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// KPendulum screen saver for TDE
// $Id$
// Copyright (C) 2004 Georg Drenkhahn
// This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation.
#ifndef __PENDULUM_H__
#define __PENDULUM_H__
// STL headers
#include <valarray>
// TQt headers
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqgl.h>
// GL headers
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
// TDE headers
#include <tdescreensaver.h>
#include "vec3.h"
#include "rkodesolver.h"
// KPendulumSetupUi
#include "pendulumcfg.h"
/** @brief ODE solver for the Pendulum equations */
class PendulumOdeSolver : public RkOdeSolver<double>
/** @brief Constuctor for the RK solver of the pendulum equation of motion
* @param t initial time in seconds
* @param dt initial time increment in seconds, just a hint for solver
* @param y generalized coordinates of pendulum system
* @param eps relative precision
* @param m1 mass of upper pendulum
* @param m2 mass of lower pendulum
* @param l1 length of upper pendulum
* @param l2 length of lower pendulum
* @param g gravitational constant */
const double &t,
const double &dt,
std::valarray<double> &y,
const double &eps,
const double &m1,
const double &m2,
const double &l1,
const double &l2,
const double &g
/** @brief ODE function for the pendulum equation of motion system
* @param x time
* @param y generalized coordinates of pendulum system
* @return derivation dy/dx */
f(const double &x, const std::valarray<double> &y) const;
/** These private variables contain constants for faster numeric calculation.
* They are derived from the constructor arguments m1,m2,l1,l2,g. */
const double A, B1, B, C, D, E, M;
/** @brief GL widget class for the KPendulum screen saver
* Class implements TQGLWidget to display the KPendulum screen saver. */
class PendulumGLWidget : public TQGLWidget
/** @brief Constructor of KPendulum's GL widget
* @param parent parent widget, passed to TQGLWidget's constructor
* @param name name of widget, passed to TQGLWidget's constructor */
PendulumGLWidget(TQWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0);
/** @brief Destructor of KPendulum's GL widget */
/** @brief Set phi angle of viewpoint
* @param phi angle in sterad */
void setEyePhi(double phi);
/** @brief Set angles of pendulum configuration
* @param q1 angle of 1. pendulum in sterad
* @param q2 angle of 2. pendulum in sterad */
void setAngles(const double& q1, const double& q2);
/** @brief Set masses of pendulum configuration
* @param m1 mass of 1. pendulum
* @param m2 mass of 2. pendulum */
void setMasses(const double& m1, const double& m2);
/** @brief Set lengths of pendulum configuration
* @param l1 length of 1. pendulum
* @param l2 length of 2. pendulum */
void setLengths(const double& l1, const double& l2);
/* accessors for colour settings */
/** @brief set color of the bars
* @param c color */
void setBarColor(const TQColor& c);
/** @brief get color of the bars
* @return color */
inline TQColor barColor(void) const {return m_barColor;}
/** @brief set color of mass 1
* @param c color */
void setM1Color(const TQColor& c);
/** @brief get color of mass 1
* @return color */
inline TQColor m1Color(void) const {return m_m1Color;}
/** @brief set color of mass 2
* @param c color */
void setM2Color(const TQColor& c);
/** @brief get color of mass 2
* @return color */
inline TQColor m2Color(void) const {return m_m2Color;}
/** paint the GL view */
virtual void paintGL();
/** resize the gl view */
virtual void resizeGL(int w, int h);
/** setup the GL enviroment */
virtual void initializeGL();
private: // Private attributes
/** Eye position distance from coordinate zero point */
GLfloat eyeR;
/** Eye position theta angle from z axis in sterad */
double eyeTheta;
/** Eye position phi angle (longitude) in sterad */
double eyePhi;
/** Light position distance from coordinate zero point */
GLfloat lightR;
/** Light position theta angle from z axis in sterad */
double lightTheta;
/** Light position phi angle (longitude) in sterad */
