You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1024 lines
35 KiB

/***************************************************** vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
A KPart to display running jobs in KTTSD and permit user to stop, rewind,
advance, change Talker, etc.
Copyright : (C) 2004,2005 by Gary Cramblitt <>
Current Maintainer: Gary Cramblitt <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. *
* *
// QT includes.
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <tqhbox.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqsplitter.h>
#include <tqclipboard.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqobjectlist.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <tqmime.h>
// KDE includes.
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <klistview.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kencodingfiledialog.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <ktextedit.h>
// KTTS includes.
#include "kspeech.h"
#include "talkercode.h"
#include "selecttalkerdlg.h"
#include "kttsjobmgr.h"
#include "kttsjobmgr.moc"
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libkttsjobmgrpart, KttsJobMgrFactory )
* We need one static instance of the factory for our C 'main'
* function
KInstance *KttsJobMgrFactory::s_instance = 0L;
if (s_instance)
delete s_instance->aboutData();
delete s_instance;
s_instance = 0;
TQObject *KttsJobMgrFactory::createObject(TQObject *parent, const char *name, const char*,
const TQStringList& )
TQObject *obj = new KttsJobMgrPart((TQWidget*)parent, name);
emit objectCreated(obj);
return obj;
KInstance *KttsJobMgrFactory::instance()
if ( !s_instance )
s_instance = new KInstance( aboutData() );
return s_instance;
KAboutData *KttsJobMgrFactory::aboutData()
KAboutData *about = new KAboutData("kttsjobmgr", I18N_NOOP("KttsJobMgr"), "1.99");
return about;
KttsJobMgrPart::KttsJobMgrPart(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) :
DCOPStub("kttsd", "KSpeech"),
KParts::ReadOnlyPart(parent, name)
// Initialize some variables.
m_selectOnTextSet = false;
m_buttonBox = 0;
// All the ktts components use the same catalogue.
// Create a TQVBox to host everything.
TQVBox* vBox = new TQVBox(parent);
// Create a splitter to contain the Job List View and the current sentence.
TQSplitter* splitter = new TQSplitter(vBox);
// Create Job List View widget.
m_jobListView = new KListView(splitter, "joblistview");
m_jobListView->addColumn(i18n("Job Num"));
m_jobListView->addColumn(i18n("Talker ID"));
m_jobListView->addColumn(i18n("Part Num"));
// Do not sort the list.
TQString jobListViewWT = i18n(
"<p>These are all the text jobs. The <b>State</b> column "
"may be:"
"<li><b>Queued</b> - the job is waiting and will not be spoken until its state "
"is changed to <b>Waiting</b> by clicking the <b>Resume</b> or <b>Restart</b> buttons.</li>"
"<li><b>Waiting</b> - the job is ready to be spoken. It will be spoken when the jobs "
"preceding it in the list have finished.</li>"
"<li><b>Speaking</b> - the job is speaking. The <b>Position</b> column shows the current "
"sentence of the job being spoken. You may pause a speaking job by clicking the "
"<b>Hold</b> button.</li>"
"<li><b>Paused</b> - the job is currently paused. Paused jobs prevent jobs below them "
"from speaking. Use the <b>Resume</b> or <b>Restart</b> buttons to resume speaking the "
"job, or click <b>Later</b> to move the job down in the list.</li>"
"<li><b>Finished</b> - the job has finished speaking. When a second job finishes, "
"this one will be deleted. You may click <b>Restart</b> to repeat the job.</li>"
"<em>Note</em>: Messages, Warnings, and Screen Reader Output do not appear in this list. "
"See the Handbook for more information."
TQWhatsThis::add(m_jobListView, jobListViewWT);
// splitter->setResizeMode(m_jobListView, TQSplitter::Stretch);
// Create a VBox to hold buttons and current sentence.
TQVBox* bottomBox = new TQVBox(splitter);
// Create a box to hold buttons.
m_buttonBox = new TQVBox(bottomBox);
// Create 3 HBoxes to host buttons.
