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509 lines
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509 lines
17 KiB
/* TimeMon (c) 1994 Helmut Maierhofer */
/* KDE-ified M. Maierhofer 1998 */
* Definitions for the system dependent sampling class.
#include <config.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef __osf__
#include <sys/table.h>
#elif defined(USE_SOLARIS)
#include <kstat.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/swap.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include "timemon.h"
#include "sample.h"
// -- global definitions -------------------------------------------------
#if defined(__osf__) || defined(USE_SOLARIS)
extern "C" int getpagesize(); // argh, have to define prototype!
#ifdef __linux__
// -- global constants ---------------------------------------------------
#define STAT_NAME "/proc/stat"
#define MEMINFO_NAME "/proc/meminfo"
// -- KSample::Sample definition -----------------------------------------
// Fill sample with some default values (e.g. used in preview widget
// in configuration)
void KSample::Sample::fill(unsigned scale)
user = scale * 40; user /= 100;
nice = scale * 25; user /= 100;
kernel = scale * 10; kernel /= 100;
iowait = scale * 5; iowait /= 100;
cpus = 1;
buffers = scale * 20; buffers /= 100;
used = scale * 30; used /= 100;
cached = scale * 20; cached /= 100;
sused = scale * 25; sused /= 100;
// -- KSample definition -------------------------------------------------
// Initialise the member variables and try to open the standard files in
// the proc filesystem; for other platforms perform equivalent initialisation
KSample::KSample(KTimeMon *t, bool a, unsigned p, unsigned s, unsigned c) :
#ifdef __linux__
memFD(-1), statFD(-1),
#elif defined (USE_SOLARIS)
kc(0), warned(false),
pageScale(p), swapScale(s), cxScale(c), autoscale(a)
#ifdef __linux__
memstats[0].name = "SwapTotal:";
memstats[0].stat = &sample.stotal;
memstats[1].name = "MemTotal:";
memstats[1].stat = &sample.mtotal;
memstats[2].name = "MemFree:";
memstats[2].stat = &;
memstats[3].name = "Buffers:";
memstats[3].stat = &sample.buffers;
memstats[4].name = "Cached:";
memstats[4].stat = &sample.cached;
memstats[5].name = "SwapFree:";
memstats[5].stat = &sample.sfree;
memstats[6].name = 0;
memstats[6].stat = 0;
if ((memFD = open(MEMINFO_NAME, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
i18n("Unable to open the file '%1'. The diagnostics are:\n%2.\n"
"This file is required to determine current memory usage.\n"
"Maybe your proc filesystem is non-Linux standard?").arg(MEMINFO_NAME).arg(strerror(errno)));
fcntl( memFD,F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC );
if ((statFD = open(STAT_NAME, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
i18n("Unable to open the file '%1'. The diagnostics are:\n%2.\n"
"This file is required to determine current system info. "
"Maybe your proc filesystem is non-Linux standard?").arg(MEMINFO_NAME).arg(strerror(errno)));
fcntl( statFD,F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC );
#elif defined (USE_SOLARIS)
if ((kc = kstat_open()) == 0) {
KMessageBox::error(timemon, i18n("Unable to initialize the 'kstat' library. "
"This library is used for accessing kernel information. "
"The diagnostics are:\n%1.\n"
"Are you really running Solaris? "
"Please contact the maintainer at "
"who will try to figure out what went wrong.").arg(strerror(errno)));
#if defined(USE_SOLARIS) || defined(__osf__)
pagesPerMB = (1024*1024) / getpagesize();
if (pagesPerMB == 0) pagesPerMB = 1; // paranoia sanity check
// Get rid of the resources we acquired in the constructor.
