This file is part of KAddressbook.
Copyright (c) 2003 - 2004 Helge Deller <deller@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of TQt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for TQt in the source distribution.
This import/export filter reads and writes addressbook entries in the
gmx format which is natively used by the german freemail provider GMX.
The big advantage of this format is, that it stores it's information
very consistent and makes parsing pretty simple. Furthermore, most
information needed by KABC is available when compared to other formats.
For further information please visit http://www.gmx.com
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmdcodec.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "gmx_xxport.h"
K_EXPORT_KADDRESSBOOK_XXFILTER_CATALOG( libkaddrbk_gmx_xxport, GMXXXPort, "libkaddrbk_gmx_xxport" )
#define GMX_FILESELECTION_STRING "*.gmxa|" + i18n( "GMX addressbook file (*.gmxa)" )
GMXXXPort::GMXXXPort( KABC::AddressBook *ab, TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name )
: KAB::XXPort( ab, tqparent, name )
createImportAction( i18n( "Import GMX Address Book..." ) );
createExportAction( i18n( "Export GMX Address Book..." ) );
static bool checkDateTime( const TQString &dateStr, TQDateTime &dt )
if (dateStr.isEmpty())
return false;
dt = TQDateTime::fromString(dateStr, Qt::ISODate);
if (dt.isValid() && dt.date().year()>1901)
return true;
return false;
/* import */
KABC::AddresseeList GMXXXPort::importContacts( const TQString& ) const
KABC::AddresseeList addrList;
TQString fileName = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( ":xxport_gmx",
if ( fileName.isEmpty() )
return addrList;
TQFile file( fileName );
if ( !file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
TQString msg = i18n( "<qt>Unable to open <b>%1</b> for reading.</qt>" );
KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), msg.tqarg( fileName ) );
return addrList;
TQDateTime dt;
TQTextStream gmxStream( &file );
gmxStream.setEncoding( TQTextStream::Latin1 );
TQString line, line2;
line = gmxStream.readLine();
line2 = gmxStream.readLine();
if (!line.startsWith("AB_ADDRESSES:") || !line2.startsWith("Address_id")) {
KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), i18n("%1 is not a GMX address book file.").tqarg(fileName) );
return addrList;
TQStringList strList;
typedef TQMap<TQString, KABC::Addressee *> AddressMap;
AddressMap addrMap;
// "Address_id,Nickname,Firstname,Lastname,Title,Birthday,Comments,Change_date,tqStatus,Address_link_id,Categories"
line = gmxStream.readLine();
while (!line.startsWith("####") && !gmxStream.atEnd()) {
while (1) {
strList = TQStringList::split('#', line, true);
if (strList.count() >= 11)
KABC::Addressee *addr = new KABC::Addressee;
if (addr->formattedName().isEmpty())
if (checkDateTime(strList[5],dt)) addr->setBirthday(dt);
if (checkDateTime(strList[7],dt)) addr->setRevision(dt);
// addr->settqStatus(strList[8]); tqStatus
// addr->xxx(strList[9]); Address_link_id
// addr->setCategory(strList[10]); Categories
addrMap[strList[0]] = addr;
line = gmxStream.readLine();
// now read the address records
line = gmxStream.readLine();
if (!line.startsWith("AB_ADDRESS_RECORDS:")) {
kdWarning() << "Could not find address records!\n";
return addrList;
// Address_id,Record_id,Street,Country,Zipcode,City,Phone,Fax,Mobile,Mobile_type,Email,
// Homepage,Position,Comments,Record_type_id,Record_type,Company,Department,Change_date,Preferred,tqStatus
line = gmxStream.readLine();
line = gmxStream.readLine();
while (!line.startsWith("####") && !gmxStream.atEnd()) {
while (1) {
strList = TQStringList::split('#', line, true);
if (strList.count() >= 21)
KABC::Addressee *addr = addrMap[strList[0]];
if (addr) {
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = strList.begin(); it != strList.end(); ++it )
*it = (*it).simplifyWhiteSpace();
// strList[1] = Record_id (numbered item, ignore here)
int id = strList[14].toInt(); // Record_type_id (0=work,1=home,2=other)
int type = (id==0) ? KABC::Address::Work : KABC::Address::Home;
if (!strList[19].isEmpty() && strList[19].toInt()!=0)
type |= KABC::Address::Pref; // Preferred address (seems to be bitfield for telephone Prefs)
KABC::Address adr = addr->address(type);
addr->insertPhoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber(strList[6], KABC::PhoneNumber::Home) );
addr->insertPhoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber(strList[7], KABC::PhoneNumber::Fax) );
int celltype = KABC::PhoneNumber::Cell;
// strList[9]=Mobile_type // always 0 or -1(default phone).
