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// C++ Interface: kttsdlibtalker2
// Description:
// Author: Robert Vogl <voglrobe@lapislazuli>, (C) 2004
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
// TQt includes
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqcstring.h>
#include <kspeech_stub.h>
#include <kspeechsink.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
@author Robert Vogl
class kttsdlibtalker2 : public TQObject, public KSpeech_stub, virtual public KSpeechSink
void signalTextStarted(const uint);
void signalTextFinished(const uint);
void signalTextStopped(const uint);
kttsdlibtalker2(TQObject *parent = 0, const char *name = 0);
/** Intializes the DCOP interface.
void KTTSD_init(KApplication *Appl);
/** See \p KSpeech Class Reference. Returns the job number.
uint KTTSD_setText(const TQString &text, TQString lang);
/** See \p KSpeech Class Reference.
void KTTSD_startText(uint jobNum);
/** See \p KSpeech Class Reference.
void KTTSD_stopText(uint jobNum);
/** See \p KSpeech Class Reference.
void KTTSD_pauseText(uint jobNum);
/** See \p KSpeech Class Reference.
void KTTSD_resumeText(uint jobNum);
/** See \p KSpeech Class Reference.
uint KTTSD_moveRelTextSentence(const int n, const uint jobNum = 0);
/** See \p KSpeech Class Reference.
int KTTSD_getTextJobState(uint jobNum);
/** See \p KSpeech Class Reference.
void KTTSD_removeText(uint jobNum);
/** See \p KSpeech Class Reference.
int KTTSD_getCurrentTextJob();
// Slots for DCOP signals
ASYNC textStarted(const TQCString &appID, const uint jobNum);
ASYNC textFinished(const TQCString &appID, const uint jobNum);
ASYNC textStopped(const TQCString &appID, const uint jobNum);
TQCString m_objID;
KApplication *m_Appl;
DCOPClient *m_client;
uint m_jobNum;