You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
332 lines
13 KiB
332 lines
13 KiB
cpp_parser.cpp - description
begin : Apr 2 2003
author : 2003 Massimo Callegari
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "plugin_katesymbolviewer.h"
void KatePluginSymbolViewerView::parseCppSymbols(void)
if (!win->viewManager()->activeView())
TQString cl; // Current Line
TQString stripped;
uint i, j, tmpPos = 0;
int par = 0, graph = 0;
char mclass = 0, block = 0, comment = 0; // comment: 0-no comment 1-inline comment 2-multiline comment 3-string
char macro = 0, func_close = 0;
bool structure = false;
TQPixmap cls( ( const char** ) class_xpm );
TQPixmap sct( ( const char** ) struct_xpm );
TQPixmap mcr( ( const char** ) macro_xpm );
TQPixmap mtd( ( const char** ) method_xpm );
TQListViewItem *node = NULL;
TQListViewItem *mcrNode = NULL, *sctNode = NULL, *clsNode = NULL, *mtdNode = NULL;
TQListViewItem *lastMcrNode = NULL, *lastSctNode = NULL, *lastClsNode = NULL, *lastMtdNode = NULL;
Kate::Document *kv = win->viewManager()->activeView()->getDoc();
//kdDebug(13000)<<"Lines counted :"<<kv->numLines()<<endl;
mcrNode = new TQListViewItem(symbols, symbols->lastItem(), i18n("Macros"));
sctNode = new TQListViewItem(symbols, symbols->lastItem(), i18n("Structures"));
clsNode = new TQListViewItem(symbols, symbols->lastItem(), i18n("Functions"));
mcrNode->setPixmap(0, (const TQPixmap &)mcr);
sctNode->setPixmap(0, (const TQPixmap &)sct);
clsNode->setPixmap(0, (const TQPixmap &)cls);
if (expanded_on)
lastMcrNode = mcrNode;
lastSctNode = sctNode;
lastClsNode = clsNode;
mtdNode = clsNode;
lastMtdNode = clsNode;
else symbols->setRootIsDecorated(0);
for (i=0; i<kv->numLines(); i++)
cl = kv->textLine(i);
cl = cl.stripWhiteSpace();
func_close = 0;
if( == '/' && == '/') continue;
if(cl.find("/*") == 0 && (cl.find("*/") == ((signed)cl.length() - 2)) && graph == 0) continue; // workaround :(
if(cl.find("/*") >= 0 && graph == 0) comment = 1;
if(cl.find("*/") >= 0 && graph == 0) comment = 0;
if(cl.find("#") >= 0 && graph == 0 ) macro = 1;
if (comment != 1)
/* *********************** MACRO PARSING *****************************/
if(macro == 1)
for (j = 0; j < cl.length(); j++)
if('/' &&'/') { macro = 4; break; }
if( (uint)cl.find("define") == j &&
!((uint)cl.find("defined") == j))
macro = 2;
j += 6; // skip the word "define"
if(macro == 2 && != ' ') macro = 3;
if(macro == 3)
if ( >= 0x20) stripped +=;
if ( == ' ' || j == cl.length() - 1)
macro = 4;
//kdDebug(13000)<<"Macro -- Stripped : "<<stripped<<" macro = "<<macro<<endl;
// I didn't find a valid macro e.g. include
if(j == cl.length() && macro == 1) macro = 0;
if(macro == 4)
//stripped.replace(0x9, " ");
stripped = stripped.stripWhiteSpace();
if (macro_on == true)
if (treeMode)
node = new TQListViewItem(mcrNode, lastMcrNode, stripped);
lastMcrNode = node;
else node = new TQListViewItem(symbols, symbols->lastItem(), stripped);
node->setPixmap(0, (const TQPixmap &)mcr);
node->setText(1, TQString::number( i, 10));
macro = 0;
stripped = "";
//kdDebug(13000)<<"Macro -- Inserted : "<<stripped<<" at row : "<<i<<endl;
if ( - 1) == '\\') macro = 5; // continue in rows below
if (macro == 5)
if ( - 1) != '\\')
macro = 0;
/* ******************************************************************** */
if ((cl.find("class") >= 0 && graph == 0 && block == 0))
mclass = 1;
for (j = 0; j < cl.length(); j++)
if('/' &&'/') { mclass = 2; break; }
if('{') { mclass = 4; break;}
stripped +=;
if(func_on == true)
if (treeMode)
node = new TQListViewItem(clsNode, lastClsNode, stripped);
if (expanded_on) node->setOpen(TRUE);
lastClsNode = node;
mtdNode = lastClsNode;
lastMtdNode = lastClsNode;
else node = new TQListViewItem(symbols, symbols->lastItem(), stripped);
node->setPixmap(0, (const TQPixmap &)cls);
node->setText(1, TQString::number( i, 10));
stripped = "";
if (mclass == 1) mclass = 3;
if (mclass == 3)
if (cl.find('{') >= 0)
cl = cl.right(cl.find('{'));
mclass = 4;
if(cl.find("(") >= 0 && != '#' && block == 0 && comment != 2)
{ structure = false; block = 1; }
if((cl.find("typedef") >= 0 || cl.find("struct") >= 0) &&
graph == 0 && block == 0)
{ structure = true; block = 2; stripped = ""; }
//if(cl.find(";") >= 0 && graph == 0)
// block = 0;
if(block > 0 && mclass != 1 )
for (j = 0; j < cl.length(); j++)
if ( == '/' && ( + 1) == '*')) comment = 2;
if ( == '*' && ( + 1) == '/')) { comment = 0; j+=2; }
// Handles a string. Those are freaking evilish !