#ifdef __linux__
#elif defined (USE_SOLARIS)
if (kc != 0) kstat_close(kc);
// Set the appropriate scaling parameters
void KSample::setScaling(bool a, unsigned p, unsigned s, unsigned c)
autoscale = a;
pageScale = p;
swapScale = s;
cxScale = c;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Show a message box with the given message and terminate the application.
void KSample::fatal(const TQString& msg)
KMessageBox::error(timemon, msg);
// exit(1);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Show a message box with the given message and don't terminate the app ;-)
void KSample::nonfatal(const TQString& msg)
KMessageBox::sorry(timemon, msg);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read a new sample from the files or whatever resource the OS implements
/* For 2.5 kernels */
static inline void
scan_one(const char* buff, const char *key, unsigned long int* val)
const char *b = strstr(buff, key);
if (b) {
b = strstr(b, " ");
if (b)
sscanf(b, " %lu", val);
void KSample::readSample()
sample.cpus = 0; // just to make sure...
#ifdef __linux__ // linux makes it simple: use the /proc if
int l;
char buffer[4096];
lseek(memFD, 0, 0);
if ((l = read(memFD, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1)) < 0)
fatal(i18n("Unable to read the memory usage file '%1'.\n"
"The diagnostics are: %2").arg(MEMINFO_NAME).arg(strerror(errno)));
buffer[l] = '\0';
l = 0;
char *p;
while (memstats[l].name != 0) {
p = strstr(buffer, memstats[l].name);
if (p == 0 ||
sscanf(p + strlen(memstats[l].name), "%lu kB", memstats[l].stat) < 1)
fatal(i18n("The memory usage file '%1' seems to use a "
"different file format than expected.\n"
"Maybe your version of the proc filesystem is "
"incompatible with supported versions. "
"Please contact the developer at who will try to sort this out.").arg(MEMINFO_NAME));
if ( ( p = strstr(buffer, "Slab:") ) ) {
unsigned long slabs;
sscanf(p + 5, "%lu kB", &slabs);
sample.mkernel = slabs;
/* read the data for the cpu stats */
lseek(statFD, 0, 0);
if ((l = read(statFD, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1)) < 0)
fatal(i18n("Unable to read the system usage file '%1'.\n"
"The diagnostics are: %2").arg(STAT_NAME).arg(strerror(errno)));
buffer[l] = '\0';
bool ok = (sscanf(buffer, "cpu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu", &sample.user,
&sample.nice, &sample.kernel, &sample.idle, &sample.iowait) == 5);
if (ok) {
for (l = 0; l < MAX_CPU; l++) { // get individual stat for SMP machines
char cpuname[10];
sprintf(cpuname, "cpu%d", l);
if ((p = strstr(buffer, cpuname)) == NULL) break;
unsigned long u, n, k, i;
ok = sscanf(p, "cpu%*d %lu %lu %lu %lu", &u, &n, &k, &i);
if (!ok) break;
sample.smptotal[l] = u+n+k+i;
sample.smpbusy[l] = sample.smptotal[l] - i;
sample.cpus = l;
#elif defined(__osf__) // in OSF/2, we can use table()
TQString msg = i18n("Unable to obtain system information.\n"
"The table(2) system call returned an error "
"for table %1.\n"
"Please contact the maintainer at "
"who will try to figure out what went wrong.");
struct tbl_sysinfo sysinfo;
if (table(TBL_SYSINFO, 0, &sysinfo, 1, sizeof(sysinfo)) != 1)
sample.user = sysinfo.si_user;
sample.nice = sysinfo.si_nice;
sample.kernel = sysinfo.si_sys;
sample.iowait = sysinfo.wait;
sample.idle = sysinfo.si_idle;
struct tbl_vmstats vmstats;
if (table(TBL_VMSTATS, 0, &vmstats, 1, sizeof(vmstats)) != 1)
sample.mtotal = vmstats.free_count + vmstats.active_count +
vmstats.inactive_count + vmstats.wire_count;
| = vmstats.free_count;
sample.buffers = vmstats.inactive_count; // pages not used for some time
sample.cached = vmstats.wire_count; // kernel/driver memory
