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Article 2317 of comp.terminals:
From: (Simon Chan)
Newsgroups: comp.terminals
Subject: INFO for VT100 !!!!!!!!
Date: 27 Apr 1994 23:30:09 -0400
Organization: Univ of S. Carolina, ECE Dept
Lines: 153
Message-ID: <chan.767503605@riker>
So I am posting this once again.....
------------------------------<Cut Here>---------------------------------------
Taken from VT100 Programming Reference Card (DIGITAL)
ANSI Compatible Mode
Cursor Movement Commands
Cursor up ESC [ Pn A
Cursor down ESC [ Pn B
Cursor forward (right) ESC [ Pn C
Cursor backward (left) ESC [ Pn D
Direct cursor addressing ESC [ Pl; Pc H or
ESC [ Pl; Pc f
Index ESC D
Next Line ESC E
Reverse index ESC M
Save cursor and attributes ESC 7
Restore cursor and attributes ESC 8
* Pn = decimal parameter in string of ASCII digits.(default 1)
* Pl = line number (default 0); Pc = column number (default 0)
Line Size (Double-Height and Double-Width) Commands
Change this line to double-height top half ESC # 3
Change this line to double-height bottom half ESC # 4
Change this line to single-width single-height ESC # 5
Change this line to double-width single-height ESC # 6
Character Attributes
ESC [ Ps;Ps;Ps;...,Ps m
Ps = 0 or None All Attributes Off
1 Bold on
4 Underscore on
5 Blink on
7 Reverse video on
Any other parameter values are ignored.
From cursor to end of line ESC [ K or ESC [ 0 K
From beginning of line to cursor ESC [ 1 K
Entire line containing cursor ESC [ 2 K
From cursor to end of screen ESC [ J or ESC [ 0 J
From beginning of screen to cursor ESC [ 1 J
Entire screen ESC [ 2 J
Programmable LEDs
ESC [ Ps;Ps;...Ps q
Ps = 0 or None All LEDs Off
1 L1 on
2 L2 on
3 L3 on
4 L4 on
Any other parameter values are ignored.
Character Set (G0 and G1 Designators)
Charactor Set G0 Designator G1 Designator
United Kingdom (UK) ESC ( A ESC ) A
United States (USASCII) ESC ( B ESC ) B
Special graphics characters ESC ( 0 ESC ) 0
and line drawing set
Alternate character ROM ESC ( 1 ESC ) 1
Alternate character ROM ESC ( 2 ESC ) 2
special graphics characters
Scrolling Region
ESC [ Pt ; Pb r
Pt is the number of the top line of the scrolling region;
Pb is the number of the bottom line of the scrolling region
and must be greater than Pt.
(The default for Pt is line 1, the default for Pb is the end
of the screen)
TAB stops
Set tab at current column ESC H
Clear tab at curent column ESC [ g or ESC [ 0 g
Clear all tabs ESC [ 3 g
To Set To Reset
Mode Name Mode Sequence Mode Sequence
Line feed/new line New line ESC [20h Line feed ESC [20l
Cursor key mode Application ESC [?1h Cursor ESC [?l
ANSI/VT52 mode ANSI ESC < VT52 ESC [?2l
Column mode 132 Col ESC [?3h 80 Col ESC [?3l
Scrolling mode Smooth ESC [?4h Jump ESC [?4l
Screen mode Reverse ESC [?5h Normal ESC [?5l
Origin mode Relative ESC [?6h Absolute ESC [?6l
Wraparound On ESC [?7h Off ESC [?7l
Auto repeat On ESC [?8h Off ESC [?8l
Interlace On ESC [?9h Off ESC [?9l
Graphic proc. option On ESC 1 Off ESC 2
Keypad mode Application ESC = Numeric ESC >
Cursor Position Report
Invoked by ESC [ 6 n
Response is ESC [ Pl; Pc R
* Pl = line number; Pc = column number
tqStatus Report
Invoked by ESC [ 5 n
Response is ESC [ 0 n (terminal ok)
ESC [ 3 n (terminal not ok)
What Are You
Invoked by ESC [ c or ESC [ O c
Response is ESC [ ?1 ; Ps C
Ps = 0 Base VT100, no options
1 Processor option (STP)
2 Advanced Video option (AVO)
3 AVO and STP
4 Graphocs processor option (GO)
5 GO and STP
6 GO and AVO
7 GO, STP, and AVO
Alternately invoked by ESC Z (not recommended.) Response is the same.
Confidence Tests
Fill Screen with "Es" ESC # 8
Invoke Test(s) ESC [ 2 ; Ps y
Ps = 1 Power-up self test
(ROM checksum, RAM, NVR,
keyboard and AVO if installed)
2(loop back connector required) Data Loop Back
4(loop back connector required) ETA Modern Control Test
8 Repeat selected test(s)
(until failure or power off)
VT52 Compatible Mode
Cursor Up ESC A
Cursor Down ESC B
Cursor Right ESC C
Cursor Left ESC D
Select Special Graphics character set ESC F
Select ASCII character set ESC G
Cursor to home ESC H
Reverse line feed ESC I
Erase to end of screen ESC J
Erase to end of line ESC K
Direct cursor address ESC Ylc (see note 1)
Identify ESC Z (see note 2)
Enter alternate keypad mode ESC =
Exit alternate keypad mode ESC >
Enter ANSI mode ESC <
NOTE 1: Line and column numbers for direct cursor address are single
character codes whose values are the desired number plus
37 (in Octal). Line and column numbers start at 1.
NOTE 2: Response to ESC Z is ESC / Z.