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// C++ Interface: fxplugin
// Description:
// Author: Robert Vogl <voglrobe@lapislazuli>, (C) 2004
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#ifndef FXPLUGIN_H
#define FXPLUGIN_H
// QT includes
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <arts/kartsserver.h>
#include <arts/artsflow.h>
using namespace Arts;
// App specific includes
/** FXPlugin is an abstract class to create effect plugins for KSayIt.
* If you would like to implement a plugin, simply make a class
* derived from FXPlugin, include 'ksayit_fxplugin.h' and reimplement all the
* pure virtual functions provided herein.
* *Appl is a pointer to the main application as delivered by \p KApplication::kApplication().
* It can be used for any reason i.e. to install a TQt translator.\n
\author Robert Vogl
class FXPlugin : public TQObject
FXPlugin(TQObject *tqparent=0, const char* name=0){};
/** Sets the Main application object. Useful for config objects etc.
virtual void setApplication(KApplication *Appl) = 0;
/** Returns the name of the plugin. This name is the unique identifier
* for the plugin. A expressive name is recommended because this name
* may be shown to the user, i.e. in a configuration dialog.
* The PluginHandler internally references to each effect plugin by this name.\n
* Has to be reimplemented by the plugin implementation.
virtual TQString getName_KS() const = 0;
/** Returns the description of the plugin.\n
* Has to be reimplemented by the plugin implementation.
virtual TQString getDescription_KS() const = 0;
/** Shows the GUI to configure the plugin. The configuration can to be
* stored in the global configuration file of KSayIt.\n
* Has to be reimplemented by the plugin implementation.
virtual bool showGUI_KS() = 0;
/** Activates the effect i.e. puts it on the soundservers stack.\n
* Returns the ID of the activated effect.
* Has to be reimplemented by the plugin implementation.
\param server A pointer to the aRts soundserver instance.
\param fx_stack A pointer to the effect stack of the soundserver.
virtual long activate_KS(KArtsServer *server,
StereoEffectStack *fx_stack) const = 0;
/** Deactivates the effect i.e. removes it from the effect stack.\n
* Has to be reimplemented by the plugin implementation.
\param fx_stack A pointer to the effect stack of the soundserver.
\param EffectID The ID of the effect as returned by \p activate_KS().
virtual bool deactivate_KS(StereoEffectStack *fx_stack,
long EffectID) const = 0;