TQHBox* hbox1 = new TQHBox(m_buttonBox);
TQHBox* hbox2 = new TQHBox(m_buttonBox);
TQHBox* hbox3 = new TQHBox(m_buttonBox);
// Do not let button box stretch vertically.
m_buttonBox->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed));
// All the buttons with "job_" at start of their names will be enabled/disabled when a job is
// selected in the Job List View.
// All the buttons with "part_" at the start of their names will be enabled/disabled when a
// job is selected in the Job List View that has multiple parts.
TQPushButton* btn;
TQString wt;
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("stop", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("Hold"), hbox1, "job_hold");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Changes a job to Paused state. If currently speaking, the job stops speaking. "
"Paused jobs prevent jobs that follow them from speaking, so either click "
"<b>Resume</b> to make the job speakable, or click <b>Later</b> to move it "
"down in the list.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_hold()));
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("exec", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("Resume"), hbox1, "job_resume");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Resumes a paused job or changes a Queued job to Waiting. If the job is the "
"top speakable job in the list, it begins speaking.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_resume()));
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("redo", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("R&estart"), hbox1, "job_restart");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Rewinds a job to the beginning and changes its state to Waiting. If the job "
"is the top speakable job in the list, it begins speaking.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_restart()));
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("edittrash", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("Re&move"), hbox1, "job_remove");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Deletes the job. If it is currently speaking, it stops speaking. The next "
"speakable job in the list begins speaking.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_remove()));
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("down", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("&Later"), hbox1, "job_later");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Moves a job downward in the list so that it will be spoken later. If the job "
"is currently speaking, its state changes to Paused.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_move()));
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("2leftarrow", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("Pre&vious Part"), hbox2, "part_prevpart");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Rewinds a multi-part job to the previous part.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_prev_par()));
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("1leftarrow", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("&Previous Sentence"), hbox2, "job_prevsentence");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Rewinds a job to the previous sentence.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_prev_sen()));
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("1rightarrow", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("&Next Sentence"), hbox2, "job_nextsentence");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Advances a job to the next sentence.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_next_sen()));
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("2rightarrow", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("Ne&xt Part"), hbox2, "part_nextpart");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Advances a multi-part job to the next part.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_next_par()));
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("klipper", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("&Speak Clipboard"), hbox3, "speak_clipboard");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Queues the current contents of the clipboard for speaking and sets its state "
"to Waiting. If the job is the topmost in the list, it begins speaking. "
"The job will be spoken by the topmost Talker in the <b>Talkers</b> tab.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_speak_clipboard()));
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("fileopen", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("Spea&k File"), hbox3, "speak_file");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Prompts you for a file name and queues the contents of the file for speaking. "
"You must click the <b>Resume</b> button before the job will be speakable. "
"The job will be spoken by the topmost Talker in the <b>Talkers</b> tab.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_speak_file()));
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("translate", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("Change Talker"), hbox3, "job_changetalker");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Prompts you with a list of your configured Talkers from the <b>Talkers</b> tab. "
"The job will be spoken using the selected Talker.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_change_talker()));
btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("reload_page", KIcon::Small, 0, true),
i18n("&Refresh"), hbox3, "refresh");
wt = i18n(
"<p>Refresh the list of jobs.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt);
connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_refresh()));
// Disable job buttons until a job is selected.
// Create a VBox for the current sentence and sentence label.
TQVBox* sentenceVBox = new TQVBox(bottomBox);
// Create a label for current sentence.
TQLabel* currentSentenceLabel = new TQLabel(sentenceVBox);
currentSentenceLabel->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Fixed));
currentSentenceLabel->setText(i18n("Current Sentence"));
// Create a box to contain the current sentence.
m_currentSentence = new KTextEdit(sentenceVBox);
wt = i18n(
"<p>The text of the sentence currently speaking.</p>");
TQWhatsThis::add(m_currentSentence, wt);
// Set the main widget for the part.
connect(m_jobListView, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged(TQListViewItem* )),
this, TQT_SLOT(slot_selectionChanged(TQListViewItem* )));
// Fill the Job List View.
