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hadifixproc.cpp - description
begin : Mon Okt 14 2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by Gunnar Schmi Dt
email :
current mainainer: : Gary Cramblitt <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qtextcodec.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include "hadifixproc.h"
#include "hadifixproc.moc"
class HadifixProcPrivate {
friend class HadifixProc;
HadifixProcPrivate () {
hadifixProc = 0;
waitingStop = false;
state = psIdle;
synthFilename = QString::null;
gender = false;
volume = 100;
time = 100;
pitch = 100;
codec = 0;
~HadifixProcPrivate() {
delete hadifixProc;
void load(KConfig *config, const QString &configGroup) {
hadifix = config->readEntry ("hadifixExec", QString::null);
mbrola = config->readEntry ("mbrolaExec", QString::null);
voice = config->readEntry ("voice", QString::null);
gender = config->readBoolEntry("gender", false);
volume = config->readNumEntry ("volume", 100);
time = config->readNumEntry ("time", 100);
pitch = config->readNumEntry ("pitch", 100);
codec = PlugInProc::codecNameToCodec(config->readEntry ("codec", "Local"));
QString hadifix;
QString mbrola;
QString voice;
bool gender;
int volume;
int time;
int pitch;
bool waitingStop;
KShellProcess* hadifixProc;
volatile pluginState state;
QTextCodec* codec;
QString synthFilename;
/** Constructor */
HadifixProc::HadifixProc( QObject* parent, const char* name, const QStringList &) :
PlugInProc( parent, name ){
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::HadifixProc: Running" << endl;
d = 0;
/** Destructor */
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::~HadifixProc: Running" << endl;
if (d != 0) {
delete d;
d = 0;
/** Initializate the speech */
bool HadifixProc::init(KConfig *config, const QString &configGroup){
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::init: Initializing plug in: Hadifix" << endl;
if (d == 0)
d = new HadifixProcPrivate();
d->load(config, configGroup);
return true;
* Say a text. Synthesize and audibilize it.
* @param text The text to be spoken.
* If the plugin supports asynchronous operation, it should return immediately
* and emit sayFinished signal when synthesis and audibilizing is finished.
* It must also implement the @ref getState method, which must return
* psFinished, when saying is completed.
void HadifixProc::sayText(const QString& /*text*/)
kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::sayText: Warning, sayText not implemented." << endl;
* Synthesize text into an audio file, but do not send to the audio device.
* @param text The text to be synthesized.
* @param suggestedFilename Full pathname of file to create. The plugin
* may ignore this parameter and choose its own
* filename. KTTSD will query the generated
* filename using getFilename().
* If the plugin supports asynchronous operation, it should return immediately
* and emit @ref synthFinished signal when synthesis is completed.
* It must also implement the @ref getState method, which must return
* psFinished, when synthesis is completed.
void HadifixProc::synthText(const QString &text, const QString &suggestedFilename)
if (d == 0) return; // Caller should have called init.
synth(text, d->hadifix, d->gender, d->mbrola, d->voice, d->volume,
d->time, d->pitch, d->codec, suggestedFilename);
* Synthesize text using a specified configuration.
* @param text The text to synthesize.
* @param hadifix Command to run hadifix (txt2pho).
* @param isMale True to use male voice.
* @param mbrola Command to run mbrola.
* @param voice Voice file for mbrola to use.
* @param volume Volume percent. 100 = normal
* @param time Speed percent. 100 = normal
* @param pitch Frequency. 100 = normal
* @param waveFilename Name of file to synthesize to.
void HadifixProc::synth(QString text,
QString hadifix, bool isMale,
QString mbrola, QString voice,
int volume, int time, int pitch,
QTextCodec *codec,
const QString waveFilename)
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::synth: Saying text: '" << text << "' using Hadifix plug in" << endl;
if (d == 0)
d = new HadifixProcPrivate();
if (hadifix.isNull() || hadifix.isEmpty())
if (mbrola.isNull() || mbrola.isEmpty())
if (voice.isNull() || voice.isEmpty())
// If process exists, delete it so we can create a new one.
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::synth: creating process" << endl;
if (d->hadifixProc) delete d->hadifixProc;
// Create process.
d->hadifixProc = new KShellProcess;
// Set up txt2pho and mbrola commands.
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::synth: setting up commands" << endl;
QString hadifixCommand = d->hadifixProc->quote(hadifix);
if (isMale)
hadifixCommand += " -m";
hadifixCommand += " -f";
QString mbrolaCommand = d->hadifixProc->quote(mbrola);
mbrolaCommand += " -e"; //Ignore fatal errors on unkown diphone
mbrolaCommand += QString(" -v %1").arg(volume/100.0); // volume ratio
mbrolaCommand += QString(" -f %1").arg(pitch/100.0); // freqency ratio
mbrolaCommand += QString(" -t %1").arg(1/(time/100.0)); // time ratio
mbrolaCommand += " " + d->hadifixProc->quote(voice);
mbrolaCommand += " - " + d->hadifixProc->quote(waveFilename);
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::synth: Hadifix command: " << hadifixCommand << endl;
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::synth: Mbrola command: " << mbrolaCommand << endl;
QString command = hadifixCommand + "|" + mbrolaCommand;
*(d->hadifixProc) << command;
// Connect signals from process.
connect(d->hadifixProc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)),
this, SLOT(slotProcessExited(KProcess *)));
connect(d->hadifixProc, SIGNAL(wroteStdin(KProcess *)),
this, SLOT(slotWroteStdin(KProcess *)));
// Store off name of wave file to be generated.
d->synthFilename = waveFilename;
// Set state, busy synthing.
d->state = psSynthing;
if (!d->hadifixProc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::Stdin))
kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::synth: start process failed." << endl;
d->state = psIdle;
} else {
QCString encodedText;
if (codec) {
encodedText = codec->fromUnicode(text);
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::synth: encoding using " << codec->name() << endl;
} else
encodedText = text.latin1(); // Should not happen, but just in case.
