29.May 2004, Martin Koller, m.koller@surfeu.at This package shall help a better integration of KDE/Linux into a Windows environment by providing tools to work with Windows .lnk files This package contains 2 tools: - a KFile plugin, kfile_lnk, which gives metadata information for a .lnk file (where does it point to) - a small tool, lnkforward, to start an associated application for which the path is in a .lnk file (e.g. when you double-click a file in konqueror) The .lnk file is registered as MIME type application/x-win-lnk If you have a dual-boot machine, and you have your Windows partition(s) mounted, then you should adapt where konqi can find the corresponding C:, D: or other drives. For this you have to adapt the used commandline arguments for lnkforward, which you can do in konqis file-associations for the MIME type application/x-win-lnk The lnkforward tool shall get a commandline option like this: -map C=/mnt/winC -map D=/mnt/winD NOTE: both tools work with .lnk files which are either readable via the local filesystem (smbfs mounted filesystems) or also via URLs on the network, e.g. smb://something Have fun. Martin