// Select first item (if any).
// Connect DCOP Signals emitted by KTTSD to our own DCOP methods.
connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech",
connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech",
connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech",
connectDCOPSignal(0, 0,
connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech",
connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech",
connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech",
connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech",
connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech",
connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech",
connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech",
m_extension = new KttsJobMgrBrowserExtension(this);
// Divide splitter in half. ListView gets half. Buttons and Current Sentence get half.
int halfSplitterSize = splitter->height()/2;
TQValueList<int> splitterSizes;
bool KttsJobMgrPart::openFile()
return true;
bool KttsJobMgrPart::closeURL()
return true;
* This slot is connected to the Job List View selectionChanged signal.
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*)
// Enable job buttons.
enableJobPartActions((getCurrentJobPartCount() > 1));
* Slots connected to buttons.
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_hold()
uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum();
if (jobNum)
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_resume()
uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum();
if (jobNum)
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_restart()
uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum();
// kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_restart: jobNum = " << jobNum << endl;
if (jobNum)
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_prev_par()
uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum();
if (jobNum)
// Get current part number.
uint partNum = jumpToTextPart(0, jobNum);
if (partNum > 1) jumpToTextPart(--partNum, jobNum);
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_prev_sen()
uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum();
if (jobNum)
moveRelTextSentence(-1, jobNum);
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_next_sen()
uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum();
if (jobNum)
moveRelTextSentence(1, jobNum);
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_next_par()
uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum();
if (jobNum)
// Get current part number.
uint partNum = jumpToTextPart(0, jobNum);
jumpToTextPart(++partNum, jobNum);
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_remove()
uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum();
if (jobNum)
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_move()
uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum();
if (jobNum)
// Select the job we just moved.
TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum);
if (item) m_jobListView->setSelected(item, true);
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_change_talker()
TQListViewItem* item = m_jobListView->selectedItem();
if (item)
TQString talkerID = item->text(jlvcTalkerID);
TQStringList talkerIDs = m_talkerCodesToTalkerIDs.values();
int ndx = talkerIDs.findIndex(talkerID);
TQString talkerCode;
if (ndx >= 0) talkerCode = m_talkerCodesToTalkerIDs.keys()[ndx];
SelectTalkerDlg dlg(widget(), "selecttalkerdialog", i18n("Select Talker"), talkerCode, true);
int dlgResult = dlg.exec();
if (dlgResult != KDialogBase::Accepted) return;
talkerCode = dlg.getSelectedTalkerCode();
int jobNum = item->text(jlvcJobNum).toInt();
changeTextTalker(talkerCode, jobNum);
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_speak_clipboard()
// Get the clipboard object.
QClipboard *cb = kapp->clipboard();
// Copy text from the clipboard.
TQString text;
TQMimeSource* data = cb->data();
if (data)
if (data->provides("text/html"))
if (supportsMarkup(NULL, KSpeech::mtHtml))
TQByteArray d = data->encodedData("text/html");
text = TQString(d);
if (data->provides("text/ssml"))
if (supportsMarkup(NULL, KSpeech::mtSsml))
TQByteArray d = data->encodedData("text/ssml");
text = TQString(d);
if (text.isEmpty())
text = cb->text();
// Speak it.
if ( !text.isEmpty() )
uint jobNum = setText(text, NULL);
// kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::slot_speak_clipboard: started jobNum " << jobNum << endl;
// Set flag so that the job we just created will be selected when textSet signal is received.
m_selectOnTextSet = true;
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_speak_file()
KEncodingFileDialog dlg;
KEncodingFileDialog::Result result = dlg.getOpenFileNameAndEncoding();
if (result.fileNames.count() == 1)
// kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgr::slot_speak_file: calling setFile with filename " <<
// result.fileNames[0] << " and encoding " << result.encoding << endl;
setFile(result.fileNames[0], NULL, result.encoding);
void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_refresh()
// Clear TalkerID cache.
