists )
if (kapp && !kapp->authorizeURLAction( TQString::fromLatin1("open"), KURL(), u))
// No authorisation, we pretend it's a file will get
// an access denied error later on.
setFilteredURI( data, u );
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::LOCAL_FILE );
return true;
// Can be abs path to file or directory, or to executable with args
bool isDir = S_ISDIR( buff.st_mode );
if( !isDir && access ( TQFile::encodeName(path).data(), X_OK) == 0 )
// ::access() is not always correct, especially on network file systems
// Verify that we actually have at least one execute permission bit set before flagging the file as executable...
struct stat buffer;
int status;
status = stat(TQFile::encodeName(path).data(), &buffer);
if (status == 0) {
bool is_executable = false;
int file_mode = ((buffer.st_mode & S_IRWXU) >> 6); // User
if (file_mode & 0x1) is_executable = true;
file_mode = file_mode + ((buffer.st_mode & S_IRWXG) >> 3); // Group
if (file_mode & 0x1) is_executable = true;
file_mode = file_mode + ((buffer.st_mode & S_IRWXO) >> 0); // Other
if (file_mode & 0x1) is_executable = true;
if (is_executable == true) {
//kdDebug() << "Abs path to EXECUTABLE" << endl;
setFilteredURI( data, u );
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::EXECUTABLE );
return true;
else {
//kdDebug() << "Abs path to EXECUTABLE" << endl;
setFilteredURI( data, u );
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::EXECUTABLE );
return true;
// Open "uri" as file:/xxx if it is a non-executable local resource.
if( isDir || S_ISREG( buff.st_mode ) )
//kdDebug() << "Abs path as local file or directory" << endl;
if ( !nameFilter.isEmpty() )
u.setFileName( nameFilter );
setFilteredURI( data, u );
setURIType( data, ( isDir ) ? KURIFilterData::LOCAL_DIR : KURIFilterData::LOCAL_FILE );
return true;
// Should we return LOCAL_FILE for non-regular files too?
kdDebug() << "File found, but not a regular file nor dir... socket?" << endl;
// Let us deal with possible relative URLs to see
// if it is executable under the user's $PATH variable.
// We try hard to avoid parsing any possible command
// line arguments or options that might have been supplied.
TQString exe = removeArgs( cmd );
//kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "findExe with " << exe << endl;
if( data.checkForExecutables() && !KStandardDirs::findExe( exe ).isNull() )
//kdDebug() << "EXECUTABLE exe=" << exe << endl;
setFilteredURI( data, KURL( exe ));
// check if we have command line arguments
if( exe != cmd )
setArguments(data, cmd.right(cmd.length() - exe.length()));
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::EXECUTABLE );
return true;
// Process URLs of known and supported protocols so we don't have
// to resort to the pattern matching scheme below which can possibly
// be slow things down...
if ( !isMalformed && !isLocalFullPath )
const TQStringList protocols = KProtocolInfo::protocols();
for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = protocols.begin(); it != protocols.end(); ++it )
if( (url.protocol() == *it) )
setFilteredURI( data, url );
if ( *it == QFL1("man") || *it == QFL1("help") )
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::HELP );
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::NET_PROTOCOL );
return true;
// Okay this is the code that allows users to supply custom matches for
// specific URLs using Qt's regexp class. This is hard-coded for now.
// TODO: Make configurable at some point...
if ( !cmd.contains( ' ' ) )
TQValueList<URLHint>::ConstIterator it;
for( it = m_urlHints.begin(); it != m_urlHints.end(); ++it )
TQRegExp match( (*it).regexp );
if ( cmd, 0 ) == 0 )
//kdDebug() << "match - prepending " << (*it).prepend << endl;
cmd.prepend( (*it).prepend );
setFilteredURI( data, KURL( cmd ) );
setURIType( data, (*it).type );
return true;
// If cmd is NOT a local resource, check if it is a valid "shortURL"
// candidate and append the default protocol the user supplied. (DA)
if ( isMalformed && isValidShortURL(cmd, m_bVerbose) )
if (m_bVerbose)
kdDebug() << "Valid short url, from malformed url -> using default proto="
<< m_strDefaultProtocol << endl;
cmd.insert( 0, m_strDefaultProtocol );
setFilteredURI( data, KURL( cmd ));
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::NET_PROTOCOL );
return true;
// If we previously determined that the URL might be a file,
// and if it doesn't exist, then error
if( isLocalFullPath && !exists )
if (kapp && !kapp->authorizeURLAction( TQString::fromLatin1("open"), KURL(), u))
// No authorisation, we pretend it exists and will get
// an access denied error later on.
setFilteredURI( data, u );
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::LOCAL_FILE );
return true;
//kdDebug() << "fileNotFound -> ERROR" << endl;
setErrorMsg( data, i18n( "<qt>The file or folder <b>%1</b> does not exist." ).arg( data.uri().prettyURL() ) );
setURIType( data, KURIFilterData::ERROR );
return true;
// If we reach this point, we cannot filter this thing so simply return false
// so that other filters, if present, can take a crack at it.
return false;
TDECModule* KShortURIFilter::configModule( TQWidget*, const char* ) const
return 0; //new KShortURIOptions( parent, name );
TQString KShortURIFilter::configName() const
return i18n("&ShortURLs");
void KShortURIFilter::configure()
TDEConfig config( name() + QFL1("rc"), false, false );
m_bVerbose = config.readBoolEntry( "Verbose", false );
if ( m_bVerbose )
kdDebug() << "KShortURIFilter::configure: Config reload request..." << endl;
m_strDefaultProtocol = config.readEntry( "DefaultProtocol", QFL1("http://") );
EntryMap patterns = config.entryMap( QFL1("Pattern") );
const EntryMap protocols = config.entryMap( QFL1("Protocol") );
for( EntryMap::Iterator it = patterns.begin(); it != patterns.end(); ++it )
TQString protocol = protocols[it.key()];
if (!protocol.isEmpty())
int type = config.readNumEntry(it.key(), -1);
if (type > -1 && type <= KURIFilterData::UNKNOWN)
m_urlHints.append( URLHint(, protocol, static_cast<KURIFilterData::URITypes>(type) ) );
m_urlHints.append( URLHint(, protocol) );
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libkshorturifilter,
KGenericFactory<KShortURIFilter>( "kcmkurifilt" ) )
#include "kshorturifilter.moc"