/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --- Copyright (C) 2004, Anders Lund */ #ifndef _PLUGIN_KATE_FILETEMPLATES_H_ #define _PLUGIN_KATE_FILETEMPLATES_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KatePluginFactory : public KLibFactory { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: KatePluginFactory(); virtual ~KatePluginFactory(); virtual TQObject* createObject( TQObject* tqparent = 0, const char* pname = 0, const char* name = TQOBJECT_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, const TQStringList &args = TQStringList() ); private: static KInstance* s_instance; }; /** * This template system has the following features: * It allows to create new documents that allready has some contents and a meaningfull * document name. * * Any file can b e used as a template. * * Special template files can contain macros that are expanded when the document * is created, and the cursor can be positioned in the new document. * * A menu is provided, allowing access to templates located in the KDE file system * in the plugins data directory. The menu is dynamically updated. * * Simple tools are provided for creating/eidting templates. * * The main class has methods to do all of the work related to use file templates: * @li Maintain the Template menu (File, New from Template) * @li Load templates * @li Provide simple tools for creating/editing templates */ class KateFileTemplates : public Kate::Plugin, public Kate::PluginViewInterface { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: KateFileTemplates( TQObject* tqparent = 0, const char* name = 0 ); virtual ~KateFileTemplates(); void addView (Kate::MainWindow *win); void removeView (Kate::MainWindow *win); /** * @return a list of unique group names in the template list. */ TQStringList groups(); /** * @return a pointer to the templateinfo collection */ TQPtrList templates() { return m_templates; } /** * @return a pointer to the templateInfo for the template at @p index * in the template collection. */ class TemplateInfo *templateInfo( int index ) { return m_templates.at( index ); } /** * @return a a pointer to the active main window */ TQWidget * parentWindow(); public slots: /** * Update the template collection by rereading the template * directories. Also updates the menu. */ void updateTemplateDirs(const TQString &s=TQString()); private slots: /** * Show a file dialog, so that any file can be opened as a template. * If the chosen file has the .katetemplate extension, it is parsed, * otherwise it is just copied to the new document. */ void slotAny(); /** * Open the template found at @p index in the colletion */ void slotOpenTemplate( int index ); /** * Open the file at @p url as a template. If it has the .katetemplate * extension it is parsed, otherwise its content is just copied to the new * document. */ void slotOpenTemplate( const KURL &url ); void slotEditTemplate(); /** * Show a KateTemplateWizard wizard. */ void slotCreateTemplate(); private: void refreshMenu( class PluginView */*class TQPopupMenu **/ ); TQPtrList m_views; class KActionCollection *m_actionCollection; class KRecentFilesAction *m_acRecentTemplates; TQPtrList m_templates; class KDirWatch *m_dw; class KUser *m_user; class KConfig *m_emailstuff; class KActionMenu *m_menu; }; class TemplateInfo; /** * This widget provide a GUI for editing template properties. */ class KateTemplateInfoWidget : public TQWidget { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: KateTemplateInfoWidget( TQWidget *tqparent=0, TemplateInfo *info=0, KateFileTemplates *kft=0 ); ~KateTemplateInfoWidget() {} TemplateInfo *info; class TQLineEdit *leTemplate, *leDocumentName, *leDescription, *leAuthor; class TQComboBox *cmbGroup; class TQPushButton *btnHighlight; class KIconButton *ibIcon; private slots: void slotHlSet( int id ); private: KateFileTemplates *kft; }; /** * This wizard helps creating a new template, which is then opened for the user * to edit. * Basically, the user is offered to select an existing file or template to start * from, set template properties, and if a file is loaded, some replacements is * done in the text: * @li % characters are protected (% -> %%) * @li ^ characters are protected (with a backsplash) * @li The users name, username and email is replaced by the corresponding macros * If so chosen, the file is saved to either the template directory, or a location * set by the user. */ class KateTemplateWizard : public KWizard { friend class KateFileTemplates; Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: KateTemplateWizard( TQWidget* tqparent, KateFileTemplates *ktf ); ~KateTemplateWizard() {} public slots: void accept(); private slots: void slotTmplateSet( int ); void slotStateChanged(); void slotStateChanged( int ) { slotStateChanged(); } void slotStateChanged( const TQString& ) { slotStateChanged(); } private: KateFileTemplates *kft; KateTemplateInfoWidget *kti; // origin page class TQButtonGroup *bgOrigin; class KURLRequester *urOrigin; class TQPushButton *btnTmpl; uint selectedTemplateIdx; // location page class TQButtonGroup *bgLocation; class KURLRequester *urLocation; class TQLineEdit *leTemplateFileName; // macro replacement page class TQCheckBox *cbRRealname, *cbRUsername, *cbREmail; TQString sFullname, sEmail/*, sUsername*/; // final class TQCheckBox *cbOpenTemplate; }; class KateTemplateManager : public TQWidget { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: KateTemplateManager( KateFileTemplates *kft=0, TQWidget *tqparent=0, const char *name=0 ); ~KateTemplateManager() {} public slots: void apply(); void reload(); void reset() { reload(); } private slots: void slotUpload(); void slotDownload(); void slotUpdateState(); void slotEditTemplate(); void slotRemoveTemplate(); private: class KListView *lvTemplates; class TQPushButton *btnNew, *btnEdit, *btnRemove, *btnDownload, *btnUpload; KateFileTemplates *kft; TQPtrList *remove; }; #endif // _PLUGIN_KATE_FILETEMPLATES_H_ // kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;