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* Tries to find hadifix and mbrola by looking onto the hard disk. This is
* neccessary because both hadifix and mbrola do not have standard
* installation directories.
void findInitialConfig() {
QString hadifixDataPath = findHadifixDataPath();
defaultHadifixExec = findExecutable("txt2pho", hadifixDataPath+"/../");
QStringList list; list += "mbrola"; list += "mbrola-linux-i386";
defaultMbrolaExec = findExecutable(list, hadifixDataPath+"/../../mbrola/");
defaultVoices = findVoices (defaultMbrolaExec, hadifixDataPath);
/** Tries to find the hadifix data path by looking into a number of files. */
QString findHadifixDataPath () {
QStringList files;
files += "/etc/txt2pho";
files += QDir::homeDirPath()+"/.txt2phorc";
QStringList::iterator it;
for (it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it) {
QFile file(*it);
if ( ) {
QTextStream stream(&file);
while (!stream.atEnd()) {
QString s = stream.readLine().stripWhiteSpace();
// look for a line "DATAPATH=..."
if (s.startsWith("DATAPATH")) {
s = s.mid(8, s.length()-8).stripWhiteSpace();
if (s.startsWith("=")) {
s = s.mid(1, s.length()-1).stripWhiteSpace();
if (s.startsWith("/"))
return s;
else {
QFileInfo info (QFileInfo(*it).dirPath() + "/" + s);
return info.absFilePath();
return "/usr/local/txt2pho/";
/** Tries to find the an executable by looking onto the hard disk. */
QString findExecutable (const QStringList &names, const QString &possiblePath) {
// a) Try to find it directly
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
QStringList::ConstIterator itEnd = names.constEnd();
for (it = names.constBegin(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
QString executable = KStandardDirs::findExe (*it);
if (!executable.isNull() && !executable.isEmpty())
return executable;
// b) Try to find it in the path specified by the second parameter
for (it = names.constBegin(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
QFileInfo info (possiblePath+*it);
if (info.exists() && info.isExecutable() && info.isFile()) {
return info.absFilePath();
// Both tries failed, so the user has to locate the executable.
return QString::null;
/** Tries to find the voice files by looking onto the hard disk. */
QStringList findVoices(QString mbrolaExec, const QString &hadifixDataPath) {
// First of all:
// dereference links to the mbrola executable (if mbrolaExec is a link).
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
// If we have a chain of more than ten links something is surely wrong.
QFileInfo info (mbrolaExec);
if (info.exists() && info.isSymLink())
mbrolaExec = info.readLink();
// Second:
// create a list of directories that possibly contain voice files
QStringList list;
// 2a) search near the mbrola executable
QFileInfo info (mbrolaExec);
if (info.exists() && info.isFile() && info.isExecutable()) {
QString mbrolaPath = info.dirPath (true);
list += mbrolaPath;
// 2b) search near the hadifix data path
info.setFile(hadifixDataPath + "../../mbrola");
QString mbrolaPath = info.dirPath (true) + "/mbrola";
if (!list.contains(mbrolaPath))
list += mbrolaPath;
// 2c) broaden the search by adding subdirs (with a depth of 2)
QStringList subDirs = findSubdirs (list);
QStringList subSubDirs = findSubdirs (subDirs);
list += subDirs;
list += subSubDirs;
// Third:
// look into each of these directories and search for voice files.
QStringList result;
QStringList::iterator it;
for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
QDir baseDir (*it, QString::null,
QDir::Name|QDir::IgnoreCase, QDir::Files);
QStringList files = baseDir.entryList();
QStringList::iterator iter;
for (iter = files.begin(); iter != files.end(); ++iter) {
// Voice files start with "MBROLA", but are afterwards binary files
QString filename = *it + "/" + *iter;
QFile file (filename);
if ( {
QTextStream stream(&file);
if (!stream.atEnd()) {
QString s = stream.readLine();
if (s.startsWith("MBROLA"))
if (HadifixProc::determineGender(mbrolaExec, filename)
!= HadifixProc::NoVoice
result += filename;
return result;
/** Returns a list of subdirs (with absolute paths) */
QStringList findSubdirs (const QStringList &baseDirs) {
QStringList result;
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
QStringList::ConstIterator itEnd = baseDirs.constEnd();
for (it = baseDirs.constBegin(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
// a) get a list of directory names
QDir baseDir (*it, QString::null,
QDir::Name|QDir::IgnoreCase, QDir::Dirs);
QStringList list = baseDir.entryList();
// b) produce absolute paths
QStringList::ConstIterator iter;
QStringList::ConstIterator iterEnd = list.constEnd();
for (iter = list.constBegin(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
if ((*iter != ".") && (*iter != ".."))
result += *it + "/" + *iter;
return result;