// Get current job number.
uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum();
// Select the previously-selected job.
if (jobNum)
TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum);
if (item) m_jobListView->setSelected(item, true);
* Convert a KTTSD job state integer into a display string.
* @param state KTTSD job state
* @return Display string for the state.
TQString KttsJobMgrPart::stateToStr(int state)
switch( state )
case KSpeech::jsQueued: return i18n("Queued");
case KSpeech::jsSpeakable: return i18n("Waiting");
case KSpeech::jsSpeaking: return i18n("Speaking");
case KSpeech::jsPaused: return i18n("Paused");
case KSpeech::jsFinished: return i18n("Finished");
default: return i18n("Unknown");
* Get the Job Number of the currently-selected job in the Job List View.
* @return Job Number of currently-selected job.
* 0 if no currently-selected job.
uint KttsJobMgrPart::getCurrentJobNum()
uint jobNum = 0;
TQListViewItem* item = m_jobListView->selectedItem();
if (item)
TQString jobNumStr = item->text(jlvcJobNum);
jobNum = jobNumStr.toUInt(0, 10);
return jobNum;
* Get the number of parts in the currently-selected job in the Job List View.
* @return Number of parts in currently-selected job.
* 0 if no currently-selected job.
int KttsJobMgrPart::getCurrentJobPartCount()
int partCount = 0;
TQListViewItem* item = m_jobListView->selectedItem();
if (item)
TQString partCountStr = item->text(jlvcPartCount);
partCount = partCountStr.toUInt(0, 10);
return partCount;
* Given a Job Number, returns the Job List View item containing the job.
* @param jobNum Job Number.
* @return TQListViewItem containing the job or 0 if not found.
TQListViewItem* KttsJobMgrPart::findItemByJobNum(const uint jobNum)
return m_jobListView->findItem(TQString::number(jobNum), jlvcJobNum);
* Refresh display of a single job in the JobListView.
* @param jobNum Job Number.
void KttsJobMgrPart::refreshJob(uint jobNum)
TQByteArray jobInfo = getTextJobInfo(jobNum);
TQDataStream stream(jobInfo, IO_ReadOnly);
int state;
TQCString appId;
TQString talker;
int seq;
int sentenceCount;
int partNum;
int partCount;
stream >> state;
stream >> appId;
stream >> talker;
stream >> seq;
stream >> sentenceCount;
stream >> partNum;
stream >> partCount;
TQString talkerID = cachedTalkerCodeToTalkerID(talker);
TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum);
if (item)
item->setText(jlvcTalkerID, talkerID);
item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(state));
item->setText(jlvcPosition, TQString::number(seq));
item->setText(jlvcSentences, TQString::number(sentenceCount));
item->setText(jlvcPartNum, TQString::number(partNum));
item->setText(jlvcPartCount, TQString::number(partCount));
* Fill the Job List View.
void KttsJobMgrPart::refreshJobListView()
// kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::refreshJobListView: Running" << endl;
TQString jobNumbers = getTextJobNumbers();
// kdDebug() << "jobNumbers: " << jobNumbers << endl;
TQStringList jobNums = TQStringList::split(",", jobNumbers);
TQListViewItem* lastItem = 0;
TQStringList::ConstIterator endJobNums(jobNums.constEnd());
for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = jobNums.constBegin(); it != endJobNums; ++it)
TQString jobNumStr = *it;
// kdDebug() << "jobNumStr: " << jobNumStr << endl;
uint jobNum = jobNumStr.toUInt(0, 10);
TQByteArray jobInfo = getTextJobInfo(jobNum);
TQDataStream stream(jobInfo, IO_ReadOnly);
int state;
TQCString appId;
TQString talkerCode;
int seq;
int sentenceCount;
int partNum;
int partCount;
stream >> state;
stream >> appId;
stream >> talkerCode;
stream >> seq;
stream >> sentenceCount;
stream >> partNum;
stream >> partCount;
TQString talkerID = cachedTalkerCodeToTalkerID(talkerCode);
// Append to list.
if (lastItem)
lastItem = new TQListViewItem(m_jobListView, lastItem, jobNumStr, appId, talkerID,
stateToStr(state), TQString::number(seq), TQString::number(sentenceCount),
TQString::number(partNum), TQString::number(partCount));
lastItem = new TQListViewItem(m_jobListView, jobNumStr, appId, talkerID,
stateToStr(state), TQString::number(seq), TQString::number(sentenceCount),
TQString::number(partNum), TQString::number(partCount));
* If nothing selected in Job List View and list not empty, select top item.