struct tbl_swapinfo swapinfo;
if (table(TBL_SWAPINFO, -1, &swapinfo, 1, sizeof(swapinfo)) != 1)
sample.stotal = swapinfo.size;
sample.sfree =;
#elif defined(USE_SOLARIS)
kstat_t *ksp;
sample.cpus = 0;
for (ksp = kc->kc_chain; ksp != 0; ksp = ksp->ks_next) {
if (strncmp(ksp->ks_name, "cpu_stat", 8) != 0) continue;
if (sample.cpus == 0)
fatal(i18n("Unable to find any entries for CPU statistics "
"in the 'kstat' library. Are you running a non-standard "
"version of Solaris?\n"
"Please contact the maintainer via who will try to sort this out."));
sample.user = sample.nice = sample.kernel = sample.iowait = sample.idle = 0;
sample.stotal = sample.sfree = 0;
int cpus = 0;
for (ksp = kc->kc_chain; ksp != 0; ksp = ksp->ks_next) {
if (strncmp(ksp->ks_name, "cpu_stat", 8) != 0) continue;
cpu_stat_t cstat;
if (kstat_read(kc, ksp, 0) == -1 || // update from kernel
kstat_read(kc, ksp, &cstat) == -1) // and read into buffer
fatal(i18n("Unable to read the CPU statistics entry "
"from the 'kstat' library. The diagnostics are '%1'.\n"
"Please contact the maintainer via who will try to sort this out.").arg(strerror(errno)));
// fields are: idle user kernel iowait (no nice info?)
sample.user += cstat.cpu_sysinfo.cpu[1] / sample.cpus;
sample.nice += 0;
sample.kernel += cstat.cpu_sysinfo.cpu[2] / sample.cpus;
sample.iowait += cstat.cpu_sysinfo.cpu[3] / sample.cpus;
sample.idle += cstat.cpu_sysinfo.cpu[0] / sample.cpus;
if (cpus != sample.cpus)
fatal(i18n("The number of CPUs appears to have changed at "
"very short notice, or the 'kstat' library returns "
"inconsistent results (%1 vs. %2 CPUs).\n"
"Please contact the maintainer via who will try to sort this out.").arg(sample.cpus).arg(cpus));
// availrmem = pages of core for user-proc ( == physmem - kernelmem)
// freemem = no of free pages
// physmem == total mem in 4KB blocks
errno = 0;
if ((ksp = kstat_lookup(kc, "unix", -1, "system_pages")) == 0 ||
kstat_read(kc, ksp, 0) == -1)
fatal(i18n("Unable to read the memory statistics entry "
"from the 'kstat' library. The diagnostics are '%1'\n"
"You might want to contact the maintainer at "
" who will try to sort this out.").arg(strerror(errno)));
int i;
unsigned long physmem = 0, freemem = 0, availrmem = 0;
kstat_named_t *kn = (kstat_named_t *)ksp->ks_data;
for (i = 0; i < (int) ksp->ks_ndata; i++) {
if (strcmp(kn->name, "physmem") == 0) physmem = kn->value.ul;
else if (strcmp(kn->name, "freemem") == 0) freemem = kn->value.ul;
else if (strcmp(kn->name, "availrmem") == 0) availrmem = kn->value.ul;
if (physmem == 0) // sanity check, this should always be > 0
fatal(i18n("There seems to be a problem with KTimeMon's handling "
"of the 'kstat' library: 0 bytes of physical memory determined!\n"
"Free memory is %1, available memory is %2.\n"
"Please contact the maintainer at who will try to sort this out.").arg(freemem).arg(availrmem));
sample.mtotal = physmem;
| = freemem;
sample.buffers = 0;
sample.cached = physmem - availrmem; // memory used by the kernel
int swapentries;
if ((swapentries = swapctl(SC_GETNSWP, 0)) == -1)
fatal(i18n("Unable to determine the number of "
"swap spaces. The diagnostics are '%1'.\n"
"Please contact the maintainer at who will try to sort this out.").arg(strerror(errno)));
if (swapentries != 0) {
// 2* to get some space for padding??
swaptbl_t *stbl = (swaptbl_t *) malloc(2*sizeof(int) + swapentries *
sizeof(struct swapent));
if (stbl == 0)
fatal(i18n("KTimeMon ran out of memory while "
"trying to determine the swap usage.\n"
"Attempted to allocate %1 bytes of memory (2 * %2 + %3 * %4).\n"
"Please contact the maintainer at who will try to sort this out.")