if (strList[9].toInt()) celltype |= KABC::PhoneNumber::Pref;
addr->insertPhoneNumber( KABC::PhoneNumber(strList[8], celltype) );
if (!strList[11].isEmpty()) addr->setUrl(strList[11]);
if (!strList[12].isEmpty()) addr->setRole(strList[12]);
// strList[13]=Comments
// strList[14]=Record_type_id (0,1,2) - see above
// strList[15]=Record_type (name of this additional record entry)
if (!strList[16].isEmpty()) addr->setOrganization(strList[16]); // Company
if (!strList[17].isEmpty()) addr->insertCustom(
"KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Department", strList[17]); // Department
if (checkDateTime(strList[18],dt)) addr->setRevision(dt); // Change_date
// strList[19]=Preferred (see above)
// strList[20]=tqStatus (should always be "1")
} else {
kdWarning() << "unresolved line: " << line << endl;
line = gmxStream.readLine();
// now add the addresses to to addrList
for ( AddressMap::Iterator it = addrMap.begin(); it != addrMap.end(); ++it ) {
KABC::Addressee *addr = it.data();
delete addr;
return addrList;
/* export */
bool GMXXXPort::exportContacts( const KABC::AddresseeList &list, const TQString& )
KURL url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL( ":xxport_gmx", GMX_FILESELECTION_STRING );
if ( url.isEmpty() )
return true;
if ( !url.isLocalFile() ) {
KTempFile tmpFile;
if ( tmpFile.status() != 0 ) {
TQString txt = i18n( "<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b>.%2.</qt>" );
KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), txt.tqarg( url.url() )
.tqarg( strerror( tmpFile.status() ) ) );
return false;
doExport( tmpFile.file(), list );
return KIO::NetAccess::upload( tmpFile.name(), url, parentWidget() );
} else {
TQString filename = url.path();
TQFile file( filename );
if ( !file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
TQString txt = i18n( "<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b>.</qt>" );
KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), txt.tqarg( filename ) );
return false;
doExport( &file, list );
return true;
static const TQString dateString( const TQDateTime &dt )
if (!dt.isValid())
return TQString::tqfromLatin1("1000-01-01 00:00:00");
TQString d(dt.toString(Qt::ISODate));
d[10] = ' '; // remove the "T" in the middle of the string
return d;
void GMXXXPort::doExport( TQFile *fp, const KABC::AddresseeList &list )
if (!fp || !list.count())
TQTextStream t( fp );
t.setEncoding( TQTextStream::Latin1 );
KABC::AddresseeList::ConstIterator it;
typedef TQMap<int, const KABC::Addressee *> AddressMap;
AddressMap addrMap;
const KABC::Addressee *addr;
t << "AB_ADDRESSES:\n";
t << "Address_id,Nickname,Firstname,Lastname,Title,Birthday,Comments,"
int no = 0;
const TQChar DELIM('#');
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
addr = &(*it);
if (addr->isEmpty())
addrMap[++no] = addr;
t << no << DELIM // Address_id
<< addr->nickName() << DELIM // Nickname
<< addr->givenName() << DELIM // Firstname
<< addr->familyName() << DELIM // Lastname
<< addr->title() << DELIM // Title
<< dateString(addr->birthday()) << DELIM // Birthday
<< addr->note() /*.tqreplace('\n',"\r\n")*/ << DELIM // Comments
<< dateString(addr->revision()) << DELIM // Change_date
<< "1##0\n"; // tqStatus, Address_link_id, Categories
t << "####\n";
t << "Address_id,Record_id,Street,Country,Zipcode,City,Phone,Fax,Mobile,"
no = 1;
while ( (addr = addrMap[no]) != NULL ) {
for (unsigned int record_id=0; record_id<3; record_id++) {
KABC::Address address;
KABC::PhoneNumber phone, fax, cell;
if (record_id == 0) {
address = addr->address(KABC::Address::Work);
phone = addr->phoneNumber(KABC::PhoneNumber::Work);
fax = addr->phoneNumber(KABC::PhoneNumber::Fax);
cell = addr->phoneNumber(KABC::PhoneNumber::Work | KABC::PhoneNumber::Cell);
} else {
address = addr->address(KABC::Address::Home);
phone = addr->phoneNumber(KABC::PhoneNumber::Home);
cell = addr->phoneNumber(KABC::PhoneNumber::Cell);
const TQStringList emails = addr->emails();
TQString email;
if (emails.count()>record_id) email = emails[record_id];
t << no << DELIM // Address_id
<< record_id << DELIM // Record_id
<< address.street() << DELIM // Street
<< address.country() << DELIM // Country
<< address.postalCode() << DELIM // Zipcode
<< address.locality() << DELIM // City
<< phone.number() << DELIM // Phone
<< fax.number() << DELIM // Fax
<< cell.number() << DELIM // Mobile
<< ((cell.type()&KABC::PhoneNumber::Pref)?-1:0) << DELIM // Mobile_type
<< email << DELIM // Email
<< ((record_id==0)?addr->url().url():TQString()) << DELIM // Homepage
<< ((record_id==0)?addr->role():TQString()) << DELIM // Position
<< DELIM // Comments
<< record_id << DELIM // Record_type_id (0,1,2) - see above
<< DELIM // Record_type (name of this additional record entry)
<< ((record_id==0)?addr->organization():TQString()) << DELIM // Company
<< ((record_id==0)?addr->custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Department"):TQString()) << DELIM // Department
<< dateString(addr->revision()) << DELIM // Change_date
<< 5 << DELIM // Preferred
<< 1 << endl; // tqStatus (should always be "1")
t << "####";
#include "gmx_xxport.moc"