* If nothing selected and list is empty, disable job buttons.
void KttsJobMgrPart::autoSelectInJobListView()
// If something selected, nothing to do.
if (m_jobListView->selectedItem()) return;
// If empty, disable job buttons.
TQListViewItem* item = m_jobListView->firstChild();
if (!item)
// Select first item. Should fire itemSelected event which will enable job buttons.
m_jobListView->setSelected(item, true);
* Return the Talker ID corresponding to a Talker Code, retrieving from cached list if present.
* @param talkerCode Talker Code.
* @return Talker ID.
TQString KttsJobMgrPart::cachedTalkerCodeToTalkerID(const TQString& talkerCode)
// If in the cache, return that.
if (m_talkerCodesToTalkerIDs.contains(talkerCode))
return m_talkerCodesToTalkerIDs[talkerCode];
// Otherwise, retrieve Talker ID from KTTSD and cache it.
TQString talkerID = talkerCodeToTalkerId(talkerCode);
m_talkerCodesToTalkerIDs[talkerCode] = talkerID;
return talkerID;
* Enables or disables all the job-related buttons.
* @param enable True to enable the job-related butons. False to disable.
void KttsJobMgrPart::enableJobActions(bool enable)
if (!m_buttonBox) return;
TQObjectList *l = m_buttonBox->queryList( TQPUSHBUTTON_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "job_*", true, true );
TQObjectListIt it( *l ); // iterate over the buttons
TQObject *obj;
while ( (obj = it.current()) != 0 ) {
// for each found object...
((TQPushButton*)obj)->setEnabled( enable );
delete l; // delete the list, not the objects
if (enable)
// Later button only enables if currently selected list item is not bottom of list.
TQListViewItem* item = m_jobListView->selectedItem();
if (item)
bool enableLater = item->nextSibling();
l = m_buttonBox->queryList( TQPUSHBUTTON_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "job_later", false, true );
it = TQObjectListIt( *l ); // iterate over the buttons
if ( (obj = it.current()) != 0 ) {
// for each found object...
((TQPushButton*)obj)->setEnabled( enableLater );
delete l; // delete the list, not the objects
* Enables or disables all the job part-related buttons.
* @param enable True to enable the job par-related butons. False to disable.
void KttsJobMgrPart::enableJobPartActions(bool enable)
if (!m_buttonBox) return;
TQObjectList *l = m_buttonBox->queryList( TQPUSHBUTTON_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "part_*", true, true );
TQObjectListIt it( *l ); // iterate over the buttons
TQObject *obj;
while ( (obj = it.current()) != 0 ) {
// for each found object...
((TQPushButton*)obj)->setEnabled( enable );
delete l; // delete the list, not the objects
/** DCOP Methods connected to DCOP Signals emitted by KTTSD. */
* This signal is emitted when KTTSD starts or restarts after a call to reinit.
ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::kttsdStarted() { slot_refresh(); }
* This signal is emitted when the speech engine/plugin encounters a marker in the text.
* @param appId DCOP application ID of the application that queued the text.
* @param markerName The name of the marker seen.
* @see markers
ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::markerSeen(const TQCString&, const TQString&)
* This signal is emitted whenever a sentence begins speaking.
* @param appId DCOP application ID of the application that queued the text.
* @param jobNum Job number of the text job.
* @param seq Sequence number of the text.
