Gardner Bell
2006-02-26 3.5.1 The DOM Tree Viewer allows a developer to view the styles, attributes and elements of a web document. KDE kdeaddons konqueror plugins DOMTreeViewer
The <acronym>DOM</acronym> Tree Viewer Using the <acronym>DOM</acronym> Tree Viewer To begin using The DOM Tree Viewer in &konqueror;, select ToolsShow DOM Tree. This will open a new window which displays the DOM of the current web page you are viewing. By default the display starts at the root node of the document, example: documentElement, all other nodes that you will see are children or descendants of the root node. If you wish to manipulate the DOM tree in any way you will have to use an external script to do so. Credits The domtreeviewer plugin is Copyright © 2001 The Kafka Team/Andreas Schlapbach kde-kafka@master.kde.org schlpbch@unibe.ch