TQWhatsThis::add(edit,_("You can edit the lilo.conf file directly here. All changes you make here are automatically transferred to the graphical interface."));
TQWhatsThis::add(drv,_("Select the drive or partition you want to install the LILO boot loader to here. Unless you intend to use other boot managers in addition to LILO, this should be the MBR (master boot record) of your boot drive.<br>In this case, you should probably select <i>/dev/hda</i> if your boot drive is an IDE drive or <i>/dev/sda</i> if your boot drive is SCSI."));
TQWhatsThis::add(to,_("LILO will wait the amount of time specified here before booting the kernel (or OS) marked as <i>default</i> in the <b>Images</b> tab."));
TQWhatsThis::add(linear,_("Check this box if you want to use the linear mode.<br>Linear mode tells the boot loader the location of kernels in linear addressing rather than sector/head/cylinder.<br>linear mode is required for some SCSI drives, and shouldn't hurt unless you're planning to create a boot disk to be used with a different computer.<br>See the lilo.conf man page for details."));
TQWhatsThis::add(compact,_("Check this box if you want to use the compact mode.<br>The compact mode tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a single read request. This reduces load time and keeps the boot map smaller, but will not work on all systems."));
lock=newTQCheckBox(_("&Record boot command lines for defaults"),opts);
TQWhatsThis::add(lock,"<qt>"+_("Checking this box enables automatic recording of boot command lines as the defaults for the following boots. This way, lilo \"locks\" on a choice until it is manually overridden.\nThis sets the <b>lock</b> option in lilo.conf."));
TQWhatsThis::add(restricted,_("If this box is checked, a password (entered below) is required only if any parameters are changed (i.e. the user can boot <i>linux</i>, but not <i>linux single</i> or <i>linux init=/bin/sh</i>).\nThis sets the <b>restricted</b> option in lilo.conf.<br>This sets a default for all Linux kernels you want to boot. If you need a per-kernel setting, go to the <i>Operating systems</i> tab and select <i>Details</i>."));
TQWhatsThis::add(pw,_("Enter the password required for bootup (if any) here. If <i>restricted</i> above is checked, the password is required for additional parameters only.<br><b>WARNING:</b> The password is stored in clear text in /etc/lilo.conf. You'll want to make sure nobody untrusted can read this file. Also, you probably don't want to use your normal/root password here.<br>This sets a default for all Linux kernels you want to boot. If you need a per-kernel setting, go to the <i>Operating systems</i> tab and select <i>Details</i>."));
prompt=newTQCheckBox(_("Enter LILO &prompt automatically"),this);
TQWhatsThis::add(prompt,_("If this box is checked, LILO goes to the LILO prompt whether or not a key is pressed. If it is turned off, LILO boots the default operating system unless shift is pressed (in that case, it goes to the LILO prompt).<br>This sets the <i>prompt</i> option in lilo.conf."));
TQWhatsThis::add(root,_("Enter the root filesystem (i.e. the partition that will be mounted as / at boot time) for the kernel you want to boot here."));
TQWhatsThis::add(initrd,_("If you want to use an initial ramdisk (initrd) for this kernel, enter its filename here. Leave this field blank if you don't intend to use an initial ramdisk for this kernel."));
TQWhatsThis::add(append,_("Enter any extra parameters you wish to pass to the kernel here. Usually, this can be left blank.<br>This sets the <i>append</i> option in lilo.conf."));
lock=newTQCheckBox(_("&Record boot command lines for defaults"),opts);
TQWhatsThis::add(lock,"<qt>"+_("Checking this box enables automatic recording of boot command lines as the default for the following bootups. This way, lilo \"locks\" on a choice until it is manually overridden.<br>This sets the <b>lock</b> option in lilo.conf"));
TQWhatsThis::add(restricted,_("If this box is checked, a password (entered below) is required only if any parameters are changed (i.e. the user can boot <i>linux</i>, but not <i>linux single</i> or <i>linux init=/bin/sh</i>).\nThis sets the <b>restricted</b> option in lilo.conf."));
lock=newTQCheckBox(_("&Record boot command lines for defaults"),opts);
TQWhatsThis::add(lock,"<qt>"+_("Checking this box enables automatic recording of boot command lines as the default for the following bootups. This way, lilo \"locks\" on a choice until it is manually overridden.<br>This sets the <b>lock</b> option in lilo.conf"));
TQWhatsThis::add(restricted,_("If this box is checked, a password (entered below) is required only if any parameters are changed (i.e. the user can boot <i>linux</i>, but not <i>linux single</i> or <i>linux init=/bin/sh</i>).\nThis sets the <b>restricted</b> option in lilo.conf."));
TQWhatsThis::add(_whatsthis,_("The <i>What's This?</i> button is part of this program's help system. Click on the What's This? button then on any widget in the window to get information (like this) on it."));
TQWhatsThis::add(_help,_("This button calls up the program's online help system. If it does nothing, no help file has been written (yet); in that case, use the <i>What's This</i> button on the left."));