if ( == '"' && comment == 3) { comment = 0; j++; }
else if ( == '"' && comment == 0) comment = 3;
if('/' &&'/' && comment == 0)
{ if(block == 1 && stripped.isEmpty()) block = 0; break; }
if (comment != 2 && comment != 3)
if (block == 1 && graph == 0 )
if( >= 0x20) stripped +=;
if( == '(') par++;
if( == ')')
if(par == 0)
stripped = stripped.stripWhiteSpace();
stripped.remove("static ");
//kdDebug(13000)<<"Function -- Inserted : "<<stripped<<" at row : "<<i<<endl;
block = 2;
tmpPos = i;
} // BLOCK 1
if(block == 2 && graph == 0)
if('/' &&'/' && comment == 0) break;
//if(':' ||',') { block = 1; continue; }
if(':') { block = 1; continue; }
stripped = "";
block = 0;
structure = false;
if(('{' && structure == false && cl.find(";") < 0) ||
('{' && structure == false && cl.find('}') > (int)j))
stripped.replace(0x9, " ");
if(func_on == true)
if (types_on == false)
while (stripped.find('(') >= 0)
stripped = stripped.left(stripped.find('('));
while (stripped.find("::") >= 0)
stripped = stripped.mid(stripped.find("::") + 2);
stripped = stripped.stripWhiteSpace();
while (stripped.find(0x20) >= 0)
stripped = stripped.mid(stripped.find(0x20, 0) + 1);
//kdDebug(13000)<<"Function -- Inserted: "<<stripped<<" at row: "<<tmpPos<<" mclass: "<<(uint)mclass<<endl;
if (treeMode)
if (mclass == 4)
node = new TQListViewItem(mtdNode, lastMtdNode, stripped);
lastMtdNode = node;
node = new TQListViewItem(clsNode, lastClsNode, stripped);
lastClsNode = node;
node = new TQListViewItem(symbols, symbols->lastItem(), stripped);
if (mclass == 4) node->setPixmap(0, (const TQPixmap &)mtd);
else node->setPixmap(0, (const TQPixmap &)cls);
node->setText(1, TQString::number( tmpPos, 10));
stripped = "";
block = 3;
if('{' && structure == true)
block = 3;
tmpPos = i;
if('(' && structure == true)
block = 0;
j = 0;
//kdDebug(13000)<<"Restart from the beginning of line..."<<endl;
stripped = "";
break; // Avoid an infinite loop :(
if(structure == true && >= 0x20) stripped +=;
} // BLOCK 2
if (block == 3)
// A comment...there can be anything
if('/' &&'/' && comment == 0) break;
if('{') graph++;
if (graph == 0 && structure == false) { block = 0; func_close = 1; }
if (graph == 0 && structure == true) block = 4;
} // BLOCK 3
if (block == 4)
if( == ';')
//stripped.replace(0x9, " ");
stripped.replace('}', " ");
if(struct_on == true)
if (treeMode)
node = new TQListViewItem(sctNode, lastSctNode, stripped);
lastSctNode = node;
else node = new TQListViewItem(symbols, symbols->lastItem(), stripped);
node->setPixmap(0, (const TQPixmap &)sct);
node->setText(1, TQString::number( tmpPos, 10));
//kdDebug(13000)<<"Structure -- Inserted : "<<stripped<<" at row : "<<i<<endl;
stripped = "";
block = 0;
structure = false;
if ( >= 0x20) stripped +=;
} // BLOCK 4
} // comment != 2
//kdDebug(13000)<<"Stripped : "<<stripped<<" at row : "<<i<<endl;
} // End of For cycle
} // BLOCK > 0
if (mclass == 4 && block == 0 && func_close == 0)
if (cl.find('}') >= 0)
cl = cl.right(cl.find('}'));
mclass = 0;
} // Comment != 1
} // for kv->numlines
//for (i= 0; i < (symbols->itemIndex(node) + 1); i++)
// kdDebug(13000)<<"Symbol row :"<< <<endl;