You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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ksayit.h - description
begin : Son Aug 10 13:26:57 EDT 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Robert Vogl
email : voglrobe@saphir
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef KSAYIT_H
#define KSAYIT_H
#include <config.h>
using namespace std;
// include files for TQt
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqclipboard.h>
// include files for KDE
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdemainwindow.h>
#include <tdeaccel.h>
#include <tdeaction.h>
#include <tdeactionclasses.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <dcopobject.h>
#include <kbookmarkmanager.h>
#include <kbookmarkmenu.h>
// App specific includes
// appended to $HOME
#define KSAYIT_BOOKMARKXMLFILE "/.ksayitbookmarks.xml"
// forward declaration of the KSayIt classes
class KSayItViewImpl;
class DocTreeViewImpl;
class KSayItSystemTray;
class FXPluginHandler;
class EffectStack;
class KTTSDLib;
class KSayItBookmarkHandler;
* The base class for KSayIt application windows. It sets up the main
* window and reads the config file as well as providing a menubar, toolbar
* and statusbar. An instance of KSayItView creates the center view.
* KSayItApp reimplements the methods that TDEMainWindow provides for main window handling and supports
* full session management as well as using TDEActions.
* @see TDEMainWindow
* @see TDEApplication
* @see TDEConfig
* @author Robert Vogl
class KSayItApp : public TDEMainWindow, public DCOPObject
/** construtor of KSayItApp, calls all init functions to create the application.
KSayItApp(TQWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0, WFlags f=0,
const TQCString &objID=0);
/** DCOP interface for say operation
\param msg The text to speak.
ASYNC dcopSayText(TQString msg);
/** DCOP interface for stop operation
ASYNC dcopStop();
/** DCOP interface to say DocBook file
ASYNC dcopSayXmlFile(KURL url);
/** emitted when the Configuration was modified
void signalConfigChanged();
private slots:
/** Puts the given text on the Job-Stack of KTTSD.
* \param text The text to say.
void slotSetText(const TQString &text);
/** Called from the ListView widget after one or many
* 'setText'-Calls. Starts to say the text.
void slotSayNode();
/** Called when a node in the treeview was clicked and
* new content in the edit window must be shown.
* \str The new content of the EditView.
void slotTreeViewChanged(const TQString &str);
/** save general Options like all bar positions and status as well as the geometry to
* the configuration file.
void slotSaveOptions();
/** closes the windows , then quits the application.
void slotFileQuit();
/** changes the statusbar contents for the standard label permanently, used to indicate
* current actions.
* @param text the text that is displayed in the statusbar
void slotStatusMsg(const TQString &text);
/** opens the Preferences-Dialog.
void slotPreferences();
/** activated if "say" from tray was clicked.
void slotSayClipboard();
/** activated if "say" from app-window was clicked.
void slotSayText();
/** activated if "shut up" was clicked.
void slotStopActivated();
/** activated if "pause" was clicked.
void slotPauseActivated();
/** activated if "next sentence" was clicked.
void slotNextSentenceActivated();
/** activated if "previous sentence" was clicked.
void slotPrevSentenceActivated();
/** called if text processing was finished.
void slotFinished();
/** called to enable the copy/cut action, if text is selected in the TextEdit-View
\param enable Enable actions if true, disable actions if false.
void slotEnableCopyCut(bool enable);
/** sets the Caption of the MainWindow */
void slotSetCaption(const TQString &caption);
/** called when the Text was changed.
* \param empty True if the TextEdit view is empty.
void slotTextChanged(bool empty);
/** enabled/disables the textedit window;
* \param enable true=enabled, false=disabled
void slotEnableTextedit(bool enable);
/** toggles the statusbar
void slotToggleStatusBar();
/** Called when the ToolBar shall be configured by the user.
void slotConfigureToolbar();
/** Called to add a bookmark.
void slotAddBookmark();
/** Called to delete a bookmark
void slotDeleteBookmark(const TQString &url, const TQString &title);
/** Called to edit bookmarks.
void slotEditBookmarks();
/** Called from slotConfigureToolbar() if we have a new ToolBar-configuration.
void slotNewToolbarConfig();
/** called whenever the content of the clipboard changes.
