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# - Retrieves stock data for given ticker symbol(s)
# Purpose: This script returns a nicely formatted HTML table containing stock
# data for ticker symbols given as command line arguments. This
# script can be used from a server-side exec (it's orginal use) or
# via a call from a regular CGI script. It could also be called from
# PHP, but I haven't tested this. The script prints its results on
# The "quote_source" value can can any of the following:
# yahoo: NYSE quotes
# yahoo_europe: Europe quotes
# fidelity: Fidelity Investments Quotes
# troweprice: Quotes from T. Rowe Price
# vanguard: Quotes from Vanguard Group
# asx: Australian quotes from ASX
# tiaacref: Annuities from TIAA-CREF.
# Requires: Script requires at least perl 5.005, patch 3.
# Script must have the Finance::Quote module installed. This module
# in turn requires the LWP modules (which in turn have their own
# reqs). See CPAN for exact requirements for LWP:
# Or you can simply type as root user
# perl -MCPAN -e "install Finance::Quote"
# All dependancies will be resolved automatically then
# Origina Author: William Rhodes <>
# Copyright (C) 2000 William Rhodes <>.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# The information that you obtain with this script may be copyrighted by Yahoo!
# Inc., and is governed by their usage license. See
# for more information.
# The information that you obtain with this script may be copyrighted by the
# ASX, and is governed by its usage license. See
# for more information.
# The information that you obtain with this script may be copyrighted by
# TIAA-CREF, and is governed by its usage license.
# Other copyrights and conditions may apply to data fetched via this script.
# Submitting changes back to the author is not required but certainly
# encouraged. Bug fixes are also greatly appreciated.
# This script has been altered by an anonymous coder to fit the Knewsticker
# needs.
# Please set your stock symbols and the ticker you wish to retrieve them from
# as follows:
# Locate the Variable that is named 'my @tickers'
# within the parenthesis put as the FIRST values you ticker, for example yahoo
# or yahoo_europe or any of the others mentioned above
# any subsequent value seperated by a whitespace is a ticker symbol
# such as MSFT or IBM or LNUX
# Make sure all data is set correctly then call this script from Knewsticker
use Finance::Quote;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
# Set this to 1 if you wish to have VERY detailed stock quotes it is greatly
# encouraged, that you only use this when you have 1 stock symbol and not more.
my $verbose = 0;
#Make sure you set the first value within the parenthesis to match the ticker
#you wish to retrieve data from, such as yahoo or yahoo_europe. Each following
#entry, seperated by a whitespace, represnts a stock symbol to the script
my @tickers = qw(yahoo_europe IBM MSFT LNUX);
#STOP STOP STOP STOP only go on if you know what you are doing!!
# Get rid of puncuation in @ARGV. This will filter out metacharacters and
# such, which makes the script marginally more safe
foreach (@tickers) { s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-=_\.\^]//; }
# Check the input to make sure we can look stuff up
@tickers = CheckInput(@tickers);
# Get a new Finance::Quote object
my $quote_src = $tickers[0];
my $quote = Finance::Quote->new;
# Override LWP's 120 second timeout, throw error if we time out
# Set this pretty short if using as a server-side exec
exit 110 unless ($quote->timeout(10));
# Load the quotes hash for getting data
my %quotes = $quote->$quote_src(@tickers);
# Start our RSS table output; get the ticker data, print it out
$head ="<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<\!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC \"-//Netscape
Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN\"
$static="<title> " . $group . " RSS file
is an automatically generated file using the STOCK to RSS generator for
print $head;
print "<channel>\n";
print $static;
$now_string = strftime "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", localtime;
print "<pubDate>" . $now_string . "</pubDate>\n";
for (@tickers) { print PrintData($_); }
print "</channel>\n</rss>\n";