double lightPhi;
/** 1. pendulum's angle, degree */
GLfloat ang1;
/** 2. pendulum's angle, degree */
GLfloat ang2;
/** 1. pendulum's square root of mass */
GLfloat sqrtm1;
/** 2. pendulum's square root of mass */
GLfloat sqrtm2;
/** 1. pendulum's length */
GLfloat l1;
/** 2. pendulum's length */
GLfloat l2;
/** Pointer to a quadric object used in the rendering function paintGL() */
GLUquadricObj* const quadM1;
/** color of the pendulum bars */
TQColor m_barColor;
/** color of the 1. mass */
TQColor m_m1Color;
/** color of the 2. mass */
TQColor m_m2Color;
/** @brief Main class of the KPendulum screen saver
* This class implements KScreenSaver for the KPendulum screen saver. */
class KPendulumSaver : public KScreenSaver
/** @brief Constructor of the KPendulum screen saver object
* @param drawable Id of the window in which the screen saver is drawed
* Initial settings are read from disk, the GL widget is set up and displayed
* and the eq. of motion solver is started. */
KPendulumSaver(WId drawable);
/** @brief Destructor of the KPendulum screen saver object
* Only KPendulumSaver::solver is destoyed. */
/** read the saved settings from disk */
void readSettings();
/** init physical quantities, set up the GL area and (re)start the ode
* solver. Called if new parameters are specified in the setup dialog and at
* startup. */
void initData();
/* accessors for PendulumGLWidget member variables */
/** Set the displayed bar color of the pendulum */
void setBarColor(const TQColor& c);
/** Get the displayed bar color of the pendulum */
TQColor barColor(void) const;
static const TQColor barColorDefault;
/** Set the displayed color of the 1. pendulum mass */
void setM1Color(const TQColor& c);
/** Get the displayed color of the 1. pendulum mass */
TQColor m1Color(void) const;
static const TQColor m1ColorDefault;
/** Set the displayed color of the 2. pendulum mass */
void setM2Color(const TQColor& c);
/** Get the displayed color of the 2. pendulum mass */
TQColor m2Color(void) const;
static const TQColor m2ColorDefault;
/* accessors for own member variables */
/** Set the mass ratio of the pendulum system. @sa
* KPendulumSaver::m_massRatio */
void setMassRatio(const double& massRatio);
/** Get the mass ratio of the pendulum system. @sa
* KPendulumSaver::m_massRatio */
inline double massRatio(void) const {return m_massRatio;}
// lower, upper limits (inclusive) and default values for the setup
// parameters
static const double massRatioLimitUpper;
static const double massRatioLimitLower;
static const double massRatioDefault;
/** Set the length ratio of the pendulum system. @sa
* KPendulumSaver::m_lengthRatio */
void setLengthRatio(const double& lengthRatio);
/** Get the length ratio of the pendulum system. @sa
* KPendulumSaver::m_lengthRatio */
inline double lengthRatio(void) const {return m_lengthRatio;}
static const double lengthRatioLimitLower;
static const double lengthRatioLimitUpper;
static const double lengthRatioDefault;
/** Set the gravitational constant. @sa KPendulumSaver::m_g */
void setG(const double& g);
/** Get the gravitational constant. @sa KPendulumSaver::m_g */
inline double g(void) const {return m_g;}
static const double gLimitLower;
static const double gLimitUpper;
static const double gDefault;
/** Set the total energy. @sa KPendulumSaver::m_E */
void setE(const double& E);
/** Get the total energy. @sa KPendulumSaver::m_E */
inline double E(void) const {return m_E;}
static const double ELimitLower;
static const double ELimitUpper;
static const double EDefault;
/** Set the time interval for the periodic perspective change. @sa
* KPendulumSaver::m_persChangeInterval */
void setPersChangeInterval(const unsigned int& persChangeInterval);
/** Get the time interval for the periodic perspective change. @sa
* KPendulumSaver::m_persChangeInterval */
inline unsigned int persChangeInterval(void) const
{return m_persChangeInterval;}
static const unsigned int persChangeIntervalLimitLower = 5;
static const unsigned int persChangeIntervalLimitUpper = 600;
