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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kcfg xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" >
<kcfgfile arg="true"/>
<group name="General">
<entry key="UseGlobalSettings" type="Bool" >
<label>Use the global (floating) taskbar configuration</label>
<whatsthis>Turning this option off will cause the taskbar to ignore the global (floating) taskbar configuration, instead using a specific configuration for that particular taskbar.</whatsthis>
<entry key="ShowAllWindows" type="Bool" >
<label>Show windows from all desktops</label>
<whatsthis>Turning this option off will cause the taskbar to display <b>only</b> the windows on the current desktop. \n\nBy default, this option is selected and all windows are shown.</whatsthis>
<entry key="CycleWheel" type="Bool" >
<label>Cycle through windows with mouse wheel</label>
<whatsthis>Enabling this option causes the taskbar to cycle through the current list of windows when using the mouse wheel</whatsthis>
<entry key="ShowOnlyIconified" type="Bool" >
<label>Show only minimized windows</label>
<whatsthis>Select this option if you want the taskbar to display <b>only</b> minimized windows. \n\nBy default, this option is not selected and the taskbar will show all windows.</whatsthis>
<entry key="GroupTasks" type="Enum" >
<choice name="GroupNever">
<choice name="GroupWhenFull">
<label>When Taskbar Full</label>
<choice name="GroupAlways">
<label>Group similar tasks:</label>
<whatsthis>The taskbar can group similar windows into single buttons. When one of these window group buttons are clicked on a menu appears showing all the windows in that group. This can be especially useful with the <em>Show all windows</em> option.\n\nYou can set the taskbar to <strong>Never</strong> group windows, to <strong>Always</strong> group windows or to group windows only <strong>When the Taskbar is Full</strong>.\n\nBy default the taskbar groups windows when it is full.</whatsthis>
<entry key="ShowTaskStates" type="Enum" >
<choice name="ShowAll">
<choice name="ShowStopped">
<label>Only Stopped</label>
<choice name="ShowRunning">
<label>Only Running</label>
<label>Show tasks with state:</label>
<whatsthis>The taskbar can show and/or hide tasks based on their current process state. Select <em>Any</em> to show all tasks regardless of current state.</whatsthis>
<entry key="SortByDesktop" type="Bool" >
<label>Sort windows by desktop</label>
<whatsthis>Selecting this option causes the taskbar to show windows in order of the desktop they appear on.\n\nBy default this option is selected.</whatsthis>
<entry key="SortByApp" type="Bool" >
<label>Sort windows by application</label>
<whatsthis>Selecting this option causes the taskbar to show windows ordered by application.\n\nBy default this option is selected.</whatsthis>
<entry key="ShowIcon" type="Bool" >
<label>Show application icons</label>
<whatsthis>Select this option if you want window icons to appear along with their titles in the taskbar.\n\nBy default this option is selected.</whatsthis>
<entry key="MaximumButtonWidth" type="Int" >
<entry key="MinimumButtonHeight" type="Int" >
<entry key="ShowCurrentScreenOnly" type="Bool" >
<label>Show windows from all screens</label>
<whatsthis>Turning this option off will cause the taskbar to display <b>only</b> windows which are on the same Xinerama screen as the taskbar.\n\nBy default, this option is selected and all windows are shown.</whatsthis>
<entry key="taskbarFont" type="Font" >
<entry key="ShowWindowListBtn" type="Bool" >
<label>Show window list button</label>
<whatsthis>Selecting this option causes the taskbar to display a button that, when clicked, shows a list of all windows in a popup menu.</whatsthis>
<entry key="$(Button)Action" type="Enum" >
<parameter name="Button" type="Enum">
<choice name="ShowTaskList">
<label>Show Task List</label>
<choice name="ShowOperationsMenu">
<label>Show Operations Menu</label>
<choice name="ActivateRaiseOrMinimize">
<label>Activate, Raise or Minimize Task</label>
<choice name="Activate">
<label>Activate Task</label>
<choice name="Raise">
<label>Raise Task</label>
<choice name="Lower">
<label>Lower Task</label>
<choice name="Minimize">
<label>Minimize Task</label>
<choice name="ToCurrentDesktop">
<label>Move To Current Desktop</label>
<choice name="Close">
<label>Close Task</label>
<default param="LeftButton">ShowTaskList</default>
<default param="MiddleButton">ActivateRaiseOrMinimize</default>
<default param="RightButton">ShowOperationsMenu</default>
<label>Mouse button actions</label>
<group name="Appearance">
<entry key="AttentionBlinkIterations" type="Int">
<label>The number of times to blink a taskbar button when a window asks for attention. Setting this to 1000 or greater causes the button to blink forever.</label>
<entry key="DrawButtons" type="Bool" >
<label>Draw taskbar entries "flat" and not as a button</label>
<whatsthis>Turning this option on will cause the taskbar to draw visible button frames for each entry in the taskbar. \n\nBy default, this option is off.</whatsthis>
<entry key="HaloText" type="Bool" >
<label>Draw taskbar text with a halo around it</label>
<whatsthis>Turning this option on will cause the taskbar to draw fancier text that has an outline around it. While this is useful for transparent panels or particularly dark panel backgrounds, it is slower.</whatsthis>
<entry key="ShowButtonOnHover" type="Bool" >
<label>Show a visible button frame on the task the cursor is positioned over</label>
<entry key="ShowThumbnails" type="Bool" >
<label>Show thumbnails instead of icons in the mouse-over effects</label>
<whatsthis>Enabling this option will draw a thumbnail of the window in its mouse-over effect.<p>If a window is minimized or resides on a different desktop while the taskbar is starting, an icon is shown until the window is restored or the appropriate desktop is activated, respectively.</p></whatsthis>
<entry key="ThumbnailMaxDimension" type="UInt" >
<label>Maximum width/height of the thumbnail in pixels</label>
<whatsthis>A thumbnail is created by resizing the window. The scaling factor is determined by its largest dimension and this value. In doing so, the thumbnail's size will not exceed this value in any dimension.</whatsthis>
<entry key="UseCustomColors" type="Bool" >
<label>Use custom colors for taskbar buttons text and background</label>
<whatsthis>Turning this option on will allow choosing your own colors for taskbar buttons text and background.</whatsthis>
<entry name="ActiveTaskTextColor" type="Color" >
<label>Color to use for active task button text</label>
<default code="true">QColor()</default>
<whatsthis>This color is used for displaying text on taskbar button for task which is active at the moment.</whatsthis>
<entry name="InactiveTaskTextColor" type="Color" >
<label>Color to use for inactive tasks button text</label>
<default code="true">QColor()</default>
<whatsthis>This color is used for displaying text on taskbar button for tasks other than active.</whatsthis>
<entry name="TaskBackgroundColor" type="Color" >
<label>Color to use for taskbar buttons background</label>
<default code="true">QColor()</default>
<whatsthis>This color is used for displaying background of taskbar buttons.</whatsthis>