# You have to specify a valid quote source and at least one ticker symbol
# If this script was a stand-alone CGI, it probably ought to use CGI::CARP to
# send errors to the browser.
sub CheckInput {
my @input = @_;
my ($src_name, $src_val, $src_err, $src_found);
my %ticker_src;
$ticker_src{yahoo} = "NYSE quotes";
$ticker_src{yahoo_europe} = "Europe quotes";
$ticker_src{fidelity} = "Fidelity Investments Quotes";
$ticker_src{troweprice} = "Quotes from T. Rowe Price";
$ticker_src{vanguard} = "Quotes from Vanguard Group";
$ticker_src{asx} = "Australian quotes from ASX";
$ticker_src{tiaacref} = "Annuities from TIAA-CREF";
# Check for font size option
if ($input[0] =~ /\-\-fontsize=[1-6]/) {
$input[0] =~ s/\-\-fontsize=(\d)//;
$font_size = $1;
# Check for verbose, shift @input anyway
if ($input[0] =~ /\-\-verbose=yes/i) {
$verbose = 1;
} elsif ($input[0] =~ /\-\-verbose=no/i) {
$verbose = 0;
# No quote source or symbols
if (!$input[0]) {
$src_err .= "$0: Error: No quote source given. Quote source must be one
of the following:<br>\n";
while (($src_name, $src_val) = each(%ticker_src)) {
$src_err .= " $src_name - $src_val<br>\n";
} elsif (!$input[1]) {
ReturnError("$0: Error: No symbols given.");
# Check for invalid quote source
$src_found = 0;
foreach $src_name (keys %ticker_src) {
if ($src_name eq lc($input[0])) {
$src_found = 1;
# Throw an error unless we had a valid quote source
unless ($src_found) {
$src_err .= "$0: Error: Invalid quote source \"$input[0]\". ";
$src_err .= "Quote source must be one of the following:<br>\n";
while (($src_name, $src_val) = each(%ticker_src)) {
$src_err .= " $src_name - $src_val<br>\n";
# So everything matched, send out args back
} # End CheckInput
# Return each ticker data in HTML table rows
sub PrintData {
my ($key, $value, $name, $output);
my %data;
my $ticker = shift || die "No ticker data given! $!\n";
if ($quote_src ne "tiaacref") {
$ticker = uc($ticker);
# Our hash of stuff that we want to return as table rows
# We have our default, and then add to it if $verbose is set
$data{a_Last_Price} = $quotes{"$ticker", "last"};
$data{b_High} = $quotes{"$ticker", "high"};
$data{c_Low} = $quotes{"$ticker", "low"};
$data{g_Open} = $quotes{"$ticker", "open"};
$data{h_Close} = $quotes{"$ticker", "close"};
if ($verbose) {
$data{d_Change} = $quotes{"$ticker", "change"};
$data{e_Last_Trade} = $quotes{"$ticker", "date"} . " at " .
$quotes{"$ticker", "time"};
$data{b_High} = $quotes{"$ticker", "high"};
$data{c_Low} = $quotes{"$ticker", "low"};
$data{f_Volume} = $quotes{"$ticker", "volume"} . " shares";
$data{i_Bid} = $quotes{"$ticker", "bid"};
$data{j_Ask} = $quotes{"$ticker", "ask"};
# Volume needs commas to look good
$data{f_Volume} = reverse($data{f_Volume});
$data{f_Volume} =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
$data{f_Volume} = reverse($data{f_Volume});
$output = "<item>\n<title>\n $ticker Stock Symbol";
foreach $key (sort keys %data) {
$name = $key; # Need to save $key for hash lookups
$name =~ s/^[a-z]_//; # Get rid of sorting characters
$name =~ s/_/ /g; # Get rid of underscores
$data{$key} = "N/A" if ($data{$key} eq ""); # Don't show empty values
# We want at least two decimal places in some fields
if ($name =~ /Last|High|Low|Open|Close|Bid|Ask/i) {
$data{$key} =~ s/^(\d+$)$/$1\.00/;
$data{$key} =~ s/^(\d+\.\d)$/$1\0/;
$output .= " $name $data{$key} ";
$output .= "\n";
$output .="</title>\n<link></link>\n</item>\n";
} # End GetData
# Prints a usage and error message to STDOUT, exits with -1
sub ReturnError {
my $error = shift;
my $usage = "Usage:
Add the following options to \@tickers at the top of the script:<br>
[--fontsize=1..6] [--verbose=yes|no]
<quote_source> <ticker1> [ticker2] ...\n";
print $error . "<br>" . $usage;
} # End ReturnError