static const unsigned int persChangeIntervalDefault = 15;
public slots:
/** slot is called if integration should proceed by ::deltaT */
void doTimeStep();
/** slot is called if setup dialog changes in size and the GL are should be
* adjusted */
void resizeGlArea(TQResizeEvent* e);
/** The ode solver which is used to integrate the equations of motion */
PendulumOdeSolver* solver;
/** Gl widget of simulation */
PendulumGLWidget* glArea;
/** Timer for the real time integration of the eqs. of motion */
TQTimer* timer;
/** Time step size for the integration in milliseconds. 20 ms corresponds to
* a frame rate of 50 fps. */
static const unsigned int deltaT = 20;
static const double eyePhiDefault;
// saved settings
/** Mass ratio m2/(m1+m2) of the pendulum masses. Value is determined by the
* setup dialog. Variable is accessed by setMassRatio() and massRatio(). */
double m_massRatio;
/** Length ratio l2/(l1+l2) of the pendulums. Value is determined by the
* setup dialog. Variable is accessed by setLengthRatio() and
* lengthRatio(). */
double m_lengthRatio;
/** Gravitational constant (in arbitrary units). Value is determined by the
* setup dialog. Variable is accessed by setG() and g(). */
double m_g;
/** Total energy of the system in units of the maximum possible potential
* energy. Value is determined by the setup dialog. Variable is accessed by
* setE() and E(). */
double m_E;
/** Time interval after which a new perspective changed happens. Value is
* determined by the setup dialog. Variable is accessed by
* setPersChangeInterval() and persChangeInterval(). */
unsigned int m_persChangeInterval;
/** @brief KPendulum screen saver setup dialog.
* This class handles the KPendulum screen saver setup dialog. */
class KPendulumSetup : public KPendulumSetupUi
/** @brief Constructor for the KPendulum screen saver setup dialog
* @param parent Pointer to the parent widget, passed to KPendulumSetupUi
* @param name Widget name
* The dialog box is set up and the screen saver object KPendulumSetup::saver
* is instantiated. */
KPendulumSetup(TQWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);
/** @brief Destructor of the KPendulum screen saver setup dialog
* Only KPendulumSetup::saver is deleted. */
public slots:
/** slot for the "OK" button: save settings and exit */
void okButtonClickedSlot(void);
/** slot for the "About" button: show the About dialog */
void aboutButtonClickedSlot(void);
/** slot is called if the mass ratio edit field looses its focus. If the
* input is acceptable KPendulumSaver::setMassRatio() is called. */
void mEditLostFocusSlot(void);
/** slot is called if the length ratio edit field looses its focus. If the
* input is acceptable KPendulumSaver::setLengthRatio() is called. */
void lEditLostFocusSlot(void);
/** slot is called if the gravitational constant edit field looses its focus.
* If the input is acceptable KPendulumSaver::setG() is called. */
void gEditLostFocusSlot(void);
/** slot is called if the energy edit field looses its focus. If the input
* is acceptable KPendulumSaver::setE() is called. */
void eEditLostFocusSlot(void);
/** slot is called if the perspective change interval spin box changed. If
* the input is acceptable KPendulumSaver::setPersChangeInterval() is
* called. */
void persChangeEnteredSlot(int t);
/** slot is called if the bar color button was clicked. A color dialog is
* opened and the result is given to KPendulumSaver::setBarColor(). */
void barColorButtonClickedSlot(void);
/** slot is called if the mass 1 color button was clicked. A color dialog is
* opened and the result is given to KPendulumSaver::setM1Color(). */
void m1ColorButtonClickedSlot(void);
/** slot is called if the mass 2 color button was clicked. A color dialog is
* opened and the result is given to KPendulumSaver::setM2Color(). */
void m2ColorButtonClickedSlot(void);
/** Pointer to the screen saver object. Its member KPendulumSaver::glArea is
* displayed in the preview area */
KPendulumSaver* saver;