.arg(2 * sizeof(int) + swapentries * sizeof(struct swapent))
.arg(sizeof(int)).arg(swapentries).arg(sizeof(struct swapent)));
char path[1024];
stbl->swt_n = swapentries;
for (i = 0; i < swapentries; i++) stbl->swt_ent[i].ste_path = path;
if ((swapentries = swapctl(SC_LIST, stbl)) == -1)
fatal(i18n("Unable to determine the swap usage.\n"
"The diagnostics are '%1'.\n"
"Please contact the maintainer at who will try to sort this out.").arg(strerror(errno)));
if (!warned && swapentries != stbl->swt_n) {
warned = true;
nonfatal(i18n("Information was requested for "
"%1 swap spaces, but only %2 swap entries were returned.\n"
"KTimeMon will attempt to continue.\n"
"Please contact the maintainer at who will try to sort this out.").arg(stbl->swt_n).arg(swapentries));
for (i = 0; i < swapentries; i++) {
sample.stotal += stbl->swt_ent[i].ste_pages;
sample.sfree += stbl->swt_ent[i].ste_free;
#warning This type of system is not supported
sample.stotal = sample.sfree = 0;
sample.cputotal =
sample.user + sample.nice + sample.kernel + sample.iowait + sample.idle;
sample.used = sample.mtotal - sample.mkernel - - sample.buffers - sample.cached;
sample.sused = sample.stotal - sample.sfree;
// Read a new sample after copying the old one.
void KSample::updateSample()
oldSample = sample;
// Convert v to a value representing megabytes.
inline void KSample::makeMBytes(unsigned long &v)
#ifdef __linux__
v /= 1024; // can it be simpler ;-)
#elif defined (__osf__) || defined(USE_SOLARIS)
v /= pagesPerMB;
// Return unscaled sample
KSample::Sample KSample::getRawSample()
Sample diff = sample;
diff.cputotal -= oldSample.cputotal;
diff.user -= oldSample.user;
diff.nice -= oldSample.nice;
diff.kernel -= oldSample.kernel;
diff.iowait -= oldSample.iowait;
for (int i = 0; i < diff.cpus; i++) {
diff.smptotal[i] -= oldSample.smptotal[i];
diff.smpbusy[i] -= oldSample.smpbusy[i];
return diff;
// Better scaling, round according to first decimal
inline unsigned long KSample::doScale(unsigned long value, unsigned scale1,
unsigned long scale2)
if (scale2 == 0) scale2 = (unsigned long)~0; // avoid SEGVs
unsigned long v = value * scale1 * 10;
v /= scale2;
unsigned r = v % 10;
v /= 10;
if (r > 4) v++;
return v;
// Provide the difference from the last to the current sample, scale it
// and return it.
KSample::Sample KSample::getSample(unsigned scale)
Sample s = getRawSample();
s.user = doScale(s.user, scale, s.cputotal);
s.nice = doScale(s.nice, scale, s.cputotal);
s.kernel = doScale(s.kernel, scale, s.cputotal);
s.iowait = doScale(s.iowait, scale, s.cputotal);
for (int i = 0; i < s.cpus; i++)
s.smpbusy[i] = doScale(s.smpbusy[i], scale, s.smptotal[i]);
s.cached = doScale(s.cached, scale, s.mtotal);
s.buffers = doScale(s.buffers, scale, s.mtotal);
s.used = doScale(s.used, scale, s.mtotal);
s.mkernel = doScale(s.mkernel, scale, s.mtotal);
s.sused = doScale(s.sused, scale, s.stotal);
return s;