// Send the text to be synthesized to process.
d->hadifixProc->writeStdin(encodedText, encodedText.length());
* Get the generated audio filename from call to @ref synthText.
* @return Name of the audio file the plugin generated.
* Null if no such file.
* The plugin must not re-use or delete the filename. The file may not
* be locked when this method is called. The file will be deleted when
* KTTSD is finished using it.
QString HadifixProc::getFilename() { return d->synthFilename; }
* Stop current operation (saying or synthesizing text).
* Important: This function may be called from a thread different from the
* one that called sayText or synthText.
* If the plugin cannot stop an in-progress @ref sayText or
* @ref synthText operation, it must not block waiting for it to complete.
* Instead, return immediately.
* If a plugin returns before the operation has actually been stopped,
* the plugin must emit the @ref stopped signal when the operation has
* actually stopped.
* The plugin should change to the psIdle state after stopping the
* operation.
void HadifixProc::stopText(){
// kdDebug() << "Running: HadifixProc::stopText()" << endl;
if (d->hadifixProc)
if (d->hadifixProc->isRunning())
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::stopText: killing Hadifix shell." << endl;
d->waitingStop = true;
} else d->state = psIdle;
} else d->state = psIdle;
// d->state = psIdle;
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::stopText: Hadifix stopped." << endl;
* Return the current state of the plugin.
* This function only makes sense in asynchronous mode.
* @return The pluginState of the plugin.
* @see pluginState
pluginState HadifixProc::getState() { return d->state; }
* Acknowledges a finished state and resets the plugin state to psIdle.
* If the plugin is not in state psFinished, nothing happens.
* The plugin may use this call to do any post-processing cleanup,
* for example, blanking the stored filename (but do not delete the file).
* Calling program should call getFilename prior to ackFinished.
void HadifixProc::ackFinished()
if (d->state == psFinished)
d->state = psIdle;
d->synthFilename = QString::null;
* Returns True if the plugin supports asynchronous processing,
* i.e., returns immediately from sayText or synthText.
* @return True if this plugin supports asynchronous processing.
* If the plugin returns True, it must also implement @ref getState .
* It must also emit @ref sayFinished or @ref synthFinished signals when
* saying or synthesis is completed.
bool HadifixProc::supportsAsync() { return true; }
* Returns True if the plugin supports synthText method,
* i.e., is able to synthesize text to a sound file without
* audibilizing the text.
* @return True if this plugin supports synthText method.
* If the plugin returns True, it must also implement the following methods:
* - @ref synthText
* - @ref getFilename
* - @ref ackFinished
* If the plugin returns True, it need not implement @ref sayText .
bool HadifixProc::supportsSynth() { return true; }
void HadifixProc::slotProcessExited(KProcess*)
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc:hadifixProcExited: Hadifix process has exited." << endl;
pluginState prevState = d->state;
if (d->waitingStop)
d->waitingStop = false;
d->state = psIdle;
emit stopped();
} else {
d->state = psFinished;
if (prevState == psSynthing)
emit synthFinished();
void HadifixProc::slotWroteStdin(KProcess*)
// kdDebug() << "HadifixProc::slotWroteStdin: closing Stdin" << endl;
* Static function to determine whether the voice file is male or female.
* @param mbrola the mbrola executable
* @param voice the voice file
* @param output the output of mbrola will be written into this QString*
* @return HadifixSpeech::MaleGender if the voice is male,
* HadifixSpeech::FemaleGender if the voice is female,
* HadifixSpeech::NoGender if the gender cannot be determined,
* HadifixSpeech::NoVoice if there is an error in the voice file
HadifixProc::VoiceGender HadifixProc::determineGender(QString mbrola, QString voice, QString *output)
QString command = mbrola + " -i " + voice + " - -";
// create a new process
HadifixProc speech;
KShellProcess proc;
proc << command;
connect(&proc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)),
&speech, SLOT(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)));
connect(&proc, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess *, char *, int)),
&speech, SLOT(receivedStderr(KProcess *, char *, int)));
speech.stdOut = QString::null;
speech.stdErr = QString::null;
proc.start (KProcess::Block, KProcess::AllOutput);
VoiceGender result;
if (!speech.stdErr.isNull() && !speech.stdErr.isEmpty()) {
if (output != 0)
*output = speech.stdErr;
result = NoVoice;
else {
if (output != 0)
*output = speech.stdOut;
if (speech.stdOut.contains("female", false))
result = FemaleGender;
else if (speech.stdOut.contains("male", false))
result = MaleGender;
result = NoGender;
return result;
void HadifixProc::receivedStdout (KProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen) {
stdOut += QString::fromLatin1(buffer, buflen);
void HadifixProc::receivedStderr (KProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen) {
stdErr += QString::fromLatin1(buffer, buflen);
* Returns the name of an XSLT stylesheet that will convert a valid SSML file
* into a format that can be processed by the synth. For example,
* The Festival plugin returns a stylesheet that will convert SSML into
* SABLE. Any tags the synth cannot handle should be stripped (leaving
* their text contents though). The default stylesheet strips all
* tags and converts the file to plain text.
* @return Name of the XSLT file.
QString HadifixProc::getSsmlXsltFilename()
return KGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("data").last() + "kttsd/hadifix/xslt/SSMLtoTxt2pho.xsl";