* @see getTextCount
ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::sentenceStarted(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum, const uint seq)
// kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::sentencedStarted: jobNum = " << jobNum << " seq = " << seq << endl;
TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum);
if (item)
item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsSpeaking));
item->setText(jlvcPosition, TQString::number(seq));
m_currentSentence->setText(getTextJobSentence(jobNum, seq));
* This signal is emitted when a sentence has finished speaking.
* @param appId DCOP application ID of the application that queued the text.
* @param jobNum Job number of the text job.
* @param seq Sequence number of the text.
* @see getTextCount
ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::sentenceFinished(const TQCString& /*appId*/, const uint /*jobNum*/, const uint /*seq*/)
// kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::sentencedFinished: jobNum = " << jobNum << endl;
TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum);
if (item)
item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsSpeaking));
* This signal is emitted whenever a new text job is added to the queue.
* @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job.
* @param jobNum Job number of the text job.
ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textSet(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum)
TQByteArray jobInfo = getTextJobInfo(jobNum);
TQDataStream stream(jobInfo, IO_ReadOnly);
int state;
TQCString appId;
TQString talkerCode;
int seq;
int sentenceCount;
int partNum;
int partCount;
stream >> state;
stream >> appId;
stream >> talkerCode;
stream >> seq;
stream >> sentenceCount;
stream >> partNum;
stream >> partCount;
TQString talkerID = cachedTalkerCodeToTalkerID(talkerCode);
TQListViewItem* item = new TQListViewItem(m_jobListView, m_jobListView->lastItem(),
TQString::number(jobNum), appId, talkerID,
stateToStr(state), TQString::number(seq), TQString::number(sentenceCount),
TQString::number(partNum), TQString::number(partCount));
// Should we select this job?
if (m_selectOnTextSet)
m_jobListView->setSelected(item, true);
m_selectOnTextSet = false;
// If a job not already selected, select this one.
* This signal is emitted whenever a new part is appended to a text job.
* @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job.
* @param jobNum Job number of the text job.
* @param partNum Part number of the new part. Parts are numbered starting
* at 1.
ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textAppended(const TQCString& appId, const uint jobNum, const int /*partNum*/)
textSet(appId, jobNum);
* This signal is emitted whenever speaking of a text job begins.
* @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job.
* @param jobNum Job number of the text job.
ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textStarted(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum)
TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum);
if (item)
item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsSpeaking));
item->setText(jlvcPosition, "1");
* This signal is emitted whenever a text job is finished. The job has
* been marked for deletion from the queue and will be deleted when another
* job reaches the Finished state. (Only one job in the text queue may be
* in state Finished at one time.) If @ref startText or @ref resumeText is
* called before the job is deleted, it will remain in the queue for speaking.
* @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job.
* @param jobNum Job number of the text job.
ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textFinished(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum)
// kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::textFinished: jobNum = " << jobNum << endl;
TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum);
if (item)
item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsFinished));
// Update sentence pointer, since signal may not be emitted for final CR.
* This signal is emitted whenever a speaking text job stops speaking.
* @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job.
* @param jobNum Job number of the text job.
ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textStopped(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum)
// kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::textStopped: jobNum = " << jobNum << endl;
TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum);
if (item)
item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsQueued));
item->setText(jlvcPosition, "1");
* This signal is emitted whenever a speaking text job is paused.
* @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job.
* @param jobNum Job number of the text job.
ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textPaused(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum)
// kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::textPaused: jobNum = " << jobNum << endl;
TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum);
if (item)
item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsPaused));
* This signal is emitted when a text job, that was previously paused, resumes speaking.
* @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job.
* @param jobNum Job number of the text job.
ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textResumed(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum)
TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum);
if (item)
item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsSpeaking));
* This signal is emitted whenever a text job is deleted from the queue.
* The job is no longer in the queue when this signal is emitted.
* @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job.
* @param jobNum Job number of the text job.
ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textRemoved(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum)
TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum);
delete item;
KttsJobMgrBrowserExtension::KttsJobMgrBrowserExtension(KttsJobMgrPart *parent)
: KParts::BrowserExtension(parent, "KttsJobMgrBrowserExtension")