* Checks if the content of the Clipboard is of type text/plain.
* Disables and enables the SystemTray-object.
void slotClipboardChanged();
/** Deletes the content of the Textview.
void slotClear();
/** Hides the MainWindow
void slotCloseMainWindow();
/** Dialog to edit the Key associations
void slotEditKeys();
/** Open file action
void slotFileOpen();
/** Save file
void slotFileSave();
/** Save file as
void slotFileSaveAs();
/** Called, when the TTS Library has finished processing.
void slotTTSFinished();
/** Edit mode switched on/off.
void slotEditToggled();
* Catches the signal from the TreeView object
* and forwards it to the BookmarkHandler object.
void slotNotifyBookmarkHandler(const TQString &ID, const TQString &title);
* Copies the content of the current bookmark file to the
* file designated by \p newname and install a new
* BookmarkHandler.
* \param newname The name of the new bookmark file.
void slotChangeBookmarkFilename(const TQString &newname);
/** Loads bookmark file corresponding to the given file.
* \param newname The name of the new file.
void slotSetBookmarkFilename(const TQString &newname);
* Selects the item with the given ID in the TreeView.
* \param ID The ID of the item to select.
* \param title The title of the bookmark.
* \returns <tt>TQString()</tt>, if the operation was successfull,
* an error message, if the ID was not found.
TQString setItemByBookmark( const TQString &ID, const TQString &title );
private: // Methods
/** read general Options again and initialize all variables.
void readOptions();
/** initializes the TDEActions of the application */
void initActions();
/** sets up the statusbar for the main window by initialzing a statuslabel.
void initStatusBar();
void initBookmarkManager(const TQString &filename);
/** creates the centerwidget of the KTMainWindow instance and sets it as the view.
void initView();
/** resets the editor. Do not create an empty document.
void resetView();
/** start to say the text on the KTTSD's Job-Stack.
void sayActivated();
/** reimplemented from baseclass
virtual void closeEvent(TQCloseEvent *ce);
/** disable/enable Actions.
* \param actions An OR'ed integer of enum ACTIONS. A '1' is supposed
* as 'Action enabled'.
void setActions(int actions);
* Returns the absolute pathname of the given bookmarkfile.
* This is the first KDE resource directory \p (share/apps) in which
* the user has write permissions. The relative path is
* \p ksayit/ksayit_bookmarks/.
* \param filename The name of the bookmark file.
* \returns The absolute pathname of the given bookmark file.
* Returns \p TQString() if the operation was not successfull.
TQString getBookmarkDir(const TQString &filename);
TDEConfig *config;
KSayItViewImpl *view;
KSayItSystemTray *tray;
EffectStack *es;
DocTreeViewImpl *treeview;
KBookmarkManager *bkManager;
KSayItBookmarkHandler *bkHandler;
KBookmarkMenu *bkMenu;
// TDEAction pointers
TDEToggleAction *statusBarAction;
TDEAction *say;
TDEAction *pause;
TDEAction *shutup;
TDEAction *next_sentence;
TDEAction *prev_sentence;
TDEAction *clear;
TDEAction *copy;
TDEAction *cut;
TDEAction *paste;
TDEAction *open;
TDEAction *save;
TDEAction *saveAs;
TDEAction *preferences;
TDEToggleAction *edit;
TDEActionMenu *bookmarkmenu;
// Misc stuff
TQClipboard *cb;
TQString clip;
KTTSDLib *m_kttslib;
FXPluginHandler *m_fxpluginhandler;
bool m_ap_saying;
bool m_ap_paused;
bool m_textview_empty;
bool m_enableChangeNotifications;
TQString m_currentBookmarkFile;
#endif // KSAYIT_H